Beispiel #1
RL::Heap::on_edit_form_submitted (bool submitted,
				  Ekiga::Form& result)
  if (!submitted)

  std::string name_str = result.text ("name");
  std::string root_str = result.text ("root");
  std::string user_str = result.text ("user");
  std::string username_str = result.text ("username");
  std::string password_str = result.private_text ("password");
  bool writable = result.boolean ("writable");

  if (writable)
    xmlSetProp (node, BAD_CAST "writable", BAD_CAST "1");
    xmlSetProp (node, BAD_CAST "writable", BAD_CAST "0");
  robust_xmlNodeSetContent (node, &name, "name", name_str);
  robust_xmlNodeSetContent (node, &root, "root", root_str);
  robust_xmlNodeSetContent (node, &user, "user", user_str);
  robust_xmlNodeSetContent (node, &username, "username", username_str);
  robust_xmlNodeSetContent (node, &password, "password", password_str);

  trigger_saving.emit ();
  updated.emit ();
  refresh ();
Beispiel #2
OPENLDAP::Book::on_edit_form_submitted (bool submitted,
					Ekiga::Form &result,
                                        std::string &error)
  if (!submitted)
    return false;

  if (OPENLDAP::BookFormInfo (result, bookinfo, error)) {
    return false;

  robust_xmlNodeSetContent (node, &name_node, "name",;

  robust_xmlNodeSetContent (node, &uri_node, "uri", bookinfo.uri);

  robust_xmlNodeSetContent (node, &authcID_node, "authcID", bookinfo.authcID);

  robust_xmlNodeSetContent (node, &password_node, "password", bookinfo.password);

  if (bookinfo.uri_host == EKIGA_NET_URI)
    I_am_an_ekiga_net_book = true;
    I_am_an_ekiga_net_book = false;

  updated (this->shared_from_this ());
  trigger_saving ();

  return true;
Beispiel #3
RL::Presentity::edit_presentity_form_submitted (bool submitted,
        Ekiga::Form &result)
    if (!submitted)

    const std::string new_name = result.text ("name");
    const std::string new_uri = result.text ("uri");
    const std::set<std::string> new_groups = result.editable_set ("groups");
    std::map<std::string, xmlNodePtr> future_group_nodes;
    xmlNsPtr ns = xmlSearchNsByHref (node->doc, node,
                                     BAD_CAST "");
    bool reload = false;

    robust_xmlNodeSetContent (node, &name_node, "name", new_name);

    if (uri != new_uri) {

        xmlSetProp (node, (const xmlChar*)"uri", (const xmlChar*)uri.c_str ());
        boost::shared_ptr<Ekiga::PresenceCore> presence_core(services.get<Ekiga::PresenceCore> ("presence-core"));
        presence_core->unfetch_presence (uri);
        reload = true;

    for (std::map<std::string, xmlNodePtr>::const_iterator iter
            = group_nodes.begin ();
            iter != group_nodes.end () ;
            iter++) {

        if (new_groups.find (iter->first) == new_groups.end ()) {

            xmlUnlinkNode (iter->second);
            xmlFreeNode (iter->second);
        else {
            future_group_nodes[iter->first] = iter->second;

    for (std::set<std::string>::const_iterator iter = new_groups.begin ();
            iter != new_groups.end ();
            iter++) {

        if (std::find (groups.begin (), groups.end (), *iter) == groups.end ())
            future_group_nodes[*iter] = xmlNewChild (node, ns,
                                        BAD_CAST "group",
                                        BAD_CAST robust_xmlEscape (node->doc, *iter).c_str ());

    group_nodes = future_group_nodes;
    groups = new_groups;

    save (reload);
Beispiel #4
Local::Presentity::edit_presentity_form_submitted (bool submitted,
						   Ekiga::Form &result)
  if (!submitted)

  const std::string new_name = result.text ("name");
  const std::set<std::string> groups = get_groups ();
  const std::set<std::string> new_groups = result.editable_set ("groups");
  std::string new_uri = result.text ("uri");
  const std::string uri = get_uri ();
  bool preferred = result.boolean ("preferred");
  std::set<xmlNodePtr> nodes_to_remove;

  new_uri = canonize_uri (new_uri);

  for (xmlNodePtr child = node->children ;
       child != NULL ;
       child = child->next) {

    if (child->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE
        && child->name != NULL) {

      if (xmlStrEqual (BAD_CAST ("name"), child->name)) {

	robust_xmlNodeSetContent (node, &child, "name", new_name);

  if (uri != new_uri) {

    boost::shared_ptr<Ekiga::PresenceCore> pcore = presence_core.lock ();
    if (pcore) {
      pcore->unfetch_presence (uri);
      pcore->fetch_presence (new_uri);
    presence = "unknown";
    xmlSetProp (node, (const xmlChar*)"uri", (const xmlChar*)new_uri.c_str ());

