Beispiel #1
void MergeDialog::preprocess_empty_replacements(ustring & text)
There are cases that one text is completely removed in a conflict situation.
The replacement for this text is empty. 
In the merge routine this shows as:

  <<<<<<< /home/joe/.bibledit_temp/merge/file1
  >>>>>>> /home/joe/.bibledit_temp/merge/file3

And in the internal texts this shows as:

__conflict__marker__before__ servant of Jesus Christ and __conflict__marker__middle__ __conflict__marker__after__ 

This function handles this case so that it does not lead to confusion.
  replace_text(text, merge_conflict_markup(1) + " " + merge_conflict_markup(2), merge_conflict_markup(1) + "  " + merge_conflict_markup(2));
  replace_text(text, merge_conflict_markup(2) + " " + merge_conflict_markup(3), merge_conflict_markup(2) + "  " + merge_conflict_markup(3));
Beispiel #2
ustring shell_clean_filename(const ustring & filename)
// Replace characters like ' and / occur in the filename with _.
  ustring cleanfile(filename);
  replace_text(cleanfile, "'", "_");
  replace_text(cleanfile, "/", "_");
  return cleanfile;
ustring resource_url_enter_reference(const ustring& constructor, map <unsigned int, ustring>& books, map <unsigned int, ustring>& books2, const Reference& reference)
  ustring url (constructor);
  replace_text(url, resource_url_constructor_book(), books[reference.book_get()]);
  replace_text(url, resource_url_constructor_book2(), books2[reference.book_get()]);
  replace_text(url, resource_url_constructor_chapter(), convert_to_string(reference.chapter_get()));
  replace_text(url, resource_url_constructor_verse(), number_in_string(reference.verse_get()));
  return url;
Beispiel #4
void MergeDialog::on_okbutton()
  GtkTextIter startiter, enditer;
  gtk_text_buffer_get_start_iter(textbuffer, &startiter);
  gtk_text_buffer_get_end_iter(textbuffer, &enditer);
  reconciled_text = gtk_text_buffer_get_text(textbuffer, &startiter, &enditer, false);
  replace_text(reconciled_text, "  ", " ");
  replace_text(reconciled_text, "  ", " ");
Beispiel #5
void MergeDialog::on_okbutton()
  GtkTextIter startiter, enditer;
  gtk_text_buffer_get_start_iter(textbuffer, &startiter);
  gtk_text_buffer_get_end_iter(textbuffer, &enditer);
  gchar *txt = gtk_text_buffer_get_text(textbuffer, &startiter, &enditer, false);
  reconciled_text = txt;
  g_free(txt); // Postiff: plug memory leak
  replace_text(reconciled_text, "  ", " ");
  replace_text(reconciled_text, "  ", " ");
ustring resource_viewer_produce_anchor(unsigned int book, unsigned int chapter, unsigned int verse)
// Produces the anchor, e.g.: Matthew_1_1 or Song_of_Solomon_2_2.
  ustring anchor(books_id_to_english(book) + "_" + convert_to_string(chapter) + "_" + convert_to_string(verse));
  replace_text(anchor, " ", "_");
  return anchor;
Beispiel #7
void FindBar::on_replace_all_clicked() {
    auto text = find_entry_->get_text();
    auto replacement_text = replace_entry_->get_text();

     * This is either clever or stupid...
     * Basically, we can't just call locate_matches
     * and then iterate them because replacing the first will invalidate
     * all the iterators. So we have to call locate_matches after each replacement
     * until all the matches are gone. But there is an edge case, if we have a case-insensitive
     * match, and we replace the same text but with different capitalization (e.g. replace
     * 'cheese' with 'CHEESE') then the number of matches never changes, even when the replacements
     * happen - so we'd hit an infinte loop. So what we do is we keep track of the number of matches
     * if the number of matches changes (goes down) then we don't increment i to read the next match
     * we just keep replacing matches_[0] till they are all gone. If the number of matches doesn't change
     * then we increment 'i' each time so we eventually replace all the matches even if they are the same
     * case! Phew!!

