Beispiel #1
static void
killed(int sig)
	signal(sig, SIG_DFL);
	kill(getpid(), sig);
int main( int argc, char *argv[])
   char cmdstr[80];
	int status, i;
	xbee_serial_t XBEE_SERPORT;
	target_t *target = NULL;

	memset( target_list, 0, sizeof target_list);

	parse_serial_arguments( argc, argv, &XBEE_SERPORT);

	// initialize the serial and device layer for this XBee device
	if (xbee_dev_init( &my_xbee, &XBEE_SERPORT, NULL, NULL))
		printf( "Failed to initialize device.\n");
		return 0;

	// replace ZDO cluster table with one that intercepts Device Annce messages
	sample_endpoints.zdo.cluster_table = zdo_clusters;

	// Initialize the WPAN layer of the XBee device driver.  This layer enables
	// endpoints and clusters, and is required for all ZigBee layers.
	xbee_wpan_init( &my_xbee, &sample_endpoints.zdo);

	// Initialize the AT Command layer for this XBee device and have the
	// driver query it for basic information (hardware version, firmware version,
	// serial number, IEEE address, etc.)
	xbee_cmd_init_device( &my_xbee);
	printf( "Waiting for driver to query the XBee device...\n");
	do {
		xbee_dev_tick( &my_xbee);
		status = xbee_cmd_query_status( &my_xbee);
	} while (status == -EBUSY);
	if (status)
		printf( "Error %d waiting for query to complete.\n", status);

	// report on the settings
	xbee_dev_dump_settings( &my_xbee, XBEE_DEV_DUMP_FLAG_DEFAULT);

	// set Profile ID for our Basic Client Cluster endpoint
	sample_endpoints.zcl.profile_id = profile_id;


   puts( "searching for Commissioning Servers");

	while (1)
      while (xbee_readline( cmdstr, sizeof cmdstr) == -EAGAIN)
      	wpan_tick( &my_xbee.wpan_dev);

		if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "quit"))
			return 0;
		else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "help") || ! strcmp( cmdstr, "?"))
		else if (! strncmpi( cmdstr, "profile ", 8))
			profile_id = strtoul( &cmdstr[8], NULL, 16);
			printf( "Profile ID set to 0x%04x\n", profile_id);
			sample_endpoints.zcl.profile_id = profile_id;
		else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "find"))
		else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "target"))
			puts( " #: --IEEE Address--- Ver. --------Application Name--------"
				" ---Date Code----");
			for (i = 0; i < target_index; ++i)
				print_target( i);
			puts( "End of List");
		else if (! strncmpi( cmdstr, "target ", 7))
			i = (int) strtoul( &cmdstr[7], NULL, 10);
			if (target_index == 0)
				printf( "error, no targets in list, starting search now...\n");
			else if (i < 0 || i >= target_index)
				printf( "error, index %d is invalid (must be 0 to %u)\n", i,
					target_index - 1);
				target = &target_list[i];
				puts( "set target to:");
				print_target( i);
		else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "save"))
			restart_target( target, TRUE);
		else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "cancel"))
			restart_target( target, FALSE);
		else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "default"))
			default_target( target);
		else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "deploy"))
			set_pan( target, &network_deploy);
		else if (! strncmpi( cmdstr, "deploy ", 7))
			if (cmdstr[7] == 'r')
				puts( "deploy as router");
				network_deploy.startup_control = ZCL_COMM_STARTUP_JOINED;
			else if (cmdstr[7] == 'c')
				puts( "deploy as coordinator");
				network_deploy.startup_control = ZCL_COMM_STARTUP_COORDINATOR;
			set_pan( target, &network_deploy);
		else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "comm"))
			set_pan( target, &network_comm);
		else if (! strncmpi( cmdstr, "AT", 2))
			process_command( &my_xbee, &cmdstr[2]);
	   	printf( "unknown command: '%s'\n", cmdstr);