int fqAddNoiseE(float *aBlock, EFFECT *rEffect) {
	udword i;

	if (rEffect->fNoiseLev > 0.0)
		for(i = rmin(rEffect->nFiltMinFreq, nBSize); i < rmin(rEffect->nFiltMaxFreq, nBSize); i++)
			aBlock[i] += gaussian() * rEffect->fNoiseLev;

	return OK;
static int fqIncEffect(float *aBlock, float *fVal, udword nDur, float *aBuf, sdword nSize, sdword *nPos, char aEffect) {
	udword s;
	sdword t;

	if (aBlock == 0) {
		if (nSize < FQ_SIZE) {
			return ERR;
		} else {
			memset(aBuf, 0, nSize << 2);
			*nPos = 0;
			return OK;

	if (nDur > 0) {
		if (*nPos >= nSize)
			*nPos = 0;
		s = (udword)floor((float)nSize / (float)FQ_SIZE * FQ_SLICE);
		t = *nPos - ((udword)floor((float)rmin(nDur, s) / FQ_SLICE) * FQ_SIZE);
		if (t < 0)
			t += nSize;
		fqAdd(aBlock, &aBuf[t]);
		memcpy(&aBuf[*nPos], aBlock, nBSize << 2);
		switch (aEffect) {
			case FQ_TIME_DELAY: fqScale(&aBuf[*nPos], *fVal); break;
			case FQ_TIME_ACMODEL: fqEqualize(&aBuf[*nPos], fVal); break;
		*nPos += FQ_SIZE;

	return OK;
Beispiel #3
void CBaseAnimating::SetSequenceBox( void )
	Vector mins, maxs;

	// Get sequence bbox
	if( ExtractBbox( pev->sequence, mins, maxs ) )
		// expand box for rotation
		// find min / max for rotations
		float yaw = pev->angles.y * ( M_PI / 180.0 );

		Vector xvector, yvector;
		xvector.x = cos( yaw );
		xvector.y = sin( yaw );
		yvector.x = -sin( yaw );
		yvector.y = cos( yaw );
		Vector bounds[ 2 ];

		bounds[ 0 ] = mins;
		bounds[ 1 ] = maxs;

		Vector rmin( 9999, 9999, 9999 );
		Vector rmax( -9999, -9999, -9999 );
		Vector base, transformed;

		for( int i = 0; i <= 1; i++ )
			base.x = bounds[ i ].x;
			for( int j = 0; j <= 1; j++ )
				base.y = bounds[ j ].y;
				for( int k = 0; k <= 1; k++ )
					base.z = bounds[ k ].z;

					// transform the point
					transformed.x = xvector.x*base.x + yvector.x*base.y;
					transformed.y = xvector.y*base.x + yvector.y*base.y;
					transformed.z = base.z;

					if( transformed.x < rmin.x )
						rmin.x = transformed.x;
					if( transformed.x > rmax.x )
						rmax.x = transformed.x;
					if( transformed.y < rmin.y )
						rmin.y = transformed.y;
					if( transformed.y > rmax.y )
						rmax.y = transformed.y;
					if( transformed.z < rmin.z )
						rmin.z = transformed.z;
					if( transformed.z > rmax.z )
						rmax.z = transformed.z;
		rmin.z = 0;
		rmax.z = rmin.z + 1;
		SetSize( rmin, rmax );
Beispiel #4
void find(int i, int k){
	if(!st[i][k-1]) find(i,k-1);
	if(!st[i+(1<<(k-1))][k-1]) find(i+(1<<(k-1)),k-1);
Beispiel #5
void PrintDetectorGeometry() {
  TArrayD rmin(0); 
  TArrayD rmax(0); 
  for (Int_t i=0; i<rmin.GetSize(); i++) {
    cout<<i<<": (rmin,rmax)=("<<rmin.At(i)<<","<<rmax.At(i)<<")cm"<<endl;
Beispiel #6
Geom::OptRect font_instance::BBox(int glyph_id)
    int no = -1;
    if ( id_to_no.find(glyph_id) == id_to_no.end() ) {
        if ( id_to_no.find(glyph_id) == id_to_no.end() ) {
            // didn't load
        } else {
            no = id_to_no[glyph_id];
    } else {
        no = id_to_no[glyph_id];
    if ( no < 0 ) {
        return Geom::OptRect();
    } else {
        Geom::Point rmin(glyphs[no].bbox[0],glyphs[no].bbox[1]);
        Geom::Point rmax(glyphs[no].bbox[2],glyphs[no].bbox[3]);
        return Geom::Rect(rmin, rmax);
int fqLimitE(float *aBlock, EFFECT *rEffect) {
	udword i;

	if (rEffect->fLimitLev != 1.0) {
		if (rEffect->fLimitLev == 0.0) {
			memset(&aBlock[rmin(rEffect->nFiltMinFreq, nBSize)], 0, (rmin(rEffect->nFiltMaxFreq, nBSize) - rmin(rEffect->nFiltMinFreq, nBSize)) << 2);
		} else {
			for (i = rmin(rEffect->nFiltMinFreq, nBSize); i < rmin(rEffect->nFiltMaxFreq, nBSize); i++) {
				if ((aBlock[i] > 0.0) && (aBlock[i] > rEffect->fLimitLev * 32767.0))
					aBlock[i] = rEffect->fLimitLev * 32767.0;
				if ((aBlock[i] < 0.0) && (aBlock[i] < rEffect->fLimitLev * -32767.0))
					aBlock[i] = rEffect->fLimitLev * -32767.0;
			if (1.0 / rEffect->fLimitLev * 3.0 < 1.0)
				for (i = rmin(rEffect->nFiltMinFreq, nBSize); i < rmin(rEffect->nFiltMaxFreq, nBSize); i++)
					if (aBlock[i] != 0.0)
						aBlock[i] *= (1.0 / rEffect->fLimitLev * 3.0);

	return OK;
Beispiel #8
int rmq(int l, int r){
	int k=int(log((float)r-l+1)/log(2.0));
	if(!st[l][k]) find(l,k);
	if(!st[r-(1<<k)+1][k]) find(r-(1<<k)+1,k);
	return rmin(st[l][k], st[r-(1<<k)+1][k]);
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
	simplmat <double> data;
	simplmat <double> dout;
	SpectralAnalysis sa;
	// Do 199 Simulations and takes the 5 lowest and 5 highest values
	// to make the confidence envelopes. If the calculated value is
	// between these highest or lowest values it is significative at 5% level
	int numSimul=199,numExtreme=5,windowPos=0,numExtremeT=5;
	char randz;
	double probConf=0.05;
	double probConfT=0.05;
	double probOrig=0.05;
	int bonfCorr=0,signif=0;
	// OJO Falta agregar en parametros
	int reaPer=0;
	string fType="BI";
	if( argc <3 )
		cerr << "Usage: rnzSpectral inputFile.sed outFile fileType winPos{0,1,2,3} [R/A] [prob] [bonfCorr{0,1}] [numSimulations]" << endl;
	if( argc >= 4)
		fType = argv[3];
    	windowPos  = atoi(argv[4]);
		randz = toupper(argv[5][0]); // R=Randomizations, A=Asintotic chisqr.
        if( windowPos > 3 || windowPos <0 )
			cerr << "Out of range: 3 > windowPos > 0" << endl;
	if( randz=='R' )
		if( argc == 9)
			probOrig = atof(argv[6]);
			bonfCorr = atoi(argv[7]);
			numSimul   = atoi(argv[8]);
			cerr << "Invalid number of arguments" << endl;
		if( argc == 8 )
			probOrig = atof(argv[6]);
			bonfCorr = atoi(argv[7]);
			cerr << "Invalid number of arguments" << endl;
	RWFile file;
	string fName = argv[1];
	string outFName = argv[2];
	if( fName.find(".sed")!=string::npos )
		if(!file.ReadSeed(fName.c_str(), data, fType.c_str() ))
	else if( fName.find(".img")!=string::npos )
		if(!file.ReadIdrisi(fName.c_str(), data))
		cerr << "File type not supported: " << fName << endl;
   	sa.Transpose(data); // Los datos leidos estan en formato (x,y) y las funciones
	                    // tienen (y,x) o sea (row,col)
	int rows=data.getRows();
	int cols=data.getCols();
	double var;
	int s,l;

