static void
resolve_repair(char *reqname, repair_id_t *rid, const char **actualname)
        uint16_t i,n;
        const repair_details_t *rd;

        n = repair_get_count();
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                rd = repair_get_details(i);
                if (strcasecmp(rd->name, reqname) == 0) {
                        *rid = rd->id;
                        *actualname = rd->name;
        fprintf(stderr, "Repair type %s not recognized\n", reqname);
static void
        /* Repair interface is not consistent with other interfaces. 
         * Does not have get_format get_details type fn, just get_name
         * (grumble, grumble, time, grumble) */

        const repair_details_t *rd;
        uint16_t i, cnt;

        cnt = repair_get_count();
        for(i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
                rd = repair_get_details(i);
                printf("%s\n", rd->name);

Beispiel #3
void settings_save(session_t *sp)
	/* FIXME: This needs to be updated for the transcoder */
        const codec_format_t 		*pri_cf;
        const audio_port_details_t      *iapd      = NULL;
        const audio_port_details_t      *oapd      = NULL;
        const audio_format 		*af        = NULL;
        const repair_details_t          *repair    = NULL;
        const converter_details_t       *converter = NULL;
	const audio_device_details_t    *add       = NULL;
        const cc_details_t 		*ccd       = NULL;
	codec_id_t	 		 pri_id;

	int				 cc_len;
	char				*cc_param;
	int		 		 i;
        uint16_t                          j,n;
        uint32_t                          my_ssrc;

	pri_id   = codec_get_by_payload(sp->encodings[0]);
        pri_cf   = codec_get_format(pri_id);
        cc_len   = 3 * (CODEC_LONG_NAME_LEN + 4) + 1;
        cc_param = (char*) xmalloc(cc_len);
        channel_encoder_get_parameters(sp->channel_coder, cc_param, cc_len);
        ccd = channel_get_coder_identity(sp->channel_coder);

        n = (uint16_t)converter_get_count();
        for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
                converter = converter_get_details(j);
                if (sp->converter == converter->id) {

        n = repair_get_count();
        for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
                repair = repair_get_details(j);
                if (sp->repair == repair->id) {

        n = (int)audio_get_device_count();
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                add = audio_get_device_details(i);
                if (sp->audio_device == add->descriptor) {

        af = audio_get_ifmt(sp->audio_device);

        for(i = 0; i < audio_get_iport_count(sp->audio_device); i++) {
                iapd = audio_get_iport_details(sp->audio_device, i);
                if (iapd->port == audio_get_iport(sp->audio_device)) {

        for(i = 0; i < audio_get_oport_count(sp->audio_device); i++) {
                oapd = audio_get_oport_details(sp->audio_device, i);
                if (oapd->port == audio_get_oport(sp->audio_device)) {

        my_ssrc = rtp_my_ssrc(sp->rtp_session[0]);
        setting_save_str("rtpName",  rtp_get_sdes(sp->rtp_session[0], my_ssrc, RTCP_SDES_NAME));
        setting_save_str("rtpEmail", rtp_get_sdes(sp->rtp_session[0], my_ssrc, RTCP_SDES_EMAIL));
        setting_save_str("rtpPhone", rtp_get_sdes(sp->rtp_session[0], my_ssrc, RTCP_SDES_PHONE));
        setting_save_str("rtpLoc",   rtp_get_sdes(sp->rtp_session[0], my_ssrc, RTCP_SDES_LOC));
        setting_save_str("rtpNote",  rtp_get_sdes(sp->rtp_session[0], my_ssrc, RTCP_SDES_NOTE));

        setting_save_str("audioTool", rtp_get_sdes(sp->rtp_session[0], my_ssrc, RTCP_SDES_TOOL));
	setting_save_str("audioDevice",     add->name);
	setting_save_int("audioFrequency",  af->sample_rate);
	setting_save_int("audioChannelsIn", af->channels);

	/* If we save a dynamically mapped codec we crash when we reload on startup */
	if (pri_cf->default_pt != CODEC_PAYLOAD_DYNAMIC) {
                setting_save_str("audioPrimary", pri_cf->short_name);

	setting_save_int("audioUnits", channel_encoder_get_units_per_packet(sp->channel_coder));
	/* Don't save the layered channel coder - you need to start it */
	/* from the command line anyway                                */
	if (strcmp(ccd->name, "Layering") == 0) {
		setting_save_str("audioChannelCoding", "Vanilla");
	} else {
                setting_save_str("audioChannelCoding", ccd->name);
        setting_save_str("audioChannelParameters", cc_param);
	setting_save_str("audioRepair",            repair->name);
	setting_save_str("audioAutoConvert",       converter->name);
	setting_save_int("audioLimitPlayout",      sp->limit_playout);
	setting_save_int("audioMinPlayout",        sp->min_playout);
	setting_save_int("audioMaxPlayout",        sp->max_playout);
	setting_save_int("audioLecture",           sp->lecture);
	setting_save_int("audio3dRendering",       sp->render_3d);
	setting_save_int("audioAGC",               sp->agc_on);
	setting_save_int("audioLoopback",          sp->loopback_gain);
	setting_save_int("audioEchoSuppress",      sp->echo_suppress);
	setting_save_int("audioOutputGain",        audio_get_ogain(sp->audio_device));
	setting_save_int("audioInputGain",         audio_get_igain(sp->audio_device));
	setting_save_str("audioOutputPort",        oapd->name);
	setting_save_str("audioInputPort",         iapd->name);
	setting_save_int("audioPowermeters",       sp->meter);

