Beispiel #1
static int64_t bitforce_scanhash(struct thr_info *thr, struct work *work, int64_t __maybe_unused max_nonce)
	struct cgpu_info *bitforce = thr->cgpu;
	bool send_ret;
	int64_t ret;

	send_ret = bitforce_send_work(thr, work);

	if (!restart_wait(bitforce->sleep_ms))
		return 0;

	bitforce->wait_ms = bitforce->sleep_ms;

	if (send_ret) {
		bitforce->polling = true;
		ret = bitforce_get_result(thr, work);
		bitforce->polling = false;
	} else
		ret = -1;

	if (ret == -1) {
		ret = 0;
		applog(LOG_ERR, "BFL%i: Comms error", bitforce->device_id);
		bitforce->device_last_not_well = time(NULL);
		bitforce->device_not_well_reason = REASON_DEV_COMMS_ERROR;
		/* empty read buffer */
	return ret;
Beispiel #2
static int64_t bitforce_scanhash(struct thr_info *thr, struct work *work, int64_t __maybe_unused max_nonce)
	struct cgpu_info *bitforce = thr->cgpu;
	bool send_ret;
	int64_t ret;

	send_ret = bitforce_send_work(thr, work);

	if (!restart_wait(bitforce->sleep_ms))
		return 0;

	bitforce->wait_ms = bitforce->sleep_ms;

	if (send_ret) {
		bitforce->polling = true;
		ret = bitforce_get_result(thr, work);
		bitforce->polling = false;
	} else
		ret = -1;

	if (ret == -1) {
		ret = 0;
		applog(LOG_ERR, "%s%i: Comms error", bitforce->drv->name, bitforce->device_id);
		dev_error(bitforce, REASON_DEV_COMMS_ERROR);
		/* empty read buffer */
		bitforce_initialise(bitforce, true);
	return ret;
Beispiel #3
static int64_t hfa_scanwork(struct thr_info *thr)
    struct cgpu_info *hashfast = thr->cgpu;
    struct hashfast_info *info = hashfast->device_data;
    int64_t hashes;
    int jobs, ret;

    if (unlikely(hashfast->usbinfo.nodev)) {
        applog(LOG_WARNING, "HFA %d: device disappeared, disabling",
        return -1;

    if (unlikely(thr->work_restart)) {
        thr->work_restart = false;
        ret = hfa_send_frame(hashfast, HF_USB_CMD(OP_WORK_RESTART), 0, (uint8_t *)NULL, 0);
        if (unlikely(!ret)) {
            ret = hfa_reset(hashfast, info);
            if (unlikely(!ret)) {
                applog(LOG_ERR, "HFA %d: Failed to reset after write failure, disabling",
                return -1;

    jobs = hfa_jobs(info);

    if (!jobs) {
        ret = restart_wait(thr, 100);
        if (unlikely(!ret))
            goto restart;
        jobs = hfa_jobs(info);

    if (jobs) {
        applog(LOG_DEBUG, "HFA %d: Sending %d new jobs", hashfast->device_id,

    while (jobs-- > 0) {
        struct hf_hash_usb op_hash_data;
        struct work *work;
        uint64_t intdiff;
        int i, sequence;
        uint32_t *p;

        /* This is a blocking function if there's no work */
        work = get_work(thr, thr->id);

        /* Assemble the data frame and send the OP_HASH packet */
        memcpy(op_hash_data.midstate, work->midstate, sizeof(op_hash_data.midstate));
        memcpy(op_hash_data.merkle_residual, work->data + 64, 4);
        p = (uint32_t *)(work->data + 64 + 4);
        op_hash_data.timestamp = *p++;
        op_hash_data.bits = *p++;
        op_hash_data.starting_nonce = 0;
        op_hash_data.nonce_loops = 0;
        op_hash_data.ntime_loops = 0;

        /* Set the number of leading zeroes to look for based on diff.
         * Diff 1 = 32, Diff 2 = 33, Diff 4 = 34 etc. */
        intdiff = (uint64_t)work->device_diff;
        for (i = 31; intdiff; i++, intdiff >>= 1);
        op_hash_data.search_difficulty = i; = 0;
        if ((sequence = info->hash_sequence_head + 1) >= info->num_sequence)
            sequence = 0;
        ret = hfa_send_frame(hashfast, OP_HASH, sequence, (uint8_t *)&op_hash_data, sizeof(op_hash_data));
        if (unlikely(!ret)) {
            ret = hfa_reset(hashfast, info);
            if (unlikely(!ret)) {
                applog(LOG_ERR, "HFA %d: Failed to reset after write failure, disabling",
                return -1;

        info->hash_sequence_head = sequence;
        info->works[info->hash_sequence_head] = work;