    uint32_t i = 0;
    uint32_t last_matches_size = matches_.size();
    while(!matches_.empty() && i < matches_.size()) {
        replace_text(matches_[i].first, matches_[i].second, replacement_text);
        if(matches_.size() == last_matches_size) {
Beispiel #8
void Wordlist::process_line(ustring & line, set <ustring> &section_entries)
// Processes one line of text:
// - deals with entries.
// - deals with asterisks.
// section_entries - has the entries already made in this section.
  // Handle section restart.
    ustring s (line);
    ustring marker = usfm_extract_marker (s);
    if (section_markers.find (marker) != section_markers.end()) {
  // Remove the asterisk before and the asterisk after the closer, e.g.:
  // \w entry*\w* -> \w entry\w*
  // \w entry\w** -> \w entry\w*
  replace_text(line, "*" + entry_closer, entry_closer);
  replace_text(line, entry_closer + "*", entry_closer);
  // Go through the line looking for the opener.
  size_t startpos = line.find(entry_opener);
  while (startpos != string::npos) {
    // Look for the closer too, after the opener, not before.
    size_t endpos = line.find(entry_closer, startpos);
    if (endpos == string::npos)
    // Get the word.
    ustring word = line.substr(startpos + entry_opener.length(), endpos - startpos - entry_closer.length());
    if (!word.empty()) {
      // Store the word.      
      // Handle asterisks.
      if (use_asterisk) {
        bool insert_asterisk = true;
        if (first_in_chapter)
          if (section_entries.find(word) != section_entries.end())
            insert_asterisk = false;
        if (insert_asterisk) {
          line.insert(endpos + entry_closer.length(), "*");
    startpos = line.find(entry_opener, endpos);
Beispiel #9
void TextWidget::paste() {
    if (!gui_window->clipboard_has_string())
    int start, end;
    get_cursor_slice(start, end);
    String str = gui_window->get_clipboard_string();
    replace_text(start, end, str, str.length());
Beispiel #10
void TextWidget::on_text_input(const TextInputEvent *event) {
    if (!_text_interaction_on)

    int start, end;
    get_cursor_slice(start, end);
    String one_char;
    replace_text(start, end, one_char, 1);
Beispiel #11
void odt_set_font(const ustring & directory, const ustring & fontname)
// Writes the font to the right files in the directory given.
  // Save the font in the content file.
  ReadText rt2(odt_content_xml_filename(directory), true, false);
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rt2.lines.size(); i++) {
    replace_text(rt2.lines[i], "Bitstream", fontname);
  write_lines(odt_content_xml_filename(directory), rt2.lines);
Beispiel #12
bool bibleworks_reference_get_decode (ustring response, Reference& reference)
  // If BibleWorks was not running it might get started at this point, but the value it returns is empty as a result of a timeout.
  if (response.empty())
    return false;
  // The response could be, e.g.: "OK Jer 39:10" (without the quotes).
  replace_text (response, ":", " ");
  Parse parse (response);
  if (parse.words.size() != 4)
    return false; = books_bibleworks_to_id (parse.words[1]);
  reference.chapter = convert_to_int (parse.words[2]);
  reference.verse = parse.words[3];  
  return true;
Beispiel #13
void GwSpawn::arg(ustring value)
// Add one arguments to the arguments for running the program.
// This function can be repeated as many times as desired.
#ifdef WIN32
  // Quote the argument.
  value = shell_quote_space(value);
  // Escape any '.
  replace_text(value, "'", "\\'");
  // We do not shell_quote_space this argument because 
  // we are not executing this through a shell. GwSpawnpawn::run
  // passes arguments directly through argv[].
  // Save argument.
Beispiel #14
void FindBar::on_replace_clicked() {
    auto text = find_entry_->get_text();
    auto replacement_text = replace_entry_->get_text();

    if(text == replacement_text) {

    std::pair<Gtk::TextIter, Gtk::TextIter> to_replace;
    if(last_selected_match_ > -1 && !matches_.empty()) {
        //If we had a selected match already, then replace that before moving on
        to_replace = matches_[last_selected_match_];

        replace_text(to_replace.first, to_replace.second, replacement_text);

    //Find the next match
Beispiel #15
void notes_display_internal(const ustring& language, bool show_reference_text, bool show_summary, ustring& note_buffer, unsigned int id, const gchar * text, unsigned int cursor_id, unsigned int &cursor_offset)
    // Optionally display the extra text.
    if (text) {

    // Get data from the note file.
    ustring note;
    ustring project;
    ustring reference;
    ustring category;
    int date_created;
    ustring user_created;
    int date_modified;
    ustring logbook;
    notes_read_one_from_file (id, note, project, reference, category, date_created, user_created, date_modified, logbook);

    // Parse the reference(s) string into its possible several references.
    Parse parse(reference, false);

    // Keep list of references.
    vector <Reference> references;

    // Go through each reference.
    for (unsigned int i2 = 0; i2 < parse.words.size(); i2++) {
        // Make it human readable.
        Reference oldRef;
        Reference newRef;
        reference_discover(oldRef, parse.words[i2], newRef);
        if (!reference.empty()) {
            reference.append(", ");

    // Start creating the heading with links.
    ustring linkheading;
    // If this note is to be focused, then insert a special anchor for that:
    // <a name="cursoranchor" id="cursoranchor"></a>
    if (id == cursor_id) {
        linkheading.append ("<a name=\"");
        linkheading.append (notes_cursor_anchor());
        linkheading.append ("\" id=\"");
        linkheading.append (notes_cursor_anchor());
        linkheading.append ("\"></a>");
    extern Settings * settings;
    if (settings->session.project_notes_show_title) {
        // Insert a link with this heading, e.g.: <a href="10">Genesis 1.1</a>
        linkheading.append("<a href=\"" + convert_to_string(id) + "\">");
        if (settings->genconfig.notes_display_project_get())
            linkheading.append(" " + project);
        if (settings->genconfig.notes_display_category_get())
            linkheading.append(" " + category);
        if (settings->genconfig.notes_display_date_created_get())
            linkheading.append(" " + date_time_julian_human_readable(date_created, true));
        if (settings->genconfig.notes_display_created_by_get())
            linkheading.append(" " + user_created);
        // Append a [delete] link too, e.g.: <a href="d10">[delete]</a>
        linkheading.append(" <a href=\"d" + convert_to_string(id) + "\">");
        // Append a [references] link too, e.g.: <a href="r10">[references]</a>
        linkheading.append(" <a href=\"r" + convert_to_string(id) + "\">");
    // Add the heading to the note data.

