void replaceIncludes(string &src, string &dest, const string &directive, 
	string &alreadyIncluded, bool onlyOnce)
	int start = 0;

	while (true) {
		int includeIndex = (int)src.find("#include", start);
		if (includeIndex < 0) {
			dest += src.substr(start);
		if (includeIndex > 0 && !isspace(src[includeIndex - 1])) continue;
		dest += src.substr(start, includeIndex - 1);
		int quoteStart = (int)src.find("\"", start + 8);
		int quoteEnd = (int)src.find("\"", quoteStart + 1);
		start = quoteEnd + 1;
		if (quoteStart >= quoteEnd) {
			ERROR_MSG("could not replace includes");
		string includeFileName = src.substr(quoteStart + 1, (quoteEnd - quoteStart - 1));
		if ((int)alreadyIncluded.find(includeFileName) < 0) {
			if (onlyOnce) {
			string subSource;
			loadFileAsString(includeFileName, subSource);
			replaceIncludes(subSource, dest, directive, alreadyIncluded, onlyOnce);
GLuint loadShader(const string &fileName, GLuint shaderType)
	// load the shader as a file
	string mainCode;
	if (!loadFileAsString(fileName, mainCode)) {
		ERROR_MSG("Could not load file '" + fileName + "'", false);
		return NULL_HANDLE;

	string shaderCode;
	string alreadyIncluded = fileName;
	replaceIncludes(mainCode, shaderCode, "#include", alreadyIncluded, true);

	// print the shader code
	#ifdef _DEBUG
	//cout << "\n----------------------------------------------- SHADER CODE:\n";
	//cout << shaderCode << endl;
	//cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------\n";
	// transfer shader code to card and compile
	GLuint shaderHandle = glCreateShader(shaderType); // create handle for the shader
	const char* source = shaderCode.c_str();          // get C style string for shader code
	glShaderSource(shaderHandle, 1, &source, NULL);   // pass the shader code to the card
	glCompileShader(shaderHandle);                    // attempt to compile the shader
	// check to see if compilation worked
	// If the compilation did not work, print an error message and return NULL handle
	int status;
	glGetShaderiv(shaderHandle, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &status);
	if (status == GL_FALSE) {
		ERROR_MSG("compiling shader '" + fileName + "'", false);				
		GLint msgLength = 0;
		glGetShaderiv(shaderHandle, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &msgLength);
		std::vector<char> msg(msgLength);
		glGetShaderInfoLog(shaderHandle, msgLength, &msgLength, &msg[0]);
		printf("%s\n", &msg[0]);
		return NULL_HANDLE;
	return shaderHandle;
Beispiel #3
Effect* Effect::createFromSource(const char* vshPath, const char* vshSource, const char* fshPath, const char* fshSource, const char* defines)

    const unsigned int SHADER_SOURCE_LENGTH = 3;
    const GLchar* shaderSource[SHADER_SOURCE_LENGTH];
    char* infoLog = NULL;
    GLuint vertexShader;
    GLuint fragmentShader;
    GLuint program;
    GLint length;
    GLint success;

    // Replace all comma separated definitions with #define prefix and \n suffix
    std::string definesStr = "";
    replaceDefines(defines, definesStr);
    shaderSource[0] = definesStr.c_str();
    shaderSource[1] = "\n";
    std::string vshSourceStr = "";
    if (vshPath)
        // Replace the #include "xxxxx.xxx" with the sources that come from file paths
        replaceIncludes(vshPath, vshSource, vshSourceStr);
        if (vshSource && strlen(vshSource) != 0)
            vshSourceStr += "\n";
    shaderSource[2] = vshPath ? vshSourceStr.c_str() :  vshSource;
    GL_ASSERT( vertexShader = glCreateShader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER) );
    GL_ASSERT( glShaderSource(vertexShader, SHADER_SOURCE_LENGTH, shaderSource, NULL) );
    GL_ASSERT( glCompileShader(vertexShader) );
    GL_ASSERT( glGetShaderiv(vertexShader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &success) );
    if (success != GL_TRUE)
        GL_ASSERT( glGetShaderiv(vertexShader, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &length) );
        if (length == 0)
            length = 4096;
        if (length > 0)
            infoLog = new char[length];
            GL_ASSERT( glGetShaderInfoLog(vertexShader, length, NULL, infoLog) );
            infoLog[length-1] = '\0';

