Beispiel #1
void zmq::stream_engine_t::in_event ()
    bool disconnection = false;

    //  If there's no data to process in the buffer...
    if (!insize) {

        //  Retrieve the buffer and read as much data as possible.
        //  Note that buffer can be arbitrarily large. However, we assume
        //  the underlying TCP layer has fixed buffer size and thus the
        //  number of bytes read will be always limited.
        decoder.get_buffer (&inpos, &insize);
        insize = read (inpos, insize);

        //  Check whether the peer has closed the connection.
        if (insize == (size_t) -1) {
            insize = 0;
            disconnection = true;

    //  Push the data to the decoder.
    size_t processed = decoder.process_buffer (inpos, insize);

    if (unlikely (processed == (size_t) -1)) {
        disconnection = true;
    else {

        //  Stop polling for input if we got stuck.
        if (processed < insize)
            reset_pollin (handle);

        //  Adjust the buffer.
        inpos += processed;
        insize -= processed;

    //  Flush all messages the decoder may have produced.
    session->flush ();

    //  Input error has occurred. If the last decoded
    //  message has already been accepted, we terminate
    //  the engine immediately. Otherwise, we stop
    //  waiting for input events and postpone the termination
    //  until after the session has accepted the message.
    if (disconnection) {
        input_error = true;
        if (decoder.stalled ())
            reset_pollin (handle);
            error ();
Beispiel #2
void zmq::zmq_engine_t::in_event ()
    //  If there's no data to process in the buffer...
    if (!insize) {

        //  Retrieve the buffer and read as much data as possible.
        decoder.get_buffer (&inpos, &insize);
        insize = (inpos, insize);

        //  Check whether the peer has closed the connection.
        if (insize == (size_t) -1) {
            insize = 0;
            error ();

    //  Push the data to the decoder.
    size_t processed = decoder.process_buffer (inpos, insize);

    //  Adjust the buffer.
    inpos += processed;
    insize -= processed;

    //  Stop polling for input if we got stuck.
    if (processed < insize)
        reset_pollin (handle);

    //  Flush all messages the decoder may have produced.
    inout->flush ();
Beispiel #3
void zmq::zmq_engine_t::in_event ()
    bool disconnection = false;

    //  If there's no data to process in the buffer...
    if (!insize) {

        //  Retrieve the buffer and read as much data as possible.
        //  Note that buffer can be arbitrarily large. However, we assume
        //  the underlying TCP layer has fixed buffer size and thus the
        //  number of bytes read will be always limited.
        decoder.get_buffer (&inpos, &insize);
        insize = (inpos, insize);

        //  Check whether the peer has closed the connection.
        if (insize == (size_t) -1) {
            insize = 0;
            disconnection = true;

    //  Push the data to the decoder.
    size_t processed = decoder.process_buffer (inpos, insize);

    if (unlikely (processed == (size_t) -1)) {
        disconnection = true;
    else {

        //  Stop polling for input if we got stuck.
        if (processed < insize) {

            //  This may happen if queue limits are in effect or when
            //  init object reads all required information from the socket
            //  and rejects to read more data.
            if (plugged)
                reset_pollin (handle);

        //  Adjust the buffer.
        inpos += processed;
        insize -= processed;

    //  Flush all messages the decoder may have produced.
    //  If IO handler has unplugged engine, flush transient IO handler.
    if (unlikely (!plugged)) {
        zmq_assert (ephemeral_inout);
        ephemeral_inout->flush ();
    } else {
        inout->flush ();

    if (inout && disconnection)
        error ();
Beispiel #4
void xs::stream_engine_t::in_event (fd_t fd_)
    bool disconnection = false;

    //  If there's no data to process in the buffer...
    if (!insize) {

        //  Retrieve the buffer and read as much data as possible.
        //  Note that buffer can be arbitrarily large. However, we assume
        //  the underlying TCP layer has fixed buffer size and thus the
        //  number of bytes read will be always limited.
        decoder.get_buffer (&inpos, &insize);
        insize = read (inpos, insize);

        //  Check whether the peer has closed the connection.
        if (insize == (size_t) -1) {
            insize = 0;
            disconnection = true;