    // Handle summary. Show only the first few words.
    if (show_summary) {
        ustring summary = note;
        replace_text(summary, "\n", " ");
        replace_text(summary, "<BR>", " ");
        Parse parse(summary, false);
        unsigned int maximum = 5;
        maximum = CLAMP(maximum, 0, parse.words.size());
        for (unsigned int w = 0; w < maximum; w++) {
            summary.append(" ");
        if (!summary.empty())
            summary.append(" ...");
    // Append a new line.

    // Insert text of the references, if requested.
    if (show_reference_text) {
        for (unsigned int r = 0; r < references.size(); r++) {
            vector <unsigned int> simple_verses = verse_range_sequence(references[r].verse_get());
            for (unsigned int sv = 0; sv < simple_verses.size(); sv++) {
                Reference ref(references[r]);
                note_buffer.append(" ");
                ustring text = project_retrieve_verse(project, ref);
                if (!text.empty()) {
                    text = usfm_get_verse_text_only (text);
    // Get the text of the note.
    if (!show_summary) {
Beispiel #16
ustring script_filter(const ustring & scriptname, bool straightthrough, const ustring & inputfile, const ustring & outputfile)
 Runs the filter "scriptname".
 Input text in "inputfile", and the output text goes in "outputfile".
 If everything is okay, it returns nothing.
 If there were errors, it returns these.
  // Remove any previous output.

  // Handle straight through.
  if (straightthrough) {
    unix_cp(inputfile, outputfile);
    return "";
  // Get the filename and the type of the script.
  ScriptType scripttype;
  ustring scriptfile = script_get_path(scriptname, &scripttype, true);

  // If the rules file does not exist, or the script is of an unknown type, pass it straight through.
  if (!g_file_test(scriptfile.c_str(), G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR) || (scripttype == stEnd)) {
    unix_cp(inputfile, outputfile);
    gw_warning(_("Error in script ") + scriptname);
    return "";
  // Encode the input usfm file.
  ustring encodedinputfile = script_temporal_input_file();
  if (inputfile != encodedinputfile) {
    unix_cp(inputfile, encodedinputfile);

  // Run filter.
  ustring command;
  ustring error;
  switch (scripttype) {
  case stSed:
      command.append(" -f");
  case stTECkit:
      command.append(" -i");
      command.append(" -o");
      command.append(" -t");
      command.append(" -nobom");
  case stFree:
      // Text of the script.
      ustring scriptdata;
        // Read script.
        gchar *contents;
        g_file_get_contents(scriptfile.c_str(), &contents, NULL, NULL);
        if (contents) {
          scriptdata = contents;
        } else {
          error = _("Can't read script file");
          return error;
      // Check for and insert the input filename.
      if (scriptdata.find(script_free_input_identifier()) == string::npos) {
        error = _("Can't find where to put input file");
        return error;
      replace_text(scriptdata, script_free_input_identifier(), shell_quote_space(encodedinputfile));
      // Check for and insert the output filename.
      if (scriptdata.find(script_free_output_identifier()) == string::npos) {
        error = _("Can't find where to put output file");
        return error;
      replace_text(scriptdata, script_free_output_identifier(), shell_quote_space(outputfile));
      // Write temporal script.
      g_file_set_contents(script_temporal_script_file().c_str(), scriptdata.c_str(), -1, NULL);
      // Assemble command to run.
  case stEnd:

  // Add the error file to the command, and run it.
  command.append(" 2> ");
  int result = system(command.c_str()); // This one is too unpredictable to be used with GwSpawn.

  // The filters are so much beyond any control that we never can be sure that 
  // their output is in the UTF-8 encoding.
  // Sed would give UTF-8, but as TECkit can also give legacy encodings.
  // We can't know what free scripts will do, it could be anything.
  // So here check the UTF-8 encoding. 
  // If UTF-8 validation fails, we copy the input straight to the output.
    gchar *contents;
    g_file_get_contents(outputfile.c_str(), &contents, NULL, NULL);
    if (contents) {
      if (!g_utf8_validate(contents, -1, NULL)) {
        unix_cp(inputfile, outputfile);
        error = _("UTF-8 validation failure");
      if (!error.empty())
        return error;

  // Decode the output file.