	simplmat <double> origData(data);	
	int origRows = rows;
	int origCols = cols;

	var = sa.Spec2D(data,dout); // Calculates the periodogram usando FFT

	simplmat<double> rper;		// Rearranged periodogram
	simplmat<double> polper;	// Polar
	sa.Spekout(rows,cols,dout,rper); // Rearranges the periodogram

   	ofstream fOut;
		string rperOut="r."+outFName;;
    	fOut <<	rper.getCols() << "\t" << rper.getRows() << endl;
    	fOut << "Rearranged periodogram" << endl;
    			fOut.form("%10.6f",rper(l,s)) <<  "\t";
    		fOut << endl;
	sa.Polar2D(rows,cols,rper,polper); // Calculates the Polar Spectrum
									   // OJO modifica rper!!!!!!!!!!!!
	int d =	int(0.5*sqrt(rows*rows + cols*cols)+1);

	// Outputs the rearranged periodogram
	//string rperOut("rper.");
	//if(!file.WriteSeed(rperOut.c_str(), rper))
	//	exit(1);;

	if( bonfCorr )

	numExtreme = 1+probConf*numSimul/2;
    if( numExtreme <=1 )
		cerr << "numExtreme <= 1" << endl;
    numExtremeT = 1+probConfT*numSimul/2;
    if( numExtremeT <=1 )
		cerr << "numExtremeT <= 1" << endl;

	Randomizations rz;
	simplmat<double> thetamin;
	simplmat<double> thetamax;
	simplmat<double> rmin;
	simplmat<double> rmax;
	simplmat<double> rpol;		// Polar Spectrum for randomizations


	for(s=0; s<numSimul; s++)

//			cout << setw(2) << l+1 << "\t";
// 			cout.form("%8.5f", rpol(l,0)) << endl;
//			cout << "\t\t" << setw(4) << l*10 << "\t";
//	 		cout.form("%8.5f", rpol(l,2)) << endl;

	fOut << "R Spectrum "  << "\t" << outFName << endl;
	fOut << "Randomizations: "<< "\t" << numSimul << "\t" << numExtreme << "\t" << probConf << endl;
	fOut << "Data dim:" << "\t" << origRows << "\t" << origCols << endl;
	fOut << "Window dim:" << "\t" << rows << "\t" << cols << "\tPosition:\t" << windowPos << endl;

		signif = 0;
		fOut << setw(2) << l+1 << "\t";
 		fOut.form("%8.5f", polper(l,0)) << "\t";
 		fOut.form("%8.5f", rmin(l,0)) << "\t";
 		fOut.form("%8.5f", rmax(l,0)) << "\t";
 		fOut.form("%8.5f", polper(l,1)) << "\t";
 		if( polper(l,0)<rmin(l,0) )
 			signif = -1;
 		if( polper(l,0)>rmax(l,0) )
 			signif = 1;
 		fOut << signif << endl;
	fOut << "\nTheta Spectrum" << endl;
	fOut << "Randomizations: "<< "\t" << numSimul << "\t" << numExtremeT << "\t" << probConfT << endl;
		signif = 0;
		fOut << setw(4) << l*10 << "\t";
 		fOut.form("%8.5f", polper(l,2)) << "\t";
 		fOut.form("%8.5f", thetamin(l,0)) << "\t";
 		fOut.form("%8.5f", thetamax(l,0)) << "\t";
 		fOut.form("%8.5f", polper(l,3)) << "\t";
 		if( polper(l,2)<thetamin(l,0) )
 			signif = -1;
 		if( polper(l,2)>thetamax(l,0) )
 			signif = 1;
 		fOut << signif << endl;

	return 0;
void ViewSimple2D::redraw( bool paused )
	vec2f ctr;	
	ctr = vec2f( 300, 300 );
	// 2d part
	glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION );	
	gluOrtho2D( 0, 800, 0, 600 ) ;

	glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );	

	// Draw pumpkins in a ring
	int i, j, k;
	float t, sz=60;
	int x, y;
	Pumpkin p;

	// the "board"
	glDisable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
	glLineWidth( 3.0 );

	vec4f fill = vec4f( 0.5f, 0.7f, 0.6f, 0.5f ),
		  line = vec4f( 0.8f, 0.3f, 0.8f, 1.0f ),
		  fill_dest = vec4f( 0.9f, 0.4f, 0.5f, 0.5f ),
		  line_dest = vec4f( 0.2f, 1.0f, 0.2f, 1.0f );

	// The center "storage ring"
	drawCircle( ctr, 50, SHAPE_LINE_AND_FILL, 
				fill, line, 100 );

	// The outer ring
	drawCircle( ctr, 250, SHAPE_LINE, 
				fill, line, 100 );

	gfEnableFont( m_fontId, 25 );

	// a bunch of dots for the board
	vec2f freeze_pos, freeze_dir;
	vec2f queue_pos, queue_dir;
	vec2f station_pos;
	vec4f color, linecolor;
	char *label = NULL;
	for (i = 0; i < MACHINE_SLOTS; i++) {		
		t = (2.0*M_PI)/MACHINE_SLOTS * i;
		x = ctr[0] + cos(t)*250.0; 
		y = ctr[1] - sin(t)*250.0; 

		label = NULL;

		if ((i >= DEST_SLOT_NDX) && (i < DEST_SLOT_NDX+5)) {
			color = fill_dest;
			linecolor = line_dest;
			if (i==DEST_SLOT_NDX+2) label = "Destination";
		} else if (i==FREEZER_NDX) {
			color = vec4f( 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.6f );
			linecolor = vec4f( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
			label = "Freeze";

			// draw freezer slots						
			freeze_dir = vec2f( cos(t), -sin(t) );
			freeze_pos = vec2f( x, y ) - freeze_dir*sz;

			for (int j=0; j < FREEZER_CAPACITY; j++) {

				drawCircle( freeze_pos - (freeze_dir*30*j), 
					vec4f( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ), 
					vec4f( 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), 12 );

		} else if (i==PRODUCTION_NDX) {			
			color = fill;
			linecolor = line;

			// draw production slots			
			queue_dir = vec2f( cos(t), -sin(t) );
			queue_pos = vec2f( x, y ) + queue_dir*sz*0.6f;
			queue_dir = vec2f( 0.0, 1.0 ); // vertical queue

			for (int j=0; j < PRODUCTION_CAPACITY; j++) {

				drawCircle( queue_pos + (queue_dir*30*j), 
					vec4f( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ), 
					vec4f( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0), 12 );

		} else if (i==TORCHY_NDX) {
			color = vec4f( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.6f );
			linecolor = vec4f( 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
			label = "Torchy";
		} else {
			color = fill;
			linecolor = line;

