void test_verify_1()
  cout << "Verify Test 1" << endl;
  vector<int> res1 (100);
  vector<int> res2 (100);
  cout << "res1 == res2: " << TestEnvironment::verify(res1, res2) << endl;
  vector<int> res3 (50);
  vector<int> res4 (100);
  cout << "res3 == res4: " << TestEnvironment::verify(res3, res4) << endl;
  cout << endl;
void SIMPLE_Agents::get_IR_reading( vector <double> &_reading){
    double x,z,X,Z,rotation = 0.0;
    this->pos = this->get_pos();
    double y = pos[1] + 0.011;
    btMatrix3x3 m = btMatrix3x3(body->getWorldTransform().getRotation());
    double rfPAngle = btAsin(-m[1][2]);
       if ( rfPAngle < SIMD_HALF_PI )   {
           if ( rfPAngle > -SIMD_HALF_PI ) rotation = btAtan2(m[0][2],m[2][2]);
            else rotation = -btAtan2(-m[0][1],m[0][0]);
        else rotation = btAtan2(-m[0][1],m[0][0]);

 //   IR0 reading
      x = pos[0]+((robot_radius) * cos(-rotation + 0.3));   //calc IR sensor X based on robot radius
      z = pos[2]+((robot_radius) * sin(-rotation + 0.3));
      from1[0] = btVector3(x, y, z);                        //sensor position based on robot rotation vector to hold btVector
      X = x+((IR_range) * cos(-rotation + 0.3 ));           //calc IR ray end position based on IR range and placement of sensor on the robot
      Z = z+((IR_range) * sin(-rotation + 0.3 ));
      to1[0] = btVector3( X, y, Z );                        //Max reading pos of the IR based on rotation and IR range
      btCollisionWorld::ClosestRayResultCallback res0(from1[0], to1[0]); //struct for the closest ray callback
      //uncomment below line if you experience any ray pentration problem to the object this might happened with very slow machine
      //res0.m_flags = 0xFFFFFFFF;
       this->world->rayTest(from1[0], to1[0], res0);        //check for ray collision between the coords sets
        _reading[0] = IR_range*res0.m_closestHitFraction ;
        to1[0]=res0.m_hitPointWorld;                        //update the vector with the btVector results -> used to render it in openGL

 //   IR7 reading
      x = pos[0]+((robot_radius) * cos(-rotation - 0.3));
      z = pos[2]+((robot_radius) * sin(-rotation - 0.3));
      from1[1] = btVector3(x, y, z);
      X = x+((IR_range) * cos(-rotation - 0.3 ));
      Z = z+((IR_range) * sin(-rotation - 0.3 ));
      to1[1] = btVector3( X, y, Z );
      btCollisionWorld::ClosestRayResultCallback res7(from1[1], to1[1]);
      //uncomment below line if you experience any ray pentration problem to the object this might happened with very slow machine
      //res7.m_flags = 0xFFFFFFFF;
      this->world->rayTest(from1[1], to1[1], res7);
          _reading[1] = IR_range*res7.m_closestHitFraction;

 //   IR1 reading corrospond to epuck
      x = pos[0]+((robot_radius) * cos(-rotation + 0.8));
      z = pos[2]+((robot_radius) * sin(-rotation + 0.8));
      from1[2] = btVector3(x, y, z);
      X = x+((IR_range) * cos(-rotation + 0.8 ));
      Z = z+((IR_range) * sin(-rotation + 0.8 ));
      to1[2] = btVector3( X, y, Z );
      btCollisionWorld::ClosestRayResultCallback res1(from1[2], to1[2]);
      //uncomment below line if you experience any ray pentration problem to the object this might happened with very slow machine
      //res1.m_flags = 0xFFFFFFFF;
      this->world->rayTest(from1[2], to1[2], res1);
        _reading[2] = IR_range*res1.m_closestHitFraction;

 //   IR6 reading
      x = pos[0]+((robot_radius) * cos(-rotation - 0.8));
      z = pos[2]+((robot_radius) * sin(-rotation - 0.8));
      from1[3] = btVector3(x, y, z);
      X = x+((IR_range) * cos(-rotation - 0.8 ));
      Z = z+((IR_range) * sin(-rotation - 0.8 ));
      to1[3] = btVector3( X, y, Z );
      btCollisionWorld::ClosestRayResultCallback res6(from1[3], to1[3]);
      //uncomment below line if you experience any ray pentration problem to the object this might happened with very slow machine
      //res6.m_flags = 0xFFFFFFFF;
      this->world->rayTest(from1[3], to1[3], res6);
          _reading[3] = IR_range*res6.m_closestHitFraction;