        applog(LOG_DEBUG, "HFA %d: OP_HASH sequence %d search_difficulty %d work_difficulty %g",
               hashfast->device_id, info->hash_sequence_head, op_hash_data.search_difficulty, work->work_difficulty);

    hashes = info->hash_count;
    info->hash_count = 0;

    return hashes;
static int64_t ztex_scanhash(struct thr_info *thr, struct work *work,
                              __maybe_unused int64_t max_nonce)
	struct cgpu_info *cgpu = thr->cgpu;
	struct libztex_device *ztex;
	unsigned char sendbuf[44];
	int i, j, k;
	uint32_t *backlog;
	int backlog_p = 0, backlog_max;
	uint32_t *lastnonce;
	uint32_t nonce, noncecnt = 0;
	bool overflow, found;
	struct libztex_hash_data hdata[GOLDEN_BACKLOG];

	if (thr->cgpu->deven == DEV_DISABLED)
		return -1;

	ztex = thr->cgpu->device_ztex;

	memcpy(sendbuf, work->data + 64, 12);
	memcpy(sendbuf + 12, work->midstate, 32);

	ztex_selectFpga(ztex, cgpu->proc_id);
	i = libztex_sendHashData(ztex, sendbuf);
	if (i < 0) {
		// Something wrong happened in send
		applog(LOG_ERR, "%"PRIpreprv": Failed to send hash data with err %d, retrying", cgpu->proc_repr, i);
		i = libztex_sendHashData(ztex, sendbuf);
		if (i < 0) {
			// And there's nothing we can do about it
			applog(LOG_ERR, "%"PRIpreprv": Failed to send hash data with err %d, giving up", cgpu->proc_repr, i);
			return -1;

	applog(LOG_DEBUG, "%"PRIpreprv": sent hashdata", cgpu->proc_repr);

	lastnonce = calloc(1, sizeof(uint32_t)*ztex->numNonces);
	if (lastnonce == NULL) {
		applog(LOG_ERR, "%"PRIpreprv": failed to allocate lastnonce[%d]", cgpu->proc_repr, ztex->numNonces);
		return -1;

	/* Add an extra slot for detecting dupes that lie around */
	backlog_max = ztex->numNonces * (2 + ztex->extraSolutions);
	backlog = calloc(1, sizeof(uint32_t) * backlog_max);
	if (backlog == NULL) {
		applog(LOG_ERR, "%"PRIpreprv": failed to allocate backlog[%d]", cgpu->proc_repr, backlog_max);
		return -1;

	overflow = false;
	int count = 0;

	applog(LOG_DEBUG, "%"PRIpreprv": entering poll loop", cgpu->proc_repr);
	while (!(overflow || thr->work_restart)) {
		if (!restart_wait(thr, 250))
			applog(LOG_DEBUG, "%"PRIpreprv": New work detected", cgpu->proc_repr);
		ztex_selectFpga(ztex, cgpu->proc_id);
		i = libztex_readHashData(ztex, &hdata[0]);
		if (i < 0) {
			// Something wrong happened in read
			applog(LOG_ERR, "%"PRIpreprv": Failed to read hash data with err %d, retrying", cgpu->proc_repr, i);
			i = libztex_readHashData(ztex, &hdata[0]);
			if (i < 0) {
				// And there's nothing we can do about it
				applog(LOG_ERR, "%"PRIpreprv": Failed to read hash data with err %d, giving up", cgpu->proc_repr, i);
				return -1;

		if (thr->work_restart) {
			applog(LOG_DEBUG, "%"PRIpreprv": New work detected", cgpu->proc_repr);


		for (i = 0; i < ztex->numNonces; i++) {
			nonce = hdata[i].nonce;
			if (nonce > noncecnt)
				noncecnt = nonce;
			if (((0xffffffff - nonce) < (nonce - lastnonce[i])) || nonce < lastnonce[i]) {
				applog(LOG_DEBUG, "%"PRIpreprv": overflow nonce=%08x lastnonce=%08x", cgpu->proc_repr, nonce, lastnonce[i]);
				overflow = true;
			} else
				lastnonce[i] = nonce;

			if (!ztex_checkNonce(cgpu, work, &hdata[i])) {
				// do not count errors in the first 500ms after sendHashData (2x250 wait time)
				if (count > 2)
					dclk_errorCount(&ztex->dclk, 1.0 / ztex->numNonces);


			for (j=0; j<=ztex->extraSolutions; j++) {
				nonce = hdata[i].goldenNonce[j];

				if (nonce == ztex->offsNonces) {

				found = false;
				for (k = 0; k < backlog_max; k++) {
					if (backlog[k] == nonce) {
						found = true;
				if (!found) {
					backlog[backlog_p++] = nonce;

