Beispiel #1
  Realize the VVS loop for the tracking

  \param nbInfos : Size of the features
  \param w : weight of the features after M-Estimation.
vpMbKltTracker::computeVVS(const unsigned int &nbInfos, vpColVector &w)
  vpMatrix L;     // interaction matrix
  vpColVector R;  // residu
  vpMatrix L_true;     // interaction matrix
  vpMatrix LVJ_true;
  //vpColVector R_true;  // residu
  vpColVector v;  // "speed" for VVS
  vpHomography H;
  vpColVector w_true;
  vpRobust robust(2*nbInfos);

  vpMatrix LTL;
  vpColVector LTR;
  vpHomogeneousMatrix cMoPrev;
  vpHomogeneousMatrix ctTc0_Prev;
  vpColVector error_prev(2*nbInfos);
  double mu = 0.01;
  double normRes = 0;
  double normRes_1 = -1;
  unsigned int iter = 0;

  L.resize(2*nbInfos, 6, 0);

  while( ((int)((normRes - normRes_1)*1e8) != 0 )  && (iter<maxIter) ){
    unsigned int shift = 0;

    computeVVSInteractionMatrixAndResidu(shift, R, L, H, kltPolygons, kltCylinders, ctTc0);

    bool reStartFromLastIncrement = false;

    computeVVSCheckLevenbergMarquardtKlt(iter, nbInfos, cMoPrev, error_prev, ctTc0_Prev, mu, reStartFromLastIncrement);

      computeVVSWeights(iter, nbInfos, R, w_true, w, robust);

      computeVVSPoseEstimation(iter, L, w, L_true, LVJ_true, normRes, normRes_1, w_true, R, LTL, LTR,
          error_prev, v, mu, cMoPrev, ctTc0_Prev);
    } // endif(!reStartFromLastIncrement)
    computeVVSCovariance(w_true, cMoPrev, L_true, LVJ_true);
  \brief Compute the pose using virtual visual servoing approach and
  a robust cotrol law

  This approach is described in

  A.I. Comport, E. Marchand, M. Pressigout, F. Chaumette. Real-time
  markerless tracking for augmented reality: the virtual visual servoing
  framework. IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics,
  12(4):615-628, Juillet 2006.
vpPose::poseVirtualVSrobust(vpHomogeneousMatrix & cMo)

    double  residu_1 = 1e8 ;
    double r =1e8-1;

    // we stop the minimization when the error is bellow 1e-8
    vpMatrix W ;
    vpRobust robust(2*listP.size()) ;
    robust.setThreshold(0.0000) ;
    vpColVector w,res ;

    unsigned int nb = listP.size() ;
    vpMatrix L(2*nb,6) ;
    vpColVector error(2*nb) ;
    vpColVector sd(2*nb),s(2*nb) ;
    vpColVector v ;

    listP.front() ;
    vpPoint P;
    std::list<vpPoint> lP ;

    // create sd
    unsigned int k =0 ;
    for (std::list<vpPoint>::const_iterator it = listP.begin(); it != listP.end(); ++it)
      P = *it;
      sd[2*k] = P.get_x() ;
      sd[2*k+1] = P.get_y() ;
      lP.push_back(P) ;
      k ++;
    int iter = 0 ;
    res.resize(s.getRows()/2) ;
    w.resize(s.getRows()/2) ;
    W.resize(s.getRows(), s.getRows()) ;
    w =1 ;

    while((int)((residu_1 - r)*1e12) !=0)
      residu_1 = r ;

      // Compute the interaction matrix and the error
      vpPoint P ;
      k =0 ;
      for (std::list<vpPoint>::const_iterator it = lP.begin(); it != lP.end(); ++it)
        P = *it;
        // forward projection of the 3D model for a given pose
        // change frame coordinates
        // perspective projection
        P.track(cMo) ;

        double x = s[2*k] = P.get_x();  // point projected from cMo
        double y = s[2*k+1] = P.get_y();
        double Z = P.get_Z() ;
        L[2*k][0] = -1/Z  ;
        L[2*k][1] = 0 ;
        L[2*k][2] = x/Z ;
        L[2*k][3] = x*y ;
        L[2*k][4] = -(1+x*x) ;
        L[2*k][5] = y ;

