Beispiel #1
void R_scantwo_imp(int *n_ind, int *same_chr, int *n_pos1, int *n_pos2, 
		   int *n_gen1, int *n_gen2, int *n_draws, int *draws1, 
		   int *draws2, double *addcov, int *n_addcov, 
		   double *intcov, int *n_intcov, double *pheno, int *nphe, 
		   double *weights, double *result, int *n_col2drop,
		   int *col2drop)
  int ***Draws1, ***Draws2;
  double **Addcov, **Intcov;

  /* reorganize draws */
  reorg_draws(*n_ind, *n_pos1, *n_draws, draws1, &Draws1);
  if(!(*same_chr)) reorg_draws(*n_ind, *n_pos2, *n_draws, draws2, &Draws2);

  /* reorganize addcov and intcov (if they are not empty) */
  /* currently reorg_geno function is used to reorganized the data */
  if(*n_addcov != 0) reorg_errlod(*n_ind, *n_addcov, addcov, &Addcov);
  if(*n_intcov != 0) reorg_errlod(*n_ind, *n_intcov, intcov, &Intcov);

  /* call the engine function scantwo_imp */
  scantwo_imp(*n_ind, *same_chr, *n_pos1, *n_pos2, *n_gen1, *n_gen2, 
	      *n_draws, Draws1, Draws2, Addcov, *n_addcov, 
	      Intcov, *n_intcov, pheno, *nphe, weights, result,
	      *n_col2drop, col2drop);
Beispiel #2
void R_scantwo_2chr_em(int *n_ind, int *n_pos1, int *n_pos2, 
		       int *n_gen1, int *n_gen2, double *genoprob1,
		       double *genoprob2, double *addcov, int *n_addcov, 
		       double *intcov, int *n_intcov, 
		       double *pheno, double *weights,
		       double *result_full, double *result_add,
		       int *maxit, double *tol, int *verbose)
  double **Result_full, **Result_add, **Addcov=0, **Intcov=0;
  double ***Genoprob1, ***Genoprob2;

  reorg_genoprob(*n_ind, *n_pos1, *n_gen1, genoprob1, &Genoprob1);
  reorg_genoprob(*n_ind, *n_pos2, *n_gen2, genoprob2, &Genoprob2);
  reorg_errlod(*n_pos1, *n_pos2, result_full, &Result_full);
  reorg_errlod(*n_pos1, *n_pos2, result_add, &Result_add);

  /* reorganize addcov and intcov (if they are not empty) */
  if(*n_addcov > 0) reorg_errlod(*n_ind, *n_addcov, addcov, &Addcov);
  if(*n_intcov > 0) reorg_errlod(*n_ind, *n_intcov, intcov, &Intcov);

  scantwo_2chr_em(*n_ind, *n_pos1, *n_pos2, *n_gen1, *n_gen2,
		  Genoprob1, Genoprob2, Addcov, *n_addcov, 
		  Intcov, *n_intcov, pheno, weights, 
		  Result_full, Result_add, 
		  *maxit, *tol, *verbose);
Beispiel #3
/* wrapper for calcPermPval */
void R_calcPermPval(double *peaks, int *nc_peaks, int *nr_peaks,
		    double *perms, int *n_perms, double *pval)
  double **Peaks, **Perms, **Pval;
  reorg_errlod(*nr_peaks, *nc_peaks, peaks, &Peaks);
  reorg_errlod(*n_perms, *nc_peaks, perms, &Perms);
  reorg_errlod(*nr_peaks, *nc_peaks, pval, &Pval);

  calcPermPval(Peaks, *nc_peaks, *nr_peaks, Perms, *n_perms, Pval);
Beispiel #4
void R_discan_covar(int *n_ind, int *n_pos, int *n_gen, 
		    double *genoprob, double *addcov, int *n_addcov,
		    double *intcov, int *n_intcov, int *pheno, 
		    double *start, double *result, int *maxit, double *tol, 
		    int *verbose, int *ind_noqtl)
  double ***Genoprob, **Addcov, **Intcov;

  reorg_genoprob(*n_ind, *n_pos, *n_gen, genoprob, &Genoprob);
  if(*n_addcov > 0) reorg_errlod(*n_ind, *n_addcov, addcov, &Addcov);
  if(*n_intcov > 0) reorg_errlod(*n_ind, *n_intcov, intcov, &Intcov);
  discan_covar(*n_ind, *n_pos, *n_gen, Genoprob, 
	       Addcov, *n_addcov, Intcov, *n_intcov, pheno,
	       start, result, *maxit, *tol, *verbose, ind_noqtl);
void R_fitqtl_hk_binary(int *n_ind, int *n_qtl, int *n_gen, 
			double *genoprob, int *n_cov, double *cov, int *model, 
			int *n_int, double *pheno, int *get_ests,
			/* return variables */
			double *lod, int *df, double *ests, double *ests_covar,
			double *design_mat, 
			/* convergence */
			double *tol, int *maxit)
  double ***Genoprob=0, **Cov;
  int tot_gen, i, j, curpos;

  /* reorganize genotype probabilities */
  if(*n_qtl > 0) {
    Genoprob = (double ***)R_alloc(*n_qtl, sizeof(double **));
    tot_gen = 0;
    for(i=0; i < *n_qtl; i++)
      tot_gen += (n_gen[i]+1);
    Genoprob[0] = (double **)R_alloc(tot_gen, sizeof(double *));
    for(i=1; i < *n_qtl; i++)
      Genoprob[i] = Genoprob[i-1] + (n_gen[i-1]+1);
    for(i=0, curpos=0; i < *n_qtl; i++) 
      for(j=0; j<n_gen[i]+1; j++, curpos += *n_ind)
	Genoprob[i][j] = genoprob + curpos;