    //  Push the data to the decoder.
    size_t processed = decoder.process_buffer (inpos, insize);

    if (unlikely (processed == (size_t) -1)) {
        disconnection = true;
    else {

        //  Stop polling for input if we got stuck.
        if (processed < insize) {

            //  This may happen if queue limits are in effect.
            if (plugged)
                reset_pollin (handle);

        //  Adjust the buffer.
        inpos += processed;
        insize -= processed;

    //  Flush all messages the decoder may have produced.
    //  If IO handler has unplugged engine, flush transient IO handler.
    if (unlikely (!plugged)) {
        xs_assert (leftover_session);
        leftover_session->flush ();
    } else {
        session->flush ();

    if (session && disconnection)
        error ();
Beispiel #5
void zmq::zmq_engine_t::in_event ()
    bool disconnection = false;

    //  If there's no data to process in the buffer...
    if (!insize) {

        //  Retrieve the buffer and read as much data as possible.
        decoder.get_buffer (&inpos, &insize);
        insize = (inpos, insize);

        //  Check whether the peer has closed the connection.
        if (insize == (size_t) -1) {
            insize = 0;
            disconnection = true;

    //  Push the data to the decoder.
    size_t processed = decoder.process_buffer (inpos, insize);

    //  Stop polling for input if we got stuck.
    if (processed < insize) {

        //  This may happen if queue limits are in effect or when
        //  init object reads all required information from the socket
        //  and rejects to read more data.
        reset_pollin (handle);

    //  Adjust the buffer.
    inpos += processed;
    insize -= processed;

    //  Flush all messages the decoder may have produced.
    inout->flush ();

    if (disconnection)
        error ();
Beispiel #6
void zmq::stream_engine_t::in_event ()
    zmq_assert (!io_error);

    //  If still handshaking, receive and process the greeting message.
    if (unlikely (handshaking))
        if (!handshake ())

    zmq_assert (decoder);

    //  If there has been an I/O error, stop polling.
    if (input_stopped) {
        rm_fd (handle);
        io_error = true;

    //  If there's no data to process in the buffer...
    if (!insize) {

        //  Retrieve the buffer and read as much data as possible.
        //  Note that buffer can be arbitrarily large. However, we assume
        //  the underlying TCP layer has fixed buffer size and thus the
        //  number of bytes read will be always limited.
        size_t bufsize = 0;
        decoder->get_buffer (&inpos, &bufsize);

        const int rc = tcp_read (s, inpos, bufsize);
        if (rc == 0) {
            error (connection_error);
        if (rc == -1) {
            if (errno != EAGAIN)
                error (connection_error);

        //  Adjust input size
        insize = static_cast <size_t> (rc);

    int rc = 0;
    size_t processed = 0;

    while (insize > 0) {
        rc = decoder->decode (inpos, insize, processed);
        zmq_assert (processed <= insize);
        inpos += processed;
        insize -= processed;
        if (rc == 0 || rc == -1)
        rc = (this->*process_msg) (decoder->msg ());
        if (rc == -1)

    //  Tear down the connection if we have failed to decode input data
    //  or the session has rejected the message.
    if (rc == -1) {
        if (errno != EAGAIN) {
            error (protocol_error);
        input_stopped = true;
        reset_pollin (handle);

    session->flush ();
Beispiel #7
void zmq::pgm_receiver_t::in_event ()
    // Read data from the underlying pgm_socket.
    const pgm_tsi_t *tsi = NULL;

    if (has_rx_timer) {
        cancel_timer (rx_timer_id);
        has_rx_timer = false;

    //  TODO: This loop can effectively block other engines in the same I/O
    //  thread in the case of high load.
    while (true) {

        //  Get new batch of data.
        //  Note the workaround made not to break strict-aliasing rules.
        void *tmp = NULL;
        ssize_t received = pgm_socket.receive (&tmp, &tsi);
        inpos = (unsigned char*) tmp;

