Foam::scalar Foam::equationReader::getScalarSrcSphericalTensorFieldSource ( const equationReader * eqnReader, const label equationIndex, const label equationOperationIndex, const label maxStoreIndex, const label storageOffset ) const { const equation& eqn(operator[](equationIndex)); const equationOperation& eqOp(eqn[equationOperationIndex]); label zeroSourceIndex = mag(eqOp.sourceIndex()) - 1; scalar returnMe ( sphericalTensorSources_.fieldValue ( zeroSourceIndex, eqOp.componentIndex(), cellIndex_, geoIndex_ ) ); returnMe *= sign(eqOp.sourceIndex()); return returnMe; }
Foam::scalar Foam::equationReader::getScalarSrcActiveSource ( const equationReader * eqnReader, const label equationIndex, const label equationOperationIndex, const label maxStoreIndex, const label storageOffset ) const { const equation& eqn(operator[](equationIndex)); const equationOperation& eqOp(eqn[equationOperationIndex]); label zeroSourceIndex = mag(eqOp.sourceIndex()) - 1; scalar returnMe ( activeSources_[zeroSourceIndex].evaluateScalar ( eqOp.componentIndex(), cellIndex_, geoIndex_ ) ); returnMe *= sign(eqOp.sourceIndex()); return returnMe; }
Foam::scalar Foam::equationReader::getScalarSrcStorage ( const equationReader * eqnReader, const label equationIndex, const label equationOperationIndex, const label maxStoreIndex, const label storageOffset ) const { const equation& eqn(operator[](equationIndex)); const equationOperation& eqOp(eqn[equationOperationIndex]); label zeroSourceIndex = mag(eqOp.sourceIndex()) - 1; # ifdef FULLDEBUG if ((zeroSourceIndex + storageOffset) > maxStoreIndex) { FatalErrorIn("equationReader::getSouce") << "Index " << zeroSourceIndex << " out of bounds (0, " << maxStoreIndex - storageOffset << ")" << abort(FatalError); } # endif scalar returnMe(storageScalars_[zeroSourceIndex + storageOffset]); returnMe *= sign(eqOp.sourceIndex()); return returnMe; }
QImage ImageProcessor::constrastImage(QImage original, int amount) { QImage returnMe(original.width(),original.height(),QImage::Format_RGB32); //QPainter painter(&returnMe); //Taken from Wikipedia / GIMP at double frac = ((amount - 50)*2) / 100.0; #pragma omp parallel for for(int x=0;x<original.width();x++) { for(int y=0;y<original.height();y++) { qreal value = (qRed(original.pixel(x,y)))/255.0; qreal newVal = (value - 0.5) * (tan ((frac + 1) * 0.78539816339) ) + 0.5; newVal = qMin(newVal*255,255.0); newVal = qMax(newVal,0.0); int setVal = (int)newVal; //qDebug()<<"("<<x<<","<<y<<") is now "<<setVal; //painter.fillRect(x,y,1,1,QColor(setVal,setVal,setVal)); returnMe.setPixel(x,y,qRgb(setVal,setVal,setVal)); } } return returnMe; }
Foam::scalar Foam::equationReader::getScalarSrcEquation ( const equationReader * eqnReader, const label equationIndex, const label equationOperationIndex, const label maxStoreIndex, const label storageOffset ) const { const equation& eqn(operator[](equationIndex)); const equationOperation& eqOp(eqn[equationOperationIndex]); label zeroSourceIndex = mag(eqOp.sourceIndex()) - 1; dependents_.setSize(dependents_.size() + 1); dependents_[dependents_.size() - 1] = equationIndex; // Launch the reportEmbeddedDispatchFunction: // if (debug) // { // reportEmbeddedDispatchEnabled; // // or: Info << "Embedded equation dispatch." << endl; // } // else // { // reportEmbeddedDispatchDisabled(); // // does nothing // } (*this.*reportEmbeddedDispatchFunction_)(); scalar returnMe ( internalEvaluateScalar(zeroSourceIndex, maxStoreIndex + 1) ); // Launch the reportEmbeddedReturnFunction: // if (debug) // { // reportEmbeddedReturnEnabled; // // or: Info << "Return from equation equation." << endl; // } // else // { // reportEmbeddedReturnDisabled(); // // does nothing // } (*this.*reportEmbeddedReturnFunction_)(); //Move one level back up on the dependents_ list if (dependents_.size()) { dependents_.setSize(dependents_.size() - 1); } returnMe *= sign(eqOp.sourceIndex()); return returnMe; }