  // the first loop looks at groups we were in : are we still in ?
  for (xmlNodePtr child = node->children ;
       child != NULL ;
       child = child->next) {

    if (child->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE
        && child->name != NULL) {

      if (xmlStrEqual (BAD_CAST ("group"), child->name)) {

	xmlChar* xml_str = xmlNodeGetContent (child);

	if (xml_str != NULL) {

	  if (new_groups.find ((const char*) xml_str) == new_groups.end ()) {

	    nodes_to_remove.insert (child); // don't free what we loop on!
	  xmlFree (xml_str);

  // ok, now we can clean up!
  for (std::set<xmlNodePtr>::iterator iter = nodes_to_remove.begin ();
       iter != nodes_to_remove.end ();
       ++iter) {

    xmlUnlinkNode (*iter);
    xmlFreeNode (*iter);

  // the second loop looking for groups we weren't in but are now
  for (std::set<std::string>::const_iterator iter = new_groups.begin ();
       iter != new_groups.end ();
       iter++) {

    if (std::find (groups.begin (), groups.end (), *iter) == groups.end ()) {
      xmlNewChild (node, NULL,
		   BAD_CAST "group",
		   BAD_CAST robust_xmlEscape (node->doc, *iter).c_str ());

  if (preferred) {

    xmlSetProp (node, BAD_CAST "preferred", BAD_CAST "true");
  } else {

    xmlSetProp (node, BAD_CAST "preferred", BAD_CAST "false");

  updated ();
  trigger_saving ();
Beispiel #5
OPENLDAP::Book::Book (Ekiga::ServiceCore &_core,
		      boost::shared_ptr<xmlDoc> _doc,
		      xmlNodePtr _node):
  saslform(NULL), core(_core), doc(_doc), node(_node),
  name_node(NULL), uri_node(NULL), authcID_node(NULL), password_node(NULL),
  ldap_context(NULL), patience(0)
  xmlChar *xml_str;
  bool upgrade_config = false;

  /* for previous config */
  std::string hostname="", port="", base="", scope="", call_attribute="";
  xmlNodePtr hostname_node = NULL, port_node = NULL, base_node = NULL,
    scope_node = NULL, call_attribute_node = NULL; = "";
  bookinfo.uri = "";
  bookinfo.authcID = "";
  bookinfo.password = "";
  bookinfo.saslMech = "";
  bookinfo.sasl = false;
  bookinfo.starttls = false;

  for (xmlNodePtr child = node->children ;
       child != NULL;
       child = child->next) {

    if (child->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE
	&& child->name != NULL) {

      if (xmlStrEqual (BAD_CAST ("name"), child->name)) {

	xml_str = xmlNodeGetContent (child); = (const char *)xml_str;
	xmlFree (xml_str);
	name_node = child;

      if (xmlStrEqual (BAD_CAST ("uri"), child->name)) {

	xml_str = xmlNodeGetContent (child);
	bookinfo.uri = (const char *)xml_str;
	xmlFree (xml_str);
	uri_node = child;

      if (xmlStrEqual (BAD_CAST ("hostname"), child->name)) {

	xml_str = xmlNodeGetContent (child);
	hostname = (const char *)xml_str;
	hostname_node = child;
	xmlFree (xml_str);
	upgrade_config = true;
      if (xmlStrEqual (BAD_CAST ("port"), child->name)) {

	xml_str = xmlNodeGetContent (child);
	port = (const char *)xml_str;
	port_node = child;
	xmlFree (xml_str);
	upgrade_config = true;

      if (xmlStrEqual (BAD_CAST ("base"), child->name)) {

	xml_str = xmlNodeGetContent (child);
	base = (const char *)xml_str;
	base_node = child;
	xmlFree (xml_str);
	upgrade_config = true;

      if (xmlStrEqual (BAD_CAST ("scope"), child->name)) {

	xml_str = xmlNodeGetContent (child);
	scope = (const char *)xml_str;
	scope_node = child;
	xmlFree (xml_str);
	upgrade_config = true;

      if (xmlStrEqual (BAD_CAST ("call_attribute"), child->name)) {

	xml_str = xmlNodeGetContent (child);
	call_attribute = (const char *)xml_str;
	call_attribute_node = child;
	xmlFree (xml_str);
	upgrade_config = true;

      if (xmlStrEqual (BAD_CAST ("authcID"), child->name)) {

	xml_str = xmlNodeGetContent (child);
	bookinfo.authcID = (const char *)xml_str;
	authcID_node = child;
	xmlFree (xml_str);

      if (xmlStrEqual (BAD_CAST ("password"), child->name)) {

	xml_str = xmlNodeGetContent (child);
	bookinfo.password = (const char *)xml_str;
	password_node = child;
	xmlFree (xml_str);
  if (upgrade_config) {

