const SidTreeNode* DocumentProcessor::resolveSidInInstance( const SidTreeNode* instancingElement, const SidAddress& sidAddress,  size_t firstSidIndex)
    // the sid address we use to resolve the sid in the instantiated element
    const COLLADABU::URI* uri = 0;

    //check if instancingElement instantiates an element
    switch ( instancingElement->getTargetType() )
        IntermediateTargetable* iTargetable = instancingElement->getIntermediateTargetableTarget();
        switch ( iTargetable->getClassId() )
            KinematicInstance* ki = intermediateTargetableSafeCast<KinematicInstance>(iTargetable);
            uri = &ki->getUrl();

        // 		case SidTreeNode::TARGETTYPECLASS_OBJECT:
        // 			{
        // 				COLLADAFW::Object* iObject = instancingElement->getObjectTarget();
        // 				switch ( iObject->getClassId() )
        // 				{
        // 				case COLLADAFW::COLLADA_TYPE::JOINT:
        // 					{
        // 						KinematicInstance* ki = (KinematicInstance*) iObject;
        // 						uri = &ki->getUrl();
        // 					}
        // 				}
        // 			}

    if ( !uri )
        // we could not find an instantiated element
        return 0;

    SidAddress newSidAddress( *uri );
    const SidAddress::SidList& allSids = sidAddress.getSids();
    size_t allSidsCount = allSids.size();
    for ( size_t i = firstSidIndex; i < allSidsCount; ++i)
        newSidAddress.appendSid( allSids[i] );
    newSidAddress.setFirstIndex( sidAddress.getFirstIndex() );
    newSidAddress.setSecondIndex( sidAddress.getSecondIndex() );
    newSidAddress.setMemberSelection( sidAddress.getMemberSelection() );
    newSidAddress.setMemberSelectionName( sidAddress.getMemberSelectionName() );
    return resolveSid( newSidAddress );
	void PostProcessor::createMissingAnimationList( const Loader::AnimationSidAddressBinding& binding )
		const SidTreeNode* sidTreeNode = resolveSid( binding.sidAddress);
		if ( sidTreeNode )
			if ( sidTreeNode->getTargetType() == SidTreeNode::TARGETTYPECLASS_ANIMATABLE )
				COLLADAFW::Animatable* animatable = sidTreeNode->getAnimatableTarget();
				COLLADAFW::UniqueId animationListUniqueId = animatable->getAnimationList();
				if ( !animationListUniqueId.isValid() )
					animationListUniqueId = createUniqueId( COLLADAFW::AnimationList::ID() );
					animatable->setAnimationList( animationListUniqueId );
				COLLADAFW::AnimationList*& animationList = getAnimationListByUniqueId(animationListUniqueId);

				if ( !animationList )
					animationList = new COLLADAFW::AnimationList( animationListUniqueId );

				// TODO handle this for arrays
				COLLADAFW::AnimationList::AnimationBinding animationBinding;
				animationBinding.animation = binding.animationInfo.uniqueId;
				animationBinding.animationClass = binding.animationInfo.animationClass;

				switch ( binding.sidAddress.getMemberSelection() )
					animationBinding.firstIndex = binding.sidAddress.getFirstIndex();
					animationBinding.secondIndex = 0;
					animationBinding.animationClass = COLLADAFW::AnimationList::ARRAY_ELEMENT_1D;
					animationBinding.firstIndex = binding.sidAddress.getFirstIndex();
					animationBinding.secondIndex = binding.sidAddress.getSecondIndex();
					animationBinding.animationClass = COLLADAFW::AnimationList::ARRAY_ELEMENT_2D;
					animationBinding.firstIndex = 0;
					animationBinding.secondIndex = 0;

				animationList->getAnimationBindings().append( animationBinding );

bool DocumentProcessor::createAndWriteSkinController( const Loader::InstanceControllerData& instanceControllerData,
        const COLLADAFW::UniqueId& controllerDataUniqueId,
        const COLLADAFW::UniqueId& sourceUniqueId,
        const StringList& sidsOrIds,
        bool resolveIds)
    if ( !controllerDataUniqueId.isValid() )
        return false;

    const URIList& skeletonRoots = instanceControllerData.skeletonRoots;

    NodeList joints;

    for ( StringList::const_iterator it = sidsOrIds.begin(); it != sidsOrIds.end(); ++it)
        const String sidOrId = *it;

        bool jointFound = false;

        if ( resolveIds )
            const SidTreeNode* joint = resolveSid( sidOrId );
            if ( joint )
                // the joint could be found
                if ( joint->getTargetType() == SidTreeNode::TARGETTYPECLASS_OBJECT )
                    const COLLADAFW::Object* object = joint->getObjectTarget();

                    if ( object->getClassId() == COLLADAFW::Node::ID() )
                        joints.push_back( (COLLADAFW::Node*)object );

                        jointFound = true;
                        //search for the next joint
                        // we could resolve the sid, but is not a joint/node
                    // we could resolve the sid, but is not a joint/node
            for ( URIList::const_iterator skeletonIt = skeletonRoots.begin(); skeletonIt != skeletonRoots.end(); ++skeletonIt)
                const COLLADABU::URI& skeletonUri = *skeletonIt;

                SidAddress sidAddress( skeletonUri, sidOrId );
                const SidTreeNode* joint = resolveSid( sidAddress );
                if ( joint )
                    // the joint could be found
                    if ( joint->getTargetType() != SidTreeNode::TARGETTYPECLASS_OBJECT )
                        // we could resolve the sid, but is not a joint/node

                    const COLLADAFW::Object* object = joint->getObjectTarget();

                    if ( object->getClassId() != COLLADAFW::Node::ID() )
                        // we could resolve the sid, but is not a joint/node

                    joints.push_back( (COLLADAFW::Node*)object );

                    jointFound = true;
                    //search for the next joint

        if ( !jointFound )
            std::stringstream msg;
            msg << "Could not resolve " << (resolveIds ? "id" : "sid") << " \"";
            msg << sidOrId << "\" referenced in skin controller.";
            if ( handleFWLError( SaxFWLError::ERROR_UNRESOLVED_REFERENCE, msg.str() ))
                return false;

    COLLADAFW::SkinController skinController( createUniqueId(COLLADAFW::SkinController::ID()));

    COLLADAFW::UniqueIdArray &jointsUniqueIds = skinController.getJoints();
    jointsUniqueIds.allocMemory( joints.size() );

    size_t i = 0;
    NodeList::const_iterator it = joints.begin();
    for ( ; it != joints.end(); ++it, ++i )
        const COLLADAFW::Node* node = *it;
        jointsUniqueIds[i] = node->getUniqueId();


    bool success = true;
    // Check if we have already wrote a skin controller that describes the same controller, i.e. has same
    // source, skin data and joints. If so, do not write it again and reference the previously used in the
    // scene graph
    const COLLADAFW::SkinController* skinControllerToWrite = 0;
    Loader::SkinControllerSet::const_iterator skinControllerIt = mSkinControllerSet.find( skinController );
    if ( skinControllerIt == mSkinControllerSet.end() )
        skinControllerToWrite = &skinController;
        success = writer()->writeController(skinControllerToWrite);
        mSkinControllerSet.insert( skinController );
        skinControllerToWrite = &(*skinControllerIt);

    instanceControllerData.instanceController->setInstanciatedObjectId( skinControllerToWrite->getUniqueId() );

    return success;
const SidTreeNode* DocumentProcessor::resolveSid( const COLLADABU::URI& id,  const String& sid)
    SidAddress sidAddress(id, sid);
    return resolveSid(sidAddress);