	setting_save_str("audioSilence",  sd_name(sp->silence_detection));
        setting_save_int("audioSilenceManualThresh", sp->manual_sd_thresh);

	/* We do not save audioOutputMute and audioInputMute by default, but should */
	/* recognize them when reloading.                                           */
static void
test_repair(struct s_sndfile *sf_out, 
            codec_id_t        cid,
            repair_id_t       repair_type,
            struct s_sndfile *sf_in)
        codec_state                *encoder;        
        struct s_codec_state_store *decoder_states;
        media_data                 *md_prev, *md_cur;
        coded_unit                 *cu;
        int32_t                     consec_lost = 0, total_lost, total_done;
        const codec_format_t       *cf;
        uint16_t                    i;
        repair_id_t                 repair_none;

        for (i = 0; i < repair_get_count(); i++) {
                const repair_details_t *rd;
                rd = repair_get_details(i);
                if (strcasecmp(rd->name, "none") == 0) {
                        repair_none = rd->id;

        codec_encoder_create(cid, &encoder);
        codec_state_store_create(&decoder_states, DECODER);
        cf = codec_get_format(cid);

        /* Read and write one unit to kick off with */
        media_data_create(&md_cur, 1);
        read_and_encode(md_cur->rep[0], encoder, sf_in);
        decode_and_write(sf_out, decoder_states, md_cur);

        /* Initialize next reading cycle */
        md_prev = md_cur;
        md_cur  = NULL;
        media_data_create(&md_cur, 1);

        total_lost = total_done = 0;

        while(read_and_encode(md_cur->rep[0], encoder, sf_in)) {
                if (do_drop()) {
                        media_data_destroy(&md_cur, sizeof(media_data));
                        media_data_create(&md_cur, 0);
                        cu = (coded_unit*)block_alloc(sizeof(coded_unit));
                        assert(cu != NULL);
                        memset(cu, 0, sizeof(coded_unit));

                        /* Loss happens - invoke repair */
                        if (repair_type != repair_none) {
                                cu->id = cid;
                        } else {
                                /* Create a silent unit */
                                cu->id = codec_get_native_coding((uint16_t)cf->format.sample_rate,
                                cu->state     = NULL;
                                cu->state_len = 0;
                                cu->data      = (u_char*)block_alloc(cf->format.bytes_per_block);
                                cu->data_len  = cf->format.bytes_per_block;
                                memset(cu->data, 0, cu->data_len);
                        /* Add repaired audio to frame */
                        md_cur->rep[md_cur->nrep] = cu;
                } else {
                        consec_lost = 0;
                decode_and_write(sf_out, decoder_states, md_cur);

                media_data_destroy(&md_prev, sizeof(media_data));
                md_prev = md_cur;
                md_cur  = NULL;
                media_data_create(&md_cur, 1);

        printf("# Dropped %d frames out of %d (%f loss %%)\n", total_lost, total_done, 100.0 * total_lost / (double)total_done);
        media_data_destroy(&md_cur, sizeof(media_data));
        media_data_destroy(&md_prev, sizeof(media_data));
Beispiel #5
void settings_load_early(session_t *sp)
	/* FIXME: This needs to be updated for the transcoder */
	char				*name, *param, *primary_codec, *port, *silence;
	int				 freq, chan, mute;
        uint32_t                         i, n, success, device_exists;
	const cc_details_t              *ccd;
	const audio_device_details_t    *add = NULL;
        const audio_port_details_t 	*apd = NULL;
        const converter_details_t       *cod = NULL;
        const repair_details_t          *r   = NULL;
        codec_id_t                       cid;

	load_init();		/* Initial settings come from the common prefs file... */
        init_part_two();	/* Switch to pulling settings from the RAT specific prefs file... */

	if (sp->mode == AUDIO_TOOL) {
		name = setting_load_str("audioDevice", "No Audio Device");
	} else {
		name = (char *) xmalloc(20);
		sprintf(name, "Transcoder Port %d", sp->id+1);
        /* User may not have a (valid) audio device entry in the */
        /* settings file, or have "No Audio Device" there.  In   */
        /* either case try to use first available device, if     */
        /* it's in use we'll fallback to dummy device anyway.    */

