Beispiel #1
NFAUNode * WCPattern::parseBackref()
#define is_dig(x) ((x) >= '0' && (x) <= '9')
#define to_int(x) ((x) - '0')
	int ci = curInd;
	int oldRef = 0, ref = 0;

	while (ci < pattern.GetLength() && is_dig(pattern[ci]) && (ref < 10 || ref < groupCount)) {
		oldRef = ref;
		ref = ref * 10 + to_int(pattern[ci++]);
	if (ci == pattern.GetLength()) {
		oldRef = ref;
	if (oldRef < 0 || ci <= curInd) {
		return registerNode(new NFAReferenceUNode(-1));
	curInd = ci;
	return registerNode(new NFAReferenceUNode(ref));

#undef is_dig
#undef to_int
Beispiel #2
// start<limit && all strings longer than unitIndex &&
// length different units at unitIndex
StringTrieBuilder::Node *
StringTrieBuilder::makeBranchSubNode(int32_t start, int32_t limit, int32_t unitIndex,
                                   int32_t length, UErrorCode &errorCode) {
    if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
        return NULL;
    UChar middleUnits[kMaxSplitBranchLevels];
    Node *lessThan[kMaxSplitBranchLevels];
    int32_t ltLength=0;
    while(length>getMaxBranchLinearSubNodeLength()) {
        // Branch on the middle unit.
        // First, find the middle unit.
        int32_t i=skipElementsBySomeUnits(start, unitIndex, length/2);
        // Create the less-than branch.
        middleUnits[ltLength]=getElementUnit(i, unitIndex);  // middle unit
        lessThan[ltLength]=makeBranchSubNode(start, i, unitIndex, length/2, errorCode);
        // Continue for the greater-or-equal branch.
    if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
        return NULL;
    ListBranchNode *listNode=new ListBranchNode();
    if(listNode==NULL) {
        return NULL;
    // For each unit, find its elements array start and whether it has a final value.
    int32_t unitNumber=0;
    do {
        int32_t i=start;
        UChar unit=getElementUnit(i++, unitIndex);
        i=indexOfElementWithNextUnit(i, unitIndex, unit);
        if(start==i-1 && unitIndex+1==getElementStringLength(start)) {
            listNode->add(unit, getElementValue(start));
        } else {
            listNode->add(unit, makeNode(start, i, unitIndex+1, errorCode));
    } while(++unitNumber<length-1);
    // unitNumber==length-1, and the maxUnit elements range is [start..limit[
    UChar unit=getElementUnit(start, unitIndex);
    if(start==limit-1 && unitIndex+1==getElementStringLength(start)) {
        listNode->add(unit, getElementValue(start));
    } else {
        listNode->add(unit, makeNode(start, limit, unitIndex+1, errorCode));
    Node *node=registerNode(listNode, errorCode);
    // Create the split-branch nodes.
    while(ltLength>0) {
            new SplitBranchNode(middleUnits[ltLength], lessThan[ltLength], node), errorCode);
    return node;
Beispiel #3
// Requires start<limit,
// and all strings of the [start..limit[ elements must be sorted and
// have a common prefix of length unitIndex.
StringTrieBuilder::Node *
StringTrieBuilder::makeNode(int32_t start, int32_t limit, int32_t unitIndex, UErrorCode &errorCode) {
    if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
        return NULL;
    UBool hasValue=FALSE;
    int32_t value=0;
    if(unitIndex==getElementStringLength(start)) {
        // An intermediate or final value.
        if(start==limit) {
            return registerFinalValue(value, errorCode);
    Node *node;
    // Now all [start..limit[ strings are longer than unitIndex.
    int32_t minUnit=getElementUnit(start, unitIndex);
    int32_t maxUnit=getElementUnit(limit-1, unitIndex);
    if(minUnit==maxUnit) {
        // Linear-match node: All strings have the same character at unitIndex.
        int32_t lastUnitIndex=getLimitOfLinearMatch(start, limit-1, unitIndex);
        Node *nextNode=makeNode(start, limit, lastUnitIndex, errorCode);
        // Break the linear-match sequence into chunks of at most kMaxLinearMatchLength.
        int32_t length=lastUnitIndex-unitIndex;
        int32_t maxLinearMatchLength=getMaxLinearMatchLength();
        while(length>maxLinearMatchLength) {
            node=createLinearMatchNode(start, lastUnitIndex, maxLinearMatchLength, nextNode);
            nextNode=registerNode(node, errorCode);
        node=createLinearMatchNode(start, unitIndex, length, nextNode);
    } else {
        // Branch node.
        int32_t length=countElementUnits(start, limit, unitIndex);
        // length>=2 because minUnit!=maxUnit.
        Node *subNode=makeBranchSubNode(start, limit, unitIndex, length, errorCode);
        node=new BranchHeadNode(length, subNode);
    if(hasValue && node!=NULL) {
        if(matchNodesCanHaveValues()) {
            ((ValueNode *)node)->setValue(value);
        } else {
            node=new IntermediateValueNode(value, registerNode(node, errorCode));
    return registerNode(node, errorCode);
void PackageDataBase::loadNodeEntriesHelper(Node* a_pNode, const boost::filesystem::path& a_Path)
    o_assert(boost::filesystem::is_directory(a_Path));      // is p a directory?