  /* reorganize cov (if they are not empty) */
  /* currently reorg_errlod function is used to reorganize the data */
  if(*n_cov != 0) reorg_errlod(*n_ind, *n_cov, cov, &Cov);

  fitqtl_hk_binary(*n_ind, *n_qtl, n_gen, Genoprob, 
		   Cov, *n_cov, model, *n_int, pheno, *get_ests, lod, df,
		   ests, ests_covar, design_mat, *tol, *maxit); 
void fitqtl_hk_binary(int n_ind, int n_qtl, int *n_gen, double ***Genoprob,
		      double **Cov, int n_cov, 
		      int *model, int n_int, double *pheno, int get_ests,
		      double *lod, int *df, double *ests, double *ests_covar,
		      double *design_mat, double tol, int maxit) 

  /* create local variables */
  int i, j, n_qc, itmp; /* loop variants and temp variables */
  double llik, llik0;
  double *dwork, **Ests_covar;
  int *iwork, sizefull;

  /* initialization */
  sizefull = 1;

  /* calculate the dimension of the design matrix for full model */
  n_qc = n_qtl+n_cov; /* total number of QTLs and covariates */
  /* for additive QTLs and covariates*/
  for(i=0; i<n_qc; i++)
    sizefull += n_gen[i];
  /* for interactions, loop thru all interactions */
  for(i=0; i<n_int; i++) { 
    for(j=0, itmp=1; j<n_qc; j++) {
	itmp *= n_gen[j];
    sizefull += itmp; 

  /* reorganize Ests_covar for easy use later */
  /* and make space for estimates and covariance matrix */
    reorg_errlod(sizefull, sizefull, ests_covar, &Ests_covar);

  /* allocate memory for working arrays, total memory is
     sizefull*n_ind+6*n_ind+4*sizefull for double array, 
     and sizefull for integer array.
     All memory will be allocated one time and split later */
  dwork = (double *)R_alloc(sizefull*n_ind+6*n_ind+4*sizefull,
  iwork = (int *)R_alloc(sizefull, sizeof(int));

  /* calculate null model log10 likelihood */
  llik0 = nullLODbin(pheno, n_ind);

  R_CheckUserInterrupt(); /* check for ^C */

  /* fit the model */
  llik = galtLODHKbin(pheno, n_ind, n_gen, n_qtl, Genoprob,
		      Cov, n_cov, model, n_int, dwork, iwork, 
		      sizefull, get_ests, ests, Ests_covar,
		      design_mat, tol, maxit);

  *lod = llik - llik0;

  /* degree of freedom equals to the number of columns of x minus 1 (mean) */
  *df = sizefull - 1;
Beispiel #7
void R_scanone_mr(int *n_ind, int *n_pos, int *n_gen, int *geno, 
		  double *addcov, int *n_addcov, double *intcov, 
		  int *n_intcov, double *pheno, double *weights, 
		  double *result)
  int **Geno;
  double **Addcov=0, **Intcov=0;

  reorg_geno(*n_ind, *n_pos, geno, &Geno);

  /* reorganize addcov and intcov (if they are not empty) */
  if(*n_addcov > 0) reorg_errlod(*n_ind, *n_addcov, addcov, &Addcov);
  if(*n_intcov > 0) reorg_errlod(*n_ind, *n_intcov, intcov, &Intcov);

  scanone_mr(*n_ind, *n_pos, *n_gen, Geno, Addcov, *n_addcov,
	     Intcov, *n_intcov, pheno, weights, result);
Beispiel #8
void R_scantwo_1chr_em(int *n_ind, int *n_pos, int *n_gen,
		       double *pairprob, double *addcov, int *n_addcov, 
		       double *intcov, int *n_intcov, 
		       double *pheno, double *weights, double *result,
		       int *maxit, double *tol, int *verbose,
		       int *n_col2drop, int *col2drop)
  double **Result, **Addcov=0, **Intcov=0, *****Pairprob;

  reorg_pairprob(*n_ind, *n_pos, *n_gen, pairprob, &Pairprob);
  reorg_errlod(*n_pos, *n_pos, result, &Result);

  /* reorganize addcov and intcov (if they are not empty) */
  if(*n_addcov > 0) reorg_errlod(*n_ind, *n_addcov, addcov, &Addcov);
  if(*n_intcov > 0) reorg_errlod(*n_ind, *n_intcov, intcov, &Intcov);

  scantwo_1chr_em(*n_ind, *n_pos, *n_gen, Pairprob, 
		  Addcov, *n_addcov, Intcov, *n_intcov, 
		  pheno, weights, Result, *maxit, *tol, *verbose,
		  *n_col2drop, col2drop);
Beispiel #9
void R_locate_xo(int *n_ind, int *n_mar, int *type,
		 int *geno, double *map, 
		 double *location, int *nseen,
		 int *ileft, int *iright, double *left, double *right,
		 int *ntyped, int *full_info)
  int **Geno, **iLeft, **iRight, **nTyped;
  double **Location, **Left, **Right;

  reorg_geno(*n_ind, *n_mar, geno, &Geno);
  reorg_errlod(*n_ind, (*type+1)*(*n_mar-1), location, &Location);
  if(*full_info) {
    reorg_errlod(*n_ind, (*type+1)*(*n_mar-1), left, &Left);
    reorg_errlod(*n_ind, (*type+1)*(*n_mar-1), right, &Right);
    reorg_geno(*n_ind, (*type+1)*(*n_mar-1), ileft, &iLeft);
    reorg_geno(*n_ind, (*type+1)*(*n_mar-1), iright, &iRight);
    reorg_geno(*n_ind, (*type+1)*(*n_mar-1), ntyped, &nTyped);

