Beispiel #1
/* Persist all stack members
static void persistthread(PersistInfo *pi)
	size_t posremaining;
	lua_State *L2;
					/* perms reftbl ... thr */
	L2 = lua_tothread(pi->L, -1);
	lua_checkstack(pi->L, L2->top - L2->stack + 1);
	if(pi->L == L2) {
		lua_pushstring(pi->L, "Can't persist currently running thread");
		return; /* not reached */

	/* Persist the stack */
	posremaining = revappendstack(L2, pi->L);
					/* perms reftbl ... thr (rev'ed contents of L2) */
	pi->writer(pi->L, &posremaining, sizeof(size_t), pi->ud);
	for(; posremaining > 0; posremaining--) {
		lua_pop(pi->L, 1);
					/* perms reftbl ... thr */
	/* Now, persist the CallInfo stack. */
		size_t i, numframes = (L2->ci - L2->base_ci) + 1;
		pi->writer(pi->L, &numframes, sizeof(size_t), pi->ud);
		for(i=0; i<numframes; i++) {
			CallInfo *ci = L2->base_ci + i;
			size_t stackbase = ci->base - L2->stack;
			size_t stackfunc = ci->func - L2->stack;
			size_t stacktop = ci->top - L2->stack;
			size_t savedpc = (ci != L2->base_ci) ?
				ci->savedpc - ci_func(ci)->l.p->code :
			pi->writer(pi->L, &stackbase, sizeof(size_t), pi->ud);
			pi->writer(pi->L, &stackfunc, sizeof(size_t), pi->ud);
			pi->writer(pi->L, &stacktop, sizeof(size_t), pi->ud);
			pi->writer(pi->L, &ci->nresults, sizeof(int), pi->ud);
			pi->writer(pi->L, &savedpc, sizeof(size_t), pi->ud);

	/* Serialize the state's other parameters, with the exception of upval stuff */
		size_t stackbase = L2->base - L2->stack;
		size_t stacktop = L2->top - L2->stack;
		lua_assert(L2->nCcalls <= 1);
		pi->writer(pi->L, &L2->status, sizeof(lu_byte), pi->ud);
		pi->writer(pi->L, &stackbase, sizeof(size_t), pi->ud);
		pi->writer(pi->L, &stacktop, sizeof(size_t), pi->ud);
		pi->writer(pi->L, &L2->errfunc, sizeof(ptrdiff_t), pi->ud);

	/* Finally, record upvalues which need to be reopened */
	/* See the comment above persistupval() for why we do this */
		GCObject *gco;
		UpVal *uv;
					/* perms reftbl ... thr */
		for(gco = L2->openupval; gco != NULL; gco = uv->next) {
			size_t stackpos;
			uv = gco2uv(gco);

			/* Make sure upvalue is really open */
			lua_assert(uv->v != &uv->u.value);
			pushupval(pi->L, uv);
					/* perms reftbl ... thr uv */
			lua_pop(pi->L, 1);
					/* perms reftbl ... thr */
			stackpos = uv->v - L2->stack;
			pi->writer(pi->L, &stackpos, sizeof(size_t), pi->ud);
					/* perms reftbl ... thr */
					/* perms reftbl ... thr nil */
		lua_pop(pi->L, 1);
					/* perms reftbl ... thr */
					/* perms reftbl ... thr */
Beispiel #2
/* Persist all stack members
static void persistthread(PersistInfo *pi) {
	int posremaining;
	lua_State *L2;
	/* perms reftbl ... thr */
	L2 = lua_tothread(pi->L, -1);
	if(pi->L == L2) {
		lua_pushstring(pi->L, "Can't persist currently running thread");
		return; /* not reached */
	posremaining = revappendstack(L2, pi->L);
	/* perms reftbl ... thr (rev'ed contents of L2) */
	pi->writer(pi->L, &posremaining, sizeof(int), pi->ud);
	for(; posremaining > 0; posremaining--) {
		lua_pop(pi->L, 1);
	/* perms reftbl ... thr */
	/* Now, persist the CallInfo stack. */
		int i, numframes = (L2->ci - L2->base_ci) + 1;
		pi->writer(pi->L, &numframes, sizeof(int), pi->ud);
		for(i=0; i<numframes; i++) {
			CallInfo *ci = L2->base_ci + i;
			int stackbase = ci->base - L2->stack;
			int stacktop = ci->top - L2->stack;
			int pc = (ci != L2->base_ci) ?
			         ci->u.l.savedpc - ci_func(ci)->l.p->code :
			pi->writer(pi->L, &stackbase, sizeof(int), pi->ud);
			pi->writer(pi->L, &stacktop, sizeof(int), pi->ud);
			pi->writer(pi->L, &pc, sizeof(int), pi->ud);
			pi->writer(pi->L, &(ci->state), sizeof(int), pi->ud);

	/* Serialize the state's top and base */
		int stackbase = L2->base - L2->stack;
		int stacktop = L2->top - L2->stack;
		pi->writer(pi->L, &stackbase, sizeof(int), pi->ud);
		pi->writer(pi->L, &stacktop, sizeof(int), pi->ud);

	/* Finally, record upvalues which need to be reopened */
	/* See the comment above persistupval() for why we do this */
		UpVal *uv;
		/* perms reftbl ... thr */
		for(uv = gcotouv(L2->openupval); uv != NULL; uv = gcotouv(uv->next)) {
			int stackpos;
			/* Make sure upvalue is really open */
			lua_assert(uv->v != &uv->value);
			pushupval(pi->L, uv);
			/* perms reftbl ... thr uv */
			lua_pop(pi->L, 1);
			/* perms reftbl ... thr */
			stackpos = uv->v - L2->stack;
			pi->writer(pi->L, &stackpos, sizeof(int), pi->ud);
		/* perms reftbl ... thr */
		/* perms reftbl ... thr nil */
		lua_pop(pi->L, 1);
		/* perms reftbl ... thr */
	/* perms reftbl ... thr */