 //   IR2 reading
      x = pos[0]+((0.028) * cos(-rotation + 1.57));
      z = pos[2]+((0.028) * sin(-rotation + 1.57));
      from1[4] = btVector3(x, y, z);
      X = x+((0.049) * cos(-rotation + 1.57 ));
      Z = z+((0.049) * sin(-rotation + 1.57));
      to1[4] = btVector3( X, y, Z );
      btCollisionWorld::ClosestRayResultCallback res2(from1[4], to1[4]);
      //uncomment below line if you experience any ray pentration problem to the object this might happened with very slow machine
      //res2.m_flags = 0xFFFFFFFF;
      this->world->rayTest(from1[4], to1[4], res2);
          _reading[4] = 0.049*(res2.m_closestHitFraction) - 0.009;

 //   IR5 reading
      x = pos[0]+((0.028) * cos(-rotation - 1.57));
      z = pos[2]+((0.028) * sin(-rotation - 1.57));
      from1[5] = btVector3(x, y, z);
      X = x+((0.049) * cos(-rotation - 1.57 ));
      Z = z+((0.049) * sin(-rotation - 1.57 ));
      to1[5] = btVector3( X, y, Z );
      btCollisionWorld::ClosestRayResultCallback res5(from1[5], to1[5]);
      //uncomment below line if you experience any ray pentration problem to the object this might happened with very slow machine
      //res5.m_flags = 0xFFFFFFFF;
      this->world->rayTest(from1[5], to1[5], res5);
           _reading[5] = 0.049*res5.m_closestHitFraction - 0.009;

 //   IR3 reading
      x = pos[0]+((robot_radius) * cos(-rotation + 2.64));
      z = pos[2]+((robot_radius) * sin(-rotation + 2.64));
      from1[6] = btVector3(x, y, z);
      X = x+((IR_range) * cos(-rotation + 2.64 ));
      Z = z+((IR_range) * sin(-rotation + 2.64 ));
      to1[6] = btVector3( X, y, Z );
      btCollisionWorld::ClosestRayResultCallback res3(from1[6], to1[6]);
      //uncomment below line if you experience any ray pentration problem to the object this might happened with very slow machine
      //res3.m_flags = 0xFFFFFFFF;
      this->world->rayTest(from1[6], to1[6], res3);
          _reading[6] = IR_range*res3.m_closestHitFraction;

  //   IR4 reading
      x = pos[0]+((robot_radius) * cos(-rotation - 2.64));
      z = pos[2]+((robot_radius) * sin(-rotation - 2.64));
      from1[7] = btVector3(x, y, z);
      X = x+((IR_range) * cos(-rotation - 2.64 ));
      Z = z+((IR_range) * sin(-rotation - 2.64 ));
      to1[7] = btVector3( X, y, Z );
      btCollisionWorld::ClosestRayResultCallback res4(from1[7], to1[7]);
      //uncomment below line if you experience any ray pentration problem to the object this might happened with very slow machine
      //res4.m_flags = 0xFFFFFFFF;
      this->world->rayTest(from1[7], to1[7], res4);
          _reading[7] = IR_range*res4.m_closestHitFraction;

//        for( int i = 0; i < num_IR_sensors; i++){
//            printf(" \nIR%d distance reading= %f ",i,_reading[i]);
//        }

    //calibrating distance to IR value reading according to a line equations
  for(int i = 0; i < num_IR_sensors; i++){
       if (_reading[i] > 0.03 && _reading[i] <= 0.04)
           _reading[i] = -20600 * _reading[i] + 924;
       else if (_reading[i] > 0.02 && _reading[i] <= 0.03)
           _reading[i] = -37000 * _reading[i] + 1416;
       else if (_reading[i] > 0.01 && _reading[i] <= 0.02)
           _reading[i] = -153500 * _reading[i] + 3746;
       else if (_reading[i] > 0.005 && _reading[i] <= 0.01)
           _reading[i] = -252600 * _reading[i] + 4737;
       else if (_reading[i] >= 0.0 && _reading[i] <= 0.005 )
           _reading[i] = -124200 * _reading[i] + 4095;

//  for( int i = 0; i < num_IR_sensors; i++){
//      printf("\n IR%d distance reading= %f ",i,_reading[i]);
//  }

//    take_occupancy_reading(_reading, get_rotation(), get_pos()[0], get_pos()[2] );