					if (backlog_p >= backlog_max)
						backlog_p = 0;

					work->blk.nonce = 0xffffffff;
					if (!j || test_nonce(work, nonce, false))
						submit_nonce(thr, work, nonce);
					applog(LOG_DEBUG, "%"PRIpreprv": submitted %08x (from N%dE%d)", cgpu->proc_repr, nonce, i, j);


	if (!ztex_updateFreq(thr)) {
		// Something really serious happened, so mark this thread as dead!
		return -1;

	applog(LOG_DEBUG, "%"PRIpreprv": exit %1.8X", cgpu->proc_repr, noncecnt);

	work->blk.nonce = 0xffffffff;


	return noncecnt;
Beispiel #5
static int64_t hfa_scanwork(struct thr_info *thr)
	struct cgpu_info *hashfast = thr->cgpu;
	struct hashfast_info *info = hashfast->device_data;
	int jobs, ret, cycles = 0;
	int64_t hashes;

	if (unlikely(hashfast->usbinfo.nodev)) {
		applog(LOG_WARNING, "%s %d: device disappeared, disabling",
		       hashfast->drv->name, hashfast->device_id);
		return -1;

	if (unlikely(last_getwork - hashfast->last_device_valid_work > 60)) {
		applog(LOG_WARNING, "%s %d: No valid hashes for over 1 minute, attempting to reset",
		       hashfast->drv->name, hashfast->device_id);
		if (info->hash_clock_rate > HFA_CLOCK_DEFAULT) {
			info->hash_clock_rate -= 5;
			if (info->hash_clock_rate < opt_hfa_hash_clock)
				opt_hfa_hash_clock = info->hash_clock_rate;
			applog(LOG_WARNING, "%s %d: Decreasing clock speed to %d with reset",
			       hashfast->drv->name, hashfast->device_id, info->hash_clock_rate);
		ret = hfa_reset(hashfast, info);
		if (!ret) {
			applog(LOG_ERR, "%s %d: Failed to reset after hash failure, disabling",
			       hashfast->drv->name, hashfast->device_id);
			return -1;
		applog(LOG_NOTICE, "%s %d: Reset successful", hashfast->drv->name,

	if (unlikely(thr->work_restart)) {
		info->last_restart = time(NULL);
		thr->work_restart = false;
		ret = hfa_send_frame(hashfast, HF_USB_CMD(OP_WORK_RESTART), 0, (uint8_t *)NULL, 0);
		if (unlikely(!ret)) {
			ret = hfa_reset(hashfast, info);
			if (unlikely(!ret)) {
				applog(LOG_ERR, "%s %d: Failed to reset after write failure, disabling",
				       hashfast->drv->name, hashfast->device_id);
				return -1;
		/* Give a full allotment of jobs after a restart, not waiting
		 * for the status update telling us how much to give. */
		jobs = info->usb_init_base.inflight_target;
	} else {
		/* Only adjust die clocks if there's no restart since two
		 * restarts back to back get ignored. */
		hfa_temp_clock(hashfast, info);
		jobs = hfa_jobs(hashfast, info);

	/* Wait on restart_wait for up to 0.5 seconds or submit jobs as soon as
	 * they're required. */
	while (!jobs && ++cycles < 5) {
		ret = restart_wait(thr, 100);
		if (unlikely(!ret))
			goto restart;
		jobs = hfa_jobs(hashfast, info);

	if (jobs) {
		applog(LOG_DEBUG, "%s %d: Sending %d new jobs", hashfast->drv->name, hashfast->device_id,

	while (jobs-- > 0) {
		struct hf_hash_usb op_hash_data;
		struct work *work;
		uint64_t intdiff;
		int i, sequence;
		uint32_t *p;

		/* This is a blocking function if there's no work */
		work = get_work(thr, thr->id);

		/* Assemble the data frame and send the OP_HASH packet */
		memcpy(op_hash_data.midstate, work->midstate, sizeof(op_hash_data.midstate));
		memcpy(op_hash_data.merkle_residual, work->data + 64, 4);
		p = (uint32_t *)(work->data + 64 + 4);
		op_hash_data.timestamp = *p++;
		op_hash_data.bits = *p++;
		op_hash_data.starting_nonce = 0;
		op_hash_data.nonce_loops = 0;
		op_hash_data.ntime_loops = 0;