		// draw swap lines
		if ((i==SWAP_NDX1)||(i==SWAP_NDX2)||(i==SWAP_NDX3)) {
			glColor4f( linecolor[0], linecolor[1],  linecolor[2],  linecolor[3] );
			glBegin( GL_LINES );
			glVertex3f( ctr[0], ctr[1], 0 );
			glVertex3f( x, y, 0 );

			label = "Swap";

		// draw circle
		drawCircle( vec2f( x, y ), 25, SHAPE_LINE_AND_FILL, 
				color, linecolor, 8 );

		// draw current station
		if (m_station==i) {
			station_pos = vec2f(x, y );			

		// draw label
		if (label) {
			glColor4f( linecolor[0], linecolor[1],  linecolor[2],  linecolor[3] );
			float lx = x - (gfGetStringWidth( label )/2.0);
			glTranslated( (lx<5.0)?5.0:lx, y, 0.0 );
			gfDrawString( label );
			glDisable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );


	// draw combos
	color = fill;
	linecolor = line;

	vec2f rmin(610,545), rmax(795, 595);
	for (i=0; i < m_game->getNumCombos(); i++)
		Combo c = m_game->getCombo( i );

		glDisable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
		drawRect( rmin, rmax, SHAPE_LINE_AND_FILL, 
				   color, vec4f( 0.0, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0) );
		gfEnableFont( m_fontId, 15 );
		glTranslated( (rmin[0] + (rmax[0]-rmin[0])/2.0) - 
						gfGetStringWidth( c.m_name.c_str() )/2.0 , rmax[1]-12, 0.0 );
		gfDrawString( c.m_name.c_str() );

		// draw combo Value		
		gfEnableFont( m_fontId, 25 );
		glTranslated( rmax[0]-30 , rmax[1]-35, 0.0 );
		gfDrawStringFmt( "%d", c.m_value );

		// draw combo pumpkins
		glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_texPumpkinIcons );		
		vec2f px(rmin[0]+5, rmin[1]+5);		
		for (j=0; j < c.m_groups.size(); j++) {
			p = Pumpkin();
			p.m_type = c.m_groups[j].m_item;
			if ( (p.m_type == ANY_PUMPKIN) || (p.m_type == ANY_ITEM) ) {
				glColor3f( m_groupColor[j][0], m_groupColor[j][1], m_groupColor[j][2] );
			} else {
				glColor3f( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
			for (k=0; k < c.m_groups[j].m_count; k++ ) {
				drawPumpkin( px, p, sz*0.5, false );
				px[0] = px[0] + sz*0.5;

		rmin[1] = rmin[1] - 55;
		rmax[1] = rmax[1] - 55;


	gfEnableFont( m_fontId, 25 );

	if (!paused) {
		// Draw pumpkins in the machine
		glEnable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
		glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_texPumpkinIcons );
		glColor3f( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 );	
		vec2f v;
		for (i = 0; i < MACHINE_SLOTS; i++) {
			p = m_game->getPumpkin( i );
			if (p.m_type == EMPTY) continue;
			v = calcPosFromNdx( i );		
			x = v[0] - (sz/2);
			y = v[1] - (sz/2);
			drawPumpkin( vec2f( x, y ), p, sz );		
		// draw frozen pumpkins
		for ( j=0; j < m_game->getFreezerUsage(); j++) {	
			p = m_game->getFrozenFood( j );
			// shouldn't be empty, but...
			if (p.m_type != EMPTY) {
				drawPumpkin( (freeze_pos+ - (freeze_dir*30*j)) - vec2f(sz*0.25,sz*0.25), p, sz*0.5 );
		// draw queued pumpkins
		for ( j=0; j < m_game->getProdQueueSize(); j++) {	
			p = m_game->getQueuedPumpkin( j );
			// shouldn't be empty, but...
			if (p.m_type != EMPTY) {
				drawPumpkin( (queue_pos+ (queue_dir*30*j)) - vec2f(sz*0.25,sz*0.25), p, sz*0.5 );
		// draw center pumpkin
		p = m_game->getCenterPumpkin();
		if (p.m_type != EMPTY) {
			drawPumpkin( vec2f( ctr[0]-(sz*1.5/2), ctr[1]-(sz*1.5/2)), p, sz*1.5 );

	// Draw last combo acheived
	if (m_lastComboAge < COMBO_DISPLAY_TIME) {
		char buff[200];
		t = 1.0 - (m_lastComboAge/COMBO_DISPLAY_TIME);
		gfEnableFont( m_fontId, 25 );

		sprintf( buff, "%d - %s - %d", m_lastCombo.m_value, 
								   m_lastCombo.m_value );

		glColor3f( 1.0, t, t );		
		glTranslated( ctr[0] - gfGetStringWidth( buff )/2, 
				ctr[1]+50-(50.0*t)+j*5, 0.0 );
		gfDrawString( buff );			


	glDisable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );

	// draw cursor
	drawCircle( station_pos, 30, SHAPE_LINE, 
				color, vec4f( 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), 8 );

	drawCircle( station_pos, 35, SHAPE_LINE, 
				color, vec4f( 0.0f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 1.0f), 8 );

	// Draw animated pumpkins
	if (!paused) {
		glEnable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
		glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_texPumpkinIcons );
		PumpkinAnim pa;
		for (i = 0; i < m_panim.size(); i++) {
			pa = m_panim[i];
			glTranslated( pa.m_pos[0] - sz/2, pa.m_pos[1]-sz/2, 0.0 );
			drawPumpkin( vec2f( 0.0, 0.0 ), pa, sz );

	// draw particles
Beispiel #11
void UnplacedTorus::Print(std::ostream &os) const {
  os << "UnplacedTorus {" << rmin() << ", " << rmax() << ", " << rtor()
     << ", " << sphi() << ", " << dphi();
Beispiel #12
void CountTrackableMCs(TH1F *hAllMC, Bool_t onlyPrims,Bool_t onlyPion) {

 // open run loader and load gAlice, kinematics and header
  AliRunLoader* runLoader = AliRunLoader::Open("galice.root");
  if (!runLoader) {
    Error("Check kine", "getting run loader from file %s failed",

  AliLoader *dl = runLoader->GetDetectorLoader("ITS");

  TTree *trackRefTree = 0x0; 
  TClonesArray *trackRef = new TClonesArray("AliTrackReference",1000);

  //  TH1F *hRef = new TH1F("","",100,0,100);
  TH1F *hR = new TH1F("","",100,0,100);
  if (hAllMC==0) hAllMC = new TH1F("","",100,0.1,2);
  Float_t ptmin = hAllMC->GetBinCenter(1)-hAllMC->GetBinWidth(1)/2;
  Float_t ptmax = hAllMC->GetBinCenter(hAllMC->GetNbinsX())+hAllMC->GetBinWidth(hAllMC->GetNbinsX())/2;
  //  Int_t nAllMC = 0;

  // Detector geometry
  TArrayD rmin(0);   TArrayD rmax(0); 
  TArrayI nLaySigs(rmin.GetSize());

  printf("Counting trackable MC tracks ...\n");
  for(Int_t iEv =0; iEv<runLoader->GetNumberOfEvents(); iEv++){
    Int_t nTrackableTracks = 0;
    AliStack* stack = runLoader->Stack();  
    printf("+++ event %i (of %d) +++++++++++++++++++++++  # total MCtracks: %d \n",iEv,runLoader->GetNumberOfEvents()-1,stack->GetNtrack());