    boost::filesystem::directory_iterator it(a_Path);
    boost::filesystem::directory_iterator end;
    for(;it != end; ++it)
        const boost::filesystem::path& dir_path = it->path();
        if(NOT(boost::filesystem::is_directory(dir_path))) continue;
        uint guid = o_invalid_guid;
#   pragma warning(disable:4996)
        sscanf(dir_path.stem().generic_string().c_str(), "[%x]", &guid);
#   pragma warning(default:4996)
        if(guid != o_invalid_guid)
            Node* pChildNode = createNode(guid, a_pNode);
            loadNodeEntriesHelper(pChildNode, dir_path);
Beispiel #5
	// initialize framework
	// open window
	PURGE::Window::create(800, 600);
	// adjust camera
	auto camera = PURGE::Camera::create()
		->move(PURGE::Vector3(100, 100, 100))
		->setDirection(PURGE::Vector3(-1, -1, -1));
	auto task = PURGE::SceneNodeModificationTask::create()
		->rotate(PURGE::Degree(360 / 5), PURGE::CoordinateSystem::get().getUpVector());
	PURGE::ObjectGroup* groups[ROWS];
	for (int i = 0; i < ROWS; i++)
		groups[i] = PURGE::ObjectGroup::create();
	// load & integrate model
	for (int i = 0; i < ROWS * COLS; i++)
			->move(-LEFT(i), UP(i), 0, camera)
			->attachTo(groups[i % ROWS]);
	// loop
Beispiel #6
void Canvas::setRoot(NodePtr pRootNode)
    m_pRootNode = dynamic_pointer_cast<CanvasNode>(pRootNode);
    m_pRootNode->setParent(0, Node::NS_CONNECTED, shared_from_this());
Beispiel #7
void SamplerApollo::registerJSCell(JSGlobalObject* globalObject, JSCell* cell, size_t size)
    WTF::PassRefPtr<SamplerJSCellNode> constructorNode = m_constructorNode.release();
    if (UNLIKELY(!samplingNow))
    uint64_t globalObjectIdentifier = 0;
    if (globalObject) {
        BaseSamplerNode* globalObjectSample = getSamplerNodeFor(globalObject);
        if (globalObjectSample)
            globalObjectIdentifier = globalObjectSample->identifier();
    PassRefPtr<SamplerJSCellNode> samplerNodeRef = adoptRef(new SamplerJSCellNode(globalObjectIdentifier, cell, size));
    SamplerJSCellNode *samplerNode = samplerNodeRef.get(); 
	if (registerNode(samplerNodeRef)) {
        // cannot check the type because we are called directly from operator new
        if (constructorNode.get() /* && cell->isObject() */) {
			JSCell * const cell = constructorNode->impl(); 
			// we don't want to make standard objects to show like Functions
			// Internal construct for String,Boolean,... inherits directly InternalFunctions
			if (! (cell && cell->getObject() && cell->getObject()->inherits(&InternalFunction::info) && !cell->getObject()->inherits(&JSFunction::info)) ) {
                // try to set the name from the function
Beispiel #8
NFAUNode * WCPattern::quantifyGroup(NFAUNode * start, NFAUNode * stop, const int gn)
	NFAUNode * newNode = NULL;
	int type = 0;

