Beispiel #1
void test_svd(const std::string & fn, ScalarType EPS)
  std::size_t sz1, sz2;

  //read matrix

  // sz1 = 2048, sz2 = 2048;
  // std::vector<ScalarType> in(sz1 * sz2);
  // random_fill(in);

  // read file
  std::fstream f(fn.c_str(), std::fstream::in);
  //read size of input matrix
  read_matrix_size(f, sz1, sz2);

  std::size_t to = std::min(sz1, sz2);

  viennacl::matrix<ScalarType> Ai(sz1, sz2), Aref(sz1, sz2), QL(sz1, sz1), QR(sz2, sz2);
  read_matrix_body(f, Ai);

  std::vector<ScalarType> sigma_ref(to);
  read_vector_body(f, sigma_ref);


  // viennacl::fast_copy(&in[0], &in[0] + in.size(), Ai);

  Aref = Ai;

  Timer timer;

  viennacl::linalg::svd(Ai, QL, QR);


  double time_spend = timer.get();

  viennacl::matrix<ScalarType> result1(sz1, sz2), result2(sz1, sz2);
  result1 = viennacl::linalg::prod(QL, Ai);
  result2 = viennacl::linalg::prod(result1, trans(QR));

  ScalarType sigma_diff = sigmas_compare(Ai, sigma_ref);
  ScalarType prods_diff  = matrix_compare(result2, Aref);

  bool sigma_ok = (fabs(sigma_diff) < EPS)
                   && (fabs(prods_diff) < std::sqrt(EPS));  //note: computing the product is not accurate down to 10^{-16}, so we allow for a higher tolerance here

  printf("%6s [%dx%d] %40s sigma_diff = %.6f; prod_diff = %.6f; time = %.6f\n", sigma_ok?"[[OK]]":"[FAIL]", (int)Aref.size1(), (int)Aref.size2(), fn.c_str(), sigma_diff, prods_diff, time_spend);
void tst_QPlaceProposedSearchResult::constructorTest()
    QPlaceProposedSearchResult result;
    QCOMPARE(result.type(), QPlaceSearchResult::ProposedSearchResult);


    QPlaceIcon icon;
    QVariantMap parameters;
    parameters.insert(QStringLiteral("paramKey"), QStringLiteral("paramValue"));

    QPlaceSearchRequest searchRequest;

    //check copy constructor
    QPlaceProposedSearchResult result2(result);
    QCOMPARE(result2.title(), QStringLiteral("title"));
    QCOMPARE(result2.icon(), icon);
    QCOMPARE(result2.searchRequest(), searchRequest);

    QVERIFY(QLocationTestUtils::compareEquality(result, result2));

    //check results are the same after detachment of underlying shared data pointer
    QVERIFY(QLocationTestUtils::compareEquality(result, result2));

    //check construction of SearchResult using a ProposedSearchResult
    QPlaceSearchResult searchResult(result);
    QCOMPARE(searchResult.title(), QStringLiteral("title"));
    QCOMPARE(searchResult.icon(), icon);
    QVERIFY(QLocationTestUtils::compareEquality(searchResult, result));
    QVERIFY(searchResult.type() == QPlaceSearchResult::ProposedSearchResult);
    result2 = searchResult;
    QVERIFY(QLocationTestUtils::compareEquality(result, result2));

    //check construction of a SearchResult using a SearchResult
    //that is actually a PlaceResult underneath
    QPlaceSearchResult searchResult2(searchResult);
    QCOMPARE(searchResult2.title(), QStringLiteral("title"));
    QCOMPARE(searchResult2.icon(), icon);
    QVERIFY(QLocationTestUtils::compareEquality(searchResult2, result));
    QVERIFY(QLocationTestUtils::compareEquality(searchResult, searchResult2));
    QVERIFY(searchResult2.type() == QPlaceSearchResult::ProposedSearchResult);
    result2 = searchResult2;
    QVERIFY(QLocationTestUtils::compareEquality(result, result2));
Beispiel #3
  TEUCHOS_UNIT_TEST( Stokhos_MatrixFreeOperator, ApplyUnitTest ) {
    // Test Apply()
    Epetra_Vector input(*setup.sg_x_map), result1(*setup.sg_f_map), 
      result2(*setup.sg_f_map), diff(*setup.sg_f_map);
    setup.mat_free_op->Apply(input, result1);
    setup.assembled_op->Apply(input, result2);
    diff.Update(1.0, result1, -1.0, result2, 0.0);
    double nrm;
    success = std::abs(nrm < setup.tol);
    out << "Apply infinity norm of difference:  " << nrm << std::endl;
    out << "Matrix-free result = " << std::endl << result1 << std::endl
	<< "Assebled result = " << std::endl << result2 << std::endl;
	void pullClasses_functionReturnsTheTwoDifferentInputtedClasses_pointersComparesEqualToInputs()
		Stub1 input1;
		Stub1* result1(0);
		Stub2 input2;
		Stub2* result2(0);