	device_exists = FALSE;
	n = (int)audio_get_device_count();
	for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		add = audio_get_device_details(i);
		if (strcmp(add->name, name) == 0) {
			device_exists = TRUE;

        if (strcmp(name, "No Audio Device") == 0 || device_exists == FALSE) {
		add = audio_get_device_details(0);

        audio_device_register_change_device(sp, add->descriptor);

	freq = setting_load_int("audioFrequency", 8000);
	chan = setting_load_int("audioChannelsIn", 1);
	primary_codec = setting_load_str("audioPrimary", "GSM");

        cid  = codec_get_matching(primary_codec, (uint16_t)freq, (uint16_t)chan);
        if (codec_id_is_valid(cid) == FALSE) {
                /* Codec name is garbage...should only happen on upgrades */
                cid = codec_get_matching("GSM", (uint16_t)freq, (uint16_t)chan);

        audio_device_register_change_primary(sp, cid);

        port = setting_load_str("audioOutputPort", "Headphone");
        n    = audio_get_oport_count(sp->audio_device);
        for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                apd = audio_get_oport_details(sp->audio_device, i);
                if (!strcasecmp(port, apd->name)) {
        audio_set_oport(sp->audio_device, apd->port);

        port = setting_load_str("audioInputPort", "Microphone");
        n    = audio_get_iport_count(sp->audio_device);
        for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                apd = audio_get_iport_details(sp->audio_device, i);
                if (!strcasecmp(port, apd->name)) {
        audio_set_iport(sp->audio_device, apd->port);

        audio_set_ogain(sp->audio_device, setting_load_int("audioOutputGain", 75));
        audio_set_igain(sp->audio_device, setting_load_int("audioInputGain",  75));
	name  = setting_load_str("audioChannelCoding", "None");
        param = setting_load_str("audioChannelParameters", "None");

        do {
                n    = channel_get_coder_count();
                for (i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
                        ccd = channel_get_coder_details(i);
                        if (strcmp(ccd->name, name) == 0) {
                                if (sp->channel_coder) {
                                channel_encoder_create(ccd->descriptor, &sp->channel_coder);
                success = channel_encoder_set_parameters(sp->channel_coder, param);
                if (success == 0) {
                        /* Could not set parameters for channel coder, fall back to "None" */
                        name = "None";
                        param = "";
        } while (success == 0);

	channel_encoder_set_units_per_packet(sp->channel_coder, (uint16_t) setting_load_int("audioUnits", 1));

        /* Set default repair to be first available */
        r          = repair_get_details(0);
        sp->repair = r->id;
        name       = setting_load_str("audioRepair", "Pattern-Match");
        n          = (int)repair_get_count();
        for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                r = repair_get_details((uint16_t)i);
                if (strcasecmp(r->name, name) == 0) {
                        sp->repair = r->id;

        /* Set default converter to be first available */
        cod           = converter_get_details(0);
        sp->converter = cod->id;
        name          = setting_load_str("audioAutoConvert", "High Quality");
        n             = (int)converter_get_count();
        /* If converter setting name matches then override existing choice */
        for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                cod = converter_get_details(i);
                if (strcasecmp(cod->name, name) == 0) {
                        sp->converter = cod->id;

	silence = setting_load_str("audioSilence", "Automatic");
        sp->silence_detection = sd_name_to_type(silence);
        sp->manual_sd_thresh  = setting_load_int("audioSilenceManualThresh", 100);
        if (sp->manual_sd) {
                manual_sd_set_thresh(sp->manual_sd, sp->manual_sd_thresh);

	sp->limit_playout     = setting_load_int("audioLimitPlayout", 0);
	sp->min_playout       = setting_load_int("audioMinPlayout", 0);
	sp->max_playout       = setting_load_int("audioMaxPlayout", 2000);
	sp->lecture           = setting_load_int("audioLecture", 0);
	sp->agc_on            = setting_load_int("audioAGC", 0);
	sp->loopback_gain     = setting_load_int("audioLoopback", 0);
        audio_loopback(sp->audio_device, sp->loopback_gain);
	sp->echo_suppress     = setting_load_int("audioEchoSuppress", 0);
	sp->meter             = setting_load_int("audioPowermeters", 1);
        sp->rtp_promiscuous_mode   = setting_load_int("rtpPromiscuousMode", 0); 
        sp->rtp_wait_for_rtcp = setting_load_int("rtpWaitForRTCP", 1);

/* Ignore saved render_3d setting.  Break initial device config stuff.  V.fiddly to fix. */
/*	sp->render_3d      = setting_load_int("audio3dRendering", 0);                    */

        mute = setting_load_int("audioInputMute", sp->mode==TRANSCODER?0:1);
        if (mute && tx_is_sending(sp->tb)) {
        } else if (mute == 0 && tx_is_sending(sp->tb) == 0) {

        setting_load_int("audioOutputMute", 1);
