Beispiel #1
Scrn *titlescrnnew(Gfx *g){
	static Tit t = {0};
	static Scrn s = {0};

	t.title = resrcacq(imgs, "img/title.png", 0);
		return NULL;

	Txtinfo ti = { TxtSzMedium };
	t.f = resrcacq(txt, TxtStyleMenu, &ti);
		return NULL;

	ti.size = TxtSzSmall;
	Txt *f = resrcacq(txt, TxtStyleMenu, &ti);
		return NULL;

	t.copy = txt2img(g, f, "Copyright 2011 Steve McCoy and Ethan Burns");
		return NULL;

	t.titlepos = (Point){
		gfxdims(g).x / 2 - imgdims(t.title).x / 2,

	Point sd = txtdims(t.f, "Press 'x' to Start a new game");
	t.startpos = (Point){
		gfxdims(g).x / 2 - sd.x / 2,
		t.titlepos.y + imgdims(t.title).y

	Point ld = txtdims(t.f, "Press 'x' to Load the saved game");
	t.loadpos = (Point){
		gfxdims(g).x / 2 - ld.x / 2,
		t.startpos.y + sd.y + 16

	Point od = txtdims(t.f, "Press 'x' for Options");
	t.optspos = (Point){
		gfxdims(g).x / 2 - od.x / 2,
		t.loadpos.y + ld.y + 16

	t.copypos = (Point){
		gfxdims(g).x / 2 - imgdims(t.copy).x / 2,
		gfxdims(g).y - imgdims(t.copy).y - 8
	}; = &titmt; = &t;
	return &s;
Beispiel #2
_Bool enemyldresrc(void){
	untihit = resrcacq(sfx, "sfx/hit.wav", 0);
	if(!untihit) return 0;
	untiinfo.hit = untihit;

	untiimg = resrcacq(imgs, "img/unti.png", 0);
	if(!untiimg) return 0;

	thuimg = resrcacq(imgs, "img/thu.png", 0);
	if(!thuimg) return 0;
	thuinfo.hit = untihit;

	splatimg = resrcacq(imgs, "img/splat.png", 0);
	if(!splatimg) return 0;
	splatinfo.hit = untihit;

	nousimg = resrcacq(imgs, "img/nous.png", 0);
	if(!nousimg) return 0;
	nousinfo.hit = untihit;

	grenduimg = resrcacq(imgs, "img/grendu.png", 0);
	if(!grenduimg) return 0;
	grenduinfo.hit = untihit;

	daimg = resrcacq(imgs, "img/da.png", 0);
	if(!daimg) return 0;
	dainfo.hit = untihit;

	rnginit(&rng, 666); //TODO: use the game seed

	return 1;
Beispiel #3
_Bool enemyldresrc(unsigned seed) {
    untihit = resrcacq(sfx, "sfx/hit.wav", 0);
    if(!untihit) return 0;
    untiinfo.hit = untihit;

    untiimg = resrcacq(imgs, "img/unti.png", 0);
    if(!untiimg) return 0;

    thuimg = resrcacq(imgs, "img/thu.png", 0);
    if(!thuimg) return 0;
    thuinfo.hit = untihit;

    splatimg = resrcacq(imgs, "img/splat.png", 0);
    if(!splatimg) return 0;
    splatinfo.hit = untihit;

    nousimg = resrcacq(imgs, "img/nous.png", 0);
    if(!nousimg) return 0;
    nousinfo.hit = untihit;

    grenduimg = resrcacq(imgs, "img/grendu.png", 0);
    if(!grenduimg) return 0;
    grenduinfo.hit = untihit;

    daimg = resrcacq(imgs, "img/da.png", 0);
    if(!daimg) return 0;
    dainfo.hit = untihit;

    tihgtimg = resrcacq(imgs, "img/tihgt.png", 0);
    if(!tihgtimg) return 0;
    tihgtinfo.hit = untihit;

    heartimg = resrcacq(imgs, "img/placeholder.png", 0);
    if(!heartimg) return 0;
    heartinfo.hit = untihit;

    rnginit(&rng, seed);

    return 1;
Beispiel #4
void playerinit(Player *p, int x, int y)
	p->lives = 3;

	bodyinit(&p->body, x * Twidth + hboff.x, y * Theight + hboff.y, 21, 29);
	p->hitback = 0;


	ow = resrcacq(sfx, "sfx/ow.wav", NULL);
	assert(ow != NULL);

	for(int i = 0; i < ArmorMax; i++){
		loadanim(&p->as[Left][Stand][i], 0, 1, 1, i);
		loadanim(&p->as[Left][Walk][i], 1, 4, 100, i);
		loadanim(&p->as[Left][Jump][i], 2, 1, 1, i);
		loadanim(&p->as[Right][Stand][i], 3, 1, 1, i);
		loadanim(&p->as[Right][Walk][i], 4, 4, 100, i);
		loadanim(&p->as[Right][Jump][i], 5, 1, 1, i);

	p->dir = Right;
	p->act = Stand;
	p->imgloc = (Point){ x * Twidth, y * Theight };

	p->bi.x = p->bi.y = p->bi.z = -1;
	p->stats[StatHp] = 10;
	p->stats[StatDex] = 5;
	p->stats[StatStr] = 5;
	p->stats[StatMag] = 5;
	p->stats[StatGuts] = 5;
	p->stats[StatLuck] = 5;

	p->sw.row = 0;
	p->sw.dir = Mvright;
	p->sw.cur = -1;
	invitinit(&p->wear[EqpWep], ItemSilverSwd);
	invitinit(&p->wear[EqpHead], ItemIronHelm);
	invitinit(&p->wear[EqpBody], ItemIronBody);
	invitinit(&p->wear[EqpArms], ItemIronGlove);
	invitinit(&p->wear[EqpLegs], ItemIronBoot);
	p->curhp = p->stats[StatHp] + p->eqp[StatHp];
Beispiel #5
Scrn *statscrnnew(Game *g, Player *p, Env *sh){
	static Statup sup  = {0};
	static Scrn s  = {0};

	sup.g = g;
	sup.p = p;
	sup.shrine = sh;

	Txtinfo ti = { TxtSzMedium };
	sup.txt = resrcacq(txt, TxtStyleMenu, &ti);
		die("Failed to load stat screen font");

	for(size_t i = 0; i < Maxinv; i++)
		if(p->inv[i].id == ItemStatup)
			sup.norbs++; = &statupmt; = &sup;
	return &s;