        L[2*k+1][0] = 0 ;
        L[2*k+1][1]  = -1/Z ;
        L[2*k+1][2] = y/Z ;
        L[2*k+1][3] = 1+y*y ;
        L[2*k+1][4] = -x*y ;
        L[2*k+1][5] = -x ;

        k ++;

      error = s - sd ;

      // compute the residual
      r = error.sumSquare() ;

      for(unsigned int k=0 ; k <error.getRows()/2 ; k++)
        res[k] = vpMath::sqr(error[2*k]) + vpMath::sqr(error[2*k+1]) ;
      robust.MEstimator(vpRobust::TUKEY, res, w);

      // compute the pseudo inverse of the interaction matrix
      for (unsigned int k=0 ; k < error.getRows()/2 ; k++)
        W[2*k][2*k] = w[k] ;
        W[2*k+1][2*k+1] = w[k] ;
      // compute the pseudo inverse of the interaction matrix
      vpMatrix Lp ;
      (W*L).pseudoInverse(Lp,1e-6) ;

      // compute the VVS control law
      v = -lambda*Lp*W*error ;

      cMo = vpExponentialMap::direct(v).inverse()*cMo ; ;
      if (iter++>vvsIterMax) break ;
      covarianceMatrix = vpMatrix::computeCovarianceMatrix(L,v,-lambda*error, W*W); // Remark: W*W = W*W.t() since the matrix is diagonale, but using W*W is more efficient.
    vpERROR_TRACE(" ") ;
    throw ;

vpHomography::computeRotation(unsigned int nbpoint,
                              vpPoint *c1P,
                              vpPoint *c2P,
                              vpHomogeneousMatrix &c2Mc1,
                              int userobust
  vpColVector e(2) ;
  double r_1 = -1 ;

  vpColVector p2(3) ;
  vpColVector p1(3) ;
  vpColVector Hp2(3) ;
  vpColVector Hp1(3) ;

  vpMatrix H2(2,3) ;
  vpColVector e2(2) ;
  vpMatrix H1(2,3) ;
  vpColVector e1(2) ;

  int only_1 = 0 ;
  int only_2 = 0 ;
  int iter = 0 ;

  unsigned int n=0 ;
  for (unsigned int i=0 ; i < nbpoint ; i++) {
    //    if ((c2P[i].get_x() !=-1) && (c1P[i].get_x() !=-1))
    if ( (std::fabs(c2P[i].get_x() + 1) > std::fabs(vpMath::maximum(c2P[i].get_x(), 1.))) 
	 (std::fabs(c1P[i].get_x() + 1) > std::fabs(vpMath::maximum(c1P[i].get_x(), 1.))) )
	n++ ;
  if ((only_1==1) || (only_2==1))  ; else n *=2 ;

  vpRobust robust(n);
  vpColVector res(n) ;
  vpColVector w(n) ;
  w =1 ;
  robust.setThreshold(0.0000) ;
  vpMatrix W(2*n,2*n)  ;
  W = 0 ;
  vpMatrix c2Rc1(3,3) ;
  double r =0 ;
  while (vpMath::equal(r_1,r,threshold_rotation) == false )

    r_1 =r ;
    // compute current position

    //Change frame (current)
    for (unsigned int i=0 ; i < 3 ; i++)
      for (unsigned int j=0 ; j < 3 ; j++)
        c2Rc1[i][j] = c2Mc1[i][j] ;

    vpMatrix L(2,3), Lp ;
    int k =0 ;
    for (unsigned int i=0 ; i < nbpoint ; i++) {
      //if ((c2P[i].get_x() !=-1) && (c1P[i].get_x() !=-1))
      if ( (std::fabs(c2P[i].get_x() + 1) > std::fabs(vpMath::maximum(c2P[i].get_x(), 1.))) 
	   (std::fabs(c1P[i].get_x() + 1) > std::fabs(vpMath::maximum(c1P[i].get_x(), 1.))) )
        p2[0] = c2P[i].get_x() ;
        p2[1] = c2P[i].get_y() ;
        p2[2] = 1.0 ;
        p1[0] = c1P[i].get_x() ;
        p1[1] = c1P[i].get_y() ;
        p1[2] = 1.0 ;