		/* Set the number of leading zeroes to look for based on diff.
		 * Diff 1 = 32, Diff 2 = 33, Diff 4 = 34 etc. */
		intdiff = (uint64_t)work->device_diff;
		for (i = 31; intdiff; i++, intdiff >>= 1);
		op_hash_data.search_difficulty = i; = 0;
		if ((sequence = info->hash_sequence_head + 1) >= info->num_sequence)
			sequence = 0;
		ret = hfa_send_frame(hashfast, OP_HASH, sequence, (uint8_t *)&op_hash_data, sizeof(op_hash_data));
		if (unlikely(!ret)) {
			ret = hfa_reset(hashfast, info);
			if (unlikely(!ret)) {
				applog(LOG_ERR, "%s %d: Failed to reset after write failure, disabling",
				       hashfast->drv->name, hashfast->device_id);
				return -1;

		info->hash_sequence_head = sequence;
		info->works[info->hash_sequence_head] = work;

		applog(LOG_DEBUG, "%s %d: OP_HASH sequence %d search_difficulty %d work_difficulty %g",
		       hashfast->drv->name, hashfast->device_id, info->hash_sequence_head,
		       op_hash_data.search_difficulty, work->work_difficulty);

	/* Only count 2/3 of the hashes to smooth out the hashrate for cycles
	 * that have no hashes added. */
	hashes = info->hash_count / 3 * 2;
	info->calc_hashes += hashes;
	info->hash_count -= hashes;

	return hashes;
static int64_t bitfury_scanHash(struct thr_info *thr)
	static struct bitfury_device *devices; // TODO Move somewhere to appropriate place
	int chip_n;
	int chip;
	uint64_t hashes = 0;
	unsigned char line[2048];
	char stat_lines[32][256] = {0};
	static first = 0; //TODO Move to detect()
	int i;
	static int shift_number = 1;
	static struct timeval spi_started;
	struct timeval now;
	struct cgpu_info *cgpu = thr->cgpu;
	devices = thr->cgpu->devices;
	chip_n = thr->cgpu->chip_n;

	if (!first) {
		for (i = 0; i < chip_n; i++) {
			devices[i].osc6_bits = 50;
		set_chip_opts(devices, chip_n);
		for (i = 0; i < chip_n; i++) {
			send_reinit(devices[i].slot, devices[i].fasync, devices[i].osc6_bits);
	first = 1;

	int wait=1000000*(now.tv_sec-spi_started.tv_sec)+now.tv_usec-spi_started.tv_usec;
		if(restart_wait(thr, (800000-wait)/1000) != ETIMEDOUT)
			//purge work
			for (;chip < chip_n; chip++)
				if(devices[chip] != NULL)
					work_completed(thr->cgpu, devices[chip];
				devices[chip] = NULL;
				devices[chip].bfwork.results_n = 0;
				devices[chip].bfwork.results_sent = 0;

	for (chip = 0; chip < chip_n; chip++) {
		devices[chip].job_switched = 0;
		if(!devices[chip] {
			devices[chip] = get_queued(thr->cgpu);
			if (devices[chip] == NULL) {
				return 0;
			work_to_payload(&(devices[chip].bfwork.payload), devices[chip];
	libbitfury_sendHashData(devices, chip_n);

	chip = 0;
	int high = 0;
	double aveg = 0.0;
	int total = 0;
	int futures =0;
	for (;chip < chip_n; chip++) {

		if (devices[chip].job_switched) {
			int i=0;
			struct work *work = devices[chip];
			struct work *owork = devices[chip];
			struct work *o2work = devices[chip];

			if (owork)
				i+=submit_work(&devices[chip].obfwork, thr);
			if (o2work)
				i+=submit_work(&devices[chip].o2bfwork, thr);
			if (work)
				i+=submit_work(&devices[chip].bfwork, thr);	

			high = high > i?high:i;

			devices[chip].job_switched = 0;

			if (o2work)
				work_completed(thr->cgpu, o2work);

			//printf("%d %d %d\n",devices[chip].o2bfwork.results_n,devices[chip].obfwork.results_n,devices[chip].bfwork.results_n);
			memcpy (&(devices[chip].o2bfwork),&(devices[chip].obfwork),sizeof(struct bitfury_work));
			memcpy (&(devices[chip].obfwork),&(devices[chip].bfwork),sizeof(struct bitfury_work));
			devices[chip] = NULL;
			devices[chip].bfwork.results_n = 0;
			devices[chip].bfwork.results_sent = 0;
			hashes += 0xffffffffull * i;
		if(shift_number % 100 == 0)
			int len = strlen(stat_lines[devices[chip].slot]);
			snprintf(stat_lines[devices[chip].slot]+len,256-len,"%d: %d/%d ",chip,devices[chip].nonces_found/devices[chip].nonce_errors);

	aveg = (double) total / chip_n;
	//applog(LOG_WARNING, "high: %d aver: %4.2f total %d futures %d", high, aveg,total,futures);
	if(shift_number % 100 == 0)



	return hashes;