void GridSimplifierM::simplifyTP(vector<Line*> &lines, Polygon& poly, int threadId){
	Triangle tri;
	int remove_size = poly.size - 2;
	for (int i = 0; i<lines.size(); ++i){
		if (lines[i]->cycle){
			for (int j = 1; j <= (int)(lines[i]->points.size() - 4) / remove_size; ++j){
				for (int k = 1; k <= remove_size; ++k)
					poly.p[k] = lines[i]->points[j*remove_size - 3 + k];
				poly.p[0] = lines[i]->points[poly.p[1]->leftInd];
				poly.p[remove_size + 1] = lines[i]->points[poly.p[remove_size]->rightInd];
				removeS(poly, threadId);
			int rest = lines[i]->kept;
			int togo = lines[i]->points.size() % remove_size + remove_size;
			int left_count = togo < rest - 4 ? togo : rest - 4;
			for (int j = 0; j < left_count; ++j){
				tri.p[1] = lines[i]->points[lines[i]->points.size() - j - 2];
				tri.p[0] = lines[i]->points[tri.p[1]->leftInd];
				tri.p[2] = lines[i]->points[tri.p[1]->rightInd];
				removeS(tri, threadId);
			for (int j = 1; j <= (int)(lines[i]->points.size() - 3) / remove_size; ++j){
				for (int k = 1; k <= remove_size; ++k)
					poly.p[k] = lines[i]->points[j*remove_size - remove_size + k];
				poly.p[0] = lines[i]->points[poly.p[1]->leftInd];
				poly.p[remove_size + 1] = lines[i]->points[poly.p[remove_size]->rightInd];
				removeS(poly, threadId);
			for (int j = (lines[i]->points.size() - 2) % remove_size == 0 && lines[i]->points.size() > remove_size + 1 ?
				remove_size + 1 : (lines[i]->points.size() - 2) % remove_size + 1;
				j > 2; --j){
				tri.p[1] = lines[i]->points[lines[i]->points.size() - j];
				tri.p[0] = lines[i]->points[tri.p[1]->leftInd];
				tri.p[2] = lines[i]->points[tri.p[1]->rightInd];
				removeS(tri, threadId);
			if (lines[i]->kept > 3 || (lines[i]->share == false && lines[i]->kept > 2)){
				tri.p[1] = lines[i]->points[lines[i]->points.size() - 2];
				tri.p[0] = lines[i]->points[tri.p[1]->leftInd];
				tri.p[2] = lines[i]->points[tri.p[1]->rightInd];
				removeS(tri, threadId);
void GridSimplifierM::simplifyT(vector<Line*> &lines, Triangle& tri, int threadId){
	for (int i = 0; i<lines.size(); ++i){
		if (lines[i]->cycle){
			tri.p[0] = lines[i]->points[0];
			while (lines[i]->kept > 4 && tri.p[0]->rightInd != lines[i]->points.size() - 1){
				tri.p[1] = lines[i]->points[tri.p[0]->rightInd];
				tri.p[2] = lines[i]->points[tri.p[1]->rightInd];
				if(!removeS(tri, threadId))
					tri.p[0] = lines[i]->points[tri.p[0]->rightInd];
			int rest = lines[i]->kept;
			int left_count = 2 < rest - 4 ? 2 : rest - 4;
			tri.p[2] = lines[i]->points[lines[i]->points.size() - 1];
			for (int j = 0; j < left_count; ++j){
				tri.p[1] = lines[i]->points[tri.p[2]->leftInd];
				tri.p[0] = lines[i]->points[tri.p[1]->leftInd];
				if(!removeS(tri, threadId))
					tri.p[2] = lines[i]->points[tri.p[2]->leftInd];
			tri.p[0] = lines[i]->points[0];
			while (lines[i]->kept > 3 && tri.p[0]->rightInd != lines[i]->points.size() - 1){
				tri.p[1] = lines[i]->points[tri.p[0]->rightInd];
				tri.p[2] = lines[i]->points[tri.p[1]->rightInd];
				if(!removeS(tri, threadId))
					tri.p[0] = lines[i]->points[tri.p[0]->rightInd];
			if (lines[i]->kept > 3 || (lines[i]->share == false && lines[i]->kept > 2)){
				tri.p[2] = lines[i]->points[lines[i]->points.size() - 1];
				tri.p[1] = lines[i]->points[tri.p[2]->leftInd];
				tri.p[0] = lines[i]->points[tri.p[1]->leftInd];
				removeS(tri, threadId);
bool GridSimplifierM::removeS(Polygon &poly, int threadId){
	if (!gridIndex->hasPointInPoly(&poly)){
		for (int i = 1; i < poly.size - 1; ++i)
			poly.p[i]->kept = false; //set point as removed
		poly.p[poly.size - 1]->leftInd = poly.p[0]->pointInd;
		poly.p[0]->rightInd = poly.p[poly.size - 1]->pointInd;
		gridIndex->sizes[threadId] -= poly.size - 2; //remove point from index
		map->lines[threadId][poly.p[0]->lineInd]->kept -= poly.size - 2;
		return true;
		int prev = 0, next = 2;
		for (int i = 1; i < poly.size - 1; ++i){
			Triangle tri(poly.p[prev], poly.p[i], poly.p[next]);
			if (!removeS(tri, threadId))
				prev = i;
		return false;
Beispiel #4
int Decoder::decodeTransTable(vector<string> &prevSents, int stackSize, int K, vector<string> &topSents)
	assert(prevSents.size() > 0);
	vector<string> words;
	split(prevSents[0], " ", words);
	int senLen = words.size();