Foam::scalar Foam::equationReader::getScalarSrcInternalScalar ( const equationReader * eqnReader, const label equationIndex, const label equationOperationIndex, const label maxStoreIndex, const label storageOffset ) const { const equation& eqn(operator[](equationIndex)); const equationOperation& eqOp(eqn[equationOperationIndex]); label zeroSourceIndex = mag(eqOp.sourceIndex()) - 1; scalar returnMe(internalScalars_[zeroSourceIndex]); returnMe *= sign(eqOp.sourceIndex()); return returnMe; }
Foam::labelList Foam::equationReader::findMaxOperation ( const labelList& opLvl, const labelList& indices ) const { label maxOpLvl(-1); label atIndex(-1); labelList returnMe(indices.size()); bool groupDone(false); forAll(indices, i) { if (opLvl[indices[i]] > maxOpLvl) { atIndex = 0; returnMe[0] = indices[i]; if (i > 0) { atIndex++; returnMe[0] = indices[i - 1]; returnMe[1] = indices[i]; } groupDone = false; maxOpLvl = opLvl[indices[i]]; } else if ( ( (opLvl[indices[i]] == maxOpLvl) || (opLvl[indices[i]] == 0) ) && !groupDone ) { atIndex++; returnMe[atIndex] = indices[i]; } else if ((opLvl[indices[i]] < maxOpLvl) && (opLvl[indices[i]] != 0)) { groupDone = true; } } returnMe.setSize(atIndex + 1); return returnMe; }
QImage ImageProcessor::spreadHistogram(QImage input) { //Really, this is normalization, QImage returnMe(input.width(),input.height(),QImage::Format_ARGB32); QPainter painter(&returnMe); QVector<float> occ = ImageProcessor::findOccurrences(input); int lowest =0; bool goOn = true; for(int i=0;(i<occ.size()) && goOn;i++) { if( == 0.0) { lowest = i; } else { goOn = false; } } int highest = 255; goOn =true; for(int i=occ.size()-1;(i>0) && goOn;i--) { if( == 0.0) { highest = i; } else { goOn = false; } } int diff = highest - lowest; for(int x=0;x<input.width();x++) { for(int y=0;y<input.height();y++) { int value = qRed(input.pixel(x,y)); int newValue =(int) ((value - lowest) * (255.0 / diff)); //TODO: faster way to fill those pixels painter.fillRect(x,y,1,1,QColor(newValue,newValue,newValue)); } } return returnMe; }
Foam::scalar Foam::equationReader::getScalarSrcDictSourceScalar ( const equationReader * eqnReader, const label equationIndex, const label equationOperationIndex, const label maxStoreIndex, const label storageOffset ) const { const equation& eqn(operator[](equationIndex)); const equationOperation& eqOp(eqn[equationOperationIndex]); label zeroSourceIndex = mag(eqOp.sourceIndex()) - 1; word varName(dictLookups_[eqOp.dictLookupIndex()]); scalar returnMe ( readScalar(dictSources_[zeroSourceIndex].lookup(varName)) ); returnMe *= sign(eqOp.sourceIndex()); return returnMe; }
QImage ImageProcessor::equalizeHistogram(QImage input) { QImage returnMe(input.width(),input.height(),QImage::Format_ARGB32); QPainter painter(&returnMe); QVector<float> occ = ImageProcessor::findOccurrences(input); QVector<float> pdf; float currentpdf =0; for(int i=0;i<occ.count();i++) { currentpdf += occ.value(i); pdf.append(currentpdf); } for(int x=0;x<input.width();x++) { for(int y=0;y<input.height();y++) { int originalVal = qRed(input.pixel(x,y)); float pdfVal = pdf.value(originalVal); int newVal = (int)(pdfVal * 255); painter.fillRect(x,y,1,1,QColor(newVal,newVal,newVal)); } } return returnMe; }
Foam::scalar Foam::equationReader::getScalarSrcSymmTensorSource ( const equationReader * eqnReader, const label equationIndex, const label equationOperationIndex, const label maxStoreIndex, const label storageOffset ) const { const equation& eqn(operator[](equationIndex)); const equationOperation& eqOp(eqn[equationOperationIndex]); label zeroSourceIndex = mag(eqOp.sourceIndex()) - 1; scalar returnMe ( symmTensorSources_.singleValue ( zeroSourceIndex, eqOp.componentIndex() ) ); returnMe *= sign(eqOp.sourceIndex()); return returnMe; }
