Beispiel #1
QStringList KStandardDirs::findDirs( const char *type,
                                     const QString& reldir ) const
    QDir testdir;
    QStringList list;
    if (!QDir::isRelativePath(reldir))
        if (testdir.exists())
            if (reldir.endsWith("/"))
        return list;


    if (d && d->restrictionsActive && (strcmp(type, "data")==0))
    QStringList candidates = resourceDirs(type);

    for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = candidates.begin();
         it != candidates.end(); ++it) {
        testdir.setPath(*it + reldir);
        if (testdir.exists())
            list.append(testdir.absPath() + '/');

    return list;
Beispiel #2
QString KStandardDirs::findResourceDir(const char *type, const QString &filename) const
#ifndef NDEBUG
        kdWarning() << "filename for type " << type << " in KStandardDirs::findResourceDir is not supposed to be empty!!" << endl;
        return QString::null;

    if(d && d->restrictionsActive && (strcmp(type, "data") == 0))
    QStringList candidates = resourceDirs(type);
    QString fullPath;

    for(QStringList::ConstIterator it = candidates.begin(); it != candidates.end(); ++it)
        if(exists(*it + filename))
            return *it;

#ifndef NDEBUG
    if(false && strcmp(type, "locale"))
        kdDebug() << "KStdDirs::findResDir(): can't find \"" << filename << "\" in type \"" << type << "\"." << endl;

    return QString::null;
Beispiel #3
QString KStandardDirs::saveLocation(const char *type,
				    const QString& suffix,
				    bool create) const

    QString *pPath = savelocations.find(type);
    if (!pPath)
       QStringList *dirs = relatives.find(type);
       if (!dirs && (
                     (strcmp(type, "socket") == 0) ||
                     (strcmp(type, "tmp") == 0) ||
                     (strcmp(type, "cache") == 0) ))
          (void) resourceDirs(type); // Generate socket|tmp|cache resource.
          dirs = relatives.find(type); // Search again.
       if (dirs)
          // Check for existence of typed directory + suffix
          if (strncmp(type, "xdgdata-", 8) == 0)
             pPath = new QString(realPath(localxdgdatadir() + dirs->last()));
          else if (strncmp(type, "xdgconf-", 8) == 0)
             pPath = new QString(realPath(localxdgconfdir() + dirs->last()));
             pPath = new QString(realPath(localkdedir() + dirs->last()));
       else {
          dirs = absolutes.find(type);
          if (!dirs)
             qFatal("KStandardDirs: The resource type %s is not registered", type);
          pPath = new QString(realPath(dirs->last()));

       savelocations.insert(type, pPath);
    QString fullPath = *pPath + (pPath->endsWith("/") ? "" : "/") + suffix;

    KDE_struct_stat st;
    if (KDE_stat(QFile::encodeName(fullPath), &st) != 0 || !(S_ISDIR(st.st_mode))) {
	if(!create) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
	    kdDebug() << QString("save location %1 doesn't exist").arg(fullPath) << endl;
	    return fullPath;
	if(!makeDir(fullPath, 0700)) {
	    return fullPath;
    if (!fullPath.endsWith("/"))
	    fullPath += "/";
    return fullPath;
Beispiel #4
KStandardDirs::findAllResources( const char *type,
			         const QString& filter,
				 bool recursive,
			         bool unique,
                                 QStringList &relList) const
    QStringList list;
    QString filterPath;
    QString filterFile;

    if (filter.length())
       int slash = filter.findRev('/');
       if (slash < 0)
	   filterFile = filter;
       else {
	   filterPath = filter.left(slash + 1);
	   filterFile = filter.mid(slash + 1);


    QStringList candidates;
	if (!QDir::isRelativePath(filter)) // absolute path
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
        candidates << filterPath.left(3); //e.g. "C:\"
        filterPath = filterPath.mid(3);
        candidates << "/";
        filterPath = filterPath.mid(1);
        if (d && d->restrictionsActive && (strcmp(type, "data")==0))
        candidates = resourceDirs(type);
    if (filterFile.isEmpty())
	filterFile = "*";

    QRegExp regExp(filterFile, true, true);

    for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = candidates.begin();
         it != candidates.end(); ++it)
        lookupPrefix(*it, filterPath, "", regExp, list,
                     relList, recursive, unique);

    return list;
Beispiel #5
QString KStandardDirs::relativeLocation(const char *type, const QString &absPath)
    QString fullPath = absPath;
    int i = absPath.findRev('/');
    if(i != -1)
        fullPath = realPath(absPath.left(i + 1)) + absPath.mid(i + 1); // Normalize

    QStringList candidates = resourceDirs(type);

    for(QStringList::ConstIterator it = candidates.begin(); it != candidates.end(); ++it)
            return fullPath.mid((*it).length());

    return absPath;
Beispiel #6
Q_UINT32 KStandardDirs::calcResourceHash(const char *type, const QString &filename, bool deep) const
    Q_UINT32 hash = 0;