		m_lua->run_chunk("return function(...) return ... end");
		m_lua->call(1, &input1, &input2);
		OOLUA::pull(*m_lua, result2);
		OOLUA::pull(*m_lua, result1);
		CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("input2 is incorrect", &input2, result2);
		CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("input1 is incorrect", &input1, result1);
 vector<int> maxSumOfThreeSubarrays(vector<int>& nums, int k) {
     vector<int> sum(nums.size() + 1);
     sum[0] = 0;
     for(int i=0; i<nums.size(); i++)
         sum[i+1] = sum[i] + nums[i];
     vector<int> sum1(nums.size(), 0), sum2(nums.size(), 0), sum3(nums.size(), 0);
     vector<vector<int>> result1(nums.size()), result2(nums.size()), result3(nums.size());
     for(int i=k-1; i < (nums.size() - (2 * k)); i++) {
         if(sum1[i-1] < sum[i+1] - sum[i-k+1]) {
             sum1[i] = sum[i+1] - sum[i-k+1];
         else {
             sum1[i] = sum1[i-1];
             result1[i] = result1[i-1];
         //sum1[i] = max(sum1[i-1], sum[i+1] - sum[i-k+1]);
     for(int i=(2*k)-1; i < (nums.size() - k); i++) {
         if(sum2[i-1] < sum1[i-k] + sum[i+1] - sum[i-k+1]) {
             sum2[i] = sum1[i-k] + sum[i+1] - sum[i-k+1];
             result2[i] = result1[i-k];
         else {
             sum2[i] = sum2[i-1];
             result2[i] = result2[i-1];
         //sum2[i] = max(sum2[i-1], sum1[i-k] + sum[i+1] - sum[i-k+1]);
     for(int i=(3*k)-1; i < nums.size(); i++) {
         if(sum3[i-1] < sum2[i-k] + sum[i+1] - sum[i-k+1]) {
             sum3[i] = sum2[i-k] + sum[i+1] - sum[i-k+1];
             result3[i] = result2[i-k];
         else {
             sum3[i] = sum3[i-1];
             result3[i] = result3[i-1];
         //sum3[i] = max(sum3[i-1], sum2[i-k] + sum[i+1] - sum[i-k+1]);
     return result3[nums.size()-1];
   @SYMTestCaseID UIF-ETUL-0008

   @SYMREQ 7736
   @SYMTestCaseDesc Test to search for email addresses in the string and verifies their positions.
   @SYMTestPriority High 
   @SYMTestStatus Implemented
   @SYMTestActions Constructs CTulAddressStringTokenizer object with CTulAddressStringTokenizer::EFindItemSearchMailAddressBin|EFindItemSearchURLBin \n
   which parses the given string and creates an item array consisting of all the Email addresses and URL's\n
   API Calls:\n	
   CTulAddressStringTokenizer::NewL(const TDesC& aText, TInt aSearchCases);\n
   CTulAddressStringTokenizer::Item(SFoundItem& aItem); \n
   CTulAddressStringTokenizer::NextItem(SFoundItem& aItem);\n
   @SYMTestExpectedResults The test checks whether 
   1. Phone numbers, Email addresses and URL's found by CTulAddressStringTokenizer are the correct ones.
   2. CTulAddressStringTokenizer::ResetPosition() resets the position of the addressString array to zero.
void CT_AddressStringTokenizerStep::CheckPositionsL()
	CTulAddressStringTokenizer* addressString = CTulAddressStringTokenizer::NewL(KTextToBeParsedToCheckPositions, (CTulAddressStringTokenizer::TTokenizerSearchCase)(CTulAddressStringTokenizer::EFindItemSearchMailAddressBin | CTulAddressStringTokenizer::EFindItemSearchURLBin));
	TBufC<512> str(KTextToBeParsedToCheckPositions);
	//Get count of found email addresses
	TInt count(addressString->ItemCount());
	TEST(count == 4);
	// Get currently selected email
	CTulAddressStringTokenizer::SFoundItem item;
	TPtrC16 result(str.Mid(item.iStartPos, item.iLength));
	TEST(result.Compare(KURL4) == 0);

	TPtrC16 result1(str.Mid(item.iStartPos, item.iLength));
	TEST(result1.Compare(KEMail) == 0);

	//move to next item
	TPtrC16 result2(str.Mid(item.iStartPos, item.iLength));
	TEST(result2.Compare(KEMail1) == 0);
	//check that position is correct
	TEST(addressString->Position() == 2);
	//move to next item
	result2.Set(str.Mid(item.iStartPos, item.iLength));
	TEST(result2.Compare(KEMail2) == 0);

	//Resets the position to zero 
	//get the first item

	TPtrC16 reset_result1(str.Mid(item.iStartPos, item.iLength));
	TEST(reset_result1.Compare(KURL4) == 0);

	//verify that we are in first item
	TEST(result == reset_result1);
	delete addressString;
Beispiel #7
TEST(MeshLib, DoubleFlipQuadMesh)
    std::unique_ptr<MeshLib::Mesh> mesh(MeshLib::MeshGenerator::generateRegularQuadMesh(5, 5));
    std::unique_ptr<MeshLib::Mesh> result (MeshLib::createFlippedMesh(*mesh));
    std::unique_ptr<MeshLib::Mesh> result2 (MeshLib::createFlippedMesh(*result));