        Hp2 = c2Rc1.t()*p2 ; // p2 = Hp1
        Hp1 = c2Rc1*p1 ;     // p1 = Hp2

        Hp2 /= Hp2[2] ;  // normalisation
        Hp1 /= Hp1[2] ;

        // set up the interaction matrix
        double x = Hp2[0] ;
        double y = Hp2[1] ;

        H2[0][0] = x*y ;   H2[0][1] = -(1+x*x) ; H2[0][2] = y ;
        H2[1][0] = 1+y*y ; H2[1][1] = -x*y ;     H2[1][2] = -x ;
        H2 *=-1 ;
        H2 = H2*c2Rc1.t() ;

        // Set up the error vector
        e2[0] = Hp2[0] - c1P[i].get_x() ;
        e2[1] = Hp2[1] - c1P[i].get_y() ;

        // set up the interaction matrix
        x = Hp1[0] ;
        y = Hp1[1] ;

        H1[0][0] = x*y ;   H1[0][1] = -(1+x*x) ; H1[0][2] = y ;
        H1[1][0] = 1+y*y ; H1[1][1] = -x*y ;     H1[1][2] = -x ;

        // Set up the error vector
        e1[0] = Hp1[0] - c2P[i].get_x() ;
        e1[1] = Hp1[1] - c2P[i].get_y() ;

        if (only_2==1)
          if (k == 0) { L = H2 ; e = e2 ; }
            L = vpMatrix::stackMatrices(L,H2) ;
            e = vpMatrix::stackMatrices(e,e2) ;
          if (only_1==1)
            if (k == 0) { L = H1 ; e= e1 ; }
              L =  vpMatrix::stackMatrices(L,H1) ;
              e = vpMatrix::stackMatrices(e,e1) ;
            if (k == 0) {L = H2 ; e = e2 ; }
              L =  vpMatrix::stackMatrices(L,H2) ;
              e =  vpMatrix::stackMatrices(e,e2) ;
            L =  vpMatrix::stackMatrices(L,H1) ;
            e =  vpMatrix::stackMatrices(e,e1) ;

        k++ ;

    if (userobust)

      for (unsigned int k=0 ; k < n ; k++)
        res[k] = vpMath::sqr(e[2*k]) + vpMath::sqr(e[2*k+1]) ;
      robust.MEstimator(vpRobust::TUKEY, res, w);

      // compute the pseudo inverse of the interaction matrix
      for (unsigned int k=0 ; k < n ; k++)
        W[2*k][2*k] = w[k] ;
        W[2*k+1][2*k+1] = w[k] ;
      for (unsigned int k=0 ; k < 2*n ; k++) W[k][k] = 1 ;
    // CreateDiagonalMatrix(w, W) ;
    (L).pseudoInverse(Lp, 1e-6) ;
    // Compute the camera velocity
    vpColVector c2Rc1, v(6) ;

    c2Rc1 = -2*Lp*W*e  ;
    for (unsigned int i=0 ; i < 3 ; i++) v[i+3] = c2Rc1[i] ;

    // only for simulation

    updatePoseRotation(c2Rc1, c2Mc1) ;
    r =e.sumSquare() ;

    if ((W*e).sumSquare() < 1e-10) break ;
    if (iter>25) break ;
    iter++ ;   // std::cout <<  iter <<"  e=" <<(e).sumSquare() <<"  e=" <<(W*e).sumSquare() <<std::endl ;


  //  std::cout << c2Mc1 <<std::endl ;
  return (W*e).sumSquare() ;
vpHomography::computeDisplacement(unsigned int nbpoint,
                                  vpPoint *c1P,
                                  vpPoint *c2P,
                                  vpPlane *oN,
                                  vpHomogeneousMatrix &c2Mc1,
                                  vpHomogeneousMatrix &c1Mo,
                                  int userobust

  vpColVector e(2) ;
  double r_1 = -1 ;

  vpColVector p2(3) ;
  vpColVector p1(3) ;
  vpColVector Hp2(3) ;
  vpColVector Hp1(3) ;

  vpMatrix H2(2,6) ;
  vpColVector e2(2) ;
  vpMatrix H1(2,6) ;
  vpColVector e1(2) ;