	int maxNGram = transTable->getMaxNGram();

	rnnpg->getContextHiddenNeu(prevSents, contextHiddenNeu);

	int i, j, k, t;
	neuron *newHiddenNeu = new neuron[hiddenSize];
	Stack **stacks = new Stack*[senLen + 1];
	for(i = 0; i <= senLen; i ++)
		stacks[i] = new Stack(stackSize, hiddenSize);

	if(rnnpg->getFlushOption() == 2)

	StackItem *sitem = NULL;
	sitem = new StackItem(hiddenSize);
	sitem->posInSent = 0;
	sitem->curTrans = sitem->word = "</s>";
	if(rnnpg->getFlushOption() == 2)

	// now try to consider the previous sentence of the generated sentence
	// try to build a translation table
	vector<string> lwords;
	split(prevSents[prevSents.size() - 1], " ", lwords);

	vector<pair<char*,double> > trans;
	for(i = 0; i < senLen; i ++)
		// Stack *nxStack = stacks[i+1];
		Stack *nxStack = NULL;
		for(j = 0; j < stacks[i]->size(); j ++)
			StackItem *curItem = stacks[i]->get(j);
			string first = "";
			vector<string> curWords;
			for(k = 0; k < maxNGram && i + k < senLen; k ++)
				if(k != 0) first.append(" "); first.append(lwords[i+k]);
				// curWords.push_back(lwords[i+k]);
				// cout << "first " << first << endl;
				transTable->getAllTrans(first.c_str(), trans);
				// cout << "get translation table of " << first << " done " << trans.size() << endl;
				for(t = 0; t < (int)trans.size(); t ++)
					string second = trans[t].first;
					split(trans[t].first, " ", curWords);
					if(repeatGT(curItem->curTrans, second, 2))
					// cout << "cur words" << endl;
					// printsvec(curWords);

					// cout << "prev word " << curItem->word << endl;
					// cout << "curItem posInSent " << curItem->posInSent << endl;

					// update feature weights
					double rnnLogProb = rnnpg->computeNetContext(curItem->word.c_str(), curItem->posInSent, curWords, curItem->hiddenNeu,
							contextHiddenNeu, newHiddenNeu);

					// cout << "rnnLogProb = " << rnnLogProb << endl;

//					double invertedPhraseProb = trans[t].second;
//					// double invertedPhraseLogProb = log(invertedPhraseProb == 0 ? 1e-15 : invertedPhraseProb);
//					double invertedPhraseLogProb = log(invertedPhraseProb);
//					double invertedLexLogProb = getInvertedLexLogProb(first.c_str(), trans[t].first);