    TBranch *br = trackRefTree->GetBranch("TrackReferences");
    if(!br) {
      printf("no TR branch available , exiting \n");

    // init the trackRef tree 
    // Count trackable MC tracks
    for (Int_t iMC=0; iMC<stack->GetNtrack(); iMC++) {

      TParticle* particle = stack->Particle(iMC); 
      if (TMath::Abs(particle->Eta())>etaCut) continue;
      if (onlyPrims && !stack->IsPhysicalPrimary(iMC)) continue;
      if (onlyPion && TMath::Abs(particle->GetPdgCode())!=211) continue;

      Bool_t isTrackable = 0;
      Int_t nref=trackRef->GetEntriesFast();
      for(Int_t iref =0; iref<nref; iref++){
	AliTrackReference *trR = (AliTrackReference*)trackRef->At(iref);
	if(!trR) continue;
	if(trR->DetectorId()!=AliTrackReference::kITS) continue;
	Float_t radPos = trR->R();
	for (Int_t il=0; il<rmin.GetSize();il++) {
	  if (radPos>=rmin.At(il)-0.1 && radPos<=rmax.At(il)+0.1) {
	    //	    cout<<"  in Layer "<<il<<" "<<radPos;
	    //	    cout<<" "<<nLaySigs.At(il)<<endl;

      if (nLaySigs.GetSum()>=3) {
	isTrackable =1;
	//	cout<<nLaySigs.GetSum()<<endl;
      if (isTrackable) {
	Double_t ptMC = particle->Pt();
	//	Double_t etaMC = particle->Eta();
	//	if (ptMC>ptmin&&ptMC<ptmax) {nTrackableTracks++;hAllMC->Fill(ptMC);}
	if (ptMC>ptmin) {nTrackableTracks++;hAllMC->Fill(ptMC);}


    } // entries tracks MC
    printf(" -> trackable MC tracks: %d (%d)\n",nTrackableTracks,hAllMC->GetEntries());
  }//entries Events

  delete runLoader;

Beispiel #13
main (int argc, char *argv[]) {

	int i, j, **seqs, **nall, ord=1, ns, **pij, lkf=0, npt=0, pnew=0, anc=0;
	int tcat=1, rcat=0, verb=1, miss=0, *flocs;

	int sw_flag=0, moment_flag=0, rmin_flag=0, sim_flag=0, test_flag=0;
	char fname[MAXNAME+1], **seqnames;
	long seed=-setseed();
	extern int sizeofpset;
	double *locs;

	double **lkmat, *lkres;
	FILE *ifp=NULL, *ifp2=NULL, *ifp3=NULL, *tfp;
	struct site_type **pset;
	struct data_sum *data;
	int ask_questions = 1;
	char *in_str;

	print_help(argc, argv);
	idum = &seed;
	data = malloc((size_t) sizeof(struct data_sum));
	data->exact = 0;
	strcpy(data->prefix, "");

	for(i = 0; i < argc; i++)
		if(*argv[i] == '-')
			in_str = argv[i];
			ask_questions = 0;
			if(strcmp(in_str, "-seq") == 0) ifp = fopen(argv[i+1], "r");		
			if(strcmp(in_str, "-loc") == 0) ifp2 = fopen(argv[i+1], "r");
			if(strcmp(in_str, "-lk") == 0) 
				lkf = 1;
				ifp3 = fopen(argv[i+1], "r");
			if(strcmp(in_str, "-exact") == 0) data->exact = 1;
			if(strcmp(in_str, "-concise") == 0) verb=0;
			if(strcmp(in_str, "-window") == 0) sw_flag=1;
			if(strcmp(in_str, "-moment") == 0) moment_flag=1;
			if(strcmp(in_str, "-simulate") == 0) sim_flag=1;
			if(strcmp(in_str, "-rmin_flag") == 0) rmin_flag=2;
			if(strcmp(in_str, "-test") == 0) test_flag=1;
			if(strcmp(in_str, "-prefix") == 0) strcpy(data->prefix, argv[i+1]);
	if (ifp == NULL) 
		printf("\nCould not find seqs file in command line.\n");
		printf("\nInput filename for seqs:\n");
		scanf("%s", &fname);
		ifp = fopen(fname, "r");
	if (ifp == NULL) nrerror("Error in opening sequence file");

	fscanf(ifp,"%i%i%i", &data->nseq, &data->lseq, &data->hd);
	if ((data->nseq < 2) || (data->lseq < 2)) {printf("\n\nInsufficient data for analysis (n > 1, L > 1) \n\n"); exit(1);}
	if (data->nseq > SEQ_MAX) {printf("\n\nMore than max no. sequences: Using first %i for analysis\n\n", SEQ_MAX); data->nseq=SEQ_MAX;}
	printf("\nAnalysing %i (n=%i) sequences of length %i seg sites\n", data->nseq, data->hd, data->lseq);
	seqs = imatrix(1, data->nseq, 1, data->lseq);
    seqnames = cmatrix(1, data->nseq+11, 1, MAXNAME+11);
	if (read_fasta(seqs, ifp, data->nseq, data->lseq, seqnames)) printf("\nSequences read succesfully\n");

	nall = imatrix(1, data->lseq, 1, 6);
	allele_count(seqs, data->nseq, data->lseq, nall,1, data->hd, data->prefix);

	/*Store lnfac values in array for speed of computation*/

	lnfac_array = (double *) malloc((size_t) ((int) (data->nseq+2)*(data->hd))*sizeof(double));


	for (j=2;j<=((int) data->nseq*(data->hd));j++) lnfac_array[j]=(double) lnfac_array[j-1]+log(j);

	/*Open file with location of seg sites and read in data*/	
	if (ifp2 == NULL) 
		printf("\nCould not find locs file in command line.\n");
		printf("\nInput name of file containing location of seg sites\n\n");
		scanf("%s", &fname);
		ifp2 = fopen(fname, "r");

	if (ifp2 == NULL) nrerror("Cannot open loc file");
	fscanf(ifp2, "%i %lf %c", &ns, &data->tlseq, &data->lc);
	if (ns != data->lseq) nrerror("Lseq and Locs disagree");
	if ((data->lc != 'C')&&(data->lc != 'L')) nrerror("Must input linear(L)/conversion(C)");
	if (data->lc == 'C') {
	  while (data->avc <= 0) {
	    printf("\n\nInput average tract length for conversion model: ");scanf("%lf", &(data->avc));

	locs = dvector(1, data->lseq);
	flocs = ivector(1, data->lseq); /*Array to use when simulating data*/

	for (i=1; i<=data->lseq; i++) {
		fscanf(ifp2, "%lf", &locs[i]); 
		if ((locs[i]==0)||(locs[i]>data->tlseq)) {printf("\n\nError in Loc file\n\n%lf\n", data->tlseq); exit(1);}
		if (i>1 && locs[i]<=locs[i-1]) nrerror("Error in locs file: SNPs must be montonically increasing");
	printf("\nLocation of seg sites\n\n");
	for (i=1; i<=data->lseq; i++) printf("%3i   %4.2lf\n", i, locs[i]);