  int only_1 = 1 ;
  int only_2 = 0 ;
  int iter = 0 ;
  unsigned int i ;
  unsigned int n=0 ;
  n = nbpoint ;
  if ((only_1==1) || (only_2==1))  ; else n *=2 ;

  vpRobust robust(n);
  vpColVector res(n) ;
  vpColVector w(n) ;
  w =1 ;
  robust.setThreshold(0.0000) ;
  vpMatrix W(2*n,2*n)  ;
  W = 0 ;

  vpColVector N1(3), N2(3) ;
  double d1, d2 ;

  double r =1e10 ;
  iter =0 ;
  while (vpMath::equal(r_1,r,threshold_displacement) == false )

    r_1 =r ;
    // compute current position

    //Change frame (current)
    vpHomogeneousMatrix c1Mc2, c2Mo ;
    vpRotationMatrix c1Rc2, c2Rc1  ;
    vpTranslationVector c1Tc2, c2Tc1 ;
    c1Mc2 = c2Mc1.inverse() ;
    c2Mc1.extract(c2Rc1) ;
    c2Mc1.extract(c2Tc1) ;
    c2Mc1.extract(c1Rc2) ;
    c1Mc2.extract(c1Tc2) ;

    c2Mo = c2Mc1*c1Mo ;

    vpMatrix L(2,3), Lp ;
    int k =0 ;
    for (i=0 ; i < nbpoint ; i++)
      getPlaneInfo(oN[i], c1Mo, N1, d1) ;
      getPlaneInfo(oN[i], c2Mo, N2, d2) ;
      p2[0] = c2P[i].get_x() ;
      p2[1] = c2P[i].get_y() ;
      p2[2] = 1.0 ;
      p1[0] = c1P[i].get_x() ;
      p1[1] = c1P[i].get_y() ;
      p1[2] = 1.0 ;

      vpMatrix H(3,3) ;

      Hp2 = ((vpMatrix)c1Rc2 + ((vpMatrix)c1Tc2*N2.t())/d2)*p2 ;  // p2 = Hp1
      Hp1 = ((vpMatrix)c2Rc1 + ((vpMatrix)c2Tc1*N1.t())/d1)*p1 ;  // p1 = Hp2

      Hp2 /= Hp2[2] ;  // normalisation
      Hp1 /= Hp1[2] ;

      // set up the interaction matrix
      double x = Hp2[0] ;
      double y = Hp2[1] ;
      double Z1  ;

      Z1 = (N1[0]*x+N1[1]*y+N1[2])/d1 ;        // 1/z

      H2[0][0] = -Z1 ;  H2[0][1] = 0  ;       H2[0][2] = x*Z1 ;
      H2[1][0] = 0 ;     H2[1][1] = -Z1 ;     H2[1][2] = y*Z1 ;
      H2[0][3] = x*y ;   H2[0][4] = -(1+x*x) ; H2[0][5] = y ;
      H2[1][3] = 1+y*y ; H2[1][4] = -x*y ;     H2[1][5] = -x ;
      H2 *=-1 ;

      vpMatrix c1CFc2(6,6) ;
        vpMatrix sTR = c1Tc2.skew()*(vpMatrix)c1Rc2 ;
        for (unsigned int k=0 ; k < 3 ; k++)
          for (unsigned int l=0 ; l<3 ; l++)
            c1CFc2[k][l] = c1Rc2[k][l] ;
            c1CFc2[k+3][l+3] = c1Rc2[k][l] ;
            c1CFc2[k][l+3] = sTR[k][l] ;
      H2 = H2*c1CFc2 ;

      // Set up the error vector
      e2[0] = Hp2[0] - c1P[i].get_x() ;
      e2[1] = Hp2[1] - c1P[i].get_y() ;

      x = Hp1[0] ;
      y = Hp1[1] ;

      Z1 = (N2[0]*x+N2[1]*y+N2[2])/d2 ; // 1/z

      H1[0][0] = -Z1 ;  H1[0][1] = 0  ;       H1[0][2] = x*Z1 ;
      H1[1][0] = 0 ;     H1[1][1] = -Z1 ;     H1[1][2] = y*Z1;
      H1[0][3] = x*y ;   H1[0][4] = -(1+x*x) ; H1[0][5] = y ;
      H1[1][3] = 1+y*y ; H1[1][4] = -x*y ;     H1[1][5] = -x ;