    ASSERT_EQ(mesh->getNumberOfNodes(), result2->getNumberOfNodes());
    ASSERT_EQ(mesh->getNumberOfElements(), result2->getNumberOfElements());
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < result2->getNumberOfElements(); ++i)
        for (std::size_t j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
Beispiel #8
Polynomial spolynomial(const SPI & spi,const FactBase & fc,TimingRecorder * timers) {
  if(timers) {
  const GroebnerRule & first = fc.rule(spi.leftID());
  const GroebnerRule & second = fc.rule(spi.rightID());
  Monomial tip1(first.LHS());
  Monomial tip2(second.LHS());
  Monomial right1, left2, one;
  int len1 = spi.overlapLength();
  MonomialIterator w1 = tip2.begin();
  for(int k=1;k<=len1;++k) { ++w1;};
  int max1 = tip2.numberOfFactors()-1;
  // The following line is for a faster run-time.
  for(int i=len1;i<=max1;++i,++w1) {
    right1 *= (*w1);
  MonomialIterator w2 = tip1.begin();
  int max2 = tip1.numberOfFactors() - len1;
  // The following line is for a faster run-time.
  for(i=0;i< max2;++i,++w2) {
    left2 *= (*w2);
  Term ONE(one);
#if 0
  Monomial check1(tip1);
  check1 *= right1; 
  Monomial check2(left2);
  check2 *= tip1;
  if(check1!=check2) {
  Polynomial result1(first.RHS());
  Polynomial result2(second.RHS());
  result1 *= Term(right1);
  result1 -= result2;
  if(timers) {
    timers->printpause("spolynomial Timing:",s_spolynomialsTiming);
  return result1;
Beispiel #9
TEST(Py3Function, Print)
    Include include("test_python");
    Function function(include, "multiply");
    Variable a(5);
    Variable b(3);
    VariablePtr result1(function(a, b));
    EXPECT_EQ(15, result1->get<int32_t>());

    // Run again just in case
    VariablePtr result2(function(a, b));
    EXPECT_EQ(15, result2->get<int32_t>());

    Variable c(10);
    Variable d(20);
    VariablePtr result(function(c, d));
    EXPECT_EQ(200, result->get<int32_t>());
Beispiel #10
SecureArray QCACryptoInterface::sharedDHKey(const QString &prime, const QString &base, const QString &secret)
    BigUnsigned primeNumber = stringToBigUnsigned(prime.toStdString());
    BigInteger baseNumber = stringToBigUnsigned(base.toStdString());
    BigUnsigned secretNumber = stringToBigUnsigned(secret.toStdString());
    BigUnsigned result = modexp(baseNumber, secretNumber, primeNumber);

    QByteArray key;

    BigUnsigned result2(result);
    while (result2 !=  0) {
         char rest = (result2 % 256).toUnsignedShort();
         result2 = result2 / 256;

    int size = key.size();
    return key;
Beispiel #11
TEST_F(RegistryTablesTest, test_registry_or_clause) {
  SQL result1("SELECT * FROM registry WHERE key = \"" + kTestKey + "\"");
  SQL result2("SELECT * FROM registry WHERE key = \"" + kTestSpecificKey +
  SQL combinedResults("SELECT * FROM registry WHERE key = \"" + kTestKey +
                      "\" OR key = \"" + kTestSpecificKey + "\"");

  EXPECT_TRUE(result1.rows().size() > 0);
  EXPECT_TRUE(result2.rows().size() > 0);
  EXPECT_TRUE(combinedResults.rows().size() ==
              result1.rows().size() + result2.rows().size());
Beispiel #12
    string multiply(string num1, string num2) {
     string result(num1.size()+num2.size(),'0');
            for (int i = num1.size()-1; i >= 0; --i) {
                int carry = 0;
                for (int j = num2.size()-1; carry!=0 || j>=0; --j) {
                    int n_digit =  (j >= 0? (num1[i]-'0')*(num2[j]-'0'):0) + carry;
                    carry = (result[i+j+1] -'0'+ n_digit)/10;

                    result[i+j+1] = '0' + (result[i+j+1] -'0'+ n_digit) % 10;

            if (result.front() == '0')
            if (num1.size() == 1 && num1.front() == '0' || num2.size() == 1 && num2.front()=='0') {
                string result2(1,'0');
                return result2;
            return result;
void tst_QPlaceSearchResult::constructorTest()
    QPlaceSearchResult result;

    QCOMPARE(result.type(), QPlaceSearchResult::UnknownSearchResult);

    QPlaceIcon icon;
    QVariantMap parameters;
    parameters.insert(QLatin1String("paramKey"), QLatin1String("paramValue"));

    QPlaceSearchResult result2(result);
    QCOMPARE(result2.title(), QLatin1String("title"));

    QCOMPARE(result2, result);
Beispiel #14
void TestApp::test_matrix_mat4()
	Console::write_line("  Class: Mat4");

	Console::write_line("   Function: inverse()");

		Mat4f test_src = Mat4f::rotate((Angle(30, angle_degrees)), 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, true);
		Mat4f test_inv;
		Mat4f test_dest;
		Mat4f test_ident = Mat4f::identity();

		test_dest = test_src;
		test_dest = test_dest * test_src;

		if (test_ident != test_dest) fail();


	static int test_a_values[] = {3, 1, 2, 4, 5 ,6, 4, 2, 1, 4, 6, 7, 6, 3, 7, 2};
	static int test_b_values[] = {4, 7, 2, 5, 3, 5, 2, 9, 3, 3, 6, 9, 2, 4, 6, 2};

	Mat4i test_a(test_a_values);
	Mat4i test_b(test_b_values);

	Mat4f test_c(test_a);
	Mat4f test_c_scaled(test_c);

		float x = 2.0f;
		float y = 3.0f;
		float z = 4.0f;

		test_c_scaled[0 + 4 * 0] *= x;
		test_c_scaled[0 + 4 * 1] *= y;
		test_c_scaled[0 + 4 * 2] *= z;
		test_c_scaled[1 + 4 * 0] *= x;
		test_c_scaled[1 + 4 * 1] *= y;
		test_c_scaled[1 + 4 * 2] *= z;
		test_c_scaled[2 + 4 * 0] *= x;
		test_c_scaled[2 + 4 * 1] *= y;
		test_c_scaled[2 + 4 * 2] *= z;
		test_c_scaled[3 + 4 * 0] *= x;
		test_c_scaled[3 + 4 * 1] *= y;
		test_c_scaled[3 + 4 * 2] *= z;