  locate_xo(*n_ind, *n_mar, *type, Geno, map, Location,
	    nseen, iLeft, iRight, Left, Right, nTyped, *full_info);
Beispiel #10
void R_scanone_imp(int *n_ind, int *n_pos, int *n_gen, int *n_draws, 
		   int *draws, double *addcov, int *n_addcov, 
		   double *intcov, int *n_intcov, double *pheno, 
		   int *nphe, double *weights,
		   double *result, int *ind_noqtl)
  /* reorganize draws */
  int ***Draws;
  double **Addcov, **Intcov, **Result;
  reorg_draws(*n_ind, *n_pos, *n_draws, draws, &Draws);
  reorg_errlod(*n_pos, *nphe, result, &Result); 

  /* reorganize addcov and intcov (if they are not empty) */
  /* currently reorg_errlod function is used to reorganize the data */
  if(*n_addcov != 0) reorg_errlod(*n_ind, *n_addcov, addcov, &Addcov);
  if(*n_intcov != 0) reorg_errlod(*n_ind, *n_intcov, intcov, &Intcov);
  scanone_imp(*n_ind, *n_pos, *n_gen, *n_draws, Draws, 
	      Addcov, *n_addcov, Intcov, *n_intcov, pheno, *nphe, weights,
	      Result, ind_noqtl);
Beispiel #11
void R_scantwo_1chr_hk(int *n_ind, int *n_pos, int *n_gen,
                       double *genoprob, double *pairprob,
                       double *addcov, int *n_addcov,
                       double *intcov, int *n_intcov,
                       double *pheno, int* nphe, double *weights,
                       double *result, int *n_col2drop, int *col2drop)
    double ***Genoprob, ***Result, **Addcov=0, **Intcov=0, *****Pairprob;

    reorg_genoprob(*n_ind, *n_pos, *n_gen, genoprob, &Genoprob);
    reorg_pairprob(*n_ind, *n_pos, *n_gen, pairprob, &Pairprob);
    reorg_genoprob(*n_pos, *n_pos, *nphe, result, &Result);

    /* reorganize addcov and intcov (if they are not empty) */
    if(*n_addcov > 0) reorg_errlod(*n_ind, *n_addcov, addcov, &Addcov);
    if(*n_intcov > 0) reorg_errlod(*n_ind, *n_intcov, intcov, &Intcov);

    scantwo_1chr_hk(*n_ind, *n_pos, *n_gen, Genoprob, Pairprob,
                    Addcov, *n_addcov, Intcov, *n_intcov,
                    pheno, *nphe, weights, Result, *n_col2drop,
Beispiel #12
void est_rf_bc(int *n_ind, int *n_mar, int *geno, double *rf) 
  int i, j1, j2, **Geno, a, b;
  double **Rf;

  /* reorganize geno and rf */
  reorg_geno(*n_ind, *n_mar, geno, &Geno);
  reorg_errlod(*n_mar, *n_mar, rf, &Rf);

  for(j1=0; j1< *n_mar; j1++) {

    /* count meioses */
    a = 0;
    for(i=0; i < *n_ind; i++) {
      if(Geno[j1][i] != 0) a++;
    Rf[j1][j1] = (double) a;

    for(j2=j1+1; j2< *n_mar; j2++) {
      for(i=0; i< *n_ind; i++) {
	if(Geno[j1][i] != 0 && Geno[j2][i] != 0) {
	  if(Geno[j1][i] != Geno[j2][i]) b++;
      if(a != 0) { /* at least one informative meiosis */ 
	/*	if(b > a/2) b = a/2; */

	Rf[j1][j2] = (double)b/(double)a;
	if(b==0) /* no recombinations */
	  Rf[j2][j1] = (double)a*log10(1.0-Rf[j1][j2]);
	  Rf[j2][j1] = (double)b*log10(Rf[j1][j2]) +
	Rf[j2][j1] += (double)a*log10(2.0);

      else {
	Rf[j1][j2] = NA_REAL;
	Rf[j2][j1] = 0.0;

    } /* end loops over markers */
Beispiel #13
void R_fitqtl_imp(int *n_ind, int *n_qtl, int *n_gen, int *n_draws,
                  int *draws, int *n_cov, double *cov, int *model,
                  int *n_int, double *pheno, int *get_ests,
                  /* return variables */
                  double *lod, int *df, double *ests, double *ests_covar,
                  double *design_mat, int *matrix_rank, double *residuals)
    int ***Draws;
    double **Cov=0;

    /* reorganize draws */
    reorg_draws(*n_ind, *n_qtl, *n_draws, draws, &Draws);

    /* reorganize cov (if they are not empty) */
    /* currently reorg_errlod function is used to reorganize the data */
    if(*n_cov != 0) reorg_errlod(*n_ind, *n_cov, cov, &Cov);

    fitqtl_imp(*n_ind, *n_qtl, n_gen, *n_draws, Draws,
               Cov, *n_cov, model, *n_int, pheno, *get_ests, lod, df,
               ests, ests_covar, design_mat, matrix_rank, residuals);
Beispiel #14
void calc_errorlod(int n_ind, int n_mar, int n_gen, int *geno,
                   double error_prob, double *genoprob, double *errlod,
                   double errorlod(int, double *, double))
    int i, j, k, **Geno;
    double *p, ***Genoprob, **Errlod;