      // Set up the error vector
      e1[0] = Hp1[0] - c2P[i].get_x() ;
      e1[1] = Hp1[1] - c2P[i].get_y() ;

      if (only_2==1)
        if (k == 0) { L = H2 ; e = e2 ; }
          L = vpMatrix::stackMatrices(L,H2) ;
          e = vpMatrix::stackMatrices(e,e2) ;
        if (only_1==1)
          if (k == 0) { L = H1 ; e= e1 ; }
            L = vpMatrix::stackMatrices(L,H1) ;
            e = vpMatrix::stackMatrices(e,e1) ;
          if (k == 0) {L = H2 ; e = e2 ; }
            L = vpMatrix::stackMatrices(L,H2) ;
            e = vpMatrix::stackMatrices(e,e2) ;
          L = vpMatrix::stackMatrices(L,H1) ;
          e = vpMatrix::stackMatrices(e,e1) ;

      k++ ;

    if (userobust)
      for (unsigned int k=0 ; k < n ; k++)
        res[k] = vpMath::sqr(e[2*k]) + vpMath::sqr(e[2*k+1]) ;
      robust.MEstimator(vpRobust::TUKEY, res, w);

      // compute the pseudo inverse of the interaction matrix
      for (unsigned int k=0 ; k < n ; k++)
        W[2*k][2*k] = w[k] ;
        W[2*k+1][2*k+1] = w[k] ;
      for (unsigned int k=0 ; k < 2*n ; k++) W[k][k] = 1 ;
    (W*L).pseudoInverse(Lp, 1e-16) ;
    // Compute the camera velocity
    vpColVector c2Tcc1 ;

    c2Tcc1 = -1*Lp*W*e  ;

    // only for simulation

    c2Mc1 = vpExponentialMap::direct(c2Tcc1).inverse()*c2Mc1 ; ;
    //   UpdatePose2(c2Tcc1, c2Mc1) ;
    r =(W*e).sumSquare() ;

  if (r < 1e-15)  {break ; }
    if (iter>1000){break ; }
    if (r>r_1) {  break ; }
    iter++ ;

  return (W*e).sumSquare() ;

AbstractBuffer<int32_t> ADCensus::constructDisparityMap(const AbstractBuffer<pixel> *leftImage, const AbstractBuffer<pixel> *rightImage,
                                                        const AbstractBuffer<grayPixel> *leftGrayImage, const AbstractBuffer<grayPixel> *rightGrayImage) {
    // Initialization

    int width = leftImage->w;
    int height = leftImage->h;

    BaseTimeStatisticsCollector collector;
    Statistics outerStats;
    outerStats.setValue("H", height);
    outerStats.setValue("W", width);

    AbstractBuffer<int32_t> bestDisparities = AbstractBuffer<int32_t>(height, width);
    AbstractBuffer<COST_TYPE> minCosts = AbstractBuffer<COST_TYPE>(height, width);

    // Disparity computation

    AbstractBuffer<int64_t> leftCensus  = AbstractBuffer<int64_t>(height, width);
    AbstractBuffer<int64_t> rightCensus = AbstractBuffer<int64_t>(height, width);
    makeCensus(leftGrayImage, leftCensus);
    makeCensus(rightGrayImage, rightCensus);
    outerStats.resetInterval("Making census");

    outerStats.resetInterval("Making aggregation crosses");

    for (uint i = 0; i < CORE_COUNT_OF(table1); i++)
        table1[i] = robust(i, lambdaCT);
        table2[i] = robust(i, lambdaAD);

    bool parallelDisp = true;

    parallelable_for(0, width / 3,
                     [this, &minCosts, &bestDisparities, &leftImage, &rightImage,
                     &leftCensus, &rightCensus, &collector, height, width, parallelDisp](const BlockedRange<int> &r)
        for (int d = r.begin(); d != r.end(); ++d) {
            Statistics stats;
            AbstractBuffer<COST_TYPE> costs = AbstractBuffer<COST_TYPE>(height, width);
            stats.resetInterval("Matrix construction");

            parallelable_for(windowHh, height - windowHh,
                             [this, &costs, &leftImage, &rightImage, &leftCensus, &rightCensus, d, width](const BlockedRange<int> &r)
                for (int y = r.begin(); y != r.end(); ++y) {
                    auto *im1 = &leftImage->element(y, windowWh + d);
                    auto *im2 = &rightImage->element(y, windowWh);

                    int64_t *cen1 = &leftCensus.element(y, windowWh + d);
                    int64_t *cen2 = &rightCensus.element(y, windowWh);

                    int x = windowWh + d;

