Beispiel #1
void polyTrgNode::postConstructor()
//	Description:
//		Constructor: register the triangulation function. 
    // Register the triangulation function.
	// The string given as a first parameter has to be
	// the same as the name given when setting the usrTrg
	// attribute on the mesh. See example above.
    /* MStatus stat = */ 
	registerTrgFunction( "triangulate", polyTrgNode::triangulateFace );
Beispiel #2
void fastTrgNode::postConstructor()
//	Description:
//		Constructor: register the triangulation function. 

    // Register the triangulation function.
	// The string given as a first parameter has to be
	// the same as the name given when setting the usrTrg
	// attribute on the mesh. See example above.
	char name[] = "fastTrg";
    MStatus stat = registerTrgFunction( name, fastTrgNode::triangulateFace );