        //  No data to process. This may happen if the packet received is
        //  neither ODATA nor ODATA.
        if (received == 0) {
            if (errno == ENOMEM || errno == EBUSY) {
                const long timeout = pgm_socket.get_rx_timeout ();
                add_timer (timeout, rx_timer_id);
                has_rx_timer = true;

        //  Find the peer based on its TSI.
        peers_t::iterator it = peers.find (*tsi);

        //  Data loss. Delete decoder and mark the peer as disjoint.
        if (received == -1) {
            if (it != peers.end ()) {
                it->second.joined = false;
                if (it->second.decoder != NULL) {
                    delete it->second.decoder;
                    it->second.decoder = NULL;

        //  New peer. Add it to the list of know but unjoint peers.
        if (it == peers.end ()) {
            peer_info_t peer_info = {false, NULL};
            it = peers.insert (peers_t::value_type (*tsi, peer_info)).first;

        insize = static_cast <size_t> (received);

        //  Read the offset of the fist message in the current packet.
        zmq_assert (insize >= sizeof (uint16_t));
        uint16_t offset = get_uint16 (inpos);
        inpos += sizeof (uint16_t);
        insize -= sizeof (uint16_t);

        //  Join the stream if needed.
        if (!it->second.joined) {

            //  There is no beginning of the message in current packet.
            //  Ignore the data.
            if (offset == 0xffff)

            zmq_assert (offset <= insize);
            zmq_assert (it->second.decoder == NULL);

            //  We have to move data to the begining of the first message.
            inpos += offset;
            insize -= offset;

            //  Mark the stream as joined.
            it->second.joined = true;

            //  Create and connect decoder for the peer.
            it->second.decoder = new (std::nothrow)
                v1_decoder_t (0, options.maxmsgsize);
            alloc_assert (it->second.decoder);

        int rc = process_input (it->second.decoder);
        if (rc == -1) {
            if (errno == EAGAIN) {
                active_tsi = tsi;

                //  Stop polling.
                reset_pollin (pipe_handle);
                reset_pollin (socket_handle);


            it->second.joined = false;
            delete it->second.decoder;
            it->second.decoder = NULL;
            insize = 0;

    //  Flush any messages decoder may have produced.
    session->flush ();
Beispiel #8
void zmq::socks_connecter_t::in_event ()
    zmq_assert (status != unplugged
             && status != waiting_for_reconnect_time);

    if (status == waiting_for_choice) {
        int rc = choice_decoder.input (s);
        if (rc == 0 || rc == -1)
            error ();
        if (choice_decoder.message_ready ()) {
             const socks_choice_t choice = choice_decoder.decode ();
             rc = process_server_response (choice);
             if (rc == -1)
                 error ();
             else {
                 std::string hostname = "";
                 uint16_t port = 0;
                 if (parse_address (addr->address, hostname, port) == -1)
                     error ();
                 else {
                     request_encoder.encode (
                         socks_request_t (1, hostname, port));
                     reset_pollin (handle);
                     set_pollout (handle);
                     status = sending_request;
    if (status == waiting_for_response) {
        int rc = response_decoder.input (s);
        if (rc == 0 || rc == -1)
            error ();
        if (response_decoder.message_ready ()) {
            const socks_response_t response = response_decoder.decode ();
            rc = process_server_response (response);
            if (rc == -1)
                error ();
            else {
                //  Create the engine object for this connection.
                stream_engine_t *engine = new (std::nothrow)
                    stream_engine_t (s, options, endpoint);
                alloc_assert (engine);

                //  Attach the engine to the corresponding session object.
                send_attach (session, engine);

                socket->event_connected (endpoint, (int) s);

                rm_fd (handle);
                s = -1;
                status = unplugged;

                //  Shut the connecter down.
                terminate ();
        error ();
Beispiel #9
//  Called when POLLIN is fired on the socket.
void zmq::udp_receiver_t::in_event (fd_t fd_)
    //  Receive a packet.
    ssize_t recv_bytes = recv (socket, data, sizeof data, 0);
    //  At the moment, go back to polling on EAGAIN and assert on any
    //  other error.
    if ((recv_bytes < 0) && errno == EAGAIN)
    assert (recv_bytes > 0);