  // Handle OK.
  if (result == 0)
    return "";

  // Handle error.
  gchar *contents;
  g_file_get_contents(script_temporal_error_file().c_str(), &contents, NULL, NULL);
  if (contents) {
    error = contents;
  return error;
Beispiel #17
void XeTeX::write_document_tex_file ()
  // Settings.
  extern Settings * settings;
  ProjectConfiguration *projectconfig = settings->projectconfig(settings->genconfig.project_get());
  // Style sheet.
  extern Styles * styles;
  Stylesheet * sheet = styles->stylesheet (stylesheet_get_actual ());
  document_tex.push_back (_("% Configuration file created by Bibledit-Gtk"));
  document_tex.push_back (_("% You can modify it to suit your needs"));
  document_tex.push_back (_("% After modification, run the following command in this directory:"));
  document_tex.push_back (_("%   xetex document.tex"));
  document_tex.push_back (_("% After that look carefully at the output"));
  document_tex.push_back (_("% If it says that a re-run is required, repeat this command"));

  document_tex.push_back ("");
  document_tex.push_back (_("% Include the ptx2pdf macros"));
  document_tex.push_back ("\\input paratext2.tex");

  document_tex.push_back ("");
  document_tex.push_back (_("% Paper size"));
  document_tex.push_back ("\\PaperWidth=" + convert_to_string (settings->genconfig.paper_width_get()) + "cm");
  document_tex.push_back ("\\PaperHeight=" + convert_to_string (settings->genconfig.paper_height_get()) + "cm");

  if (settings->session.print_crop_marks){
    document_tex.push_back ("");
    document_tex.push_back (_("% Crop marks"));
    document_tex.push_back ("\\CropMarkstrue");

  document_tex.push_back ("");
  document_tex.push_back (_("% The basic unit for the margins; changing this will alter them all"));
  document_tex.push_back ("\\MarginUnit=1cm");

  document_tex.push_back ("");
  document_tex.push_back (_("% Relative sizes of margins, based on the unit above"));
  document_tex.push_back ("\\def\\TopMarginFactor{" + convert_to_string (settings->genconfig.paper_top_margin_get()) + "}");
  document_tex.push_back ("\\def\\BottomMarginFactor{" + convert_to_string (settings->genconfig.paper_bottom_margin_get()) + "}");
  document_tex.push_back ("\\def\\SideMarginFactor{" + convert_to_string (settings->genconfig.paper_outside_margin_get()) + "}");

  if (settings->genconfig.paper_inside_margin_get() != settings->genconfig.paper_outside_margin_get()) {
    document_tex.push_back ("");
    document_tex.push_back (_("% Extra margin for the gutter on the binding side"));
    document_tex.push_back ("\\BindingGuttertrue");
    document_tex.push_back ("\\BindingGutter=" + convert_to_string (settings->genconfig.paper_inside_margin_get() - settings->genconfig.paper_outside_margin_get()) + "cm");
    document_tex.push_back ("");
    document_tex.push_back (_("% Double sided printing"));
    document_tex.push_back ("\\DoubleSidedtrue");

  if (!projectconfig->editor_font_default_get()) {
    PangoFontDescription *font_desc = pango_font_description_from_string(projectconfig->editor_font_name_get().c_str());
    if (font_desc){
      // Assemble the string for the font mapping.
      ustring font_mapping = projectconfig->xetex_font_mapping_file_get();
      if (!font_mapping.empty()) {
        if (g_str_has_suffix (font_mapping.c_str(), ".tec")) {
          font_mapping = gw_path_get_basename (font_mapping);
          // Remove the .tec suffix.
          font_mapping.erase (font_mapping.length() - 4, 4);
          // Insert the mapping command.
          font_mapping.insert (0, "mapping=");
        } else {
          gw_warning (_("Font mapping file ") + font_mapping +  _(" should have the .tec suffix - ignoring this file"));

      // Assemble the string for the shaping engine.
      ustring shaping_engine;
      switch (XeTeXScriptingEngineType (projectconfig->xetex_shaping_engine_get())) {
        case xtxsetGeneric:                                 break;
        case xtxsetArab:    shaping_engine = "script=arab"; break;

      // Assemble the addition to the font.
      ustring font_addition;
      if (!font_mapping.empty()) {
        if (font_addition.empty())
          font_addition.append (":");
          font_addition.append (";");
        font_addition.append (font_mapping);
      if (!shaping_engine.empty()) {
        if (font_addition.empty())
          font_addition.append (":");
          font_addition.append (";");
        font_addition.append (shaping_engine);

      ustring font_family = pango_font_description_get_family (font_desc);
      document_tex.push_back ("");
      document_tex.push_back (_("% Fonts to use for \"plain\", \"bold\", \"italic\", and \"bold italic\" from the stylesheet"));
      document_tex.push_back (_("% (they need not really be italic, etc.)"));
      document_tex.push_back (_("% Add e.g. \":mapping=farsidigits\" to get digits in Farsi, provided the farsidigits.tec TECkit mapping is available"));
      document_tex.push_back (_("% Add e.g. \":script=arab\" to use the arab shaping engine instead of the generic one"));
      document_tex.push_back ("\\def\\regular{\"" + font_family + font_addition + "\"}");
      document_tex.push_back ("\\def\\bold{\"" + font_family + "/B" + font_addition + "\"}");
      document_tex.push_back ("\\def\\italic{\"" + font_family + "/I" + font_addition +  "\"}");
      document_tex.push_back ("\\def\\bolditalic{\"" + font_family + "/BI" + font_addition +  + "\"}");