	Console::write_line("   Function: add() and operator");
		int answer_values[] = {7, 8, 4, 9, 8, 11, 6, 11, 4, 7, 12, 16, 8, 7, 13, 4};
		Mat4i answer(answer_values);

		Mat4i result = test_a + test_b;
		if (result != answer) fail();

		result = Mat4i::add(test_a, test_b);
		if (result != answer) fail();


	Console::write_line("   Function: subtract() and operator");
		int answer_values[] = {-1, -6, 0, -1, 2, 1, 2, -7, -2, 1, 0, -2, 4, -1, 1, 0};
		Mat4i answer(answer_values);

		Mat4i result = test_a - test_b;
		if (result != answer) fail();

		result = Mat4i::subtract(test_a, test_b);
		if (result != answer) fail();


	Console::write_line("   Function: translate()");
		int answer_values[] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 3, 4, 1};
		Mat4i answer(answer_values);

		Mat4i result = Mat4i::translate(2, 3, 4);
		if (result != answer) fail();

	Console::write_line("   Function: translate_self() (int)");
		Mat4i answer(test_a);

		Mat4i result = test_a;
		result = result * Mat4i::translate(2, 3, 4);

		Mat4i result2 = test_a;

		if (result != result2) fail();

	Console::write_line("   Function: translate_self() (float)");
		Mat4f answer(test_a);

		Mat4f result(test_a);
		result = result * Mat4f::translate(2, 3, 4);

		Mat4f result2(test_a);
		result2.translate_self(2, 3, 4);

		if (!result.is_equal(result2, 0.00001f))

	Console::write_line("   Function: scale_self()");
		Mat4i answer(test_a);

		Mat4i result = test_a;
		result = result * Mat4i::scale(2, 3, 4);

		Mat4i result2 = test_a;

		if (result != result2) fail();

		Mat4f test = test_c;
		test.scale_self(2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f);

		if (!test.is_equal(test_c_scaled, 0.00001f))

	Console::write_line("   Function: rotate (using euler angles)");
		Mat4f mv = Mat4f::identity();
		mv = mv * Mat4f::rotate(Angle(30.0f, angle_degrees), 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, false);
		mv = mv * Mat4f::rotate(Angle(10.0f, angle_degrees), 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, false);
		mv = mv * Mat4f::rotate(Angle(20.0f, angle_degrees), 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, false);

		Mat4f test_matrix;
		test_matrix = Mat4f::rotate(Angle(10.0f, angle_degrees), Angle(20.0f, angle_degrees), Angle(30.0f, angle_degrees), order_YXZ);
		if (!test_matrix.is_equal(mv, 0.00001f))


	Console::write_line("   Function: rotate (using euler angles) and get_euler");

	Console::write_line("   Function: transpose() (float)");
		Mat4f original(test_a);

		Mat4f transposed_matrix;
		transposed_matrix[0] = original[0];
		transposed_matrix[1] = original[4];
		transposed_matrix[2] = original[8];
		transposed_matrix[3] = original[12];
		transposed_matrix[4] = original[1];
		transposed_matrix[5] = original[5];
		transposed_matrix[6] = original[9];
		transposed_matrix[7] = original[13];
		transposed_matrix[8] = original[2];
		transposed_matrix[9] = original[6];
		transposed_matrix[10] = original[10];
		transposed_matrix[11] = original[14];
		transposed_matrix[12] = original[3];
		transposed_matrix[13] = original[7];
		transposed_matrix[14] = original[11];
		transposed_matrix[15] = original[15];

		Mat4f test = original;

		if (!test.is_equal(transposed_matrix, 0.00001f))
void test_recursive_variant()
    typedef boost::make_recursive_variant<
        , std::vector<boost::recursive_variant_>
        >::type var1_t;

    std::vector<var1_t> vec1;

    var1_t var1(vec1);
    std::string result1( boost::apply_visitor( vector_printer(), var1 ) );

    std::cout << "result1: " << result1 << '\n';
    BOOST_CHECK(result1 == "( 3 5 ( 3 5 ) 7 ) ");

    typedef boost::make_recursive_variant<
          boost::variant<int, double>
        , std::vector<boost::recursive_variant_>
        >::type var2_t;

    std::vector<var2_t> vec2;
    vec2.push_back(boost::variant<int, double>(3));
    vec2.push_back(boost::variant<int, double>(3.5));
    vec2.push_back(boost::variant<int, double>(7));

    var2_t var2(vec2);
    std::string result2( boost::apply_visitor( vector_printer(), var2 ) );

    std::cout << "result2: " << result2 << '\n';
    BOOST_CHECK(result2 == "( 3 3.5 ( 3 3.5 ) 7 ) ");
    typedef boost::make_recursive_variant<
        , std::vector<
                  , std::vector<boost::recursive_variant_>
        >::type var3_t;

    typedef boost::variant<double, std::vector<var3_t> > var4_t;

    std::vector<var3_t> vec3;
    std::vector<var4_t> vec4;

    var4_t var4(vec3);
    std::string result3( boost::apply_visitor( vector_printer(), var4 ) );

    std::cout << "result2: " << result3 << '\n';
    BOOST_CHECK(result3 == "( 3 5 ( 3.5 ( 3 5 ) ) 7 ) ");