        // Write out the expanded shader file.
        if (vshPath)
            writeShaderToErrorFile(vshPath, shaderSource[2]);

        GP_ERROR("Compile failed for vertex shader '%s' with error '%s'.", vshPath == NULL ? vshSource : vshPath, infoLog == NULL ? "" : infoLog);

        // Clean up.
        GL_ASSERT( glDeleteShader(vertexShader) );

        return NULL;

    // Compile the fragment shader.
    std::string fshSourceStr;
    if (fshPath)
        // Replace the #include "xxxxx.xxx" with the sources that come from file paths
        replaceIncludes(fshPath, fshSource, fshSourceStr);
        if (fshSource && strlen(fshSource) != 0)
            fshSourceStr += "\n";
    shaderSource[2] = fshPath ? fshSourceStr.c_str() : fshSource;
    GL_ASSERT( fragmentShader = glCreateShader(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER) );
    GL_ASSERT( glShaderSource(fragmentShader, SHADER_SOURCE_LENGTH, shaderSource, NULL) );
    GL_ASSERT( glCompileShader(fragmentShader) );
    GL_ASSERT( glGetShaderiv(fragmentShader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &success) );
    if (success != GL_TRUE)
        GL_ASSERT( glGetShaderiv(fragmentShader, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &length) );
        if (length == 0)
            length = 4096;
        if (length > 0)
            infoLog = new char[length];
            GL_ASSERT( glGetShaderInfoLog(fragmentShader, length, NULL, infoLog) );
            infoLog[length-1] = '\0';
        // Write out the expanded shader file.
        if (fshPath)
            writeShaderToErrorFile(fshPath, shaderSource[2]);

        GP_ERROR("Compile failed for fragment shader (%s): %s", fshPath == NULL ? fshSource : fshPath, infoLog == NULL ? "" : infoLog);

        // Clean up.
        GL_ASSERT( glDeleteShader(vertexShader) );
        GL_ASSERT( glDeleteShader(fragmentShader) );

        return NULL;

    // Link program.
    GL_ASSERT( program = glCreateProgram() );
    GL_ASSERT( glAttachShader(program, vertexShader) );
    GL_ASSERT( glAttachShader(program, fragmentShader) );
    GL_ASSERT( glLinkProgram(program) );
    GL_ASSERT( glGetProgramiv(program, GL_LINK_STATUS, &success) );

    // Delete shaders after linking.
    GL_ASSERT( glDeleteShader(vertexShader) );
    GL_ASSERT( glDeleteShader(fragmentShader) );

    // Check link status.
    if (success != GL_TRUE)
        GL_ASSERT( glGetProgramiv(program, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &length) );
        if (length == 0)
            length = 4096;
        if (length > 0)
            infoLog = new char[length];
            GL_ASSERT( glGetProgramInfoLog(program, length, NULL, infoLog) );
            infoLog[length-1] = '\0';
        GP_ERROR("Linking program failed (%s,%s): %s", vshPath == NULL ? "NULL" : vshPath, fshPath == NULL ? "NULL" : fshPath, infoLog == NULL ? "" : infoLog);

        // Clean up.
        GL_ASSERT( glDeleteProgram(program) );

        return NULL;

    // Create and return the new Effect.
    Effect* effect = new Effect();
    effect->_program = program;

    // Query and store vertex attribute meta-data from the program.
    // NOTE: Rather than using glBindAttribLocation to explicitly specify our own
    // preferred attribute locations, we're going to query the locations that were
    // automatically bound by the GPU. While it can sometimes be convenient to use
    // glBindAttribLocation, some vendors actually reserve certain attribute indices
    // and therefore using this function can create compatibility issues between
    // different hardware vendors.
    GLint activeAttributes;
    GL_ASSERT( glGetProgramiv(program, GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES, &activeAttributes) );
    if (activeAttributes > 0)
        GL_ASSERT( glGetProgramiv(program, GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_LENGTH, &length) );
        if (length > 0)
            GLchar* attribName = new GLchar[length + 1];
            GLint attribSize;
            GLenum attribType;
            GLint attribLocation;
            for (int i = 0; i < activeAttributes; ++i)
                // Query attribute info.
                GL_ASSERT( glGetActiveAttrib(program, i, length, NULL, &attribSize, &attribType, attribName) );
                attribName[length] = '\0';