  if (projectconfig->right_to_left_get()) {
    document_tex.push_back ("");
    document_tex.push_back (_("% Right-to-left layout mode"));
    document_tex.push_back ("\\RTLtrue");

  document_tex.push_back ("");
  document_tex.push_back (_("% The unit for font sizes in the stylesheet; changing this will scale all text proportionately"));
  document_tex.push_back ("\\FontSizeUnit=1pt");

  document_tex.push_back ("");
  document_tex.push_back (_("% Scaling factor used to adjust line spacing, relative to font size"));
  double line_spacing_factor = 1.0;
  double vertical_space_factor = 1.0;
  if (!projectconfig->editor_font_default_get()){
    line_spacing_factor = projectconfig->text_line_height_get() / 100;
    vertical_space_factor = projectconfig->text_line_height_get() / 100;
  document_tex.push_back ("\\def\\LineSpacingFactor{" + convert_to_string (line_spacing_factor) + "}");
  document_tex.push_back ("\\def\\VerticalSpaceFactor{" + convert_to_string (vertical_space_factor) + "}");

  document_tex.push_back ("");
  document_tex.push_back (_("% Information to include in the running header (at top of pages, except first)"));
  document_tex.push_back (_("% We set the items to print at left/center/right of odd and even pages separately"));
  document_tex.push_back (_("% Possible contents:"));
  document_tex.push_back (_("%   \\rangeref = Scripture reference of the range of text on the page;"));
  document_tex.push_back (_("%   \\firstref = reference of the first verse on the page)"));
  document_tex.push_back (_("%   \\lastref = reference of the last verse on the page)"));
  document_tex.push_back (_("%   \\pagenumber = the page number"));
  document_tex.push_back (_("%   \\empty = print nothing in this position"));
  document_tex.push_back ("\\def\\RHoddleft{\\empty}");
  document_tex.push_back ("\\def\\RHoddcenter{\\empty}");
  document_tex.push_back ("\\def\\RHoddright{\\rangeref}");
  document_tex.push_back ("");
  document_tex.push_back ("\\def\\RHevenleft{\\rangeref}");
  document_tex.push_back ("\\def\\RHevencenter{\\empty}");
  document_tex.push_back ("\\def\\RHevenright{\\empty}");
  document_tex.push_back ("");
  document_tex.push_back ("\\def\\RHtitleleft{\\empty}");
  document_tex.push_back ("\\def\\RHtitlecenter{\\empty}");
  document_tex.push_back ("\\def\\RHtitleright{\\empty}");
  document_tex.push_back ("");
  document_tex.push_back ("\\def\\RFoddcenter{\\pagenumber}");
  document_tex.push_back ("\\def\\RFevencenter{\\pagenumber}");
  document_tex.push_back ("\\def\\RFtitlecenter{\\pagenumber}");

  document_tex.push_back ("");
  document_tex.push_back (_("% Whether to include verse number in running head, or only chapter"));
  document_tex.push_back ("\\VerseRefstrue");

  document_tex.push_back ("");
  document_tex.push_back (_("% Whether to skip printing verse number 1 at start of chapter"));
  document_tex.push_back ("\\OmitVerseNumberOnetrue");

  document_tex.push_back ("");
  document_tex.push_back (_("% Whether to use paragraph indent at drop-cap chapter numbers"));
  document_tex.push_back (_("% \\IndentAtChaptertrue"));

  // Go through the stylesheet looking for note markers.
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sheet->styles.size(); i++) {
    bool retrieve_note_data = false;
    StyleV2 * style = sheet->styles[i];
    if (style->type == stFootEndNote) {
      if ((style->subtype == fentFootnote) || (style->subtype == fentEndnote)) {
        retrieve_note_data = true;
    if ((style->type == stFootEndNote) || (style->type == stCrossreference)) {
      if (style->subtype == ctCrossreference) {
        retrieve_note_data = true;
    if (retrieve_note_data) {

      ustring marker = style->marker;
      document_tex.push_back ("");
      document_tex.push_back (_("% Reformat \\") + marker + " notes as a single paragraph");
      document_tex.push_back ("\\ParagraphedNotes{" + marker + "}");

      document_tex.push_back ("");
      NoteNumberingType note_numbering = NoteNumberingType (style->userint1);
      switch (note_numbering) {
        case nntNumerical:
          document_tex.push_back (_("% Numerical callers for \\") + marker + _(" notes"));
          document_tex.push_back ("\\NumericCallers{" + marker + "}");
        case nntAlphabetical:
          document_tex.push_back (_("% Alphabetical callers for \\") + marker + _(" notes"));
          document_tex.push_back ("\\AutoCallers{" + marker+ "}{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z}");
        case nntUserDefined:
          ustring autocallers;
          for (unsigned int i = 0; i < style->userstring1.size(); i++) {
            if (i)
              autocallers.append (",");
            autocallers.append (style->userstring1.substr (i, 1));
          if (!autocallers.empty()) {
            document_tex.push_back (_("% Special caller sequence for \\") + marker + " notes");
            document_tex.push_back ("\\AutoCallers{" + marker+ "}{" + autocallers + "}");