	/*Read in likelihood file where needed*/
    if (ask_questions) 
			printf("\n\nUse existing likelihood file? (yes=1, no=0):");
			scanf("%i", &lkf);  /*lkf is a flag: 1 means use existing likelihood file as starting point*/
			if (lkf) 
				printf("\n\nInput name of likelihood file: ");
				scanf("%s", &fname);
				ifp3 = fopen(fname, "r");

			if (lkf == 1)
				printf("\n\nIs likelihood file an exact match to data?(no=0/yes=1): ");
				scanf("%i", &data->exact);

	if (lkf && !ifp3) nrerror("Cannot open likelihood file");
	if (!lkf && data->hd==2) nrerror("For diploid data need complete lookup table for sequences");

	/*Store pair-types in pij matrix - classify in pair_spectrum routine*/

	data->w	= data->lseq;  /*Note for this program use all data - pair_int restricts to a smaller window*/
	pij = imatrix((int) 1,(int) data->lseq,(int) 1,(int) data->w);

	for (i=1;i<=data->lseq;i++) for (j=1;j<=data->w;j++) pij[i][j]=0;

	pset = init_pset(pset, lkf, ifp3, &npt, data);  /*Reads in type configurations from likelihood file*/

	printf("\n\n*** Calculating distribution of pair types ***\n\n");
	pset = pair_spectrum(seqs, data, nall, pset, &npt, &pnew, &miss, anc, pij);
	printf("\n\n *** Completed classification of pair types ***\n\n");

	if (data->exact && (pnew || miss)) nrerror("Lookup table is not exact for sequences\n(possibly generated by interval)");
	printf("\n\nOld = %i: New = %i: Missing = %i\n\n", npt,pnew,miss);
	data->ptt = (int) npt+pnew+miss;  /*npt is number from likelihood file, pnew is number new with no missing data, miss is # new with missing data*/
	if (verb) {
		strcpy(fname, data->prefix);
		tfp = fopen(strcat(fname, "type_table.txt"), "w");
		if (!tfp) nrerror("Cannot open type file");
		type_print(pij, data->lseq, data->w,tfp);
	if (verb) print_pairs(stdout, pset, npt+pnew, data->hd, data->nseq);

	/*Need a complete set for missing data or diploid data - check this*/
	if (!data->exact && (data->hd ==2 || miss)) {
		printf("\n\nMissing data or diploid: checking that likelihood table is exhaustive\n\n");
		check_exhaustive(pset,npt,(data->nseq)*((int) data->hd));
	/*Read parameters and likelihoods from likelihood file - where appropriate*/
	if (lkf) {
		read_pars(ifp3, &tcat, &data->th, &data->rcat, &data->rmax);
		lkmat = dmatrix(1,npt+pnew+miss,1,data->rcat);
		if (lkf) read_lk(ifp3, lkmat, npt, tcat, data->rcat);

	/*If haploid, but novel types, need to calculate new likelihoods and input parameter values*/
	if (data->hd ==1 && pnew) { /*Note can have pnew for diploid data, but this has been checked for already*/
		if (!lkf) {
			data->th=data->rmax=-1.0; data->rcat=0;
			printf("\n\nInput theta per site (suggest Watterson estimate of %.5lf):",(double) data->lseq/(watterson(data->nseq*data->hd)*data->tlseq));
			while (data->th<0.0) scanf("%lf", &data->th);
			printf("\n\nMax 4Ner for grid (suggest 100):");
			while(data->rmax<0.0) scanf("%lf", &data->rmax);
			printf("\n\nNumber of points on grid (suggest 101, min=2):");
			while(data->rcat<2) scanf("%i", &data->rcat);
			lkmat = dmatrix(1,npt+pnew+miss,1,data->rcat);

	/*Sum over missing data or resolve genotypes and sum over missing data+configurations*/
	else if (miss && data->hd==1) {  
		printf("\n\n*** Calculating likelihoods for missing data ***\n\n");
		for (i=1;i<=miss;i++) {
			printf("\rType %i", i);

		printf("  ...Done!\n\n");

	/*Sum over resolutions for diploid data*/
	else if (data->hd==2 && !data->exact) {
	  printf("\n\n*** Resolving diploid data: %i ***\n\n",pnew+miss);
	  lkres = dvector(1,data->rcat);
	  for (i=1;i<=pnew+miss;i++) {
	    printf("\rType %i", i); 

	  printf("  ...Done!\n\n");

	/*If new likelihood generated can output likelihood file for future analyses*/
	if (verb) print_lks(pset, data, npt+pnew+miss, lkmat);

	/*Basic analysis - estimation of 4Ner asuming constant rate*/

	data->rme=data->rmax; data->rce=data->rcat;
	if (1) {
		printf("\n\nDo you wish to change grid over which to estimate likelihoods for (default = %i points, 4Ner 0 - %.1lf) (1/0) :",data->rcat,data->rmax);
		scanf("%i", &lkf);
		if (lkf) {
			data->rme=-10; data->rce=0;
			printf("\n\nMax 4Ner for estimation           : ");
			while (data->rme < 0.0) scanf("%lf", &data->rme);  
       		printf("\n\nNumber of classes to estimate for: ");
       		while (data->rce < 1) scanf("%i", &data->rce);
	data->lksurf = dmatrix(1,data->rce,1,2);
	lk_surf(pset, pij, data, lkmat, data->th, locs, 1);

	/*Print marginal likelihood ratio test statistics for each pair of sites*/
	printf("\n\nCalculating fits\n\n");

	/*Sliding windows version*/
	if (1) {
		printf("\n\nDo you wish to carry out a sliding windows analysis? (yes=1/no=0):");
		scanf("%i", &sw_flag);
	if (sw_flag) lk_win(pset,pij,data,lkmat,locs,nall);

	/*Nonparametric estimation of recombination rate*/
	if (1) {
		printf("\n\nPrint out table of Rmin values?\n(0=No, 1=Total only, 2=Full table):");
		scanf("%i", &rmin_flag);

	if (rmin_flag) {
		rmin(data, pset, pij, locs, lkf-1);
		printf("\n\nLower bound on Rmin = %i\n\n",data->rmin);

	/*Estimate 4Ner by Wakeley 1997 method*/
	if (1) {
		printf("\n\nEstimate 4Ner by moment method? (yes=1, no=0)");
		scanf("%i", &moment_flag);

	if (moment_flag) wakeley_est(data, seqs, locs);

	/*Recombination tests - only available for haploid data!*/
	if (data->hd==1) {
		if (1) {
			printf("\n\nDo you wish to test for recombination? (yes=1, no=0): ");
			scanf("%i", &test_flag);
		if (test_flag) {
			rec_test(data, pij, locs, lkmat, pset, npt+pnew+miss);

	/*Conditional simulation - only available for haploid data with a complete lk file*/
	if (data->hd==1 && !(data->exact)) {

		if (1) {
	  printf("\n\nDo you wish to test constant-rate model and estimate sampling distribution by simulation? (yes=1/no=0): ");
	  scanf("%i", &test_flag);
	  if (test_flag) {
	    freq_min(locs, flocs, nall, data);
	    printf("\n\nHow many simulations? ");
	    scanf("%i", &lkf);
	    snp_sim(locs, flocs, pset, lkmat, lkf, data);

	for (i=1;i<sizeofpset;i++) free(pset[i]);
	free_dvector(locs, 1, data->lseq);
	free_ivector(flocs, 1, data->lseq);