    /* reorganize geno, genoprob and errlod */
    reorg_geno(n_ind, n_mar, geno, &Geno);
    reorg_genoprob(n_ind, n_mar, n_gen, genoprob, &Genoprob);
    reorg_errlod(n_ind, n_mar, errlod, &Errlod);
    allocate_double(n_gen, &p);

    for(i=0; i<n_ind; i++) {
        R_CheckUserInterrupt(); /* check for ^C */

        for(j=0; j<n_mar; j++) {
            for(k=0; k<n_gen; k++) p[k] = Genoprob[k][j][i];
            Errlod[j][i] = errorlod(Geno[j][i], p, error_prob);

Beispiel #15
void R_summary_scantwo(int *n_pos, int *n_phe, double *lod, int *n_chr, 
		       int *chr, double *pos, int *xchr, double *scanoneX, 
		       int *n_chrpair, int *chr1, int *chr2, int *chrpair, 
		       double *pos1_jnt, double *pos2_jnt, 
		       double *pos1_add, double *pos2_add,
		       double *pos1_int, double *pos2_int, 
		       double *jnt_lod_full, double *jnt_lod_add, 
		       double *add_lod_full, double *add_lod_add, 
		       double *int_lod_full, double *int_lod_add, 
		       double *lod_1qtl)
  double ***Lod, **ScanoneX;
  double **Pos1_jnt, **Pos2_jnt;
  double **Pos1_add, **Pos2_add;
  double **Pos1_int, **Pos2_int;
  double **JNT_lod_full, **JNT_lod_add;
  double **ADD_lod_full, **ADD_lod_add;
  double **INT_lod_full, **INT_lod_add;
  double **LOD_1qtl;
  int i, j, k, **Chrpair;

  *n_chrpair = *n_chr*(*n_chr+1)/2;
  /* re-organize matrices */
  reorg_genoprob(*n_pos, *n_pos, *n_phe, lod, &Lod);
  reorg_errlod(*n_chrpair, *n_phe, pos1_jnt, &Pos1_jnt);
  reorg_errlod(*n_chrpair, *n_phe, pos2_jnt, &Pos2_jnt);
  reorg_errlod(*n_chrpair, *n_phe, pos1_add, &Pos1_add);
  reorg_errlod(*n_chrpair, *n_phe, pos2_add, &Pos2_add);
  reorg_errlod(*n_chrpair, *n_phe, pos1_int, &Pos1_int);
  reorg_errlod(*n_chrpair, *n_phe, pos2_int, &Pos2_int);
  reorg_errlod(*n_chrpair, *n_phe, jnt_lod_full, &JNT_lod_full);
  reorg_errlod(*n_chrpair, *n_phe, jnt_lod_add, &JNT_lod_add);
  reorg_errlod(*n_chrpair, *n_phe, add_lod_full, &ADD_lod_full);
  reorg_errlod(*n_chrpair, *n_phe, add_lod_add, &ADD_lod_add);
  reorg_errlod(*n_chrpair, *n_phe, int_lod_full, &INT_lod_full);
  reorg_errlod(*n_chrpair, *n_phe, int_lod_add, &INT_lod_add);
  reorg_errlod(*n_chrpair, *n_phe, lod_1qtl, &LOD_1qtl);
  reorg_errlod(*n_pos, *n_phe, scanoneX, &ScanoneX);
  reorg_geno(*n_chr, *n_chr, chrpair, &Chrpair);

  for(i=0, k=0; i<*n_chr; i++) {
    for(j=i; j<*n_chr; j++, k++) {
      chr1[k] = i;
      chr2[k] = j;
      Chrpair[j][i] = Chrpair[i][j] = k;

  summary_scantwo(*n_pos, *n_phe, Lod, *n_chr, chr, pos, xchr, 
		  ScanoneX, *n_chrpair, Chrpair, 
		  Pos1_jnt, Pos2_jnt,
		  Pos1_add, Pos2_add, 
		  Pos1_int, Pos2_int, 
		  JNT_lod_full, JNT_lod_add,
		  ADD_lod_full, ADD_lod_add,
		  INT_lod_full, INT_lod_add,
Beispiel #16
void scantwo_2chr_em(int n_ind, int n_pos1, int n_pos2, int n_gen1, 
		     int n_gen2, double ***Genoprob1, double ***Genoprob2,
		     double **Addcov, int n_addcov, double **Intcov, 
		     int n_intcov, double *pheno, double *weights,
		     double **Result_full, double **Result_add, 
		     int maxit, double tol, int verbose)
  int error_flag, i, i1, i2, k1, k2, j, m, n_col[2], nit[2], r, flag=0;
  double *param, *oldparam, ***Wts12, **Wts1, **Wts2;
  double *wts, *work1, *work2, temp, ***Probs, oldllik=0.0, llik[2], sw;
  int n_col2drop=0, *allcol2drop=0;

  n_col[0] = (n_gen1+n_gen2-1) + n_addcov + (n_gen1+n_gen2-2)*n_intcov;
  n_col[1] = n_gen1*n_gen2 + n_addcov + (n_gen1*n_gen2-1)*n_intcov;

