Beispiel #1
Mat CmSaliencyRC::GetBorderReg(CMat &idx1i, int regNum, double ratio, double thr)
	// Variance of x and y
	vecD vX(regNum), vY(regNum);
	int w = idx1i.cols, h = idx1i.rows;{
		vecD mX(regNum), mY(regNum), n(regNum); // Mean value of x and y, pixel number of region
		for (int y = 0; y < idx1i.rows; y++){
			const int *idx = idx1i.ptr<int>(y);
			for (int x = 0; x < idx1i.cols; x++, idx++)
				mX[*idx] += x, mY[*idx] += y, n[*idx]++;
		for (int i = 0; i < regNum; i++)
			mX[i] /= n[i], mY[i] /= n[i];
		for (int y = 0; y < idx1i.rows; y++){
			const int *idx = idx1i.ptr<int>(y);
			for (int x = 0; x < idx1i.cols; x++, idx++)
				vX[*idx] += abs(x - mX[*idx]), vY[*idx] += abs(y - mY[*idx]);
		for (int i = 0; i < regNum; i++)
			vX[i] = vX[i]/n[i] + EPS, vY[i] = vY[i]/n[i] + EPS;

	// Number of border pixels in x and y border region
	vecI xbNum(regNum), ybNum(regNum); 
	int wGap = cvRound(w * ratio), hGap = cvRound(h * ratio);
	vector<Point> bPnts; { 
		ForPoints2(pnt, 0, 0, w, hGap) // Top region
			ybNum[<int>(pnt)]++, bPnts.push_back(pnt);
		ForPoints2(pnt, 0, h - hGap, w, h) // Bottom region
			ybNum[<int>(pnt)]++, bPnts.push_back(pnt);
		ForPoints2(pnt, 0, 0, wGap, h) // Left region
			xbNum[<int>(pnt)]++, bPnts.push_back(pnt);
		ForPoints2(pnt, w - wGap, 0, w, h)
			xbNum[<int>(pnt)]++, bPnts.push_back(pnt);

	Mat bReg1u(idx1i.size(), CV_8U);{  // likelihood map of border region
		double xR = 1.0/(4*hGap), yR = 1.0/(4*wGap);
		vector<byte> regL(regNum); // likelihood of each region belongs to border background
		for (int i = 0; i < regNum; i++) {
			double lk = xbNum[i] * xR / vY[i] + ybNum[i] * yR / vX[i];
			regL[i] = lk/thr > 1 ? 255 : 0; //saturate_cast<byte>(255 * lk / thr);

		for (int r = 0; r < h; r++)	{
			const int *idx = idx1i.ptr<int>(r);
			byte* maskData = bReg1u.ptr<byte>(r);
			for (int c = 0; c < w; c++, idx++)
				maskData[c] = regL[*idx];

	for (size_t i = 0; i < bPnts.size(); i++)<byte>(bPnts[i]) = 255;
	return bReg1u;
Beispiel #2
void Model::loadFile(QString filePath)
    QFile file(filePath);
    if (!

    Point3d boundsMin( 1e9, 1e9, 1e9);
    Point3d boundsMax(-1e9,-1e9,-1e9);

    QTextStream in(&file);
    //now begin to read the verters

    Point3d pi;
    float currentZ = 0.0;
    float currentX = 0.0;
    float currentY = 0.0;
    QRegExp regZ("[\w\d\s]*Z([0-9\.]*[0-9]*)");
    QRegExp regL(";LAYER: *([0-9]*)");
    QRegExp regXY("G1 [\w\d\s]* *X([0-9\.]*[0-9]*) *Y([0-9\.]*[0-9]*)");
    bool isZ = false;
    bool isIn = false;
        QString current_str = in.readLine();
            currentX = regXY.cap(1).toFloat();
            currentY = regXY.cap(2).toFloat();
            boundsMin.x = qMin(boundsMin.x,currentX);
            boundsMax.x = qMax(boundsMax.x, currentX);
            boundsMin.y = qMin(boundsMin.y,currentY);
            boundsMax.y = qMax(boundsMax.y, currentY);
            boundsMin.z = qMin(boundsMin.z,currentZ);
            boundsMax.z = qMax(boundsMax.z, currentZ);
             qDebug()<< QObject::tr("Xs=%1").arg(currentX);
            pi = Point3d(currentX,currentY,currentZ);
                isIn = false;
                isIn = true;

            isZ = true;


            isZ = false;
            QString str_Z = regZ.cap(1);
            currentZ = str_Z.toFloat();

    const Point3d bounds = boundsMax - boundsMin;
    const qreal scale = 100 / qMax(bounds.x, qMax(bounds.y, bounds.z));
        for(int j=0;j<m_points.size();j++)
            m_points[j] = (m_points[j] - (boundsMin + bounds * 0.5)) * scale;
            qDebug()<< QObject::tr("X=%1").arg(m_points[j].x);