    //  Parse UDP packet header.
    unsigned char *data_p = data;
    uint32_t seq_no = get_uint32 (data_p);
    uint16_t offset = get_uint16 (data_p + 4);
    data_p += udp_header_size;
    recv_bytes -= udp_header_size;

    //  If this is our first packet, join the message stream.
    if (last_seq_no == 0) {
        if (offset == 0xffff)
        else {
            data_p += offset;
            recv_bytes -= offset;
    //  Otherwise, decide based on the sequence number.
    else {
        //  If this packet is in sequence, process the whole packet.
        if ((last_seq_no + 1) == seq_no)
        //  Otherwise, if it is an old packet, drop it.
        else if (seq_no <= last_seq_no)
        //  Otherwise we have packet loss, rejoin the message stream.
        else {
            if (offset == 0xffff)
            else {
                data_p += offset;
                recv_bytes -= offset;

                //  Re-create decoder to clear state.
                delete decoder;
                decoder = NULL;
                decoder = new (std::nothrow) v1_decoder_t (in_batch_size,
                alloc_assert (decoder);
                //decoder->set_session (session);
    //  If we get here, we will process this packet and it becomes our
    //  last seen sequence number.
    last_seq_no = seq_no;

    //  Decode data and push it to our pipe.
    ssize_t processed_bytes = 0;//decoder->process_buffer (data_p, recv_bytes);
    if (processed_bytes < recv_bytes) {
        //  Some data could not be written to the pipe. Save it for later.
        pending_bytes = recv_bytes - processed_bytes;
        pending_p = data_p + processed_bytes;
        //  Stop polling. We will be restarted by a call to activate_in ().
        reset_pollin (socket_handle);

    //  Flush any messages produced by the decoder to the pipe.
    session->flush ();
Beispiel #10
void zmq::pgm_receiver_t::in_event ()
    // Read data from the underlying pgm_socket.
    unsigned char *data = NULL;
    const pgm_tsi_t *tsi = NULL;

    zmq_assert (pending_bytes == 0);

    //  TODO: This loop can effectively block other engines in the same I/O
    //  thread in the case of high load.
    while (true) {

        //  Get new batch of data.
        ssize_t received = pgm_socket.receive ((void**) &data, &tsi);

        //  No data to process. This may happen if the packet received is
        //  neither ODATA nor ODATA.
        if (received == 0)

        //  Find the peer based on its TSI.
        peers_t::iterator it = peers.find (*tsi);

        //  Data loss. Delete decoder and mark the peer as disjoint.
        if (received == -1) {
            if (it != peers.end ()) {
                it->second.joined = false;
                if (it->second.decoder == mru_decoder)
                    mru_decoder = NULL;
                if (it->second.decoder != NULL) {
                    delete it->second.decoder;
                    it->second.decoder = NULL;

        //  New peer. Add it to the list of know but unjoint peers.
        if (it == peers.end ()) {
            peer_info_t peer_info = {false, NULL};
            it = peers.insert (std::make_pair (*tsi, peer_info)).first;

        //  Read the offset of the fist message in the current packet.
        zmq_assert ((size_t) received >= sizeof (uint16_t));
        uint16_t offset = get_uint16 (data);
        data += sizeof (uint16_t);
        received -= sizeof (uint16_t);

        //  Join the stream if needed.
        if (!it->second.joined) {

            //  There is no beginning of the message in current packet.
            //  Ignore the data.
            if (offset == 0xffff)

            zmq_assert (offset <= received);
            zmq_assert (it->second.decoder == NULL);

            //  We have to move data to the begining of the first message.
            data += offset;
            received -= offset;

            //  Mark the stream as joined.
            it->second.joined = true;

            //  Create and connect decoder for the peer.
            it->second.decoder = new (std::nothrow) zmq_decoder_t (0);
            it->second.decoder->set_inout (inout);

        mru_decoder = it->second.decoder;

        //  Push all the data to the decoder.
        ssize_t processed = it->second.decoder->process_buffer (data, received);
        if (processed < received) {
            //  Save some state so we can resume the decoding process later.
            pending_bytes = received - processed;
            pending_ptr = data + processed;
            //  Stop polling.
            reset_pollin (pipe_handle);
            reset_pollin (socket_handle);