	if (curInd < pattern.GetLength()) {
		wchar_t ch = (curInd + 1 >= pattern.GetLength()) ? USHRT_MAX : pattern[curInd + 1];
		switch (pattern[curInd]) {
		case '*':
			switch (ch) {
				case '?': ++curInd; type = 1; break;
				case '+': ++curInd; type = 2; break;
			newNode = registerNode(new NFAGroupLoopPrologueUNode(gn));
			newNode->next = registerNode(new NFAGroupLoopUNode(start, MIN_QMATCH, MAX_QMATCH, gn, type));
			stop->next = newNode->next;
			return newNode;
		case '?':
			switch (ch) {
				case '?': ++curInd; type = 1; break;
				case '+': ++curInd; type = 2; break;
			newNode = registerNode(new NFAGroupLoopPrologueUNode(gn));
			newNode->next = registerNode(new NFAGroupLoopUNode(start, MIN_QMATCH, 1, gn, type));
			stop->next = newNode->next;
			return newNode;
		case '+':
			switch (ch) {
				case '?': ++curInd; type = 1; break;
				case '+': ++curInd; type = 2; break;
			newNode = registerNode(new NFAGroupLoopPrologueUNode(gn));
			newNode->next = registerNode(new NFAGroupLoopUNode(start, 1, MAX_QMATCH, gn, type));
			stop->next = newNode->next;
			return newNode;
		case '{':
				int s, e;
				if (quantifyCurly(s, e)) {
					ch = (curInd < pattern.GetLength()) ? pattern[curInd] : USHRT_MAX;
					switch (ch) {
						case '?': ++curInd; type = 1; break;
						case '+': ++curInd; type = 2; break;
					newNode = registerNode(new NFAGroupLoopPrologueUNode(gn));
					newNode->next = registerNode(new NFAGroupLoopUNode(start, s, e, gn, type));
					stop->next = newNode->next;
					return newNode;
	return NULL;
struct node* createNode(char value)
    struct node* temporaryNode = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
    temporaryNode->value = value;
    temporaryNode->next = NULL;
    return temporaryNode; 
Beispiel #10
// look behind should interpret everything as a literal (except \\) since the
// pattern must have a concrete length
NFAUNode* WCPattern::parseBehind(const bool pos, NFAUNode ** end)
	CMString t;
	while (curInd < pattern.GetLength() && pattern[curInd] != ')') {
		wchar_t ch = pattern[curInd++];
		if (ch == '\\') {
			if (curInd + 1 >= pattern.GetLength()) {
				return *end = registerNode(new NFACharUNode(' '));
			ch = pattern[curInd++];
	if (curInd >= pattern.GetLength() || pattern[curInd] != ')') raiseError();
	else ++curInd;
	return *end = registerNode(new NFALookBehindUNode(t, pos));
CCNode* FKCW_UI_Table::createCellNode()
	CCNode* pRet = CCNode::create();


	return pRet;
Beispiel #12
CCNode* CCTableWorker::createCellNode()
	CCNode* pRet = CCNode::create();


	return pRet;
Beispiel #13
void Canvas::registerNode(NodePtr pNode)
    DivNodePtr pDivNode = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<DivNode>(pNode);
    if (pDivNode) {
        for (unsigned i=0; i<pDivNode->getNumChildren(); i++) {
Beispiel #14
BaseSamplerNode* SamplerApollo::willExecute(ExecState* exec, JSValue function, int32_t& lineNo)
    ASSERT(lineNo == 0);
    if (!seenByProfiler(function))
        return 0;

    JSObject* object = asObject(function);
    if (object->inherits(&JSFunction::info)) {
        JSFunction* jsFunction = asFunction(function);
        // we should take lineno only for non host functions
        // otherwise we end up with wrong line numbers for functions like
        // DOM functions, which should have 0 as line number
        // see bug 2587164
        if (!jsFunction->isHostFunction())
			lineNo = jsFunction->jsExecutable()->lineNo();
    BaseSamplerNode* samplerNode = getSamplerNodeFor(static_cast<JSCell*>(object));
    if (!samplerNode) {
        // try to inject the object now
        // as it might have been created while sampling was disabled
        // this can happen when the sample buffer runs out of space

