void StaticLayer::incomingMap(const nav_msgs::OccupancyGridConstPtr& new_map)
  unsigned int size_x = new_map->info.width, size_y = new_map->info.height;

  ROS_DEBUG("Received a %d X %d map at %f m/pix", size_x, size_y, new_map->info.resolution);

  // resize costmap if size, resolution or origin do not match
  Costmap2D* master = layered_costmap_->getCostmap();
  if (!layered_costmap_->isRolling() && (master->getSizeInCellsX() != size_x ||
      master->getSizeInCellsY() != size_y ||
      master->getResolution() != new_map->info.resolution ||
      master->getOriginX() != new_map->info.origin.position.x ||
      master->getOriginY() != new_map->info.origin.position.y ||
    // Update the size of the layered costmap (and all layers, including this one)
    ROS_INFO("Resizing costmap to %d X %d at %f m/pix", size_x, size_y, new_map->info.resolution);
    layered_costmap_->resizeMap(size_x, size_y, new_map->info.resolution, new_map->info.origin.position.x,
                                new_map->info.origin.position.y, true);
  else if (size_x_ != size_x || size_y_ != size_y ||
           resolution_ != new_map->info.resolution ||
           origin_x_ != new_map->info.origin.position.x ||
           origin_y_ != new_map->info.origin.position.y)
    // only update the size of the costmap stored locally in this layer
    ROS_INFO("Resizing static layer to %d X %d at %f m/pix", size_x, size_y, new_map->info.resolution);
    resizeMap(size_x, size_y, new_map->info.resolution,
              new_map->info.origin.position.x, new_map->info.origin.position.y);

  unsigned int index = 0;

  // initialize the costmap with static data
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size_y; ++i)
    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < size_x; ++j)
      unsigned char value = new_map->data[index];
      costmap_[index] = interpretValue(value);
  map_frame_ = new_map->header.frame_id;

  // we have a new map, update full size of map
  x_ = y_ = 0;
  width_ = size_x_;
  height_ = size_y_;
  map_received_ = true;
  has_updated_data_ = true;

  // shutdown the map subscrber if firt_map_only_ flag is on
  if (first_map_only_)
    ROS_INFO("Shutting down the map subscriber. first_map_only flag is on");
void StaticLayer::matchSize()
  // If we are using rolling costmap, the static map size is
  //   unrelated to the size of the layered costmap
  if (!layered_costmap_->isRolling())
    Costmap2D* master = layered_costmap_->getCostmap();
    resizeMap(master->getSizeInCellsX(), master->getSizeInCellsY(), master->getResolution(),
              master->getOriginX(), master->getOriginY());
Beispiel #3
void insertMapValue(string key, void* value, map m){
	if(m->count >= m->size * m->load)
		resizeMap(m, 2);

	size_t index = hashKey(key) % m->size;

	var v = newVar(key, value);
	linkedNode node = newLinkedNode(v);
	linkedList list = m->values[index];

		list = m->values[index] = newLinkedList(NULL);

	appendLinkedNode(node, list);
void CostmapLayer::matchSize()
    Costmap2D* master = layered_costmap_->getCostmap();
    resizeMap(master->getSizeInCellsX(), master->getSizeInCellsY(), master->getResolution(),
            master->getOriginX(), master->getOriginY());