  /* allocate workspaces */
  wts = (double *)R_alloc((2*n_gen1*n_gen2+n_gen1+n_gen2)*n_ind, sizeof(double));
  reorg_errlod(n_ind, n_gen1, wts, &Wts1);
  reorg_errlod(n_ind, n_gen2, wts+n_gen1*n_ind, &Wts2);
  reorg_genoprob(n_ind, n_gen2, n_gen1, wts+(n_gen1+n_gen2)*n_ind, &Wts12);
  reorg_genoprob(n_ind, n_gen2, n_gen1, 
		 wts+(n_gen1*n_gen2+n_gen1+n_gen2)*n_ind, &Probs);
  work1 = (double *)R_alloc(n_col[1]*n_col[1], sizeof(double));
  work2 = (double *)R_alloc(n_col[1], sizeof(double));
  param = (double *)R_alloc(n_col[1]+1, sizeof(double));
  oldparam = (double *)R_alloc(n_col[1]+1, sizeof(double));
  /* recenter phenotype to have mean 0, for 
     possibly increased numerical stability */
  for(j=0, temp=0.0; j<n_ind; j++) temp += pheno[j];
  temp /= (double)n_ind;
  for(j=0; j<n_ind; j++) pheno[j] -= temp;

  /* adjust phenotypes and covariates with weights */
  /* Note: weights are actually sqrt(weights) */
  sw = 0.0;
  for(i=0; i<n_ind; i++) {
    pheno[i] *= weights[i];
    for(j=0; j<n_addcov; j++) Addcov[j][i] *= weights[i];
    for(j=0; j<n_intcov; j++) Intcov[j][i] *= weights[i];
    sw += log(weights[i]);   /* sum of log weights */
  sw /= log(10.0); /* make log 10 */

  /* begin loop over pairs of positions */
  for(i1=0; i1<n_pos1; i1++) {
    for(i2=0; i2<n_pos2; i2++) { /* loop over positions */
      nit[0] = nit[1] = 0;
      llik[0] = llik[1] = NA_REAL;

      /* copy the parts from Pairprob into Probs */
      for(j=0; j<n_ind; j++) 
	for(k1=0; k1<n_gen1; k1++)
	  for(k2=0; k2<n_gen2; k2++)
	    Probs[k1][k2][j] = Genoprob1[k1][i1][j]*Genoprob2[k2][i2][j];

      for(m=0; m<2; m++) { /* loop over add've model and full model */
	/* initial estimates */
	/* marginal probabilities */
	for(j=0; j<n_ind; j++) {
	  for(k1=0; k1<n_gen1; k1++) {
	    Wts1[k1][j] = 0.0;
	    for(k2=0; k2<n_gen2; k2++) 
	      Wts1[k1][j] += Probs[k1][k2][j];
	  for(k2=0; k2<n_gen2; k2++) {
	    Wts2[k2][j] = 0.0;
	    for(k1=0; k1<n_gen1; k1++)
	      Wts2[k2][j] += Probs[k1][k2][j];
	scantwo_em_mstep(n_ind, n_gen1, n_gen2, Addcov, n_addcov, 
			 Intcov, n_intcov, pheno, weights, Probs, Wts1, Wts2,
			 oldparam, m, work1, work2, &error_flag,
			 n_col2drop, allcol2drop, verbose);

	if(error_flag) {
	    Rprintf("   [%3d %3d] %1d: Initial model had error.\n",
		    i1+1, i2+1, m+1);
	else { /* only proceed if there's no error */
	  oldllik = scantwo_em_loglik(n_ind, n_gen1, n_gen2, Probs, Wts12, 
				      Wts1, Wts2, Addcov, n_addcov, Intcov, 
				      n_intcov, pheno, weights, oldparam, m,
				      n_col2drop, allcol2drop);

	    Rprintf("   [%3d %3d] %1d %9.3lf\n", 
		    i1+1, i2+1, m+1, oldllik);
	  for(r=0; r<maxit; r++) { /* loop over iterations */
	    R_CheckUserInterrupt(); /* check for ^C */

	    scantwo_em_estep(n_ind, n_gen1, n_gen2, Probs, Wts12, 
			     Wts1, Wts2, Addcov, n_addcov, Intcov, 
			     n_intcov, pheno, weights, oldparam, m, 1,
			     n_col2drop, allcol2drop);

	    scantwo_em_mstep(n_ind, n_gen1, n_gen2, Addcov, n_addcov, 
			     Intcov, n_intcov, pheno, weights, Wts12, Wts1, 
			     Wts2, param, m, work1, work2, &error_flag,
			     n_col2drop, allcol2drop, verbose);
	    if(error_flag) {
		Rprintf("   [%3d %3d] %1d %4d: Error in mstep\n",
			i1+1, i2+1, m+1, r+1);

	    llik[m] = scantwo_em_loglik(n_ind, n_gen1, n_gen2, Probs, Wts12, 
					Wts1, Wts2, Addcov, n_addcov, Intcov, 
					n_intcov, pheno, weights, param, m,
					n_col2drop, allcol2drop);

	    if(verbose>1) { /* print log likelihood */
		Rprintf("   [%3d %3d] %1d %4d %9.6lf\n", 
			i1+1, i2+1, m+1, r+1, (llik[m]-oldllik));
	      if(llik[m] < oldllik-tol) 
		Rprintf("** [%3d %3d] %1d %4d %9.6lf **\n",
			i1+1, i2+1, m+1, r+1, (llik[m]-oldllik));

	      if(verbose>3) { /* print parameters */
		for(j=0; j<n_col[m]; j++) 
		  Rprintf(" %7.3lf", param[j]);
	    flag = 1;
	    /* use log likelihood only to check for convergence */
	    if(llik[m]-oldllik < tol) { 
	      flag = 0; 

	    for(j=0; j<n_col[m]+1; j++) oldparam[j] = param[j];
	    oldllik = llik[m];

	  } /* loop over EM iterations */
	  nit[m] = r+1;
	  if(flag) {
	      Rprintf("** [%3d %3d] %1d Didn't converge! **\n",
		      i1+1, i2+1, m+1);
	    warning("Didn't converge!\n");