    typedef boost::make_recursive_variant<
        >::type var5_t;

    std::vector<var5_t> vec5;

    std::string result5( vector_printer()(vec5) );

    std::cout << "result5: " << result5 << '\n';
    BOOST_CHECK(result5 == "( 3.5 ( 3 5 ( 3 5 ) 7 ) 17.25 ) ");

    typedef boost::make_recursive_variant<
          std::map<int, boost::recursive_variant_>
        >::type var6_t;
    var6_t var6;
Beispiel #16
void test_eigen(const std::string& fn, bool is_symm)
    std::cout << "Reading..." << "\n";
    std::size_t sz;
    // read file
    std::fstream f(fn.c_str(), std::fstream::in);
    //read size of input matrix
    read_matrix_size(f, sz);

    bool is_row = viennacl::is_row_major<MatrixLayout>::value;
    if (is_row)
      std::cout << "Testing row-major matrix of size " << sz << "-by-" << sz << std::endl;
      std::cout << "Testing column-major matrix of size " << sz << "-by-" << sz << std::endl;

    viennacl::matrix<ScalarType> A_input(sz, sz), A_ref(sz, sz), Q(sz, sz);
    // reference vector with reference values from file
    std::vector<ScalarType> eigen_ref_re(sz);
    // calculated real eigenvalues
    std::vector<ScalarType> eigen_re(sz);
    // calculated im. eigenvalues
    std::vector<ScalarType> eigen_im(sz);

    // read input matrix from file
    read_matrix_body(f, A_input);
    // read reference eigenvalues from file
    read_vector_body(f, eigen_ref_re);


    A_ref = A_input;

    std::cout << "Calculation..." << "\n";

    Timer timer;
    // Start the calculation
        viennacl::linalg::qr_method_sym(A_input, Q, eigen_re);
        viennacl::linalg::qr_method_nsm(A_input, Q, eigen_re, eigen_im);

    std::cout << "\n\n Matrix A: \n\n";
    std::cout << "\n\n";

    std::cout << "\n\n Matrix Q: \n\n";
    std::cout << "\n\n";

    double time_spend = timer.get();

    std::cout << "Verification..." << "\n";

    bool is_hessenberg = check_hessenberg(A_input);
    bool is_tridiag = check_tridiag(A_input);

    ublas::matrix<ScalarType> A_ref_ublas(sz, sz), A_input_ublas(sz, sz), Q_ublas(sz, sz), result1(sz, sz), result2(sz, sz);
    viennacl::copy(A_ref, A_ref_ublas);
    viennacl::copy(A_input, A_input_ublas);
    viennacl::copy(Q, Q_ublas);

    // compute result1 = ublas::prod(Q_ublas, A_input_ublas);   (terribly slow when using ublas directly)
    for (std::size_t i=0; i<result1.size1(); ++i)
      for (std::size_t j=0; j<result1.size2(); ++j)
        ScalarType value = 0;
        for (std::size_t k=0; k<Q_ublas.size2(); ++k)
          value += Q_ublas(i, k) * A_input_ublas(k, j);
        result1(i,j) = value;
    // compute result2 = ublas::prod(A_ref_ublas, Q_ublas);   (terribly slow when using ublas directly)
    for (std::size_t i=0; i<result2.size1(); ++i)
      for (std::size_t j=0; j<result2.size2(); ++j)
        ScalarType value = 0;
        for (std::size_t k=0; k<A_ref_ublas.size2(); ++k)
          value += A_ref_ublas(i, k) * Q_ublas(k, j);
        result2(i,j) = value;

    ScalarType prods_diff = matrix_compare(result1, result2);
    ScalarType eigen_diff = vector_compare(eigen_re, eigen_ref_re);

    bool is_ok = is_hessenberg;

        is_ok = is_ok && is_tridiag;

    is_ok = is_ok && (eigen_diff < EPS);
    is_ok = is_ok && (prods_diff < EPS);

    // std::cout << A_ref << "\n";
    // std::cout << A_input << "\n";
    // std::cout << Q << "\n";
    // std::cout << eigen_re << "\n";
    // std::cout << eigen_im << "\n";
    // std::cout << eigen_ref_re << "\n";
    // std::cout << eigen_ref_im << "\n";

    // std::cout << result1 << "\n";
    // std::cout << result2 << "\n";
    // std::cout << eigen_ref << "\n";
    // std::cout << eigen << "\n";

    printf("%6s [%dx%d] %40s time = %.4f\n", is_ok?"[[OK]]":"[FAIL]", (int)A_ref.size1(), (int)A_ref.size2(), fn.c_str(), time_spend);
    printf("tridiagonal = %d, hessenberg = %d prod-diff = %f eigen-diff = %f\n", is_tridiag, is_hessenberg, prods_diff, eigen_diff);
    std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;

    if (!is_ok)

static void test_type2index_list()
    Tensor<float, 5> tensor(2,3,5,7,11);
    tensor += tensor.constant(10.0f);

    typedef Eigen::IndexList<Eigen::type2index<0>> Dims0;
    typedef Eigen::IndexList<Eigen::type2index<0>, Eigen::type2index<1>> Dims1;
    typedef Eigen::IndexList<Eigen::type2index<0>, Eigen::type2index<1>, Eigen::type2index<2>> Dims2;
    typedef Eigen::IndexList<Eigen::type2index<0>, Eigen::type2index<1>, Eigen::type2index<2>, Eigen::type2index<3>> Dims3;
    typedef Eigen::IndexList<Eigen::type2index<0>, Eigen::type2index<1>, Eigen::type2index<2>, Eigen::type2index<3>, Eigen::type2index<4>> Dims4;