	/* system("PAUSE"); */
Beispiel #14
* This function is the entry point of the initial partitioning algorithm.
* This algorithm assembles the graph to all the processors and preceed
* serially.
idx_t Mc_Diffusion(ctrl_t *ctrl, graph_t *graph, idx_t *vtxdist, idx_t *where, 
          idx_t *home, idx_t npasses)
  idx_t h, i, j;
  idx_t nvtxs, nedges, ncon, pass, iter, domain, processor;
  idx_t nparts, mype, npes, nlinks, me, you, wsize;
  idx_t nvisited, nswaps = -1, tnswaps, done, alldone = -1;
  idx_t *rowptr, *colind, *diff_where, *sr_where, *ehome, *map, *rmap;
  idx_t *pack, *unpack, *match, *proc2sub, *sub2proc;
  idx_t *visited, *gvisited;
  real_t *transfer, *npwgts, maxdiff, minflow, maxflow;
  real_t lbavg, oldlbavg, ubavg, *lbvec;
  real_t *diff_flows, *sr_flows;
  real_t diff_lbavg, sr_lbavg, diff_cost, sr_cost;
  idx_t *rbuffer, *sbuffer; 
  idx_t *rcount, *rdispl;
  real_t *solution, *load, *workspace;
  matrix_t matrix;
  graph_t *egraph;

  if (graph->ncon > 3)
    return 0;


  nvtxs  = graph->nvtxs;
  nedges = graph->nedges;
  ncon   = graph->ncon;

  nparts = ctrl->nparts;
  mype   = ctrl->mype;
  npes   = ctrl->npes;
  ubavg  = ravg(ncon, ctrl->ubvec);

  /* initialize variables and allocate memory */
  lbvec      = rwspacemalloc(ctrl, ncon);
  diff_flows = rwspacemalloc(ctrl, ncon);
  sr_flows   = rwspacemalloc(ctrl, ncon);

  load                       = rwspacemalloc(ctrl, nparts);
  solution                   = rwspacemalloc(ctrl, nparts);
  npwgts = graph->gnpwgts    = rwspacemalloc(ctrl, ncon*nparts);
  matrix.values              = rwspacemalloc(ctrl, nedges);
  transfer = matrix.transfer = rwspacemalloc(ctrl, ncon*nedges);

  proc2sub               = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, gk_max(nparts, npes*2));
  sub2proc               = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, nparts);
  match                  = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, nparts);
  rowptr = matrix.rowptr = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, nparts+1);
  colind = matrix.colind = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, nedges);

  rcount = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, npes);
  rdispl = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, npes+1);

  pack       = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, nvtxs);
  unpack     = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, nvtxs);
  rbuffer    = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, nvtxs);
  sbuffer    = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, nvtxs);
  map        = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, nvtxs);
  rmap       = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, nvtxs);
  diff_where = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, nvtxs);
  ehome      = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, nvtxs);

  wsize = gk_max(sizeof(real_t)*nparts*6, sizeof(idx_t)*(nvtxs+nparts*2+1));
  workspace = (real_t *)gk_malloc(wsize, "Mc_Diffusion: workspace");

  graph->ckrinfo = (ckrinfo_t *)gk_malloc(nvtxs*sizeof(ckrinfo_t), "Mc_Diffusion: rinfo");

  /* construct subdomain connectivity graph */
  matrix.nrows = nparts;
  SetUpConnectGraph(graph, &matrix, (idx_t *)workspace);
  nlinks = (matrix.nnzs-nparts) / 2;

  visited  = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, matrix.nnzs);
  gvisited = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, matrix.nnzs);

  for (pass=0; pass<npasses; pass++) {
    rset(matrix.nnzs*ncon, 0.0, transfer);
    iset(matrix.nnzs, 0, gvisited);
    iset(matrix.nnzs, 0, visited);
    iter = nvisited = 0;

    /* compute ncon flow solutions */
    for (h=0; h<ncon; h++) {
      rset(nparts, 0.0, solution);
      ComputeLoad(graph, nparts, load, ctrl->tpwgts, h);

      lbvec[h] = (rmax(nparts, load)+1.0/nparts) * (real_t)nparts;

      ConjGrad2(&matrix, load, solution, 0.001, workspace);
      ComputeTransferVector(ncon, &matrix, solution, transfer, h);

    oldlbavg = ravg(ncon, lbvec);
    tnswaps = 0;
    maxdiff = 0.0;
    for (i=0; i<nparts; i++) {
      for (j=rowptr[i]; j<rowptr[i+1]; j++) {
        maxflow = rmax(ncon, transfer+j*ncon);
        minflow = rmin(ncon, transfer+j*ncon);
        maxdiff = (maxflow - minflow > maxdiff) ? maxflow - minflow : maxdiff;

    while (nvisited < nlinks) {
      /* compute independent sets of subdomains */
      iset(gk_max(nparts, npes*2), UNMATCHED, proc2sub);
      CSR_Match_SHEM(&matrix, match, proc2sub, gvisited, ncon);

      /* set up the packing arrays */
      iset(nparts, UNMATCHED, sub2proc);
      for (i=0; i<npes*2; i++) {
        if (proc2sub[i] == UNMATCHED)

        sub2proc[proc2sub[i]] = i/2;

      iset(npes, 0, rcount);
      for (i=0; i<nvtxs; i++) {
        domain = where[i];
        processor = sub2proc[domain];
        if (processor != UNMATCHED) 

      rdispl[0] = 0;
      for (i=1; i<npes+1; i++)
        rdispl[i] = rdispl[i-1] + rcount[i-1];

      iset(nvtxs, UNMATCHED, unpack);
      for (i=0; i<nvtxs; i++) {
        domain = where[i];
        processor = sub2proc[domain];
        if (processor != UNMATCHED) 
          unpack[rdispl[processor]++] = i;

      SHIFTCSR(i, npes, rdispl);

      iset(nvtxs, UNMATCHED, pack);
      for (i=0; i<rdispl[npes]; i++) {
        ASSERT(unpack[i] != UNMATCHED);
        domain = where[unpack[i]];
        processor = sub2proc[domain];
        if (processor != UNMATCHED) 
          pack[unpack[i]] = i;

      /* Compute the flows */
      if (proc2sub[mype*2] != UNMATCHED) {
        me  = proc2sub[2*mype];
        you = proc2sub[2*mype+1];
        ASSERT(me != you);

        for (j=rowptr[me]; j<rowptr[me+1]; j++) {
          if (colind[j] == you) {
            visited[j] = 1;
            rcopy(ncon, transfer+j*ncon, diff_flows);

        for (j=rowptr[you]; j<rowptr[you+1]; j++) {
          if (colind[j] == me) {
            visited[j] = 1;
            for (h=0; h<ncon; h++) {
              if (transfer[j*ncon+h] > 0.0)
                diff_flows[h] = -1.0 * transfer[j*ncon+h];

        nswaps = 1;
        rcopy(ncon, diff_flows, sr_flows);

        iset(nvtxs, 0, sbuffer);
        for (i=0; i<nvtxs; i++) {
          if (where[i] == me || where[i] == you)
            sbuffer[i] = 1;

        egraph = ExtractGraph(ctrl, graph, sbuffer, map, rmap);

        if (egraph != NULL) {
          icopy(egraph->nvtxs, egraph->where, diff_where);
          for (j=0; j<egraph->nvtxs; j++)
            ehome[j] = home[map[j]];
          RedoMyLink(ctrl, egraph, ehome, me, you, sr_flows, &sr_cost, &sr_lbavg);

          if (ncon <= 4) {
            sr_where      = egraph->where;
            egraph->where = diff_where;

            nswaps = BalanceMyLink(ctrl, egraph, ehome, me, you, diff_flows, maxdiff, 
                         &diff_cost, &diff_lbavg, 1.0/(real_t)nvtxs);

            if ((sr_lbavg < diff_lbavg &&
                (diff_lbavg >= ubavg-1.0 || sr_cost == diff_cost)) ||
                (sr_lbavg < ubavg-1.0 && sr_cost < diff_cost)) {
              for (i=0; i<egraph->nvtxs; i++)
                where[map[i]] = sr_where[i];
            else {
              for (i=0; i<egraph->nvtxs; i++)
                where[map[i]] = diff_where[i];
          else {
            for (i=0; i<egraph->nvtxs; i++)
              where[map[i]] = egraph->where[i];

          gk_free((void **)&egraph->xadj, &egraph->nvwgt, &egraph->adjncy, &egraph, LTERM);

