pascal Handle SafeGet1NamedResource(ResType type, ConstStr255Param name)
	Handle result = NULL;
	if (gLocaleResFile)
		StAcroResourceContext resContext(gLocaleResFile);
		result = Get1NamedResource(type, name);
	if (result == NULL && GetAcroPluginResourceMap())
		StAcroResourceContext resContext(GetAcroPluginResourceMap());
		result = Get1NamedResource(type, name);
	return result;
    loads and configures components
    in a SysContext
    @param doc the DOMDocument
    @return SysContext the system context where all components are loaded into
    const DOMDocument* doc )
    RefCountedPtr<SysContext> resContext(new SysContext);

    std::vector<DOMProcessingInstruction*> pis;
    DomUtils::findProcessingInstructions( doc, TARGET_NAME, pis );

    // map of components to their configuration
    std::map< RefCountedPtr<iSysComponent>, DOMElement* > luckyComponents;

    for ( std::vector<DOMProcessingInstruction*>::const_iterator it = pis.begin();
            it != pis.end(); it++ )
        // check to see if the processing instruction has the
        // following attributes:
        // "component-name" - name of the class to create
        // "component-config" - path of the config tree for the component
        Mapping attrs;
        if ( DomUtils::getAttributes( (*it), attrs ) )
            String cmpName;
            attrs.getIfAvailable(CMP_NAME_ATTR, cmpName);

            RefCountedPtr<iSysComponent> cmp( SysComponentFactory::createObject( cmpName ) );
            if ( cmp != NULL )
                // locate it's configuration and call it to initialize
                DOMElement* xmlNode = NULL;

                String xmlIsland;
                attrs.getIfAvailable(CMP_CFG_ATTR, xmlIsland);

                if ( xmlIsland.length() > 0 )
                    const DOMNode* theNode = (const DOMNode*)doc->getDocumentElement();
                    DomUtils::selectSingleNode( theNode, xmlIsland, (DOMNode**)&xmlNode );

                int initRes = cmp->init( xmlNode, resContext );
                if ( initRes == 0 )
                    resContext->addComponent( cmp );
                    luckyComponents[ cmp ] = xmlNode;

    // now post initialize the components that were successfully initialized
    for ( std::map< RefCountedPtr<iSysComponent>, DOMElement* >::iterator lit = luckyComponents.begin();
            lit != luckyComponents.end(); lit++ )
        (*lit).first->postInit( (*lit).second, resContext );

    return resContext;
pascal Handle SafeGet1Resource(ResType type, short resNum)
	Handle result = NULL;
	if (gLocaleResFile)
		StAcroResourceContext resContext(gLocaleResFile);
		result = Get1Resource(type, resNum);
	if (result == NULL && GetAcroPluginResourceMap())
		StAcroResourceContext resContext(GetAcroPluginResourceMap());
		result = Get1Resource(type, resNum);
	return result;
pascal Handle SafeGet1Resource(ResType type, short resNum)
	Handle result = NULL;
	if (gLocaleResFile)
		StAcroResourceContext resContext(gLocaleResFile);
		result = Get1Resource(type, resNum);
	if (result == NULL && gResFile)
		StAcroResourceContext resContext(gResFile);
		result = Get1Resource(type, resNum);
	return result;

	Handle result;
	short oldResFile = CurResFile();

	if( gLocaleResFile ) {					// Look in the Locale file first

		UseResFile( gLocaleResFile );
		result = Get1Resource(type, resNum);
		if( result ) {						// If the resource was there, then
			UseResFile( oldResFile );		// restore the chain and exit
			return result;

	UseResFile( gResFile );					// Default to base resource file
	result = Get1Resource(type, resNum);	// and get resource.

	UseResFile(oldResFile);					// restore and return
	return result;