Beispiel #1
/* Format a command according to the Redis protocol. This function takes the
 * number of arguments, an array with arguments and an array with their
 * lengths. If the latter is set to NULL, strlen will be used to compute the
 * argument lengths.
int redisFormatCommandArgv(char **target, int argc, const char **argv, const size_t *argvlen) {
    char *cmd = NULL; /* final command */
    int pos; /* position in final command */
    size_t len;
    int totlen, j;

    /* Calculate number of bytes needed for the command */
    totlen = 1+intlen(argc)+2;
    for (j = 0; j < argc; j++) {
        len = argvlen ? argvlen[j] : strlen(argv[j]);
        totlen += 1+intlen(len)+2+len+2;

    /* Build the command at protocol level */
    cmd = malloc(totlen+1);
    if (!cmd) redisOOM();
    pos = sprintf(cmd,"*%d\r\n",argc);
    for (j = 0; j < argc; j++) {
        len = argvlen ? argvlen[j] : strlen(argv[j]);
        pos += sprintf(cmd+pos,"$%zu\r\n",len);
        pos += len;
        cmd[pos++] = '\r';
        cmd[pos++] = '\n';
    assert(pos == totlen);
    cmd[totlen] = '\0';
    *target = cmd;
    return totlen;
Beispiel #2
/* Create a reply object */
static redisReply *createReplyObject(int type) {
    redisReply *r = malloc(sizeof(*r));

    if (!r) redisOOM();
    r->type = type;
    return r;
Beispiel #3
static redisReply *redisReadIntegerReply(int fd) {
    sds buf = redisReadLine(fd);
    redisReply *r = malloc(sizeof(*r));

    if (r == NULL) redisOOM();
    if (buf == NULL) return redisIOError();
    r->type = REDIS_REPLY_INTEGER;
    r->integer = strtoll(buf,NULL,10);
    return r;
Beispiel #4
static redisReply *redisReadMultiBulkReply(int fd) {
    sds replylen = redisReadLine(fd);
    long elements, j;
    redisReply *r;

    if (replylen == NULL) return redisIOError();
    elements = strtol(replylen,NULL,10);

    if (elements == -1)
        return createReplyObject(REDIS_REPLY_NIL,sdsempty());

    if ((r = malloc(sizeof(*r))) == NULL) redisOOM();
    r->type = REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY;
    r->elements = elements;
    if ((r->element = malloc(sizeof(*r)*elements)) == NULL) redisOOM();
    for (j = 0; j < elements; j++)
        r->element[j] = redisReadReply(fd);
    return r;
Beispiel #5
static void *createArrayObject(const redisReadTask *task, int elements) {
    redisReply *r = createReplyObject(REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY);
    r->elements = elements;
    if ((r->element = calloc(sizeof(redisReply*),elements)) == NULL)
    if (task->parent) {
        redisReply *parent = task->parent->obj;
        assert(parent->type == REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY);
        parent->element[task->idx] = r;
    return r;
Beispiel #6
/* Helper functions to push/shift callbacks */
static int __redisPushCallback(redisCallbackList *list, redisCallback *source) {
	redisCallback *cb;

	/* Copy callback from stack to heap */
	cb = malloc(sizeof(*cb));
	if (!cb) redisOOM();
	if (source != NULL) {
		memcpy(cb, source, sizeof(*cb));
		cb->next = NULL;

	/* Store callback in list */
	if (list->head == NULL)
		list->head = cb;
	if (list->tail != NULL)
		list->tail->next = cb;
	list->tail = cb;
	return REDIS_OK;
Beispiel #7
static void *createStringObject(const redisReadTask *task, char *str, size_t len) {
    redisReply *r = createReplyObject(task->type);
    char *value = malloc(len+1);
    if (!value) redisOOM();
    assert(task->type == REDIS_REPLY_ERROR ||
           task->type == REDIS_REPLY_STATUS ||
           task->type == REDIS_REPLY_STRING);