#if 0
    EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT((internal::indices_statically_known_to_increase<Dims0>()() == true), YOU_MADE_A_PROGRAMMING_MISTAKE);
    EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT((internal::indices_statically_known_to_increase<Dims1>()() == true), YOU_MADE_A_PROGRAMMING_MISTAKE);
    EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT((internal::indices_statically_known_to_increase<Dims2>()() == true), YOU_MADE_A_PROGRAMMING_MISTAKE);
    EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT((internal::indices_statically_known_to_increase<Dims3>()() == true), YOU_MADE_A_PROGRAMMING_MISTAKE);
    EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT((internal::indices_statically_known_to_increase<Dims4>()() == true), YOU_MADE_A_PROGRAMMING_MISTAKE);

    EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT((internal::are_inner_most_dims<Dims0, 1, ColMajor>::value == true), YOU_MADE_A_PROGRAMMING_MISTAKE);
    EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT((internal::are_inner_most_dims<Dims1, 2, ColMajor>::value == true), YOU_MADE_A_PROGRAMMING_MISTAKE);
    EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT((internal::are_inner_most_dims<Dims2, 3, ColMajor>::value == true), YOU_MADE_A_PROGRAMMING_MISTAKE);
    EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT((internal::are_inner_most_dims<Dims3, 4, ColMajor>::value == true), YOU_MADE_A_PROGRAMMING_MISTAKE);
    EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT((internal::are_inner_most_dims<Dims4, 5, ColMajor>::value == true), YOU_MADE_A_PROGRAMMING_MISTAKE);

    EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT((internal::are_inner_most_dims<Dims0, 1, RowMajor>::value == true), YOU_MADE_A_PROGRAMMING_MISTAKE);
    EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT((internal::are_inner_most_dims<Dims1, 2, RowMajor>::value == true), YOU_MADE_A_PROGRAMMING_MISTAKE);
    EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT((internal::are_inner_most_dims<Dims2, 3, RowMajor>::value == true), YOU_MADE_A_PROGRAMMING_MISTAKE);
    EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT((internal::are_inner_most_dims<Dims3, 4, RowMajor>::value == true), YOU_MADE_A_PROGRAMMING_MISTAKE);
    EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT((internal::are_inner_most_dims<Dims4, 5, RowMajor>::value == true), YOU_MADE_A_PROGRAMMING_MISTAKE);

    const Dims0 reduction_axis0;
    Tensor<float, 4> result0 = tensor.sum(reduction_axis0);
    for (int m = 0; m < 11; ++m) {
        for (int l = 0; l < 7; ++l) {
            for (int k = 0; k < 5; ++k) {
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
                    float expected = 0.0f;
                    for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
                        expected += tensor(i,j,k,l,m);
                    VERIFY_IS_APPROX(result0(j,k,l,m), expected);

    const Dims1 reduction_axis1;
    Tensor<float, 3> result1 = tensor.sum(reduction_axis1);
    for (int m = 0; m < 11; ++m) {
        for (int l = 0; l < 7; ++l) {
            for (int k = 0; k < 5; ++k) {
                float expected = 0.0f;
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
                        expected += tensor(i,j,k,l,m);
                VERIFY_IS_APPROX(result1(k,l,m), expected);

    const Dims2 reduction_axis2;
    Tensor<float, 2> result2 = tensor.sum(reduction_axis2);
    for (int m = 0; m < 11; ++m) {
        for (int l = 0; l < 7; ++l) {
            float expected = 0.0f;
            for (int k = 0; k < 5; ++k) {
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
                        expected += tensor(i,j,k,l,m);
            VERIFY_IS_APPROX(result2(l,m), expected);

    const Dims3 reduction_axis3;
    Tensor<float, 1> result3 = tensor.sum(reduction_axis3);
    for (int m = 0; m < 11; ++m) {
        float expected = 0.0f;
        for (int l = 0; l < 7; ++l) {
            for (int k = 0; k < 5; ++k) {
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
                        expected += tensor(i,j,k,l,m);
        VERIFY_IS_APPROX(result3(m), expected);

    const Dims4 reduction_axis4;
    Tensor<float, 0> result4 = tensor.sum(reduction_axis4);
    float expected = 0.0f;
    for (int m = 0; m < 11; ++m) {
        for (int l = 0; l < 7; ++l) {
            for (int k = 0; k < 5; ++k) {
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
                        expected += tensor(i,j,k,l,m);
    VERIFY_IS_APPROX(result4(), expected);
static void test_mixed_index_list()
    Tensor<float, 4> tensor(2,3,5,7);

    int dim2 = 1;
    int dim4 = 3;

    auto reduction_axis = make_index_list(0, dim2, 2, dim4);

