void GM862::init() { delay(1000); getStatus(); // identify if modem is turned on or not Serial.println("GM862 MC Control"); // test to see if modem is on if(!isOn()){ Serial.println("Turning on Modem ..."); switchOn(); // switch the modem on delay(4000); // wait for the modem to boot } Serial.println("initializing modem ..."); char buf[BUF_LENGTH]; requestModem("AT", 1000, true, buf); requestModem("AT+IPR=19200", 1000, true, buf); requestModem("AT+CMEE=2", 1000, true, buf); requestModem("AT+CNMI=2,1,2,1,0", 1000, true, buf); requestModem("AT+CMGF=1", 1000, true, buf); // send text sms state |= STATE_INITIALIZED; checkNetwork(); // check the network availability // modem.version(); // request modem version info /* while (!modem.isRegistered()) { delay(1000); modem.checkNetwork(); // check the network availability }*/ Serial.println("Modem is ready"); }
/* * eplus * internet.eplus.de, eplus, eplus * o2 * internet, <>, <> */ void GM862::initGPRS() { char buf[BUF_LENGTH]; Serial.println("initializing GPRS ..."); requestModem("AT+CGDCONT=1,\"IP\",\"internet\",\"\",0,0", 1000, false, buf); requestModem("AT#USERID=\"\"", 1000, false, buf); requestModem("AT#PASSW=\"\"", 1000, false, buf); Serial.println("done"); }
void GM862::version() { char buf[BUF_LENGTH]; Serial.println("version info ..."); requestModem("AT+GMI", 1000, false, buf); requestModem("AT+GMM", 1000, false, buf); requestModem("AT+GMR", 1000, false, buf); requestModem("AT+CSQ", 1000, false, buf); Serial.println("done"); }
void GPRS::setup() { if(waiting==OFF) { char buf[BUF_LENGTH];requestModem(ATcommand[ATindex], 1000, true, buf); timestart = millis(); waiting = ON; timeout = 5000; Serial.println("Started GM865"); ATindex++; } else { if(Serial3.available()) { if(readterminal()) waiting = OFF; else if(!checktimeout(timeout) || !readterminal()) { gprsstate = setupstate; ATindex=0; waiting=OFF; timeout = 5000; timestart=0; } } } }
boolean GM862::getStatus(){ char buf[BUF_LENGTH]; byte r = 0; if(state == STATE_NONE){ r = requestModem("AT",1000,true,buf); // Serial.println("r: " + r); if(r){ state |= STATE_ON; } } return state; }
void GM862::checkNetwork() { char buf[BUF_LENGTH]; char result; Serial.println("checking network ..."); requestModem("AT+CREG?", 1000, false, buf); result = buf[20]; if (result == '1') { state |= STATE_REGISTERED; } else { state &= ~STATE_REGISTERED; } Serial.println("done"); }
void GM862::deleteMessage(String index){ char buf[BUF_LENGTH]; char cmdBuf[BUF_LENGTH]; char delflag; String cmd = "AT+CMGD="; if(index.equalsIgnoreCase("0")){ cmd.concat("1,3"); // delete all read messages from <memr> storage, sent and unsent mobile originated messages, leaving unread messages untouched } else { index.concat(",0"); cmd.concat(index); } cmd.toCharArray(cmdBuf,BUF_LENGTH); requestModem(cmdBuf, 2000,true,buf); }
void GM862::sendSMS(String number, String message) { char buf[BUF_LENGTH]; char cmdbuf[30]; String Scmdbuf = "AT+CMGS=\""; Serial.println("sending SMS ..."); Serial.println("number: "+number+" and message: "+message); Scmdbuf.concat(number + "\""); Scmdbuf.toCharArray(cmdbuf,30); requestModem(cmdbuf, 1000, false, buf); modem->print(message); modem->print(0x1a, BYTE); getsTimeout(buf, 2000); // Serial.println(buf); // Serial.println("done"); }
Position GM862::requestGPS(void) { char buf[150]; Serial.println("requesting GPS position ..."); requestModem("AT$GPSACP", 2000, false, buf); if (strlen(buf) > 29) { actPosition.fix = 0; // invalidate actual position parseGPS(buf, &actPosition); if (actPosition.fix > 0) { Serial.println(actPosition.fix); state |= STATE_POSFIX; } } else { actPosition.fix = 0; Serial.println("no fix"); state &= ~STATE_POSFIX; } return actPosition; }
boolean GM862::openHTTP(char *domain) { char buf[BUF_LENGTH]; char cmdbuf[50] = "AT#SKTD=0,80,\""; byte i = 0; boolean connect = false; Serial.println("opening socket ..."); strcat(cmdbuf, domain); strcat(cmdbuf, "\",0,0\r"); requestModem(cmdbuf, 1000, false, buf); do { getsTimeout(buf, 1000); Serial.print("buf:"); Serial.println(buf); if (strstr(buf, "CONNECT")) { connect = true; break; } } while (i++ < 10); if (!connect) { Serial.println("failed"); } return (connect); }
int GM862::parseMessage(char *buf){ char buf2[BUF_LENGTH]; int state; String loc; // Serial.print("pm -->"); // Serial.println(buf); if(strstr(buf,"CMTI")){ // incoming txt message Serial.println("getting message ... "); loc = strstr(buf,",")+1; loc = loc.trim(); // Serial.println("mem loc: " + loc); requestModem("AT+CMGL=\"REC UNREAD\"",1000,false,buf2); // list message while(!strstr(buf2,"+CMGL:")){ // wait until the txt message response is sent. getsTimeout(buf2,100); } // Serial.print(buf2); state = extractData(buf2); Serial.print("State Parse: "); Serial.println(state); // delay(4500); deleteMessage(loc); } return state; }
void GM862::warmStartGPS() { char buf[BUF_LENGTH]; Serial.println("warm start GPS ..."); requestModem("AT$GPSR=2", 1000, false, buf); Serial.println("done"); }
void GM862::disableGPRS() { char buf[BUF_LENGTH]; Serial.println("switching GPRS off ..."); requestModem("AT#GPRS=0", 1000, false, buf); Serial.println("done"); }