					StackItem *nxItem = new StackItem(hiddenSize);
					if(disableRNN == 0)
						nxItem->featVals[0] = curItem->featVals[0] + rnnLogProb;
					if(channelOption & 1)
						double invertedPhraseProb = trans[t].second;
						double invertedPhraseLogProb = log(invertedPhraseProb);
						double invertedLexLogProb = getInvertedLexLogProb(first.c_str(), trans[t].first);
						nxItem->featVals[1] = curItem->featVals[1] + invertedPhraseLogProb;
						nxItem->featVals[2] = curItem->featVals[2] + invertedLexLogProb;
					if(channelOption & 2)
						double phraseProb = transTable->getProbInverted(trans[t].first, first.c_str());
						double phraseLogProb = log(phraseProb);
						double lexLogProb = getLexLogProb(first.c_str(), trans[t].first);
						nxItem->featVals[3] = curItem->featVals[3] + phraseLogProb;
						nxItem->featVals[4] = curItem->featVals[4] + lexLogProb;

					nxItem->posInSent = curItem->posInSent + curWords.size();
					nxItem->word = curWords[curWords.size() - 1];
					nxItem->curTrans = curItem->curTrans;
					for(int ii = 0; ii < (int)curWords.size(); ii ++)
						nxItem->curTrans += " " + curWords[ii];

					nxStack = stacks[i + curWords.size()];

					// it is possible to have the same string during decoding, so no recombination is needed

					// when the stack is full, we need to prune the items
							delete nxItem;
							// when the current value is less than the smallest element in the stack,
							// then other hyposes should be small as they are sorted by cost

	// next we will recompute the cost of the senLen-th stack and it is the senLen-th word in the original sentence
	// add the probability from lastword --> </s>
	vector<pair<string,double> > nextWordProbs;
	for(i = 0; i < stacks[senLen]->size(); i ++)
		StackItem *curItem = stacks[senLen]->get(i);
		// get generation options
		rnnpg->computeNetContext(curItem->word.c_str(), "</s>", curItem->hiddenNeu, contextHiddenNeu[curItem->posInSent],
				newHiddenNeu, nextWordProbs);
		assert(nextWordProbs.size() == 1);
		string nxWd = nextWordProbs[0].first;
		double nxProb = nextWordProbs[0].second;
		curItem->cost = curItem->cost + log(nxProb) * featWeights[0];		// BUG: feature weights should be considered, but not before
		// curItem->cost = curItem->cost + log(nxProb)  ===> curItem->cost = curItem->cost + log(nxProb) * featWeights[0];
		curItem->featVals[0] = curItem->featVals[0] + log(nxProb);
		curItem->curTrans = curItem->curTrans + " " + nxWd;
	if(rerank == 1)

	char strBuf[1024];
	for(i = 0; i < K && i < stacks[senLen]->size(); i ++)
		StackItem *sitem = stacks[senLen]->get(i);
		string pureSent = removeS(sitem->curTrans);
		string featValStr;
		snprintf(strBuf, sizeof(strBuf), " ||| %s |||%s", pureSent.c_str(), featValStr.c_str());

	delete []newHiddenNeu;
	for(i = 0; i <= senLen; i ++)
		delete stacks[i];
	delete []stacks;

	return 0;
Beispiel #5
 * In the first step of implmentation, we do not consider the flush option,
 * although it seems that the results can be improved
int Decoder::decode(vector<string> &prevSents, int stackSize, int K, vector<string> &topSents)
	// cout << "in decode" << endl;
	assert(prevSents.size() > 0);
	vector<string> words;
	split(prevSents[0], " ", words);
	int senLen = words.size();

	// cout << "sentence length = " << senLen << endl;

	rnnpg->getContextHiddenNeu(prevSents, contextHiddenNeu);

	// cout << "get context neuron done" << endl;

	int i, j, k;
	neuron *newHiddenNeu = new neuron[hiddenSize];
	Stack **stacks = new Stack*[senLen + 1];
	for(i = 0; i <= senLen; i ++)
		stacks[i] = new Stack(stackSize, hiddenSize);

	if(rnnpg->getFlushOption() == 2)

	StackItem *sitem = NULL;
	sitem = new StackItem(hiddenSize);
	sitem->posInSent = 0;
	sitem->curTrans = sitem->word = "</s>";
	if(rnnpg->getFlushOption() == 2)

	// now try to consider the previous sentence of the generated sentence
	// try to build a translation table
	vector<string> lwords;
	split(prevSents[prevSents.size() - 1], " ", lwords);

	vector<pair<string,double> > nextWordProbs;
	for(i = 0; i < senLen; i ++)
		Stack *nxStack = stacks[i+1];
		// cout << "i = " << i << ", stack size " << stacks[i]->size() << endl;
		for(j = 0; j < stacks[i]->size(); j ++)
			StackItem *curItem = stacks[i]->get(j);
			// get generation options
			rnnpg->computeNetContext(curItem->word.c_str(), NULL, curItem->hiddenNeu, contextHiddenNeu[curItem->posInSent],
					newHiddenNeu, nextWordProbs);