        uint64_t globalObjectIdentifier = 0;
        JSGlobalObject* globalObject = exec->dynamicGlobalObject();
        BaseSamplerNode* globalObjectSample = getSamplerNodeFor(globalObject);
        if (globalObjectSample)
            globalObjectIdentifier = globalObjectSample->identifier();
        PassRefPtr<SamplerJSCellNode> samplerNodeRef = adoptRef(new SamplerJSCellNode(globalObjectIdentifier, static_cast<JSCell*>(object), sizeof(JSObject)));
        samplerNode = samplerNodeRef.get();
		// the sampler might be stopped by the time we get here
		// and register node will not give an id
		// in this cases we just fail here
        if (!registerNode(samplerNodeRef))
			return 0;
    samplerDidEnterFunction(samplerNode->identifier(), lineNo);

    // do not increment invocationCount if sampling is paused
    // however, we called samplerDidEnterFunction because we need to keep the callstack in sync
    if (UNLIKELY(!samplingNow))
        return samplerNode;

	return samplerNode;
Beispiel #15
NFAUNode* WCPattern::parseQuote()
	bool done = 0;
	CMString s;

	while (!done) {
		if (curInd >= pattern.GetLength()) {
			done = 1;
		else if (pattern.Mid(curInd, 2) == L"\\E") {
			curInd += 2;
			done = 1;
		else if (pattern[curInd] == '\\') {
		else s.AppendChar(pattern[curInd++]);
	if ((flags & WCPattern::CASE_INSENSITIVE) != 0) return registerNode(new NFACIQuoteUNode(s));
	return registerNode(new NFAQuoteUNode(s));
Beispiel #16
bool Net_Node::registerNodeDynamic(Net_ClassID cid, Net_Control* con) {
	eNet_NodeRole role = con->intern->cbNodeRequest_Dynamic ? eNet_RoleProxy : eNet_RoleAuthority;
	if(con->intern->isServer && role != eNet_RoleAuthority) {
		errors << "registerNodeDynamic: want to register proxy node on server" << endl;
		return false; // stop because otherwise we probably would crash

	if(!con->intern->isServer && role == eNet_RoleAuthority) {
		errors << "registerNodeDynamic: want to register authority node on client" << endl;
		return false; // stop because otherwise we probably would crash
	Net_NodeID nid = con->intern->cbNodeRequest_Dynamic ? con->intern->cbNodeRequest_nodeId : con->intern->getUnusedNodeId();
	con->intern->cbNodeRequest_Dynamic = false; // only for first node
	return registerNode(cid, this, nid, role, con->intern);
Beispiel #17
void SceneManager::registerGeometryNodes(Node * rootNode) {
	forEachNodeTopDown<GeometryNode>(rootNode, [this](Node* node){registerNode(node);});
Beispiel #18
bool ContextPrivate::loadSettings( QSettings &pSettings, bool pPartial )
	QSettings		CFG( pSettings.fileName(), pSettings.format() );

	QList<QSharedPointer<fugio::NodeInterface>>		NodeLst;

	QMap<QUuid,QUuid>		NodeMap;
	QMap<QUuid,QUuid>		PinsMap;

	pSettings.beginGroup( "nodes" );

	for( const QString &K : pSettings.childKeys() )
		QString			NodeName     = K;
		const QUuid		NodeOrigUuid = fugio::utils::string2uuid( K );
		const QUuid		NodeUuid     = ( findNode( NodeOrigUuid ).isNull() ? NodeOrigUuid : QUuid::createUuid() );
		const QUuid		ControlUuid  = fugio::utils::string2uuid( pSettings.value( K ).toString() );
		QVariantHash	NodeData;

		if( CFG.childGroups().contains( K ) )
			CFG.beginGroup( K );

			NodeName = CFG.value( "name", NodeName ).toString();

			if( CFG.childGroups().contains( "settings" ) )
				QStringList		VarBse;

				CFG.beginGroup( "settings" );

				loadNodeSettings( CFG, NodeData, VarBse );



		QSharedPointer<fugio::NodeInterface>	N = createNode( NodeName, NodeUuid, ControlUuid, NodeData );

		if( !N )
			qWarning() << "Can't create node" << NodeName;