      document_tex.push_back ("");
      NoteNumberingRestartType note_restart = NoteNumberingRestartType (style->userint2);
      switch (note_restart) {
        case nnrtNever:
        case nnrtBook:
        case nnrtChapter:
      document_tex.push_back (_("% Reset callers every page for \\") + marker + _(" notes"));
      document_tex.push_back ("\\PageResetCallers{" + marker + "}");

      document_tex.push_back ("");
      document_tex.push_back (_("% Omit callers in the note for \\") + marker + _(" notes"));
      document_tex.push_back (_("% \\OmitCallerInNote{") + marker + "}");


  document_tex.push_back ("");
  document_tex.push_back (_("% The number of columns"));
  document_tex.push_back ("\\TitleColumns=1");
  document_tex.push_back ("\\IntroColumns=1");
  document_tex.push_back ("\\BodyColumns=2");

  document_tex.push_back ("");
  document_tex.push_back (_("% The gutter between double cols, relative to font size"));
  document_tex.push_back ("\\def\\ColumnGutterFactor{15}");

  // Define the Paratext stylesheet to be used as a basis for formatting
  write_stylesheet ();

  // Write the data and add their filenames.
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < book_ids.size(); i++) {
    ustring filename = convert_to_string (book_ids[i]) + " " + books_id_to_english(book_ids[i]) + ".usfm";
    replace_text (filename, " ", "_");
    write_lines (gw_build_filename (working_directory, filename), book_data[i]);
    document_tex.push_back ("\\ptxfile{" + filename + "}");

  // End of document input.
  document_tex.push_back ("\\end");

  // Write document.text to file.
  write_lines (gw_build_filename (working_directory, "document.tex"), document_tex);
Beispiel #18
void TextWidget::cut() {
    int start, end;
    get_cursor_slice(start, end);
    gui_window->set_clipboard_string(_label.text().substring(start, end));
    replace_text(start, end, "", 0);
Beispiel #19
void kjv_import_sword (const ustring& textfile, const ustring& database)
  // Show the progress. KJV has 31102 verses.
  ProgressWindow progresswindow (_("Importing King James Bible"), false);
  progresswindow.set_iterate (0, 1, 31102);
  gchar * contents;
  g_file_get_contents(textfile.c_str(), &contents, NULL, NULL);
  if (!contents)

  // Create the database, put it in fast mode.
  unix_unlink (database.c_str());
  sqlite3 *db;
  sqlite3_open(database.c_str(), &db);
  sqlite3_exec(db, "create table kjv (book integer, chapter integer, verse integer, item integer, fragment text, lemma text);", NULL, NULL, NULL);
  sqlite3_exec(db, "PRAGMA synchronous=OFF;", NULL, NULL, NULL);

  // Parse input.
  xmlParserInputBufferPtr inputbuffer;
  inputbuffer = xmlParserInputBufferCreateMem(contents, strlen (contents), XML_CHAR_ENCODING_NONE);
  xmlTextReaderPtr reader = xmlNewTextReader(inputbuffer, NULL);
  if (reader) {
    bool within_relevant_element = false;
    Reference reference (0, 0, "0");
    unsigned int item_number = 0;
    ustring textfragment;
    ustring lemmata;
    while ((xmlTextReaderRead(reader) == 1)) {
      switch (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader)) {
          xmlChar *element_name = xmlTextReaderName(reader);
          // Deal with a verse element.
          if (!xmlStrcmp(element_name, BAD_CAST "verse")) {
            char *attribute;
            attribute = (char *)xmlTextReaderGetAttribute(reader, BAD_CAST "osisID");
            if (attribute) {
              Parse parse (attribute, false, ".");
              if (parse.words.size() == 3) {
                reference.assign(books_osis_to_id (parse.words[0]), // book
				 convert_to_int (parse.words[1]),   // chapter
				 parse.words[2]);                   // verse
              } else {
                gw_critical (attribute);
            item_number = 0;
          // Deal with a w element.
          if (!xmlStrcmp(element_name, BAD_CAST "w")) {
            within_relevant_element = true;
            char *attribute;
            attribute = (char *)xmlTextReaderGetAttribute(reader, BAD_CAST "lemma");
            if (attribute) {
              lemmata = attribute;
          if (within_relevant_element) {
            xmlChar *text = xmlTextReaderValue(reader);
            if (text) {
              textfragment = (const char *)text;
              textfragment = textfragment.casefold();
          xmlChar *element_name = xmlTextReaderName(reader);
          if (!xmlStrcmp(element_name, BAD_CAST "w")) {
            replace_text (lemmata, "strong:", "");
            char *sql;
            sql = g_strdup_printf("insert into kjv values (%d, %d, %d, %d, '%s', '%s');", 
                                  reference.book_get(), reference.chapter_get(), convert_to_int (reference.verse_get()), 
                                  double_apostrophy (textfragment).c_str(), lemmata.c_str());
            sqlite3_exec(db, sql, NULL, NULL, NULL);
            within_relevant_element = false;
  if (reader)
  if (inputbuffer)