			// cout << "next words size " << nextWordProbs.size() << endl;
//			TransList *transList = NULL;
//			if(transTable != NULL)
//			{
//				// transList = transTable->getTransList(lwords[i].c_str());
//				if(transList == NULL)
//				{
//					cerr << lwords[i] << " not found in the translation table! impossible!!!" << endl;
//					assert(transList != NULL);
//				}
//			}

			for(k = 0; k < (int)nextWordProbs.size(); k ++)
				string nxWd = nextWordProbs[k].first;
				double nxProb = nextWordProbs[k].second;

//				if(transTable != NULL)
//				{
//					if(!transList->contains(nxWd.c_str()))
//						continue;
//				}

				StackItem *nxItem = new StackItem(hiddenSize);
				nxItem->cost = curItem->cost + log(nxProb);
				nxItem->posInSent = curItem->posInSent + 1;
				nxItem->word = nxWd;
				nxItem->curTrans = curItem->curTrans + " " + nxWd;

				// it is impossible to have the same string during decoding, so no recombination is needed
				// when the stack is full, we need to prune the items
						delete nxItem;
						// when the current value is less than the smallest element in the stack,
						// then other hyposes should be small as they are sorted by cost

	// next we will recompute the cost of the senLen-th stack and it is the senLen-th word in the original sentence
	// add the probability from lastword --> </s>
	for(i = 0; i < stacks[senLen]->size(); i ++)
		StackItem *curItem = stacks[senLen]->get(i);
//		cout << curItem->posInSent << endl;
		// get generation options
		rnnpg->computeNetContext(curItem->word.c_str(), "</s>", curItem->hiddenNeu, contextHiddenNeu[curItem->posInSent],
				newHiddenNeu, nextWordProbs);
		assert(nextWordProbs.size() == 1);
		string nxWd = nextWordProbs[0].first;
		double nxProb = nextWordProbs[0].second;
		curItem->cost = curItem->cost + log(nxProb);
		curItem->curTrans = curItem->curTrans + " " + nxWd;

	char strBuf[1024];
	for(i = 0; i < K && i < stacks[senLen]->size(); i ++)
		StackItem *sitem = stacks[senLen]->get(i);
		string pureSent = removeS(sitem->curTrans);
		snprintf(strBuf, sizeof(strBuf), " ||| %s ||| %f", pureSent.c_str(), sitem->cost);

	delete []newHiddenNeu;
	for(i = 0; i <= senLen; i ++)
		delete stacks[i];
	delete []stacks;

	return 0;
int Decoder::decodeWithConstraits(vector<string> &prevSents, int stackSize, int K, int tonalPatternIndex, vector<string> &topSents)
    cerr << "in decoderWithConstraints, useToneRhythm == false; pingshuiyun table not loaded" << endl;
  assert(prevSents.size() > 0);
  vector<string> words;
  split(prevSents[0], " ", words);
  int senLen = words.size();

  SenTP sentp = tp.getSenTP(senLen, tonalPatternIndex, prevSents.size());

  int maxNGram = transTable->getMaxNGram();

  rnnpg->getContextHiddenNeu(prevSents, contextHiddenNeu);

  int i, j, k, t;
  neuron *newHiddenNeu = new neuron[hiddenSize];
  Stack **stacks = new Stack*[senLen + 1];
  for(i = 0; i < senLen; i ++)
    stacks[i] = new Stack(stackSize, hiddenSize);
  stacks[senLen] = new Stack(K > stackSize ? K : stackSize, hiddenSize);

  if(rnnpg->getFlushOption() == 2)

  StackItem *sitem = NULL;
  sitem = new StackItem(hiddenSize);
  sitem->posInSent = 0;
  sitem->curTrans = sitem->word = "</s>";
  if(rnnpg->getFlushOption() == 2)

  // try to consider previous generated words, no repeatition is allowed
  set<string> prevWords;
  loadPreviousWords(prevSents, prevWords);

  // now try to consider the previous sentence of the generated sentence
  // try to build a translation table
  vector<string> lwords;
  split(prevSents[prevSents.size() - 1], " ", lwords);

  vector<pair<char*,double> > trans;
  for(i = 0; i < senLen; i ++)
    // Stack *nxStack = stacks[i+1];
    Stack *nxStack = NULL;
    if( i ==0 ){ //TODO Add

      vector<string> curWords;