#ifdef WITH_SSE
                    for (; x < width - windowWh; x += 8) {
                        FixedVector<Int16x8, 4> c1 = SSEReader8BBBB_DDDD::read((uint32_t *)im1);
                        FixedVector<Int16x8, 4> c2 = SSEReader8BBBB_DDDD::read((uint32_t *)im2);

                        UInt16x8 dr = SSEMath::difference(UInt16x8(c1[RGBColor::FIELD_R]), UInt16x8(c2[RGBColor::FIELD_R]));
                        UInt16x8 dg = SSEMath::difference(UInt16x8(c1[RGBColor::FIELD_G]), UInt16x8(c2[RGBColor::FIELD_G]));
                        UInt16x8 db = SSEMath::difference(UInt16x8(c1[RGBColor::FIELD_B]), UInt16x8(c2[RGBColor::FIELD_B]));

                        UInt16x8 ad = (dr + dg + db) >> 2;
                        Int16x8 cost_ad = Int16x8(robustLUTAD(ad[0]),

                        Int64x2 cen10(&cen1[0]);
                        Int64x2 cen12(&cen1[2]);
                        Int64x2 cen14(&cen1[4]);
                        Int64x2 cen16(&cen1[6]);

                        Int64x2 cen20(&cen2[0]);
                        Int64x2 cen22(&cen2[2]);
                        Int64x2 cen24(&cen2[4]);
                        Int64x2 cen26(&cen2[6]);

                        Int64x2 diff0 = cen10 ^ cen20;
                        Int64x2 diff2 = cen12 ^ cen22;
                        Int64x2 diff4 = cen14 ^ cen24;
                        Int64x2 diff6 = cen16 ^ cen26;

                        Int16x8 cost_ct(robustLUTCen(_mm_popcnt_u64(diff0.getInt(0))), robustLUTCen(_mm_popcnt_u64(diff0.getInt(1))),
                                        robustLUTCen(_mm_popcnt_u64(diff2.getInt(0))), robustLUTCen(_mm_popcnt_u64(diff2.getInt(1))),
                                        robustLUTCen(_mm_popcnt_u64(diff4.getInt(0))), robustLUTCen(_mm_popcnt_u64(diff4.getInt(1))),
                                        robustLUTCen(_mm_popcnt_u64(diff6.getInt(0))), robustLUTCen(_mm_popcnt_u64(diff6.getInt(1))));

                        Int16x8 cost_total = cost_ad + cost_ct;
                        for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
                            costs.element(y, x + i) = cost_total[i];

                        im1 += 8;
                        im2 += 8;
                        cen1+= 8;
                        cen2+= 8;
                    for (; x < width - windowWh; ++x) {
                        uint8_t c_ad = costAD(*im1, *im2);
                        uint8_t c_census = hammingDist(*cen1, *cen2);

                        costs.element(y, x) = robustLUTCen(c_census) + robustLUTAD(c_ad);

                        im1 ++;
                        im2 ++;
            }, !parallelDisp

            stats.resetInterval("Cost computation");

            aggregateCosts(&costs, windowWh + d, windowHh, width - windowWh, height - windowHh);

            stats.resetInterval("Cost aggregation");

            for (int x = windowWh + d; x < width - windowWh; ++x) {
                for (int y = windowHh; y < height - windowHh; ++y) {
                    if(costs.element(y, x) < minCosts.element(y, x)) {
                        minCosts.element(y, x) = costs.element(y, x);
                        bestDisparities.element(y, x) = d;

                        //result.element(y,x) = (bestDisparities.element(y, x) / (double)width * 255 * 3);
            //BMPLoader().save("../../result.bmp", result);

            stats.endInterval("Comparing with previous minimum");

    }, parallelDisp);