ConvectionDiffusionFVCR(const char* functions, const char* subsets)
 : ConvectionDiffusionBase<TDomain>(functions,subsets),
   m_spConvShape(new ConvectionShapesNoUpwind<dim>),
void ConvectionDiffusionFVCR<TDomain>::
prepare_setting(const std::vector<LFEID>& vLfeID, bool bNonRegularGrid)
//	check number
	if(vLfeID.size() != 1)
		UG_THROW("ConvectionDiffusion: Wrong number of functions given. "
				"Need exactly "<<1);

	if(vLfeID[0].order() != 1 || vLfeID[0].type() != LFEID::CROUZEIX_RAVIART)
		UG_THROW("ConvectionDiffusion FVCR Scheme only implemented for 1st order.");

//	remember
	m_bNonRegularGrid = bNonRegularGrid;

//	update assemble functions
void NeumannBoundaryFE<TDomain>::
prepare_setting(const std::vector<LFEID>& vLfeID, bool bNonRegularGrid)
//	check number
	if(vLfeID.size() != 1)
		UG_THROW("NeumannBoundaryFE: needs exactly 1 function.");

//	check that not ADAPTIVE
	if(vLfeID[0].order() < 1)
		UG_THROW("NeumannBoundaryFE: Adaptive order not implemented.");

//	set order
	m_lfeID = vLfeID[0];
	m_order = vLfeID[0].order();
	m_quadOrder = 2*m_order+1;

void ConvectionDiffusionFE<TDomain>::
prepare_setting(const std::vector<LFEID>& vLfeID, bool bNonRegularGrid)
	//	check number of fcts
	if(vLfeID.size() != 1)
		UG_THROW("ConvectionDiffusion: Wrong number of functions given. "
				"Need exactly "<<1);

	//	check that not ADAPTIVE
	if(vLfeID[0].order() < 1)
		UG_THROW("ConvectionDiffusion: Adaptive order not implemented.");

	//	set order
	m_lfeID = vLfeID[0];
	if(!m_bQuadOrderUserDef) m_quadOrder = 2*m_lfeID.order()+1;

	register_all_funcs(m_lfeID, m_quadOrder);