void FeatureTracker::rejectWithF()
    if (forw_pts.size() >= 8)
        ROS_DEBUG("FM ransac begins");
        TicToc t_f;
        vector<cv::Point2f> un_prev_pts(prev_pts.size()), un_forw_pts(forw_pts.size());
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < prev_pts.size(); i++)
            Eigen::Vector3d tmp_p;
            m_camera->liftProjective(Eigen::Vector2d(prev_pts[i].x, prev_pts[i].y), tmp_p);
            tmp_p.x() = FOCAL_LENGTH * tmp_p.x() / tmp_p.z() + COL / 2.0;
            tmp_p.y() = FOCAL_LENGTH * tmp_p.y() / tmp_p.z() + ROW / 2.0;
            un_prev_pts[i] = cv::Point2f(tmp_p.x(), tmp_p.y());

            m_camera->liftProjective(Eigen::Vector2d(forw_pts[i].x, forw_pts[i].y), tmp_p);
            tmp_p.x() = FOCAL_LENGTH * tmp_p.x() / tmp_p.z() + COL / 2.0;
            tmp_p.y() = FOCAL_LENGTH * tmp_p.y() / tmp_p.z() + ROW / 2.0;
            un_forw_pts[i] = cv::Point2f(tmp_p.x(), tmp_p.y());

        vector<uchar> status;
        cv::findFundamentalMat(un_prev_pts, un_forw_pts, cv::FM_RANSAC, F_THRESHOLD, 0.99, status);
        int size_a = prev_pts.size();
        reduceVector(prev_pts, status);
        reduceVector(cur_pts, status);
        reduceVector(forw_pts, status);
        reduceVector(ids, status);
        reduceVector(track_cnt, status);
        ROS_DEBUG("FM ransac: %d -> %lu: %f", size_a, forw_pts.size(), 1.0 * forw_pts.size() / size_a);
        ROS_DEBUG("FM ransac costs: %fms", t_f.toc());
Beispiel #2
SICONOS_EXPORT void controlLaw(double * t, double * q, double * qdot, int * NDOF, int * NCONT, double * torques)
  int ndof;
  int contacts;
  char lagrangianModelName[20] = "";

  vector<int> activeDOF(ndof);
  if (ndof > 0)
    ndof = *NDOF;

  // Computation of the Lagrangian model

  matrix<double, column_major> M(*NDOF, *NDOF);
  vector<double> N(*NDOF);

  if (strcmp(lagrangianModelName, "Human36") == 0)
    double L[31];
    double addl[84];
    double mass;
    InertiaH36(&(M(0, 0)), q, L, addl, mass);
    NLEffectsH36(&(N[0]), q, qdot, L, addl, mass);
    Inertia(&(M(0, 0)), q);
    NLEffects(&(N[0]), q, qdot);

  //Additionnal forces

  vector<double> fAdditionnal(*NDOF);
  if (strcmp(lagrangianModelName, "PA10") == 0)
    Friction(&(fAdditionnal[0]), q, qdot);
  else if (strcmp(lagrangianModelName, "RX90") == 0)
    SpringForce(&(fAdditionnal[0]), q);

  // Limitation to the selected degrees of freedom
  reduceMatrix(M, activeDOF, activeDOF);
  N = reduceVector(N, activeDOF);
  fAdditionnal = reduceVector(fAdditionnal, activeDOF);

  // Proportionnel-derivee in the task space

  vector<double> sDesired(*NDOF);
  vector<double> sdotDesired(*NDOF);
  matrix<double, column_major> sddotDesiredMATRIX(*NDOF, 1);
  matrix_column<matrix<double, column_major> > sddotDesired(sddotDesiredMATRIX, 1);

  //vector<double> sddotDesired(*NDOF);

  trajectory(t, &(sDesired[0]), &(sdotDesired[0]), &(sddotDesired[0]), &contacts);

  //v = Kp*(s_desiree-TaskFunction(q))+Kv*(sdot_desiree-H*qdot)-h+sddot_desiree;
  vector<double> TF(*NDOF);
  vector<double> h(*NDOF);
  matrix<double, column_major> H(*NDOF, *NDOF);

  TaskFunction(&(TF[0]), q);
  TaskJacobian(&(H(0, 0)), q);
  TaskNLEffects(&(h[0]), q, qdot);

  double Kp = 100.0;
  double Kv = 30.0;
  vector<double, array_adaptor<double> > tmp_cast(*NDOF, array_adaptor<double> (*NDOF, qdot));
  sddotDesired += Kp * (sDesired - TF) + Kv * (sdotDesired - prod(H, tmp_cast)) - h;

  // Generalized Torques to make the realisation of the command

  //qddot = inv(H)*v;
  vector<int> ipiv(*NDOF);
  // lapack::getrf(H, ipiv);
  // sddotDesired = prod(H, sddotDesired);

  lapack::gesv(H, ipiv, sddotDesiredMATRIX);

  //D = M*qddot(ActiveDOF) + N + FAdditionnal;
  sddotDesired = reduceVector(sddotDesired, activeDOF);

  N += prod(M, sddotDesired) + fAdditionnal;