    //  Flush any messages decoder may have produced.
    inout->flush ();
Beispiel #11
void xs::pgm_receiver_t::in_event (fd_t fd_)
    // Read data from the underlying pgm_socket.
    unsigned char *data = NULL;
    const pgm_tsi_t *tsi = NULL;

    if (pending_bytes > 0)

    if (rx_timer) {
        rm_timer (rx_timer);
        rx_timer = NULL;

    //  TODO: This loop can effectively block other engines in the same I/O
    //  thread in the case of high load.
    while (true) {

        //  Get new batch of data.
        //  Note the workaround made not to break strict-aliasing rules.
        void *tmp = NULL;
        ssize_t received = pgm_socket.receive (&tmp, &tsi);
        data = (unsigned char*) tmp;

        //  No data to process. This may happen if the packet received is
        //  neither ODATA nor ODATA.
        if (received == 0) {
            if (errno == ENOMEM || errno == EBUSY) {
                const long timeout = pgm_socket.get_rx_timeout ();
                xs_assert (!rx_timer);
                rx_timer = add_timer (timeout);

        //  Find the peer based on its TSI.
        peers_t::iterator it = peers.find (*tsi);

        //  Data loss. Delete decoder and mark the peer as disjoint.
        if (received == -1) {
            if (it != peers.end ()) {
                it->second.joined = false;
                if (it->second.decoder == mru_decoder)
                    mru_decoder = NULL;
                if (it->second.decoder != NULL) {
                    delete it->second.decoder;
                    it->second.decoder = NULL;

        //  New peer. Add it to the list of know but unjoint peers.
        if (it == peers.end ()) {
            peer_info_t peer_info = {false, NULL};
            it = peers.insert (peers_t::value_type (*tsi, peer_info)).first;

        //  Read the offset of the fist message in the current packet.
        xs_assert ((size_t) received >= sizeof (uint16_t));
        uint16_t offset = get_uint16 (data);
        data += sizeof (uint16_t);
        received -= sizeof (uint16_t);

        //  Join the stream if needed.
        if (!it->second.joined) {

            //  There is no beginning of the message in current packet.
            //  Ignore the data.
            if (offset == 0xffff)

            xs_assert (offset <= received);
            xs_assert (it->second.decoder == NULL);

            //  We have to move data to the begining of the first message.
            data += offset;
            received -= offset;

            //  Mark the stream as joined.
            it->second.joined = true;

            //  Create and connect decoder for the peer.
            it->second.decoder = new (std::nothrow) decoder_t (0,
            alloc_assert (it->second.decoder);
            it->second.decoder->set_session (session);

        mru_decoder = it->second.decoder;

        //  Push all the data to the decoder.
        ssize_t processed = it->second.decoder->process_buffer (data, received);
        if (processed < received) {
            //  Save some state so we can resume the decoding process later.
            pending_bytes = received - processed;
            pending_ptr = data + processed;
            //  Stop polling.
            reset_pollin (pipe_handle);
            reset_pollin (socket_handle);

            //  Reset outstanding timer.
            if (rx_timer) {
                rm_timer (rx_timer);
                rx_timer = NULL;


    //  Flush any messages decoder may have produced.
    session->flush ();
Beispiel #12
void xs::stream_engine_t::in_event (fd_t fd_)
    bool disconnection = false;

    //  If we have not yet received the full protocol header...
    if (unlikely (!options.legacy_protocol && !header_received)) {

        //  Read remaining header bytes.
        int hbytes = read (header_pos, header_remaining);

        //  Check whether the peer has closed the connection.
        if (hbytes == -1) {
            error ();

        header_remaining -= hbytes;
        header_pos += hbytes;

        //  If we did not read the whole header, poll for more.
        if (header_remaining)

        //  If the protocol headers do not match, close the connection.
        if (memcmp (in_header, desired_header, sizeof in_header) != 0) {
            error ();

        //  Done with protocol header; proceed to read data.
        header_received = true;