                // Query the pre-assigned attribute location.
                GL_ASSERT( attribLocation = glGetAttribLocation(program, attribName) );

                // Assign the vertex attribute mapping for the effect.
                effect->_vertexAttributes[attribName] = attribLocation;

    // Query and store uniforms from the program.
    GLint activeUniforms;
    GL_ASSERT( glGetProgramiv(program, GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS, &activeUniforms) );
    if (activeUniforms > 0)
        GL_ASSERT( glGetProgramiv(program, GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_MAX_LENGTH, &length) );
        if (length > 0)
            GLchar* uniformName = new GLchar[length + 1];
            GLint uniformSize;
            GLenum uniformType;
            GLint uniformLocation;
            unsigned int samplerIndex = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < activeUniforms; ++i)
                // Query uniform info.
                GL_ASSERT( glGetActiveUniform(program, i, length, NULL, &uniformSize, &uniformType, uniformName) );
                uniformName[length] = '\0';  // null terminate
                if (length > 3)
                    // If this is an array uniform, strip array indexers off it since GL does not
                    // seem to be consistent across different drivers/implementations in how it returns
                    // array uniforms. On some systems it will return "u_matrixArray", while on others
                    // it will return "u_matrixArray[0]".
                    char* c = strrchr(uniformName, '[');
                    if (c)
                        *c = '\0';

                // Query the pre-assigned uniform location.
                GL_ASSERT( uniformLocation = glGetUniformLocation(program, uniformName) );

                Uniform* uniform = new Uniform();
                uniform->_effect = effect;
                uniform->_name = uniformName;
                uniform->_location = uniformLocation;
                uniform->_type = uniformType;
                if (uniformType == GL_SAMPLER_2D)
                    uniform->_index = samplerIndex;
                    samplerIndex += uniformSize;
                    uniform->_index = 0;

                effect->_uniforms[uniformName] = uniform;

    return effect;
Beispiel #4
static void replaceIncludes(const char* filepath, const char* source, std::string& out)
    // Replace the #include "xxxx.xxx" with the sourced file contents of "filepath/xxxx.xxx"
    std::string str = source;
    size_t lastPos = 0;
    size_t headPos = 0;
    size_t fileLen = str.length();
    size_t tailPos = fileLen;
    while (headPos < fileLen)
        lastPos = headPos;
        if (headPos == 0)
            // find the first "#include"
            headPos = str.find("#include");
            // find the next "#include"
            headPos = str.find("#include", headPos + 1);

        // If "#include" is found
        if (headPos != std::string::npos)
            // append from our last position for the legth (head - last position) 
            out.append(str.substr(lastPos,  headPos - lastPos));

            // find the start quote "
            size_t startQuote = str.find("\"", headPos) + 1;
            if (startQuote == std::string::npos)
                // We have started an "#include" but missing the leading quote "
                GP_ERROR("Compile failed for shader '%s' missing leading \".", filepath);
            // find the end quote "
            size_t endQuote = str.find("\"", startQuote);
            if (endQuote == std::string::npos)
                // We have a start quote but missing the trailing quote "
                GP_ERROR("Compile failed for shader '%s' missing trailing \".", filepath);

            // jump the head position past the end quote
            headPos = endQuote + 1;
            // File path to include and 'stitch' in the value in the quotes to the file path and source it.
            std::string filepathStr = filepath;
            std::string directoryPath = filepathStr.substr(0, filepathStr.rfind('/') + 1);
            size_t len = endQuote - (startQuote);
            std::string includeStr = str.substr(startQuote, len);
            const char* includedSource = FileSystem::readAll(directoryPath.c_str());
            if (includedSource == NULL)
                GP_ERROR("Compile failed for shader '%s' invalid filepath.", filepathStr.c_str());
                // Valid file so lets attempt to see if we need to append anything to it too (recurse...)
                replaceIncludes(directoryPath.c_str(), includedSource, out);
            // Append the remaining
            out.append(str.c_str(), lastPos, tailPos);