      StackItem *curItem = stacks[i]->get(0);
      double rnnLogProb;
      rnnLogProb = rnnpg->computeNetContext(curItem->word.c_str(), curItem->posInSent, curWords, curItem->hiddenNeu, contextHiddenNeu, newHiddenNeu);

      StackItem *nxItem = new StackItem(hiddenSize);
      nxItem->tonalPattern = curItem->tonalPattern;
      nxItem->validPos = curItem->validPos;
      nxItem->curTPIdx = tonalPatternIndex;
      nxItem->featVals[0] = curItem->featVals[0];
      nxItem->featVals[1] = curItem->featVals[1];
      nxItem->featVals[2] = curItem->featVals[2];
      nxItem->featVals[3] = curItem->featVals[3];
      nxItem->featVals[4] = curItem->featVals[4];
      nxItem->featVals[5] = curItem->featVals[5];
      nxItem->posInSent = curItem->posInSent + curWords.size();
      nxItem->word = curWords[curWords.size() - 1];
      nxItem->curTrans = curItem->curTrans;
      nxItem->curTrans += " " + curWords[0];
      nxStack = stacks[i + curWords.size()];


    for(j = 0; j < stacks[i]->size(); j ++)
      StackItem *curItem = stacks[i]->get(j);
      string first = "";
      vector<string> curWords;
      for(k = 0; k < maxNGram && i + k < senLen; k ++)

        if(k != 0) first.append(" "); 


        transTable->getAllTrans(first.c_str(), trans);

        // check tonal pattern constraints
        for(t = 0; t < (int)trans.size(); t ++)
            string second = trans[t].first;
            split(trans[t].first, " ", curWords);

//          // same words in current sentence but no next to each other
//          if(badRepeat(curItem->curTrans, second))
//            continue;
//          // words have been used in previous sentence
//          if(containUsedWords(prevWords, second))
//            continue;

          if(repeatGT(curItem->curTrans, second, 2))

          // check tonal pattern and the rhyme scheme
          int cIdx;
          int tonalPattern = curItem->tonalPattern;
          int validPos = curItem->validPos;

          for(cIdx = 0; cIdx < curWords.size(); cIdx ++)
            string ch = curWords[cIdx];
            int tone = tr.getTone(ch);
            int base = 1 << (i+cIdx);
            if(tone == PING)
              validPos = validPos | base;
            else if(tone == ZE)
              validPos = validPos | base;
              tonalPattern = tonalPattern | base;

          if(!sentp.isValidPattern(tonalPattern, validPos))
          // check tonal pattern done

          // check rhyming constraints
          int transLen = getPhraseLen(curItem->curTrans.c_str()) - 1;    // be careful the </s>

          if(transLen + curWords.size() == senLen && prevSents.size() == 1)
            string cLastCh = curWords[curWords.size()-1];
            AncChar cch;
            if(!tr.getRhythm(cLastCh, cch))
          if(transLen + curWords.size() == senLen && prevSents.size() == 3)
            string secSen = prevSents[1];
            vector<string> secChars;
            split(secSen, " ", secChars);
            string lastCh = secChars[secChars.size()-1];
            AncChar lch;
            if(!tr.getRhythm(lastCh, lch))

            string cLastCh = curWords[curWords.size()-1];
            AncChar cch;
            if(!tr.getRhythm(cLastCh, cch))

            if(lastCh == cLastCh)
//            cout << lch.toString() << " -- " << cch.toString() << endl;
//            cout << "transLen = " << transLen << ", " << endl;
//            cout << curItem->curTrans << endl;
//            printsvec(curWords);
          // check rhyming constraints done

          // update feature weights
          double rnnLogProb = 0;
          if(interpolateWeight == 0){
            rnnLogProb = rnnpg->computeNetContext(curItem->word.c_str(), curItem->posInSent, curWords, curItem->hiddenNeu, contextHiddenNeu, newHiddenNeu);
            assert(kenlm != NULL);
            vector<double> knProbs;

            getLMLogProb(curItem->curTrans, curWords, knProbs);
            rnnLogProb = rnnpg->computeNetContext(curItem->word.c_str(), curItem->posInSent, curWords, curItem->hiddenNeu, contextHiddenNeu, newHiddenNeu, knProbs, interpolateWeight);