    /* Copy string value */
    value[len] = '\0';
    r->str = value;
    r->len = len;

    if (task->parent) {
        redisReply *parent = task->parent->obj;
        assert(parent->type == REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY);
        parent->element[task->idx] = r;
    return r;
Beispiel #8
int redisvFormatCommand(char **target, const char *format, va_list ap) {
    size_t size;
    const char *arg, *c = format;
    char *cmd = NULL; /* final command */
    int pos; /* position in final command */
    sds current; /* current argument */
    int touched = 0; /* was the current argument touched? */
    char **argv = NULL;
    int argc = 0, j;
    int totlen = 0;

    /* Abort if there is not target to set */
    if (target == NULL)
        return -1;

    /* Build the command string accordingly to protocol */
    current = sdsempty();
    while(*c != '\0') {
        if (*c != '%' || c[1] == '\0') {
            if (*c == ' ') {
                if (touched) {
                    addArgument(current, &argv, &argc, &totlen);
                    current = sdsempty();
                    touched = 0;
            } else {
                current = sdscatlen(current,c,1);
                touched = 1;
        } else {
            switch(c[1]) {
            case 's':
                arg = va_arg(ap,char*);
                size = strlen(arg);
                if (size > 0)
                    current = sdscatlen(current,arg,size);
            case 'b':
                arg = va_arg(ap,char*);
                size = va_arg(ap,size_t);
                if (size > 0)
                    current = sdscatlen(current,arg,size);
            case '%':
                current = sdscat(current,"%");
                /* Try to detect printf format */
                    char _format[16];
                    const char *_p = c+1;
                    size_t _l = 0;
                    va_list _cpy;

                    /* Flags */
                    if (*_p != '\0' && *_p == '#') _p++;
                    if (*_p != '\0' && *_p == '0') _p++;
                    if (*_p != '\0' && *_p == '-') _p++;
                    if (*_p != '\0' && *_p == ' ') _p++;
                    if (*_p != '\0' && *_p == '+') _p++;

                    /* Field width */
                    while (*_p != '\0' && isdigit(*_p)) _p++;

                    /* Precision */
                    if (*_p == '.') {
                        while (*_p != '\0' && isdigit(*_p)) _p++;

                    /* Modifiers */
                    if (*_p != '\0') {
                        if (*_p == 'h' || *_p == 'l') {
                            /* Allow a single repetition for these modifiers */
                            if (_p[0] == _p[1]) _p++;

                    /* Conversion specifier */
                    if (*_p != '\0' && strchr("diouxXeEfFgGaA",*_p) != NULL) {
                        _l = (_p+1)-c;
                        if (_l < sizeof(_format)-2) {
                            _format[_l] = '\0';
                            current = sdscatvprintf(current,_format,_cpy);

                            /* Update current position (note: outer blocks
                             * increment c twice so compensate here) */
                            c = _p-1;

                    /* Consume and discard vararg */
            touched = 1;

    /* Add the last argument if needed */
    if (touched) {
        addArgument(current, &argv, &argc, &totlen);
    } else {

    /* Add bytes needed to hold multi bulk count */
    totlen += 1+intlen(argc)+2;

    /* Build the command at protocol level */
    cmd = malloc(totlen+1);
    if (!cmd) redisOOM();
    pos = sprintf(cmd,"*%d\r\n",argc);
    for (j = 0; j < argc; j++) {
        pos += sprintf(cmd+pos,"$%zu\r\n",sdslen(argv[j]));
        pos += sdslen(argv[j]);
        cmd[pos++] = '\r';
        cmd[pos++] = '\n';
    assert(pos == totlen);
    cmd[totlen] = '\0';
    *target = cmd;
    return totlen;
Beispiel #9
/* Helper function for redisvFormatCommand(). */
static void addArgument(sds a, char ***argv, int *argc, int *totlen) {
    if ((*argv = realloc(*argv, sizeof(char*)*(*argc))) == NULL) redisOOM();
    if (totlen) *totlen = *totlen+1+intlen(sdslen(a))+2+sdslen(a)+2;
    (*argv)[(*argc)-1] = a;
Beispiel #10
/* Helper function for redisCommand(). It's used to append the next argument
 * to the argument vector. */
static void addArgument(sds a, char ***argv, int *argc) {
    if ((*argv = realloc(*argv, sizeof(char*)*(*argc))) == NULL) redisOOM();
    (*argv)[(*argc)-1] = a;