        /* Pack the flow data */
        iset(nvtxs, UNMATCHED, sbuffer);
        for (i=0; i<nvtxs; i++) {
          domain = where[i];
          if (domain == you || domain == me) 
            sbuffer[pack[i]] = where[i];

      /* Broadcast the flow data */
      gkMPI_Allgatherv((void *)&sbuffer[rdispl[mype]], rcount[mype], IDX_T, 
          (void *)rbuffer, rcount, rdispl, IDX_T, ctrl->comm);

      /* Unpack the flow data */
      for (i=0; i<rdispl[npes]; i++) {
        if (rbuffer[i] != UNMATCHED) 
          where[unpack[i]] = rbuffer[i];

      /* Do other stuff */
      gkMPI_Allreduce((void *)visited, (void *)gvisited, matrix.nnzs,
          IDX_T, MPI_MAX, ctrl->comm);
      nvisited = isum(matrix.nnzs, gvisited, 1)/2;
      tnswaps += GlobalSESum(ctrl, nswaps);

      if (iter++ == NGD_PASSES)

    /* perform serial refinement */
    Mc_ComputeSerialPartitionParams(ctrl, graph, nparts);
    Mc_SerialKWayAdaptRefine(ctrl, graph, nparts, home, ctrl->ubvec, 10);

    /* check for early breakout */
    for (h=0; h<ncon; h++) {
      lbvec[h] = (real_t)(nparts) *
    lbavg = ravg(ncon, lbvec);

    done = 0;
    if (tnswaps == 0 || lbavg >= oldlbavg || lbavg <= ubavg + 0.035)
      done = 1;

    alldone = GlobalSEMax(ctrl, done);
    if (alldone == 1)

  /* ensure that all subdomains have at least one vertex */
  iset(nparts, 0, match);
  for (i=0; i<nvtxs; i++)

  done = 0;
  while (done == 0) {
    done = 1;

    me = iargmin(nparts, match);  
    if (match[me] == 0) {
      if (ctrl->mype == PE) printf("WARNING: empty subdomain %"PRIDX" in Mc_Diffusion\n", me);
      you = iargmax(nparts, match);  
      for (i=0; i<nvtxs; i++) {
        if (where[i] == you) {
          where[i] = me;
          done = 0;
  /* now free memory and return */
  gk_free((void **)&workspace, (void **)&graph->ckrinfo, LTERM);
  graph->gnpwgts = NULL;
  graph->ckrinfo = NULL;


  return 0;
Beispiel #15
void UnplacedTorus::Print() const {
  printf("UnplacedTorus {%.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f}",
         rmin(), rmax(), rtor(), sphi(), dphi() );
Beispiel #16
int main ( int argc , char** argv )
  int mtrx [ RW ][ CL ] , i , j , m , i1 , j1 , s , c ;
  int rslt [ CL ] ;
  int* rsli , * rslj , rsi , rsj ;
  rsi = rsj = 0 ;
  // copy matrix
  for ( i = 0 ; i < RW ; i++ )
    for ( j = 0 ; j < CL ; j++ ) mtrx [ i ][ j ] = matrix [ i ][ j ] ;
  // print init matrix
  printf ( "Init\n" ) ;
  pmtr ( mtrx , RW , CL ) ;
  printf ( "\n\n" ) ;
  // Step 1. Find minimal elem in row and 
  // vichitaem from all elements of this row
  s = 1 ;
  for ( i = 0 ; i < RW ; i++ ) {
    m = rmin ( mtrx , i , CL ) ;
    for ( j = 0 ; j < CL ; j++ ) mtrx [ i ][ j ] -= m ;      

  #if ( DBG == 1 )
    // print matrix
    printf ( "Step 1\n" ) ;
    pmtr ( mtrx , RW , CL ) ;
    printf ( "\n\n" ) ;
  for ( j = 0 ; j < CL ; j++ ) rslt [ j ] = -1 ;
  // build result array
  for ( j = 0 ; j < CL ; j++ ) {
    for ( i = 0 ; i < RW ; i++ ) {
      if ( ( mtrx [ i ][ j ] == 0 ) && 
	       ( rslt [ j ] == -1 ) && 
		   ( inar ( rslt , i , CL ) == -1 ) ) {
		j1 = inrw ( mtrx , i , 0 , j , CL ) ;
		if ( j1 == -1 ) { rslt [ j ] = i ; break ; }
		if ( incl ( mtrx , j , 0 , i , RW ) == -1 ) { rslt [ j ] = i ; break; }
		if ( incl ( mtrx , j1 , 0 , i , RW ) == -1 ) { rslt [ j1 ] = i ; break; }
		j1 = inrw ( mtrx , i , 0 , j1 , CL ) ;
		if ( j1 == -1 ) { rslt [ j ] = i ; break; }
		goto l1 ;

  // check if task solved
  j1 = inar ( rslt , -1 , CL ) ;
  if ( j1 == -1 ) goto l99 ;   
  else if ( s == 2 ) goto l2 ;
  // Step 2. Use step for columns.
  s++ ;
  for ( j = j1 ; j < CL ; j++ ) {
    if ( rslt [ j ] != -1 ) continue ;
    m = cmin ( mtrx , j , RW ) ;
    for ( i = 0 ; i < RW ; i++ ) mtrx [ i ][ j ] -= m ;

  #if ( DBG == 1 )
    printf ( "Step 2\n" ) ;
    pmtr ( mtrx , RW , CL ) ;
    printf ( "\n\n" ) ;
  goto l0;

  // Step 3. Find unused rows
  c = 0 ;
  for ( i = 0 ; i < RW ; i++ ) 
	if ( inar ( rslt , i , CL ) == -1 ) {
  	  rsi++ ; c++ ;
	  if ( ( rsi - 1 ) == 0 ) {
  	    rsli = ( int* ) malloc ( rsi * sizeof ( *rsli ) ) ;
		*rsli = i ;
	  } else {
		rsli = realloc ( rsli , rsi * sizeof ( *rsli ) ) ;
		*( rsli + ( rsi - 1 ) ) = i ;
  if ( c == 0 ) goto l4 ;
  // in all unused rows find columns' numbers with zero
  c = 0 ;
  for ( i = 0 ; i < rsi ; i++ ) {
	j1 = inrw ( mtrx , *( rsli + i ) , 0 , -1 , CL ) ;
	while ( j1 != -1 ) {
	  if ( !inpn ( rslj , j1 , rsj ) ) {
 	    rsj++ ; c++ ;
		if ( ( rsj - 1 ) == 0 ) {
		  rslj = ( int* ) malloc ( rsj * sizeof ( *rslj ) ) ;
		  *rslj = j1 ;
		} else {
		  rslj = realloc ( rslj , rsj * sizeof ( *rslj ) ) ;
		  *( rslj + ( rsj - 1 ) ) = j1 ;
	  j1 = inrw ( mtrx , *( rsli + i ) , 0 , j1 , CL ) ;