    //  If there's no data to process in the buffer...
    if (!insize) {

        //  Retrieve the buffer and read as much data as possible.
        //  Note that buffer can be arbitrarily large. However, we assume
        //  the underlying TCP layer has fixed buffer size and thus the
        //  number of bytes read will be always limited.
        decoder.get_buffer (&inpos, &insize);
        insize = read (inpos, insize);

        //  Check whether the peer has closed the connection.
        if (insize == (size_t) -1) {
            insize = 0;
            disconnection = true;

    //  Push the data to the decoder.
    size_t processed = decoder.process_buffer (inpos, insize);

    if (unlikely (processed == (size_t) -1)) {
        disconnection = true;
    else {

        //  Stop polling for input if we got stuck.
        if (processed < insize) {

            //  This may happen if queue limits are in effect.
            if (plugged)
                reset_pollin (handle);

        //  Adjust the buffer.
        inpos += processed;
        insize -= processed;

    //  Flush all messages the decoder may have produced.
    //  If IO handler has unplugged engine, flush transient IO handler.
    if (unlikely (!plugged)) {
        xs_assert (leftover_session);
        leftover_session->flush ();
    } else {
        session->flush ();

    if (session && disconnection)
        error ();
Beispiel #13
void zmq::udp_engine_t::in_event ()
    struct sockaddr_in in_address;
    socklen_t in_addrlen = sizeof (sockaddr_in);
    int nbytes = recvfrom (fd, (char *) in_buffer, MAX_UDP_MSG, 0,
                           (sockaddr *) &in_address, &in_addrlen);
    const int last_error = WSAGetLastError ();
    if (nbytes == SOCKET_ERROR) {
        wsa_assert (last_error == WSAENETDOWN || last_error == WSAENETRESET
                    || last_error == WSAEWOULDBLOCK);
#elif defined ZMQ_HAVE_VXWORKS
    int nbytes = recvfrom (fd, (char *) in_buffer, MAX_UDP_MSG, 0,
                           (sockaddr *) &in_address, (int *) &in_addrlen);
    if (nbytes == -1) {
        errno_assert (errno != EBADF && errno != EFAULT && errno != ENOMEM
                      && errno != ENOTSOCK);
    int nbytes = recvfrom (fd, in_buffer, MAX_UDP_MSG, 0,
                           (sockaddr *) &in_address, &in_addrlen);
    if (nbytes == -1) {
        errno_assert (errno != EBADF && errno != EFAULT && errno != ENOMEM
                      && errno != ENOTSOCK);
    int rc;
    int body_size;
    int body_offset;
    msg_t msg;

    if (options.raw_socket) {
        sockaddr_to_msg (&msg, &in_address);

        body_size = nbytes;
        body_offset = 0;
    } else {
        char *group_buffer = (char *) in_buffer + 1;
        int group_size = in_buffer[0];

        rc = msg.init_size (group_size);
        errno_assert (rc == 0);
        msg.set_flags (msg_t::more);
        memcpy ( (), group_buffer, group_size);

        //  This doesn't fit, just ingore
        if (nbytes - 1 < group_size)

        body_size = nbytes - 1 - group_size;
        body_offset = 1 + group_size;
    // Push group description to session
    rc = session->push_msg (&msg);
    errno_assert (rc == 0 || (rc == -1 && errno == EAGAIN));

    //  Group description message doesn't fit in the pipe, drop
    if (rc != 0) {
        rc = msg.close ();
        errno_assert (rc == 0);

        reset_pollin (handle);

    rc = msg.close ();
    errno_assert (rc == 0);
    rc = msg.init_size (body_size);
    errno_assert (rc == 0);
    memcpy ( (), in_buffer + body_offset, body_size);

    // Push message body to session
    rc = session->push_msg (&msg);
    // Message body doesn't fit in the pipe, drop and reset session state
    if (rc != 0) {
        rc = msg.close ();
        errno_assert (rc == 0);

        session->reset ();
        reset_pollin (handle);

    rc = msg.close ();
    errno_assert (rc == 0);
    session->flush ();