	} /* no error in getting initial estimates */
      } /* loop over model */ 

      if(verbose>1) { /* print likelihoods */
	Rprintf("   [%3d %3d]    %4d %4d    %9.6lf", 
		i1+1, i2+1, nit[0], nit[1], llik[1]-llik[0]);
	if(llik[1] < llik[0]) Rprintf(" ****");

      Result_add[i2][i1] = -(llik[0]+sw);
      Result_full[i2][i1] = -(llik[1]+sw);  /* sw = sum[log10(weights)] */

    } /* position 2 */
  } /* position 1 */
Beispiel #17
double discan_covar_em(int n_ind, int pos, int n_gen, int n_par,
		       double ***Genoprob, double **Addcov, int n_addcov,
		       double **Intcov, int n_intcov, int *pheno, 
		       double *start, int maxit, double tol, int verbose,
		       int *ind_noqtl)
  int i, j, k, kk, s, offset;
  double *jac, **Jac, *grad;
  double *temp, **wts;
  double fit, **temp1, **temp2;
  double *temp1s, *temp2s;
  double *newpar, *curpar;
  double newllik=0.0, curllik, sum;
  int info;
  double rcond, *junk;

  /* allocate space */
  allocate_double(n_par*n_par, &jac);
  reorg_errlod(n_par, n_par, jac, &Jac);
  allocate_double(n_par, &grad);
  allocate_double(n_ind*n_gen, &temp);
  reorg_errlod(n_gen, n_ind, temp, &wts);
  allocate_double(n_ind*n_gen, &temp);
  reorg_errlod(n_gen, n_ind, temp, &temp1);
  allocate_double(n_ind*n_gen, &temp);
  reorg_errlod(n_gen, n_ind, temp, &temp2);
  allocate_double(n_ind, &temp1s);
  allocate_double(n_ind, &temp2s);
  allocate_double(n_par, &newpar);
  allocate_double(n_par, &curpar);
  allocate_double(n_par, &junk);

  /* initial wts */
  for(i=0; i<n_ind; i++) 
    for(j=0; j<n_gen; j++) 
      wts[i][j] = Genoprob[j][pos][i];

  for(i=0; i<n_par; i++) curpar[i] = start[i];

  curllik = discan_covar_loglik(n_ind, pos, n_gen, n_par, curpar, Genoprob,
				Addcov, n_addcov, Intcov, n_intcov, pheno, ind_noqtl);
    Rprintf("        %10.5f\n", curllik);

  for(s=0; s<maxit; s++) {

    R_CheckUserInterrupt(); /* check for ^C */

    /****** M STEP ******/

    /* 0's in gradient and Jacobian */
    for(j=0; j<n_par; j++) {
      grad[j] = 0.0;
      for(k=0; k<n_par; k++) 
	Jac[j][k] = 0.0;

    /* calculate gradient and Jacobian */
    for(i=0; i<n_ind; i++) {
      temp1s[i] = temp2s[i] = 0.0;
      for(j=0; j<n_gen; j++) {
	  fit = curpar[j];
	else fit = 0.0;

	if(n_addcov > 0) {
	  for(k=0; k<n_addcov; k++) 
	    fit += Addcov[k][i] * curpar[n_gen+k];
	if(!ind_noqtl[i] && n_intcov > 0 && j<n_gen-1) {
	  for(k=0; k<n_intcov; k++) 
	    fit += Intcov[k][i] * curpar[n_gen+n_addcov+n_intcov*j+k];
	fit = exp(fit)/(1.0+exp(fit));

	temp1s[i] += (temp1[i][j] = wts[i][j]*((double)pheno[i] - fit));
	temp2s[i] += (temp2[i][j] = wts[i][j]*fit*(1.0-fit));

    for(j=0; j<n_gen; j++) {
      for(i=0; i<n_ind; i++) {
	if(!ind_noqtl[i]) {
	  grad[j] += temp1[i][j];
	  Jac[j][j] += temp2[i][j];

    for(k=0; k<n_addcov; k++) {
      for(i=0; i<n_ind; i++) {
	grad[k + n_gen] += Addcov[k][i] * temp1s[i];

	for(kk=k; kk<n_addcov; kk++) 
	  Jac[kk+n_gen][k+n_gen] += Addcov[k][i]*Addcov[kk][i] * temp2s[i];
	if(!ind_noqtl[i]) {
	  for(j=0; j<n_gen; j++) 
	    Jac[k+n_gen][j] += Addcov[k][i] * temp2[i][j];
    for(j=0; j<n_gen-1; j++) {
      offset = n_gen + n_addcov + n_intcov*j;
      for(k=0; k<n_intcov; k++) {

	for(i=0; i<n_ind; i++) {
	  if(!ind_noqtl[i]) {
	    grad[k + offset] += Intcov[k][i] * temp1[i][j];

	    for(kk=k; kk<n_intcov; kk++) 
	      Jac[kk+offset][k+offset] += Intcov[k][i]*Intcov[kk][i]*temp2[i][j];

	    for(kk=0; kk<n_addcov; kk++)
	      Jac[k+offset][kk+n_gen] += Intcov[k][i]*Addcov[kk][i]*temp2[i][j];
	    Jac[k+offset][j] += Intcov[k][i]*temp2[i][j];

    if(verbose > 1) {
        Rprintf("grad: ");
    for(j=0; j<n_par; j++) 
      Rprintf("%f ", grad[j]);
    for(j=0; j<n_par; j++) {
      for(k=0; k<n_par; k++) 
	Rprintf("%f ", Jac[j][k]);
    /* dpoco and dposl from Linpack to calculate Jac^-1 %*% grad */
    F77_CALL(dpoco)(jac, &n_par, &n_par, &rcond, junk, &info);
    if(fabs(rcond) < TOL || info != 0) {
      warning("Jacobian matrix is singular\n");
    F77_CALL(dposl)(jac, &n_par, &n_par, grad);

    if(verbose > 1) {
      Rprintf(" solution: ");
      for(j=0; j<n_par; j++) 
	Rprintf(" %f", grad[j]);