		NodeLst << N;

		NodeMap.insert( NodeUuid, NodeOrigUuid );



	for( QSharedPointer<fugio::NodeInterface> N : NodeLst )
		const QUuid		NodeUuid = N->uuid();
		const QUuid		OrigUuid = NodeMap.value( N->uuid() );

		// do this before we registerNode() to give everyone a chance to record the relabel
		// and look up data

		if( NodeUuid != OrigUuid )
			emit qobject()->nodeRelabled( OrigUuid, NodeUuid );

		registerNode( N );

		pSettings.beginGroup( fugio::utils::uuid2string( OrigUuid ) );

		N->loadSettings( pSettings, PinsMap, pPartial );



//	CFG.beginGroup( "connections" );

//	foreach( const QString &NodeDst, CFG.childGroups() )
//	{
//		CF2.beginGroup( NodeDst );

//		foreach( const QString &PinDst, CFG.childKeys() )
//		{
//			QStringList		 SrcList = CFG.value( PinDst ).toString().split( '\\' );

//			if( SrcList.size() != 2 )
//			{
//				continue;
//			}

//			mConnectionMap.insert( ConnectionPair( 0 ), 1 ) ), ConnectionPair( NodeDst, PinDst ) );
//		}

//		CFG.endGroup();
//	}

//	CFG.endGroup();


	pSettings.beginGroup( "connections" );

	for( const QString &G : pSettings.childKeys() )
		QUuid		SrcId = PinsMap.value( fugio::utils::string2uuid( G ) );

		PinHash::iterator		SrcIt = mPinHash.find( SrcId );

		if( SrcIt == mPinHash.end() )
			qWarning() << "SRC PIN NOT FOUND" << SrcId;


		QSharedPointer<fugio::PinInterface>	SrcP = SrcIt.value();

		if( SrcP == 0 )

		QUuid		DstId = PinsMap.value( fugio::utils::string2uuid( pSettings.value( G ).toString() ) );

		PinHash::iterator		DstIt = mPinHash.find( DstId );

		if( DstIt == mPinHash.end() )
			qWarning() << "DST PIN NOT FOUND" << DstId;


		QSharedPointer<fugio::PinInterface>	DstP = DstIt.value();

		if( DstP == 0 )

		connectPins( SrcP->globalId(), DstP->globalId() );


	return( true );
Beispiel #19
bool Net_Node::registerNodeUnique(Net_ClassID cid, eNet_NodeRole role, Net_Control* con) {
	return registerNode(cid, this, UNIQUE_NODE_ID, role, con->intern);
Beispiel #20
NFAUNode * WCPattern::parse(const bool inParen, const bool inOr, NFAUNode ** end)
	NFAUNode * start, *cur, *next = NULL;
	CMString t;
	int grc = groupCount++;
	bool inv, quo;
	bool ahead = 0, pos = 0, noncap = 0, indep = 0;
	unsigned long oldFlags = flags;

	if (inParen) {
		if (pattern[curInd] == '?') {
			if (pattern[curInd] == ':')   { noncap = 1; ++curInd;     grc = --nonCapGroupCount; }
			else if (pattern[curInd] == '=')   { ++curInd;     ahead = 1;  pos = 1; }
			else if (pattern[curInd] == '!')   { ++curInd;     ahead = 1;  pos = 0; }
			else if (pattern.Mid(curInd, 2) == L"<=")  { curInd += 2;  return parseBehind(1, end); }
			else if (pattern.Mid(curInd, 2) == L"<!")  { curInd += 2;  return parseBehind(0, end); }
			else if (pattern[curInd] == '>')   { ++curInd;     indep = 1; }
			else {
				bool negate = false, done = false;
				while (!done) {
					if (curInd >= pattern.GetLength()) {
						return NULL;
					else if (negate) {
						switch (pattern[curInd]) {
						case 'i': flags &= ~WCPattern::CASE_INSENSITIVE;   break;
						case 'd': flags &= ~WCPattern::UNIX_LINE_MODE;     break;
						case 'm': flags &= ~WCPattern::MULTILINE_MATCHING; break;
						case 's': flags &= ~WCPattern::DOT_MATCHES_ALL;    break;
						case ':': done = true;                             break;
						case ')':
							*end = registerNode(new NFALookBehindUNode(L"", true));
							return *end;
						case '-':
							return NULL;
					else {
						switch (pattern[curInd]) {
						case 'i': flags |= WCPattern::CASE_INSENSITIVE;    break;
						case 'd': flags |= WCPattern::UNIX_LINE_MODE;      break;
						case 'm': flags |= WCPattern::MULTILINE_MATCHING;  break;
						case 's': flags |= WCPattern::DOT_MATCHES_ALL;     break;
						case ':': done = true;                             break;
						case '-': negate = true;                           break;
						case ')':
							*end = registerNode(new NFALookBehindUNode(L"", true));
							return *end;
							return NULL;
				noncap = 1;
				grc = --nonCapGroupCount;