          StackItem *nxItem = new StackItem(hiddenSize);

          // update tonalPattern and validPos
          nxItem->tonalPattern = tonalPattern;
          nxItem->validPos = validPos;
          nxItem->curTPIdx = tonalPatternIndex;

          if(disableRNN == 0){
            nxItem->featVals[0] = curItem->featVals[0] + rnnLogProb;
          if(channelOption & 1)
            double invertedPhraseProb = trans[t].second;
            double invertedPhraseLogProb = log(invertedPhraseProb);
            double invertedLexLogProb = getInvertedLexLogProb(first.c_str(), trans[t].first);
            nxItem->featVals[1] = curItem->featVals[1] + invertedPhraseLogProb;
            nxItem->featVals[2] = curItem->featVals[2] + invertedLexLogProb;
          if(channelOption & 2)
            double phraseProb = transTable->getProbInverted(trans[t].first, first.c_str());
            double phraseLogProb = log(phraseProb);
            double lexLogProb = getLexLogProb(first.c_str(), trans[t].first);
            nxItem->featVals[3] = curItem->featVals[3] + phraseLogProb;
            nxItem->featVals[4] = curItem->featVals[4] + lexLogProb;

          if(posProb != NULL)
            double posLogProb = getLogPosProb(trans[t].first, curItem->posInSent, senLen);
            nxItem->featVals[5] = curItem->featVals[5] + posLogProb;

          if(kenlm != NULL && ngramFeatureOn)
            double lmLogProb = getLMLogProb(curItem->curTrans, curWords);
            nxItem->featVals[6] = curItem->featVals[6] + lmLogProb;


          nxItem->posInSent = curItem->posInSent + curWords.size();
          nxItem->word = curWords[curWords.size() - 1];
          nxItem->curTrans = curItem->curTrans;
          for(int ii = 0; ii < (int)curWords.size(); ii ++){
            nxItem->curTrans += " " + curWords[ii];

          nxStack = stacks[i + curWords.size()];

          // it is possible to have the same string during decoding, so recombination is needed

          // when the stack is full, we need to prune the items
              delete nxItem;
              // when the current value is less than the smallest element in the stack,
              // then other hyposes should be small as they are sorted by cost

  // next we will recompute the cost of the senLen-th stack and it is the senLen-th word in the original sentence
  // add the probability from lastword --> </s>
  vector<pair<string,double> > nextWordProbs;

  for(i = 0; i < stacks[senLen]->size(); i ++)
    StackItem *curItem = stacks[senLen]->get(i);
    vector<string> curWords;
    double rnnLogProb;
    if(interpolateWeight == 0)
      rnnLogProb = rnnpg->computeNetContext(curItem->word.c_str(), curItem->posInSent, curWords, curItem->hiddenNeu,
          contextHiddenNeu, newHiddenNeu);
      assert(kenlm != NULL);
      vector<double> knProbs;

      getLMLogProb(curItem->curTrans, curWords, knProbs);
      rnnLogProb = rnnpg->computeNetContext(curItem->word.c_str(), curItem->posInSent, curWords, curItem->hiddenNeu,
          contextHiddenNeu, newHiddenNeu, knProbs, interpolateWeight);

    if(disableRNN == 0)
      curItem->featVals[0] = curItem->featVals[0] + rnnLogProb;

    if(kenlm != NULL && ngramFeatureOn)

    //  cout << "curTrans 8:" << sitem->curTrans << endl;
      double lmLogProb = getLMLogProb(curItem->curTrans, curWords);
      curItem->featVals[6] = curItem->featVals[6] + lmLogProb;


    //cout << "curTrans 9:" << sitem->curTrans << endl;
    curItem->curTrans = curItem->curTrans + " </s>";

  if(rerank == 1)

  char strBuf[1024];

  for(i = 0; i < K && i < stacks[senLen]->size(); i ++)
    StackItem *sitem = stacks[senLen]->get(i);
    string pureSent = removeS(sitem->curTrans);
//    string featValStr;
//    sitem->getFeatValString(featValStr);
    snprintf(strBuf, sizeof(strBuf), " ||| %s |||%s", pureSent.c_str(), sitem->toSubsequentSentString(senLen, sentp).c_str());

  delete []newHiddenNeu;
  for(i = 0; i <= senLen; i ++)
    delete stacks[i];
  delete []stacks;

  return 0;