    VERIFY_IS_EQUAL(internal::array_get<0>(reduction_axis), 0);
    VERIFY_IS_EQUAL(internal::array_get<1>(reduction_axis), 1);
    VERIFY_IS_EQUAL(internal::array_get<2>(reduction_axis), 2);
    VERIFY_IS_EQUAL(internal::array_get<3>(reduction_axis), 3);
    VERIFY_IS_EQUAL(static_cast<DenseIndex>(reduction_axis[0]), 0);
    VERIFY_IS_EQUAL(static_cast<DenseIndex>(reduction_axis[1]), 1);
    VERIFY_IS_EQUAL(static_cast<DenseIndex>(reduction_axis[2]), 2);
    VERIFY_IS_EQUAL(static_cast<DenseIndex>(reduction_axis[3]), 3);

    typedef IndexList<type2index<0>, int, type2index<2>, int> ReductionIndices;
    ReductionIndices reduction_indices;
    reduction_indices.set(1, 1);
    reduction_indices.set(3, 3);
    EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT((internal::array_get<0>(reduction_indices) == 0), YOU_MADE_A_PROGRAMMING_MISTAKE);
    EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT((internal::array_get<2>(reduction_indices) == 2), YOU_MADE_A_PROGRAMMING_MISTAKE);
    EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT((internal::index_known_statically<ReductionIndices>()(0) == true), YOU_MADE_A_PROGRAMMING_MISTAKE);
    EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT((internal::index_known_statically<ReductionIndices>()(2) == true), YOU_MADE_A_PROGRAMMING_MISTAKE);
    EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT((internal::index_statically_eq<ReductionIndices>()(0, 0) == true), YOU_MADE_A_PROGRAMMING_MISTAKE);
    EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT((internal::index_statically_eq<ReductionIndices>()(2, 2) == true), YOU_MADE_A_PROGRAMMING_MISTAKE);
#if 0
    EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT((internal::all_indices_known_statically<ReductionIndices>()() == false), YOU_MADE_A_PROGRAMMING_MISTAKE);
    EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT((internal::indices_statically_known_to_increase<ReductionIndices>()() == false), YOU_MADE_A_PROGRAMMING_MISTAKE);

    typedef IndexList<type2index<0>, type2index<1>, type2index<2>, type2index<3>> ReductionList;
    ReductionList reduction_list;
    EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT((internal::index_statically_eq<ReductionList>()(0, 0) == true), YOU_MADE_A_PROGRAMMING_MISTAKE);
    EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT((internal::index_statically_eq<ReductionList>()(1, 1) == true), YOU_MADE_A_PROGRAMMING_MISTAKE);
    EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT((internal::index_statically_eq<ReductionList>()(2, 2) == true), YOU_MADE_A_PROGRAMMING_MISTAKE);
    EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT((internal::index_statically_eq<ReductionList>()(3, 3) == true), YOU_MADE_A_PROGRAMMING_MISTAKE);
#if 0
    EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT((internal::all_indices_known_statically<ReductionList>()() == true), YOU_MADE_A_PROGRAMMING_MISTAKE);
    EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT((internal::indices_statically_known_to_increase<ReductionList>()() == true), YOU_MADE_A_PROGRAMMING_MISTAKE);

    Tensor<float, 0> result1 = tensor.sum(reduction_axis);
    Tensor<float, 0> result2 = tensor.sum(reduction_indices);
    Tensor<float, 0> result3 = tensor.sum(reduction_list);

    float expected = 0.0f;
    for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
        for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
            for (int k = 0; k < 5; ++k) {
                for (int l = 0; l < 7; ++l) {
                    expected += tensor(i,j,k,l);
    VERIFY_IS_APPROX(result1(), expected);
    VERIFY_IS_APPROX(result2(), expected);
    VERIFY_IS_APPROX(result3(), expected);
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  /*if (argc!=2) exit(0);
  double T = atof(argv[1]);
  printf(" T=%.3f\n",T);*/
  system("rm lambda.T*");
  GRID grid("params");
  int N= grid.get_N();
  Result result1(&grid);
  Result result2(&grid);
  Result result3(&grid);

  for (double T=0.30; T>0.05; T-=0.01)
  { for (double U=1.5; U<4.0; U+=0.1)
    { char FN[300];
      sprintf( FN, "CHM.U%.3f.T%.3f", U, T);
      char FN2[300];
      sprintf( FN2, "%s.FAILED", FN);
      if ((not FileExists(FN))and(not FileExists(FN2))) continue;

      char ldFN[300];
      FILE* ldFile = fopen(ldFN,"w");

      double lambdas[100]; 
      int counter=0;  
      for(int it=1; it<100; it++) 
      { char FN[300];
        sprintf( FN, "", U, T, it);
        if(not result1.ReadFromFile(FN)) break;
        sprintf( FN, "", U, T, it+1);
        if(not result2.ReadFromFile(FN)) break;
        sprintf( FN, "", U, T, it+2);
        if(not result3.ReadFromFile(FN)) break;
        double sum = 0;
        for(int i=0; i<N; i++)
          sum +=   sqr( real(result2.G[i]-result1.G[i])) 
                 + sqr( imag(result2.G[i]-result1.G[i]));
        double diff = sqrt(sum)/(2.0*N);
        double simple_diff = abs( imag(result2.G[N/2]-result1.G[N/2]) );
        double lambda = CalcLambda(N, result1.G, result2.G, result3.G);
        fprintf(ldFile,"%d %.15le %.15le %.15le\n",it,diff,lambda, simple_diff);

        complex<double>* dG = new complex<double>[N];
        for(int i=0; i<N; i++)
          dG[i] = ((result2.G[i]-result1.G[i])/diff)/(2.0*((double) N));
        sprintf( FN, "", U, T, it+1);
      char lFN[300];
      FILE* lFile = fopen(lFN,"a");
      fprintf(lFile,"%.15le %.15le\n",U,FindLambda(counter,lambdas) );
  return 0;
Beispiel #20
    UErrorCode   err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    Locale       locale("te", "IN");

    const char* testdatapath=loadTestData(err);
        dataerrln("Could not load testdata.dat " + UnicodeString(testdatapath) +  ", " + UnicodeString(u_errorName(err)));

