void insert(struct heap *h , int data , int priority)
	if(h -> count == h -> capacity)
		resizeHeap(h) ;
		// printf("heap full\n");
		// return ;
	(h -> array[h -> count]).dat = data ;
	(h -> array[h -> count]).priority = priority ;
	h -> count++ ;
	percolateUp(h , h -> count - 1) ;
void majorGC (GC_state s, size_t bytesRequested, bool mayResize) {
  uintmax_t numGCs;
  size_t desiredSize;

  s->lastMajorStatistics.numMinorGCs = 0;
  numGCs = 
    + s->cumulativeStatistics.numMarkCompactGCs;
  if (0 < numGCs
      and ((float)(s->cumulativeStatistics.numHashConsGCs) / (float)(numGCs)
           < s->controls.ratios.hashCons))
    s->hashConsDuringGC = TRUE;
  desiredSize = 
    sizeofHeapDesired (s, s->lastMajorStatistics.bytesLive + bytesRequested, 0);
      and not s->hashConsDuringGC // only markCompact can hash cons
      and s->heap.withMapsSize < s->sysvals.ram
      and (not isHeapInit (&s->secondaryHeap)
           or createHeapSecondary (s, desiredSize)))
    majorCheneyCopyGC (s);
    majorMarkCompactGC (s);
  s->hashConsDuringGC = FALSE;
  s->lastMajorStatistics.bytesLive = s->heap.oldGenSize;
  if (s->lastMajorStatistics.bytesLive > s->cumulativeStatistics.maxBytesLive)
    s->cumulativeStatistics.maxBytesLive = s->lastMajorStatistics.bytesLive;
  /* Notice that the s->lastMajorStatistics.bytesLive below is
   * different than the s->lastMajorStatistics.bytesLive used as an
   * argument to createHeapSecondary above.  Above, it was an
   * estimate.  Here, it is exactly how much was live after the GC.
  if (mayResize) {
    resizeHeap (s, s->lastMajorStatistics.bytesLive + bytesRequested);
  setCardMapAndCrossMap (s);
  resizeHeapSecondary (s);
  assert (s->heap.oldGenSize + bytesRequested <= s->heap.size);