  // Close database.
  // Free xml data.    
Beispiel #20
bool TextWidget::on_key_event(const KeyEvent *event) {
    if (!_text_interaction_on)
        return false;

    if (_on_key_event(this, event)) {
        // user ate this event
        return true;

    if (event->action == KeyActionUp)
        return false;

    int start, end;
    get_cursor_slice(start, end);
    switch (event->virt_key) {
        case VirtKeyLeft:
            if (key_mod_ctrl(event->modifiers) && key_mod_shift(event->modifiers)) {
                int new_end = backward_word();
                set_selection(_cursor_start, new_end);
            } else if (key_mod_ctrl(event->modifiers)) {
                int new_start = backward_word();
                set_selection(new_start, new_start);
            } else if (key_mod_shift(event->modifiers)) {
                set_selection(_cursor_start, _cursor_end - 1);
            } else {
                if (start == end) {
                    set_selection(start - 1, start - 1);
                } else {
                    set_selection(start, start);
            return true;
        case VirtKeyRight:
            if (key_mod_ctrl(event->modifiers) && key_mod_shift(event->modifiers)) {
                int new_end = forward_word();
                set_selection(_cursor_start, new_end);
            } else if (key_mod_ctrl(event->modifiers)) {
                int new_start = forward_word();
                set_selection(new_start, new_start);
            } else if (key_mod_shift(event->modifiers)) {
                set_selection(_cursor_start, _cursor_end + 1);
            } else {
                if (start == end) {
                    set_selection(start + 1, end + 1);
                } else {
                    set_selection(end, end);
            return true;
        case VirtKeyBackspace:
            if (start == end) {
                if (key_mod_ctrl(event->modifiers)) {
                    int new_start = backward_word();
                    replace_text(new_start, start, "", 0);
                } else {
                    replace_text(start - 1, end, "", 0);
            } else {
                replace_text(start, end, "", 0);
            return true;
        case VirtKeyDelete:
            if (start == end) {
                if (key_mod_ctrl(event->modifiers)) {
                    int new_start = forward_word();
                    replace_text(start, new_start, "", 0);
                } else {
                    replace_text(start, end + 1, "", 0);
            } else {
                replace_text(start, end, "", 0);
            return true;
        case VirtKeyHome:
            if (key_mod_shift(event->modifiers)) {
                set_selection(_cursor_start, 0);
            } else {
                set_selection(0, 0);
            return true;
        case VirtKeyEnd:
            if (key_mod_shift(event->modifiers)) {
                set_selection(_cursor_start, _label.text().length());
            } else {
                set_selection(_label.text().length(), _label.text().length());
            return true;
        case VirtKeyA:
            if (key_mod_only_ctrl(event->modifiers)) {
                return true;
        case VirtKeyX:
            if (key_mod_only_ctrl(event->modifiers)) {
                return true;
        case VirtKeyC:
            if (key_mod_only_ctrl(event->modifiers)) {
                return true;
        case VirtKeyV:
            if (key_mod_only_ctrl(event->modifiers)) {
                return true;
            // do nothing
            return true;
Beispiel #21
void OpenDocument::format_general(vector <ustring>& lines)
// General formatter for USFM lines given.
  // Go through all the lines.
  odttextparagraph = NULL;
  for (unsigned int ln = 0; ln < lines.size(); ln++) {
    ustring line = lines[ln];
    // Take any elastics out, put the \b marker instead.
    replace_text(line, ELASTIC_MARKER, "b");
    // Change certain characters to xml entities.
    xml_handle_entities(line, NULL);
    // Deal with footnotes.
    // Deal with endnotes.
    // Deal with crossreferences.
    // Deal with inline text.
    usfm_handle_inline_text(line, usfm_inline_markers, NULL, imOpenDocument, NULL);
    // Signal new line.
    if (odttextparagraph)
    // Get the style belonging to the marker.
    ustring marker = usfm_extract_marker(line);
    if (usfm->is_identifier(marker)) {
      // Handle some identifiers.
      IdentifierType identifiertype = usfm->identifier_get_subtype(marker);
      // New book.
      if (identifiertype == itBook) {
        if (odttextparagraph)
          delete odttextparagraph;
        odttextparagraph = new OdtTextParagraph(&odtlines, marker);
    } else if (usfm->is_verse_number(marker)) {
      // Because of dealing with portions to include/exclude, handle verse first.
      // Get verse number. Handle combined verses too, e.g. 10-12b, etc.
      size_t position = line.find(" ");
      position = CLAMP(position, 0, line.length());
      ustring versenumber = line.substr(0, position);
      line.erase(0, position);
      // There was a bug that the chapter number was missing from a book,
      // and that results in text being inserted without the opening xml code.
      // Solution: If no paragraph has been opened, open a default one.
      if (odttextparagraph == NULL)
        odttextparagraph = new OdtTextParagraph(&odtlines, "");
      // Insert a bookmark at the verse.
      // This will become an anchor for the Bibledit Resource Viewer,
      // once OpenOffice saves the document to a HTML Document.
      // Example bookmark: <text:bookmark text:name="Malachi_1_1"/>
      ustring bookmark = resource_viewer_produce_anchor(anchor_book, anchor_chapter, convert_to_int(number_in_string(versenumber)));
      bookmark.insert(0, "<text:bookmark text:name=\"");
      // When the usfm is a verse number, then the number is put in the 
      // format specified by the stylesheet, but the remaining part of the
      // line inherits the formatting from the paragraph it is in.
      odttextparagraph->spannedtext(versenumber, marker);
    } else if (usfm->is_starting_paragraph(marker)) {
      if (odttextparagraph)
        delete odttextparagraph;
      odttextparagraph = new OdtTextParagraph(&odtlines, marker);
      if (!line.empty())
    } else if (usfm->is_inline_text(marker)) {
      // Inline text, has been dealt with before (therefore should never occur here).
      if (odttextparagraph)
        odttextparagraph->spannedtext(line, marker);
    } else if (usfm->is_chapter_number(marker)) {
      // Close possible open paragraph.
      if (odttextparagraph)
        delete odttextparagraph;
      // Signal new chapter to footnotes object.
      // Store chapter for the anchors.
      anchor_chapter = convert_to_int(number_in_string(line));
      // Insert or prepare chapter text.
      odttextparagraph = new OdtTextParagraph(&odtlines, marker);
    } else if (usfm->is_peripheral(marker)) {
    } else if (usfm->is_picture(marker)) {
    } else if (usfm->is_pagebreak(marker)) {
      if (odttextparagraph)
        delete odttextparagraph;
      odttextparagraph = new OdtTextParagraph(&odtlines, marker);
    } else {
      // Fallback for unknown marker or no marker.
      if (!odttextparagraph)
        odttextparagraph = new OdtTextParagraph(&odtlines, "");
      // Make a note of this marker, that it was not formatted.
      unformatted_markers.insert (marker);
  // Close possible last paragraph.
  if (odttextparagraph)
    delete odttextparagraph;
Beispiel #22
vector <ustring> mechon_mamre_extract_contents (const ustring& file, unsigned int chapter)
  // Usfm data.
  vector <ustring> lines;
  // Convert chapter number to USFM code.
  lines.push_back("\\c " + convert_to_string(chapter));
  // Read the text of the .htm file, and select only the .htm lines that 
  // contain the actual text.
  vector < ustring > htmlines;
    ReadText rt (file, true, false);
    // Find lower boundary: the relevant parts start with a verse number.
    unsigned int lower_boundary = 0;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rt.lines.size(); i++) {
      if (rt.lines[i].find("A NAME=") != string::npos) {
        lower_boundary = i;
    // Find higher boundary: the relevant part ends with a verse number 
    // that is one past the last verse.
    unsigned int upper_boundary = 0;
    for (unsigned int i = rt.lines.size() - 1; i > 0; i--) {
      if (rt.lines[i].find("A NAME=") != string::npos) {
        upper_boundary = i;
    // Store the relevant html lines that contain the verses.
    for (unsigned int i = lower_boundary; i <= upper_boundary; i++) {