    /* revised estimates */
    for(j=0; j<n_par; j++) 
      newpar[j] = curpar[j] + grad[j];

    if(verbose>1) {
      for(j=0; j<n_par; j++)
	Rprintf("%f ", newpar[j]);

    newllik = discan_covar_loglik(n_ind, pos, n_gen, n_par, newpar, Genoprob,
				  Addcov, n_addcov, Intcov, n_intcov, pheno, ind_noqtl);
    if(verbose) {
      Rprintf("    %3d %10.5f %10.5f", s+1, newllik, newllik - curllik);
      if(newllik < curllik) Rprintf(" ***");

    if(newllik - curllik < tol) return(newllik);
    for(j=0; j<n_par; j++) 
      curpar[j] = newpar[j];
    curllik = newllik;

    /* e-step */
    for(i=0; i<n_ind; i++) {

      for(j=0; j<n_gen; j++) {
	fit = curpar[j];

	if(n_addcov > 0) {
	  for(k=0; k<n_addcov; k++) 
	    fit += Addcov[k][i] * curpar[n_gen+k];

	if(n_intcov > 0 && j<n_gen-1) {
	  for(k=0; k<n_intcov; k++) 
	    fit += Intcov[k][i] * curpar[n_gen+n_addcov+n_intcov*j+k];
	fit = exp(fit);

	if(pheno[i]) sum += (wts[i][j] = Genoprob[j][pos][i] * fit/(1.0+fit));
	else sum += (wts[i][j] = Genoprob[j][pos][i] / (1.0+fit));
      for(j=0; j<n_gen; j++) 
	wts[i][j] /= sum;

  } /* end of em-step */

  /* didn't converge */
Beispiel #18
void fitqtl_imp_binary(int n_ind, int n_qtl, int *n_gen, int n_draws,
                       int ***Draws, double **Cov, int n_cov,
                       int *model, int n_int, double *pheno, int get_ests,
                       double *lod, int *df, double *ests, double *ests_covar,
                       double *design_mat, double tol, int maxit, int *matrix_rank)

    /* create local variables */
    int i, j, ii, jj, n_qc, itmp; /* loop variants and temp variables */
    double llik, llik0, *LOD_array;
    double *the_ests, *the_covar, **TheEsts, ***TheCovar;
    double *dwork, **Ests_covar, tot_wt=0.0, *wts;
    double **Covar_mean, **Mean_covar, *mean_ests; /* for ests and cov matrix */
    int *iwork, sizefull, n_trim, *index;

    /* number to trim from each end of the imputations */
    n_trim = (int) floor( 0.5*log(n_draws)/log(2.0) );

    /* initialization */
    sizefull = 1;

    /* calculate the dimension of the design matrix for full model */
    n_qc = n_qtl+n_cov; /* total number of QTLs and covariates */
    /* for additive QTLs and covariates*/
    for(i=0; i<n_qc; i++)
        sizefull += n_gen[i];
    /* for interactions, loop thru all interactions */
    for(i=0; i<n_int; i++) {
        for(j=0, itmp=1; j<n_qc; j++) {
                itmp *= n_gen[j];
        sizefull += itmp;

    /* reorganize Ests_covar for easy use later */
    /* and make space for estimates and covariance matrix */
    if(get_ests) {
        reorg_errlod(sizefull, sizefull, ests_covar, &Ests_covar);

        allocate_double(sizefull*n_draws, &the_ests);
        allocate_double(sizefull*sizefull*n_draws, &the_covar);

        /* I need to save all of the estimates and covariance matrices */
        reorg_errlod(sizefull, n_draws, the_ests, &TheEsts);
        reorg_genoprob(sizefull, sizefull, n_draws, the_covar, &TheCovar);

        allocate_dmatrix(sizefull, sizefull, &Mean_covar);
        allocate_dmatrix(sizefull, sizefull, &Covar_mean);
        allocate_double(sizefull, &mean_ests);
        allocate_double(n_draws, &wts);

    /* allocate memory for working arrays, total memory is
       sizefull*n_ind+6*n_ind+4*sizefull for double array,
       and sizefull for integer array.
       All memory will be allocated one time and split later */
    dwork = (double *)R_alloc(sizefull*n_ind+6*n_ind+4*sizefull,
    iwork = (int *)R_alloc(sizefull, sizeof(int));
    index = (int *)R_alloc(n_draws, sizeof(int));
    LOD_array = (double *)R_alloc(n_draws, sizeof(double));

    /* calculate null model log10 likelihood */
    llik0 = nullLODbin(pheno, n_ind);

    *matrix_rank = n_ind;

    /* loop over imputations */
    for(i=0; i<n_draws; i++) {

        R_CheckUserInterrupt(); /* check for ^C */

        /* calculate alternative model RSS */
        llik = galtLODimpbin(pheno, n_ind, n_gen, n_qtl, Draws[i],
                             Cov, n_cov, model, n_int, dwork, iwork, sizefull,
                             get_ests, ests, Ests_covar, design_mat,
                             tol, maxit, matrix_rank);

        /* calculate the LOD score in this imputation */
        LOD_array[i] = (llik - llik0);