			if (noncap) cur = start = registerNode(new NFAGroupHeadUNode(grc));
			else        cur = start = registerNode(new NFASubStartUNode);
		else cur = start = registerNode(new NFAGroupHeadUNode(grc));
	else cur = start = registerNode(new NFASubStartUNode);

	while (curInd < pattern.GetLength()) {
		wchar_t ch = pattern[curInd++];

		next = NULL;
		if (error) return NULL;
		switch (ch) {
		case '^':
			if ((flags & WCPattern::MULTILINE_MATCHING) != 0) next = registerNode(new NFAStartOfLineUNode);
			else                                            next = registerNode(new NFAStartOfInputUNode);
		case '$':
			if ((flags & WCPattern::MULTILINE_MATCHING) != 0) next = registerNode(new NFAEndOfLineUNode);
			else                                            next = registerNode(new NFAEndOfInputUNode(0));
		case '|':
			cur->next = registerNode(new NFAAcceptUNode);
			cur = start = registerNode(new NFAOrUNode(start, parse(inParen, 1)));
		case '\\':
			if (curInd < pattern.GetLength()) {
				bool eoi = 0;
				switch (pattern[curInd]) {
				case '1':
				case '2':
				case '3':
				case '4':
				case '5':
				case '6':
				case '7':
				case '8':
				case '9': next = parseBackref(); break;
				case 'A': ++curInd; next = registerNode(new NFAStartOfInputUNode);     break;
				case 'B': ++curInd; next = registerNode(new NFAWordBoundaryUNode(0));  break;
				case 'b': ++curInd; next = registerNode(new NFAWordBoundaryUNode(1));  break;
				case 'G': ++curInd; next = registerNode(new NFAEndOfMatchUNode);       break;
				case 'Z': eoi = 1;
				case 'z': ++curInd; next = registerNode(new NFAEndOfInputUNode(eoi));  break;
					t = parseEscape(inv, quo);
					//printf("inv quo classes { %c %c %s }\n", inv ? 't' : 'f', quo ? 't' : 'f', t.c_str());
					if (!quo) {
						if (t.GetLength() > 1 || inv) {
							if ((flags & WCPattern::CASE_INSENSITIVE) != 0) next = registerNode(new NFACIClassUNode(t, inv));
							else                                            next = registerNode(new NFAClassUNode(t, inv));
						else next = registerNode(new NFACharUNode(t[0]));
					else next = parseQuote();
			else raiseError();
		case '[':
			if ((flags & WCPattern::CASE_INSENSITIVE) == 0) {
				NFAClassUNode * clazz = new NFAClassUNode();
				CMString s = parseClass();
				for (int i = 0; i < (int)s.GetLength(); ++i) clazz->vals[s[i]] = 1;
				next = registerNode(clazz);
			else {
				NFACIClassUNode * clazz = new NFACIClassUNode();
				CMString s = parseClass();
				for (int i = 0; i < s.GetLength(); ++i) clazz->vals[to_lower(s[i])] = 1;
				next = registerNode(clazz);
		case '.':
				bool useN = 1, useR = 1;
				NFAClassUNode * clazz = new NFAClassUNode(1);
				if ((flags & WCPattern::UNIX_LINE_MODE) != 0) useR = 0;
				if ((flags & WCPattern::DOT_MATCHES_ALL) != 0) useN = useR = 0;
				if (useN) clazz->vals['\n'] = 1;
				if (useR) clazz->vals['\r'] = 1;
				next = registerNode(clazz);
		case '(':
				NFAUNode *end, *t1, *t2;
				t1 = parse(1, 0, &end);
				if (!t1) raiseError();
				else if (t1->isGroupHeadNode() && (t2 = quantifyGroup(t1, end, grc)) != NULL) {
					cur->next = t2;
					cur = t2->next;
				else {
					cur->next = t1;
					cur = end;
		case ')':
			if (!inParen) raiseError();
			else if (inOr) {
				cur = cur->next = registerNode(new NFAAcceptUNode);
				flags = oldFlags;
				return start;
			else {
				if (ahead) {
					cur = cur->next = registerNode(new NFAAcceptUNode);
					flags = oldFlags;
					return *end = registerNode(new NFALookAheadUNode(start, pos));
				else if (indep) {
					cur = cur->next = registerNode(new NFAAcceptUNode);
					flags = oldFlags;
					return *end = registerNode(new NFAPossessiveQuantifierUNode(this, start, 1, 1));
				else { // capping or noncapping, it doesnt matter
					*end = cur = cur->next = registerNode(new NFAGroupTailUNode(grc));
					next = quantifyGroup(start, *end, grc);
					if (next) {
						start = next;
						*end = next->next;
					flags = oldFlags;
					return start;
		case '{': // registered pattern
			cur->next = parseRegisteredWCPattern(&next);
			if (cur->next) cur = next;
		case '*':
		case '+':
		case '?':
			//    case '}':
			//    case ']':
			if ((flags & WCPattern::CASE_INSENSITIVE) != 0) next = registerNode(new NFACICharUNode(ch));
			else                                          next = registerNode(new NFACharUNode(ch));
		if (next) cur = cur->next = quantify(next);
	if (inParen) raiseError();
	else {
		if (inOr) cur = cur->next = registerNode(new NFAAcceptUNode);
		if (end) *end = cur;