        // absolute dirs are absolute dirs, right? :-/
        return updateHash(filename, hash);
    if(d && d->restrictionsActive && (strcmp(type, "data") == 0))
    QStringList candidates = resourceDirs(type);
    QString fullPath;

    for(QStringList::ConstIterator it = candidates.begin(); it != candidates.end(); ++it)
        hash = updateHash(*it + filename, hash);
        if(!deep && hash)
            return hash;
    return hash;
Beispiel #7
QString KStandardDirs::findResourceDir( const char *type,
					const QString& filename) const
#ifndef NDEBUG
    if (filename.isEmpty()) {
      kdWarning() << "filename for type " << type << " in KStandardDirs::findResourceDir is not supposed to be empty!!" << endl;
      return QString::null;

    if (d && d->restrictionsActive && (strcmp(type, "data")==0))
    QStringList candidates = resourceDirs(type);
    QString fullPath;

    for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = candidates.begin();
      it != candidates.end(); ++it) {
      if (exists(*it + filename)) {
#ifdef Q_WS_WIN //this ensures we're using installed .la files
          if ((*it).isEmpty() && filename.right(3)==".la") {
#ifndef NDEBUG
              kdDebug() << "KStandardDirs::findResourceDir() found .la in cwd: skipping. (fname=" << filename  << ")" << endl;
#endif //Q_WS_WIN
          return *it;

#ifndef NDEBUG
    if(false && strcmp(type, "locale"))
      kdDebug() << "KStdDirs::findResDir(): can't find \"" << filename << "\" in type \"" << type << "\"." << endl;

    return QString::null;
Beispiel #8
bool KStandardDirs::addCustomized(KConfig *config)
    if (addedCustoms && !d->checkRestrictions) // there are already customized entries
        return false; // we just quit and hope they are the right ones

    // save the numbers of config directories. If this changes,
    // we will return true to give KConfig a chance to reparse
    uint configdirs = resourceDirs("config").count();

    // Remember original group
    QString oldGroup = config->group();

    if (!addedCustoms)
        // We only add custom entries once
        addedCustoms = true;

        // reading the prefixes in
        QString group = QString::fromLatin1("Directories");

        QString kioskAdmin = config->readEntry("kioskAdmin");
        if (!kioskAdmin.isEmpty() && !kde_kiosk_admin)
            int i = kioskAdmin.find(':');
            QString user = kioskAdmin.left(i);
            QString host = kioskAdmin.mid(i+1);

            KUser thisUser;
            char hostname[ 256 ];
            hostname[ 0 ] = '\0';
            if (!gethostname( hostname, 255 ))
                hostname[sizeof(hostname)-1] = '\0';

            if ((user == thisUser.loginName()) &&
                (host.isEmpty() || (host == hostname)))
                kde_kiosk_admin = true;

        bool readProfiles = true;

        if (kde_kiosk_admin && !QCString(getenv("KDE_KIOSK_NO_PROFILES")).isEmpty())
            readProfiles = false;

        QString userMapFile = config->readEntry("userProfileMapFile");
        QString profileDirsPrefix = config->readEntry("profileDirsPrefix");
        if (!profileDirsPrefix.isEmpty() && !profileDirsPrefix.endsWith("/"))

        QStringList profiles;
        if (readProfiles)
            profiles = lookupProfiles(userMapFile);
        QString profile;

        bool priority = false;
            QStringList list = config->readListEntry("prefixes");
            for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it)
                addPrefix(*it, priority);
                addXdgConfigPrefix(*it+"/etc/xdg", priority);
                addXdgDataPrefix(*it+"/share", priority);
            // If there are no prefixes defined, check if there is a directory
            // for this profile under <profileDirsPrefix>
            if (list.isEmpty() && !profile.isEmpty() && !profileDirsPrefix.isEmpty())
                QString dir = profileDirsPrefix + profile;
                addPrefix(dir, priority);
                addXdgConfigPrefix(dir+"/etc/xdg", priority);
                addXdgDataPrefix(dir+"/share", priority);

            // iterating over all entries in the group Directories
            // to find entries that start with dir_$type
            QMap<QString, QString> entries = config->entryMap(group);
            for (QMap<QString, QString>::ConstIterator it2 = entries.begin();
                 it2 != entries.end(); it2++)
                QString key = it2.key();
                if (key.startsWith("dir_")) {
                    // generate directory list, there may be more than 1.
                    QStringList dirs = QStringList::split(',', *it2);
                    QStringList::Iterator sIt(dirs.begin());
                    QString resType = key.mid(4, key.length());
                    for (; sIt != dirs.end(); ++sIt)
                        addResourceDir(resType.latin1(), *sIt, priority);
            if (profiles.isEmpty())
            profile = profiles.back();
            group = QString::fromLatin1("Directories-%1").arg(profile);
            priority = true;

    // Process KIOSK restrictions.
    if (!kde_kiosk_admin || QCString(getenv("KDE_KIOSK_NO_RESTRICTIONS")).isEmpty())
        config->setGroup("KDE Resource Restrictions");
        QMap<QString, QString> entries = config->entryMap("KDE Resource Restrictions");
        for (QMap<QString, QString>::ConstIterator it2 = entries.begin();
            it2 != entries.end(); it2++)
            QString key = it2.key();
            if (!config->readBoolEntry(key, true))
                d->restrictionsActive = true;
                d->restrictions.insert(key.latin1(), &d->restrictionsActive); // Anything will do


    // check if the number of config dirs changed
    bool configDirsChanged = (resourceDirs("config").count() != configdirs);
    // If the config dirs changed, we check kiosk restrictions again.
    d->checkRestrictions = configDirsChanged;
    // return true if the number of config dirs changed: reparse config file
    return configDirsChanged;