static void nativeRegisterLocalizedCollators(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jlong connectionPtr,
        jstring localeStr) {
    SQLiteConnection* connection = reinterpret_cast<SQLiteConnection*>(connectionPtr);

    const char* locale = env->GetStringUTFChars(localeStr, NULL);
    int err = register_localized_collators(connection->db, locale, UTF16_STORAGE);
    env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(localeStr, locale);

    if (err != SQLITE_OK) {
        throw_sqlite3_exception(env, connection->db);
/* set locale in the android_metadata table, install localized collators, and rebuild indexes */
static void native_setLocale(JNIEnv* env, jobject object, jstring localeString, jint flags)
    if ((flags & NO_LOCALIZED_COLLATORS)) return;

    int err;
    char const* locale8 = env->GetStringUTFChars(localeString, NULL);
    sqlite3 * handle = (sqlite3 *)env->GetIntField(object, offset_db_handle);
    sqlite3_stmt* stmt = NULL;
    char** meta = NULL;
    int rowCount, colCount;
    char* dbLocale = NULL;

    // create the table, if necessary and possible
    if (!(flags & OPEN_READONLY)) {
        static const char *createSql ="CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " ANDROID_TABLE " (locale TEXT)";
        err = sqlite3_exec(handle, createSql, NULL, NULL, NULL);
        if (err != SQLITE_OK) {
            LOGE("CREATE TABLE " ANDROID_TABLE " failed\n");
            throw_sqlite3_exception(env, handle);
            goto done;

    // try to read from the table
    static const char *selectSql = "SELECT locale FROM " ANDROID_TABLE " LIMIT 1";
    err = sqlite3_get_table(handle, selectSql, &meta, &rowCount, &colCount, NULL);
    if (err != SQLITE_OK) {
        LOGE("SELECT locale FROM " ANDROID_TABLE " failed\n");
        throw_sqlite3_exception(env, handle);
        goto done;

    dbLocale = (rowCount >= 1) ? meta[colCount] : NULL;

    if (dbLocale != NULL && !strcmp(dbLocale, locale8)) {
        // database locale is the same as the desired locale; set up the collators and go
        err = register_localized_collators(handle, locale8, UTF16_STORAGE);
        if (err != SQLITE_OK) throw_sqlite3_exception(env, handle);
        goto done;   // no database changes needed

    if ((flags & OPEN_READONLY)) {
        // read-only database, so we're going to have to put up with whatever we got
        // For registering new index. Not for modifing the read-only database.
        err = register_localized_collators(handle, locale8, UTF16_STORAGE);
        if (err != SQLITE_OK) throw_sqlite3_exception(env, handle);
        goto done;

    // need to update android_metadata and indexes atomically, so use a transaction...
    err = sqlite3_exec(handle, "BEGIN TRANSACTION", NULL, NULL, NULL);
    if (err != SQLITE_OK) {
        LOGE("BEGIN TRANSACTION failed setting locale\n");
        throw_sqlite3_exception(env, handle);
        goto done;

    err = register_localized_collators(handle, locale8, UTF16_STORAGE);
    if (err != SQLITE_OK) {
        LOGE("register_localized_collators() failed setting locale\n");
        throw_sqlite3_exception(env, handle);
        goto rollback;

    err = sqlite3_exec(handle, "DELETE FROM " ANDROID_TABLE, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    if (err != SQLITE_OK) {
        LOGE("DELETE failed setting locale\n");
        throw_sqlite3_exception(env, handle);
        goto rollback;

    static const char *sql = "INSERT INTO " ANDROID_TABLE " (locale) VALUES(?);";
    err = sqlite3_prepare_v2(handle, sql, -1, &stmt, NULL);
    if (err != SQLITE_OK) {
        LOGE("sqlite3_prepare_v2(\"%s\") failed\n", sql);
        throw_sqlite3_exception(env, handle);
        goto rollback;

    err = sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 1, locale8, -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
    if (err != SQLITE_OK) {
        LOGE("sqlite3_bind_text() failed setting locale\n");
        throw_sqlite3_exception(env, handle);
        goto rollback;

    err = sqlite3_step(stmt);
    if (err != SQLITE_OK && err != SQLITE_DONE) {
        LOGE("sqlite3_step(\"%s\") failed setting locale\n", sql);
        throw_sqlite3_exception(env, handle);
        goto rollback;

    err = sqlite3_exec(handle, "REINDEX LOCALIZED", NULL, NULL, NULL);
    if (err != SQLITE_OK) {
        LOGE("REINDEX LOCALIZED failed\n");
        throw_sqlite3_exception(env, handle);
        goto rollback;

    // all done, yay!
    err = sqlite3_exec(handle, "COMMIT TRANSACTION", NULL, NULL, NULL);
    if (err != SQLITE_OK) {
        LOGE("COMMIT TRANSACTION failed setting locale\n");
        throw_sqlite3_exception(env, handle);
        goto done;

    if (err != SQLITE_OK) {
        sqlite3_exec(handle, "ROLLBACK TRANSACTION", NULL, NULL, NULL);

    if (locale8 != NULL) env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(localeString, locale8);
    if (stmt != NULL) sqlite3_finalize(stmt);
    if (meta != NULL) sqlite3_free_table(meta);