  if ( c == 0 ) goto l4 ;
  // in all unused columns find rows' numbers with zero
  c = 0 ;
  for ( j = 0 ; j < rsj ; j++ ) {
    i1 = incl ( mtrx , *( rslj + j ) , 0 , -1 , RW ) ;
	while ( i1 != -1 ) {
	  if ( !inpn ( rsli , i1 , rsi ) ) {
	    rsi++ ; c++ ;
		rsli = realloc ( rsli , rsi * sizeof ( *rsli ) ) ;
		*( rsli + ( rsi - 1 ) ) = i1 ;
	  i1 = incl ( mtrx , *( rslj + j ) , 0 , i1 , RW ) ;
  if ( c ) goto l3 ;
  // Step 4. Vicherkivaem otmechennie stolbci 
  // i neotmechennie stroki
  // for i == rsli , j != rslj
  m = -1 ;
  for ( i = 0 ; i < RW ; i++ ) {
    if ( !inpn ( rsli , i , rsi ) ) continue ;
    for ( j = 0 ; j < CL ; j++ ) {
	  if ( inpn ( rslj , j , rsj ) ) continue ;
	  m = ( mtrx [ i ][ j ] < m || m < 0 ) ? mtrx [ i ][ j ] : m ;
  for ( i = 0 ; i < RW ; i++ ) {
    for ( j = 0 ; j < CL ; j++ ) {
      if ( inpn ( rsli , i , rsi ) && !inpn ( rslj , j , rsj ) ) 
	    mtrx [ i ][ j ] -= m ;
	  if ( !inpn ( rsli , i , rsi ) && inpn ( rslj , j , rsj ) )
	    mtrx [ i ][ j ] += m ;
  free ( rsli ) ; free ( rslj ) ; 
  rsi = rsj = 0 ;

  #if ( DBG == 1 )
    printf ( "Step 4\n" ) ;
    pmtr ( mtrx , RW , CL ) ;
    printf ( "\n\n" ) ;
  goto l5 ;
  for ( j = 0 ; j < CL ; j++ ) printf ( "For task: %d use worker:%d\n" , j , rslt [ j ] ) ;
  printf ( "\n" ) ;
  return 0 ;
int fqFilterE(float *aBlock, EFFECT *rEffect) {
	memset(aBlock, 0, rmin(rEffect->nFiltMinFreq, nBSize) << 2);
	memset(&aBlock[rmin(rEffect->nFiltMaxFreq, nBSize) << 2], 0, (nBSize - rmin(rEffect->nFiltMaxFreq, nBSize)) << 2);

	return OK;
void srcPositionStudy(Int_t binWidth, TString source, TString geometry) {

  int numFiles = 200; 

  TString simLocation;
  TChain *chain = new TChain("anaTree");

  if (geometry==TString("2011-2012")) simLocation = TString(getenv("SIM_2011_2012"));
  else if (geometry==TString("2012-2013")) simLocation = TString(getenv("SIM_2012_2013"));
  else if (geometry==TString("2012-2013_ISOBUTANE")) simLocation = TString(getenv("SIM_2012_2013_ISOBUTANE"));
  else { std::cout << "BAD GEOMETRY\n"; exit(0); }

  for (int i=0; i<numFiles; i++) {

  Double_t maxEn = 1500.;
  Double_t minEn = 0.;
  Double_t fidMax = 55.;
  Int_t nHists = (int)(fidMax/binWidth);
  std::vector <TH1D*> histsE(nHists, 0);
  std::vector <TH1D*> histsW(nHists, 0);
  std::vector <Double_t> rmin(nHists,0);
  std::vector <Double_t> rmax(nHists,0);
  std::vector <Double_t> rmid(nHists,0);

  //final means and errors
  std::vector < Double_t > EastMeans(nHists,0.);
  std::vector < Double_t > WestMeans(nHists,0.);
  std::vector < Double_t > EastMeanErrors(nHists,0.);
  std::vector < Double_t > WestMeanErrors(nHists,0.);

  for (Int_t i=0; i<nHists; i++) {

    rmin[i] = i*binWidth;
    rmax[i] = (i+1)*binWidth;
    rmid[i] = (double)rmin[i] + (double)binWidth/2.;

    histsE[i] = new TH1D(TString::Format("his%iE",i), 
			 TString::Format("%s %i mm radius bins East", source.Data(),binWidth),
			550, 0., 1100.);
    histsW[i] = new TH1D(TString::Format("his%iW",i), 
			 TString::Format("%s %i mm radius bins West", source.Data(),binWidth),
			550, 0., 1100.);


  Double_t primPos[4];

  // Set the addresses of the information read in from the simulation file

  //Get total number of events in TChain
  UInt_t nevents = chain->GetEntries();
  cout << "events = " << nevents << endl;

  for (Int_t i=0; i<nevents; i++) {

    Int_t nBin = primPos[3]*1000./binWidth;

    if (edepQ.EdepQE>0. && primKE<maxEn && primKE>minEn && mwpcE.MWPCEnergyE>0.1 && primTheta>TMath::Pi()/2.) histsE[nBin]->Fill(edepQ.EdepQE);
    if (edepQ.EdepQW>0. && primKE<maxEn && primKE>minEn && mwpcE.MWPCEnergyW>0.1 && primTheta<TMath::Pi()/2.) histsW[nBin]->Fill(edepQ.EdepQW);

    if (i%100000==0) std::cout << "*";
  std::cout << std::endl;

  TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","c1",1600,1200);
  //TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas("c2");
  Double_t refMeanE = 0., refMeanW = 0.; //This will hold the mean of the center pixel

  std::cout << nHists << endl;  
  for (Int_t i=0; i<nHists; i++) {
    EastMeans[i] = histsE[i]->GetMean();
    EastMeanErrors[i] = EastMeans[i]>0. ? EastMeans[i]/sqrt(histsE[i]->GetEntries()) : 0.;
    //cout << EastMeans[i][0] << " " << EastMeans[i][1] << endl;

    WestMeans[i] = histsW[i]->GetMean();
    WestMeanErrors[i] = WestMeans[i]>0. ? WestMeans[i]/sqrt(histsW[i]->GetEntries()) : 0.;

    if (i==0) { refMeanE = EastMeans[i], refMeanW = WestMeans[i]; }


  //TCanvas *c3 = new TCanvas("c3");

  std::vector <Double_t> xerr(nHists,0.);
  TGraphErrors *gEast = new TGraphErrors(11, &rmax[0],&EastMeans[0],&xerr[0],&EastMeanErrors[0]);
  gEast->SetTitle(TString::Format("East %s Mean EQ vs. position",source.Data()));
  gEast->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Position Bin Edge (mm)");
  gEast->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Energy (keV)");

  TLine *eastLine = new TLine(gEast->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(),refMeanE,gEast->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(),refMeanE);

  //TCanvas *c4 = new TCanvas("c4");

  TGraphErrors *gWest = new TGraphErrors(11, &rmax[0],&WestMeans[0],&xerr[0],&WestMeanErrors[0]);
  gWest->SetTitle(TString::Format("West %s Mean EQ vs. position",source.Data()));
  gWest->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Position Bin Edge (mm)");
  gWest->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Energy (keV)");

  TLine *westLine = new TLine(gWest->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(),refMeanW,gWest->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(),refMeanW);