  //nmot = sum(ActiveDOF<=size(q, 1)); en fait ici nmot = ndof
  //Torques = zeros(q);
  //Torques(ActiveDOF(1:nmot)) = D(1:nmot);
  for (int i = 0; i < *NDOF; i++)
    torques[i] = 0;
  expandVector(torques, N, activeDOF);

void FeatureTracker::readImage(const cv::Mat &_img, double _cur_time)
    cv::Mat img;
    TicToc t_r;
    cur_time = _cur_time;

    if (EQUALIZE)
        cv::Ptr<cv::CLAHE> clahe = cv::createCLAHE(3.0, cv::Size(8, 8));
        TicToc t_c;
        clahe->apply(_img, img);
        ROS_DEBUG("CLAHE costs: %fms", t_c.toc());
        img = _img;

    if (forw_img.empty())
        prev_img = cur_img = forw_img = img;
        forw_img = img;


    if (cur_pts.size() > 0)
        TicToc t_o;
        vector<uchar> status;
        vector<float> err;
        cv::calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(cur_img, forw_img, cur_pts, forw_pts, status, err, cv::Size(21, 21), 3);

        for (int i = 0; i < int(forw_pts.size()); i++)
            if (status[i] && !inBorder(forw_pts[i]))
                status[i] = 0;
        reduceVector(prev_pts, status);
        reduceVector(cur_pts, status);
        reduceVector(forw_pts, status);
        reduceVector(ids, status);
        reduceVector(cur_un_pts, status);
        reduceVector(track_cnt, status);
        ROS_DEBUG("temporal optical flow costs: %fms", t_o.toc());

    for (auto &n : track_cnt)

        ROS_DEBUG("set mask begins");
        TicToc t_m;
        ROS_DEBUG("set mask costs %fms", t_m.toc());

        ROS_DEBUG("detect feature begins");
        TicToc t_t;
        int n_max_cnt = MAX_CNT - static_cast<int>(forw_pts.size());
        if (n_max_cnt > 0)
                cout << "mask is empty " << endl;
            if (mask.type() != CV_8UC1)
                cout << "mask type wrong " << endl;
            if (mask.size() != forw_img.size())
                cout << "wrong size " << endl;
            cv::goodFeaturesToTrack(forw_img, n_pts, MAX_CNT - forw_pts.size(), 0.01, MIN_DIST, mask);
        ROS_DEBUG("detect feature costs: %fms", t_t.toc());

        ROS_DEBUG("add feature begins");
        TicToc t_a;
        ROS_DEBUG("selectFeature costs: %fms", t_a.toc());
    prev_img = cur_img;
    prev_pts = cur_pts;
    prev_un_pts = cur_un_pts;
    cur_img = forw_img;
    cur_pts = forw_pts;
    prev_time = cur_time;
void FeatureTracker::readImage(const cv::Mat &_img)
    cv::Mat img;
    TicToc t_r;

    if (EQUALIZE)
        cv::Ptr<cv::CLAHE> clahe = cv::createCLAHE(3.0, cv::Size(8, 8));
        TicToc t_c;
        clahe->apply(_img, img);
        ROS_DEBUG("CLAHE costs: %fms", t_c.toc());
        img = _img;

    if (forw_img.empty())
        prev_img = cur_img = forw_img = img;
        forw_img = img;


    if (cur_pts.size() > 0)
        TicToc t_o;
        vector<uchar> status;
        vector<float> err;

        // Status will give us infor whether the feature is being tracked
        // Forw_img is the new image and forw_pts are the "KLT" points.
        // We will later track more points that are not tracked by KLT
        cv::calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(cur_img, forw_img, cur_pts, forw_pts, status, err, cv::Size(21, 21), 3);

        for (int i = 0; i < int(forw_pts.size()); i++)
            if (status[i] && !inBorder(forw_pts[i]))
                status[i] = 0;

        // Resizing vectors so that only the good status (tracked) features are in the vectors
        // The remaining features will be tracked/added by KLT
        reduceVector(prev_pts, status);
        reduceVector(cur_pts, status);
        reduceVector(forw_pts, status);
        reduceVector(ids, status);
        reduceVector(track_cnt, status);
        ROS_DEBUG("temporal optical flow costs: %fms", t_o.toc());


        for (auto &n : track_cnt)

        ROS_DEBUG("set mask begins");
        TicToc t_m;
        ROS_DEBUG("set mask costs %fms", t_m.toc());

        ROS_DEBUG("detect feature begins");
        TicToc t_t;
        int n_max_cnt = MAX_CNT - static_cast<int>(forw_pts.size());
        // If > 0, meaning not all points are tracked, so we will ty
        // to track more points
        if (n_max_cnt > 0)
                cout << "mask is empty " << endl;
            if (mask.type() != CV_8UC1)
                cout << "mask type wrong " << endl;
            if (mask.size() != forw_img.size())
                cout << "wrong size " << endl;
            // There are features that are not tracked by KLT
            cv::goodFeaturesToTrack(forw_img, n_pts, MAX_CNT - forw_pts.size(), 0.1, MIN_DIST, mask);
        ROS_DEBUG("detect feature costs: %fms", t_t.toc());

        ROS_DEBUG("add feature begins");
        TicToc t_a;
        // The newly added "good features" are assigned -1 ID (will update later).
        // These are new observation points
        ROS_DEBUG("selectFeature costs: %fms", t_a.toc());

        prev_img = forw_img;
        prev_pts = forw_pts;
    cur_img = forw_img;
    cur_pts = forw_pts;