	flags = oldFlags;
	if (error) return NULL;

	return start;
Beispiel #21
NFAUNode * WCPattern::quantify(NFAUNode * newNode)
	if (curInd < pattern.GetLength()) {
		wchar_t ch = (curInd + 1 >= pattern.GetLength()) ? USHRT_MAX : pattern[curInd + 1];
		switch (pattern[curInd]) {
		case '*':
			switch (ch) {
				case '?': ++curInd; newNode = registerNode(new NFALazyQuantifierUNode(this, newNode, MIN_QMATCH, MAX_QMATCH)); break;
				case '+': ++curInd; newNode = registerNode(new NFAPossessiveQuantifierUNode(this, newNode, MIN_QMATCH, MAX_QMATCH)); break;
				default:            newNode = registerNode(new NFAGreedyQuantifierUNode(this, newNode, MIN_QMATCH, MAX_QMATCH)); break;
		case '?':
			switch (ch) {
				case '?': ++curInd; newNode = registerNode(new NFALazyQuantifierUNode(this, newNode, MIN_QMATCH, 1)); break;
				case '+': ++curInd; newNode = registerNode(new NFAPossessiveQuantifierUNode(this, newNode, MIN_QMATCH, 1)); break;
				default:            newNode = registerNode(new NFAGreedyQuantifierUNode(this, newNode, MIN_QMATCH, 1)); break;
		case '+':
			switch (ch) {
				case '?': ++curInd; newNode = registerNode(new NFALazyQuantifierUNode(this, newNode, 1, MAX_QMATCH)); break;
				case '+': ++curInd; newNode = registerNode(new NFAPossessiveQuantifierUNode(this, newNode, 1, MAX_QMATCH)); break;
				default:            newNode = registerNode(new NFAGreedyQuantifierUNode(this, newNode, 1, MAX_QMATCH)); break;
		case '{':
			int s, e;
			if (quantifyCurly(s, e)) {
				ch = (curInd < pattern.GetLength()) ? pattern[curInd] : USHRT_MAX;
				switch (ch) {
					case '?': ++curInd; newNode = registerNode(new NFALazyQuantifierUNode(this, newNode, s, e)); break;
					case '+': ++curInd; newNode = registerNode(new NFAPossessiveQuantifierUNode(this, newNode, s, e)); break;
					default:            newNode = registerNode(new NFAGreedyQuantifierUNode(this, newNode, s, e)); break;
	return newNode;