  // Go through the relevant text and extract the verses.
  ustring verse;
  for (unsigned int ln = 0; ln < htmlines.size(); ln++) {
    ustring s = number_in_string(htmlines[ln]);
    if (!s.empty()) {
      verse = "\\v " + s;
    } else {
      // A text line could be looking so (Psalms 1:1):
      // <P><B>א</B> אַ֥שְֽׁרֵי הָאִ֗ישׁ    אֲשֶׁ֤ר ׀ לֹ֥א הָלַךְ֮ בַּֽעֲצַ֪ת רְשָׁ֫עִ֥ים<BR>וּבְדֶ֣רֶךְ חַ֭טָּאִים לֹ֥א עָמָ֑ד    וּבְמוֹשַׁ֥ב לֵ֝צִ֗ים לֹ֣א יָשָֽׁב׃<BR>
      ustring line = htmlines[ln];
      // Convert <BR>, </P>, etc.
      replace_text(line, "<BR>", "\n\\nb\n");
      replace_text(line, "</P>", "\n\\p\n");
      replace_text(line, "<BIG>", "");
      replace_text(line, "</BIG>", "");
      replace_text(line, "{פ}", "");
      replace_text(line, "{ס}", "");
      size_t position = line.find_last_of(">");
      line.erase(0, ++position);
      line = trim(line);
      lines.push_back(verse + " " + line);
  // Return the data.
  return lines;  