        /* if getting estimates, calculate the weights */
        if(get_ests) {
            wts[i] = LOD_array[i]*log(10.0);
            if(i==0) tot_wt = wts[i];
            else tot_wt = addlog(tot_wt, wts[i]);

            for(ii=0; ii<sizefull; ii++) {
                TheEsts[i][ii] = ests[ii];
                for(jj=ii; jj<sizefull; jj++)
                    TheCovar[i][ii][jj] = Ests_covar[ii][jj];

    } /* end loop over imputations */

    /* sort the lod scores, and trim the weights */
    if(get_ests) {
        for(i=0; i<n_draws; i++) {
            index[i] = i;
            wts[i] = exp(wts[i]-tot_wt);

        rsort_with_index(LOD_array, index, n_draws);

        for(i=0; i<n_trim; i++)
            wts[index[i]] = wts[index[n_draws-i-1]] = 0.0;

        /* re-scale wts */
        tot_wt = 0.0;
        for(i=0; i<n_draws; i++) tot_wt += wts[i];
        for(i=0; i<n_draws; i++) wts[i] /= tot_wt;

    /* calculate the result LOD score */
    *lod = wtaverage(LOD_array, n_draws);

    /* degree of freedom equals to the number of columns of x minus 1 (mean) */
    *df = sizefull - 1;

    /* get means and variances and covariances of estimates */
    if(get_ests) {
        for(i=0; i<n_draws; i++) {
            if(i==0) {
                for(ii=0; ii<sizefull; ii++) {
                    mean_ests[ii] = TheEsts[i][ii] * wts[i];
                    for(jj=ii; jj<sizefull; jj++) {
                        Mean_covar[ii][jj] = TheCovar[i][ii][jj] * wts[i];
                        Covar_mean[ii][jj] = 0.0;
            else {
                for(ii=0; ii<sizefull; ii++) {
                    mean_ests[ii] += TheEsts[i][ii]*wts[i];
                    for(jj=ii; jj<sizefull; jj++) {
                        Mean_covar[ii][jj] += TheCovar[i][ii][jj]*wts[i];
                        Covar_mean[ii][jj] += (TheEsts[i][ii]-TheEsts[0][ii])*

        for(i=0; i<sizefull; i++) {
            ests[i] = mean_ests[i];
            for(j=i; j<sizefull; j++) {
                Covar_mean[i][j] = (Covar_mean[i][j] - (mean_ests[i]-TheEsts[0][i])*
                Ests_covar[i][j] = Ests_covar[j][i] = Mean_covar[i][j] + Covar_mean[i][j];
    } /* done getting estimates */

Beispiel #19
void est_rf(int n_ind, int n_mar, int *geno, double *rf,
            double erec(int, int, double, int *),
            double logprec(int, int, double, int *),
            int maxit, double tol, int meioses_per)
    int i, j1, j2, s, **Geno, n_mei=0, flag=0;
    double **Rf, next_rf=0.0, cur_rf=0.0;
    int cross_scheme[2];

    /* cross scheme hidden in rf argument; used by hmm_bcsft */
    cross_scheme[0] = rf[0];
    cross_scheme[1] = rf[1];
    rf[0] = 0.0;
    rf[1] = 0.0;

    /* reorganize geno and rf */
    reorg_geno(n_ind, n_mar, geno, &Geno);
    reorg_errlod(n_mar, n_mar, rf, &Rf);

    for(j1=0; j1<n_mar; j1++) {

        /* count number of meioses */
        for(i=0, n_mei=0; i<n_ind; i++)
            if(Geno[j1][i] != 0) n_mei += meioses_per;
        Rf[j1][j1] = (double) n_mei;

        R_CheckUserInterrupt(); /* check for ^C */

        for(j2=j1+1; j2<n_mar; j2++) {

            /* count meioses */
            n_mei = flag = 0;
            for(i=0; i<n_ind; i++) {
                if(Geno[j1][i] != 0 && Geno[j2][i] != 0) {
                    n_mei += meioses_per;
                    /* check if informatve */
                    if(fabs(logprec(Geno[j1][i], Geno[j2][i], 0.5, cross_scheme) -
                            logprec(Geno[j1][i], Geno[j2][i], TOL, cross_scheme)) > TOL) flag = 1;
            if(n_mei != 0 && flag == 1) {
                flag = 0;
                /* begin EM algorithm; start with cur_rf = 0.01 */
                for(s=0, cur_rf=0.01; s < maxit; s++) {
                    next_rf = 0.0;
                    for(i=0; i<n_ind; i++) {
                        if(Geno[j1][i] != 0 && Geno[j2][i] != 0)
                            next_rf += erec(Geno[j1][i], Geno[j2][i], cur_rf, cross_scheme);

                    next_rf /= (double) n_mei;
                    if(fabs(next_rf - cur_rf) < tol*(cur_rf+tol*100.0)) {
                        flag = 1;
                    cur_rf = next_rf;
                if(!flag) warning("Markers (%d,%d) didn't converge\n", j1+1, j2+1);

                /* calculate LOD score */
                Rf[j1][j2] = next_rf;
                Rf[j2][j1] = 0.0;
                for(i=0; i<n_ind; i++) {
                    if(Geno[j1][i] != 0 && Geno[j2][i] != 0) {
                        Rf[j2][j1] += logprec(Geno[j1][i],Geno[j2][i], next_rf, cross_scheme);
                        Rf[j2][j1] -= logprec(Geno[j1][i],Geno[j2][i], 0.5, cross_scheme);
                Rf[j2][j1] /= log(10.0);

            else { /* no informative meioses */
                Rf[j1][j2] = NA_REAL;
                Rf[j2][j1] = 0.0;

        } /* end loops over markers */