Foam::labelList Foam::equationReader::findMaxParenthesis ( const labelList& parenthesisList, const labelList& equationIndices ) const { labelList returnMe(equationIndices.size()); label currentMax(-1); label atIndex(0); bool groupDone(false); forAll(equationIndices, i) { if (mag(parenthesisList[equationIndices[i]]) > currentMax) { groupDone = false; atIndex = 0; currentMax = mag(parenthesisList[equationIndices[i]]); returnMe[atIndex] = equationIndices[i]; } else if ( (mag(parenthesisList[equationIndices[i]]) == currentMax) && (!groupDone) ) { atIndex++; returnMe[atIndex] = equationIndices[i]; } else if (mag(parenthesisList[equationIndices[i]]) < currentMax) { groupDone = true; } } returnMe.setSize(atIndex + 1); return returnMe; }
Foam::scalar Foam::equationReader::getScalarSrcEquationCircRefDetect ( const equationReader * eqnReader, const label equationIndex, const label equationOperationIndex, const label maxStoreIndex, const label storageOffset ) const { const equation& eqn(operator[](equationIndex)); equationOperation& eqOp(eqn[equationOperationIndex]); label zeroSourceIndex = mag(eqOp.sourceIndex()) - 1; // Check for circular references dependents_.setSize(dependents_.size() + 1); dependents_[dependents_.size() - 1] = equationIndex; forAll(dependents_, i) { if (dependents_[i] == zeroSourceIndex) { // Circular reference detected string dependencies; for (label j(i); j < dependents_.size(); j++) { dependencies.append ( operator[](dependents_[j]).name() ); dependencies.append("-->"); } dependencies.append(operator[](dependents_[i]).name()); FatalErrorIn("equationReader::getScalarSrcEquationCircRefDetect") << "Circular reference detected when evaluating " << "the equation for " << << ", given by:" << token::NL << token::TAB << eqn.rawText() << token::NL << "The circular " << "dependency is:" << token::NL << token::TAB << dependencies << abort(FatalError); } } // Launch the reportEmbeddedDispatchFunction: // if (debug) // { // reportEmbeddedDispatchEnabled; // // or: Info << "Embedded equation dispatch." << endl; // } // else // { // reportEmbeddedDispatchDisabled(); // // does nothing // } scalar returnMe ( internalEvaluateScalar(zeroSourceIndex, maxStoreIndex + 1) ); eqOp.assignSourceScalarFunction ( &Foam::equationReader::getScalarSrcEquation ); eqOp.assignSourceScalarFieldFunction ( &Foam::equationReader::getScalarFieldSrcEquation ); // Launch the reportEmbeddedReturnFunction: // if (debug) // { // reportEmbeddedReturnEnabled; // // or: Info << "Return from equation equation." << endl; // } // else // { // reportEmbeddedReturnDisabled(); // // does nothing // } (*this.*reportEmbeddedReturnFunction_)(); //Move one level back up on the dependents_ list if (dependents_.size()) { dependents_.setSize(dependents_.size() - 1); } returnMe *= sign(eqOp.sourceIndex()); return returnMe; }
QImage ImageProcessor::invertImage(QImage input) { QImage returnMe(input); returnMe.invertPixels(); return returnMe; }