    /* Make sure that users using te_IN for the default locale don't get test failures. */
    Locale originalDefault;
    if (Locale::getDefault() == Locale("te_IN")) {
        Locale::setDefault(Locale("en_US"), err);

    ResourceBundle  test1((UnicodeString)testdatapath, err);
    ResourceBundle  test2(testdatapath, locale, err);
    //ResourceBundle  test1("c:\\icu\\icu\\source\\test\\testdata\\testdata", err);
    //ResourceBundle  test2("c:\\icu\\icu\\source\\test\\testdata\\testdata", locale, err);

    UnicodeString   result1(test1.getStringEx("string_in_Root_te_te_IN", err));
    UnicodeString   result2(test2.getStringEx("string_in_Root_te_te_IN", err));

    if (U_FAILURE(err)) {
        errln("Something threw an error in TestConstruction()");

    logln("for string_in_Root_te_te_IN, default.txt had " + result1);
    logln("for string_in_Root_te_te_IN, te_IN.txt had " + result2);

    if (result1 != "ROOT" || result2 != "TE_IN")
        errln("Construction test failed; run verbose for more information");

    const char* version1;
    const char* version2;

    version1 = test1.getVersionNumber();
    version2 = test2.getVersionNumber();

    char *versionID1 = new char[1+strlen(version1)]; // + 1 for zero byte
    char *versionID2 = new char[1+ strlen(version2)]; // + 1 for zero byte

    strcpy(versionID1, "44.0");  // hardcoded, please change if the default.txt file or ResourceBundle::kVersionSeparater is changed.

    strcpy(versionID2, "55.0");  // hardcoded, please change if the te_IN.txt file or ResourceBundle::kVersionSeparater is changed.

    logln(UnicodeString("getVersionNumber on default.txt returned ") + version1);
    logln(UnicodeString("getVersionNumber on te_IN.txt returned ") + version2);

    if (strcmp(version1, versionID1) != 0 || strcmp(version2, versionID2) != 0)
        errln("getVersionNumber() failed");

    delete[] versionID1;
    delete[] versionID2;

    /* Restore the default locale for the other tests. */
    Locale::setDefault(originalDefault, err);
Beispiel #21
static void execute(const Token *expr,
                    std::map<unsigned int, MathLib::bigint> * const programMemory,
                    MathLib::bigint *result,
                    bool *error)
    if (!expr)
        *error = true;

    else if (expr->isNumber())
        *result = MathLib::toLongNumber(expr->str());

    else if (expr->varId() > 0) {
        const std::map<unsigned int, MathLib::bigint>::const_iterator var = programMemory->find(expr->varId());
        if (var == programMemory->end())
            *error = true;
            *result = var->second;

    else if (expr->isComparisonOp()) {
        MathLib::bigint result1(0), result2(0);
        execute(expr->astOperand1(), programMemory, &result1, error);
        execute(expr->astOperand2(), programMemory, &result2, error);
        if (expr->str() == "<")
            *result = result1 < result2;
        else if (expr->str() == "<=")
            *result = result1 <= result2;
        else if (expr->str() == ">")
            *result = result1 > result2;
        else if (expr->str() == ">=")
            *result = result1 >= result2;
        else if (expr->str() == "==")
            *result = result1 == result2;
        else if (expr->str() == "!=")
            *result = result1 != result2;

    else if (expr->str() == "=") {
        execute(expr->astOperand2(), programMemory, result, error);
        if (!*error && expr->astOperand1() && expr->astOperand1()->varId())
            (*programMemory)[expr->astOperand1()->varId()] = *result;
            *error = true;

    else if (expr->str() == "++" || expr->str() == "--") {
        if (!expr->astOperand1() || expr->astOperand1()->varId() == 0U)
            *error = true;
        else {
            std::map<unsigned int, MathLib::bigint>::iterator var = programMemory->find(expr->astOperand1()->varId());
            if (var == programMemory->end())
                *error = true;
            else {
                if (var->second == 0 &&
                    expr->str() == "--" &&
                    expr->astOperand1()->variable() &&
                    *error = true; // overflow
                *result = var->second + (expr->str() == "++" ? 1 : -1);
                var->second = *result;

    else if (expr->isArithmeticalOp() && expr->astOperand1() && expr->astOperand2()) {
        MathLib::bigint result1(0), result2(0);
        execute(expr->astOperand1(), programMemory, &result1, error);
        execute(expr->astOperand2(), programMemory, &result2, error);
        if (expr->str() == "+")
            *result = result1 + result2;
        else if (expr->str() == "-")
            *result = result1 - result2;
        else if (expr->str() == "*")
            *result = result1 * result2;
        else if (result2 == 0)
            *error = true;
        else if (expr->str() == "/")
            *result = result1 / result2;
        else if (expr->str() == "%")
            *result = result1 % result2;

    else if (expr->str() == "&&") {
        bool error1 = false;
        execute(expr->astOperand1(), programMemory, result, &error1);
        if (!error1 && *result == 0)
            *result = 0;
        else {
            bool error2 = false;
            execute(expr->astOperand2(), programMemory, result, &error2);
            if (error1 && error2)
                *error = true;
            if (error2)
                *result = 1;
                *result = !!*result;

    else if (expr->str() == "||") {
        execute(expr->astOperand1(), programMemory, result, error);
        if (*result == 0 && *error == false)
            execute(expr->astOperand2(), programMemory, result, error);

        *error = true;