Foam::dimensionSet Foam::equationReader::getDimsSrcEquation ( const equationReader * eqnReader, const label equationIndex, const label equationOperationIndex, const label maxStoreIndex, const label storageOffset ) const { const equation& eqn(operator[](equationIndex)); const equationOperation& eqOp(eqn[equationOperationIndex]); label zeroSourceIndex = mag(eqOp.sourceIndex()) - 1; dependents_.setSize(dependents_.size() + 1); dependents_[dependents_.size() - 1] = equationIndex; // Launch the reportEmbeddedDispatchFunction: // if (debug) // { // reportEmbeddedDispatchEnabled; // // or: Info << "Embedded equation dispatch." << endl; // } // else // { // reportEmbeddedDispatchDisabled(); // // does nothing // } (*this.*reportEmbeddedDispatchFunction_)(); // Call the associated evaluateDimensions function pointer - has the same // effect as this: // // const equation& eqn(operator[](zeroSourceIndex)); // if (eqn.changeDimensions()) // { // evaluateDimsDisabled(zeroSourceIndex, maxStoreIndex + 1); // // which in turn does: return eqn.overrideDimensions(); // } // else // { // evaluadeDimsEnabled(zeroSourceIndex, maxStoreIndex + 1); // // which in turn does: // // return internalEvaluateDimensions // // (zeroSourceIndex, maxStoreIndex + 1); // } dimensionSet returnMe ( (*this.*evaluateDimsFunctions_[zeroSourceIndex]) (zeroSourceIndex, maxStoreIndex + 1) ); // Launch the reportEmbeddedReturnFunction: // if (debug) // { // reportEmbeddedReturnEnabled; // // or: Info << "Return from equation equation." << endl; // } // else // { // reportEmbeddedReturnDisabled(); // // does nothing // } (*this.*reportEmbeddedReturnFunction_)(); //Move one level back up on the dependents_ list if (dependents_.size()) { dependents_.setSize(dependents_.size() - 1); } return returnMe; }
Foam::dimensionSet Foam::equationReader::getDimsSrcEquationCircRefDetect ( const equationReader * eqnReader, const label equationIndex, const label equationOperationIndex, const label maxStoreIndex, const label storageOffset ) const { const equation& eqn(operator[](equationIndex)); equationOperation& eqOp(eqn[equationOperationIndex]); label zeroSourceIndex = mag(eqOp.sourceIndex()) - 1; // Check for circular references dependents_.setSize(dependents_.size() + 1); dependents_[dependents_.size() - 1] = equationIndex; forAll(dependents_, i) { if (dependents_[i] == zeroSourceIndex) { // Circular reference detected string dependencies; for (label j(i); j < dependents_.size(); j++) { dependencies.append ( operator[](dependents_[j]).name() ); dependencies.append("-->"); } dependencies.append(operator[](dependents_[i]).name()); FatalErrorIn ( "equationReader::getDimsSrcEquationCircRefDetect" ) << "Circular reference detected when evaluating " << "the equation for " << << ", given by:" << token::NL << token::TAB << eqn.rawText() << token::NL << "The circular " << "dependency is:" << token::NL << token::TAB << dependencies << abort(FatalError); } } // Launch the reportEmbeddedDispatchFunction: // if (debug) // { // reportEmbeddedDispatchEnabled; // // or: Info << "Embedded equation dispatch." << endl; // } // else // { // reportEmbeddedDispatchDisabled(); // // does nothing // } (*this.*reportEmbeddedDispatchFunction_)(); // Call the associated evaluateDimensions function pointer - has the same // effect as this: // // const equation& eqn(operator[](zeroSourceIndex)); // if (eqn.changeDimensions()) // { // evaluateDimsDisabled(zeroSourceIndex, maxStoreIndex + 1); // // which in turn does: return eqn.overrideDimensions(); // } // else // { // evaluadeDimsEnabled(zeroSourceIndex, maxStoreIndex + 1); // // which in turn does: // // return internalEvaluateDimensions // // (zeroSourceIndex, maxStoreIndex + 1); // } dimensionSet returnMe ( (*this.*evaluateDimsFunctions_[zeroSourceIndex]) (zeroSourceIndex, maxStoreIndex + 1) ); // Launch the reportEmbeddedReturnFunction: // if (debug) // { // reportEmbeddedReturnEnabled; // // or: Info << "Return from equation equation." << endl; // } // else // { // reportEmbeddedReturnDisabled(); // // does nothing // } (*this.*reportEmbeddedReturnFunction_)(); //Move one level back up on the dependents_ list if (dependents_.size()) { dependents_.setSize(dependents_.size() - 1); } return returnMe; }