    if (!uri_node) {

      LDAPURLDesc *url_tmp = NULL;
      char *url_str;
      std::string new_uri;
      if (hostname.empty())
      new_uri = std::string("ldap://") + hostname;
      if (!port.empty())
        new_uri += std::string(":") + port;
      new_uri += "/?cn," + call_attribute + "?" + scope;
      ldap_url_parse (new_uri.c_str(), &url_tmp);
      url_tmp->lud_dn = (char *)base.c_str();
      url_str = ldap_url_desc2str (url_tmp);
      bookinfo.uri = std::string(url_str);
      ldap_memfree (url_str);
      robust_xmlNodeSetContent (node, &uri_node, "uri", bookinfo.uri);
      url_tmp->lud_dn = NULL;
      ldap_free_urldesc (url_tmp);
    if (hostname_node) {

      xmlUnlinkNode (hostname_node);
      xmlFreeNode (hostname_node);
    if (port_node) {

      xmlUnlinkNode (port_node);
      xmlFreeNode (port_node);
    if (base_node) {

      xmlUnlinkNode (base_node);
      xmlFreeNode (base_node);
    if (scope_node) {

      xmlUnlinkNode (scope_node);
      xmlFreeNode (scope_node);
    if (call_attribute_node) {

      xmlUnlinkNode (call_attribute_node);
      xmlFreeNode (call_attribute_node);
    trigger_saving ();
  OPENLDAP::BookInfoParse (bookinfo);
  if (bookinfo.uri_host == EKIGA_NET_URI)
    I_am_an_ekiga_net_book = true;
    I_am_an_ekiga_net_book = false;

  /* Actor stuff */
  add_action (Ekiga::ActionPtr (new Ekiga::Action ("edit-book", _("_Edit"),
                                                   boost::bind (&OPENLDAP::Book::edit, this))));
  add_action (Ekiga::ActionPtr (new Ekiga::Action ("remove-book", _("_Remove"),
                                                   boost::bind (&OPENLDAP::Book::remove, this))));
  add_action (Ekiga::ActionPtr (new Ekiga::Action ("refresh-book", _("_Refresh"),
                                                   boost::bind (&OPENLDAP::Book::refresh, this))));
Beispiel #6
Opal::Presentity::edit_presentity_form_submitted (bool submitted,
                                                  Ekiga::Form &result,
                                                  std::string &error)
  if (!submitted)
    return false;

  const std::string new_name = result.text ("name");
  const std::list<std::string> groups = get_groups ();
  const std::list<std::string> new_groups = result.editable_list ("groups");
  std::string new_uri = result.text ("uri");
  const std::string uri = get_uri ();
  std::set<xmlNodePtr> nodes_to_remove;

  if (new_name.empty ()) {
    error = _("You did not provide a valid name");
    return false;
  else if (new_uri.empty ()) {
    error = _("You did not provide a valid address");
    return false;

  new_uri = canonize_uri (new_uri);

  for (xmlNodePtr child = node->children ;
       child != NULL ;
       child = child->next) {

    if (child->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE
        && child->name != NULL)
      if (xmlStrEqual (BAD_CAST ("name"), child->name))
        robust_xmlNodeSetContent (node, &child, "name", new_name);

  if (uri != new_uri) {
    xmlSetProp (node, (const xmlChar*)"uri", (const xmlChar*)new_uri.c_str ());
    account.unfetch (uri);
    account.fetch (new_uri);
    Ekiga::Runtime::run_in_main (boost::bind (&Opal::Account::presence_status_in_main, &account, new_uri, "unknown", ""));

  // the first loop looks at groups we were in: are we still in?
  for (xmlNodePtr child = node->children ;
       child != NULL ;
       child = child->next) {

    if (child->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE
        && child->name != NULL) {

      if (xmlStrEqual (BAD_CAST ("group"), child->name)) {

        xmlChar* xml_str = xmlNodeGetContent (child);

        if (xml_str != NULL) {
          if (std::find (new_groups.begin (), new_groups.end (), (const char*) xml_str) == new_groups.end ())
            nodes_to_remove.insert (child); // don't free what we loop on!
          xmlFree (xml_str);

  // ok, now we can clean up!
  for (std::set<xmlNodePtr>::iterator iter = nodes_to_remove.begin ();
       iter != nodes_to_remove.end ();
       ++iter) {

    xmlUnlinkNode (*iter);
    xmlFreeNode (*iter);

  // the second loop looks for groups we weren't in but are now
  for (std::list<std::string>::const_iterator iter = new_groups.begin ();
       iter != new_groups.end ();
       iter++) {

    if (std::find (groups.begin (), groups.end (), *iter) == groups.end ())
      xmlNewChild (node, NULL,
                   BAD_CAST "group",
                   BAD_CAST robust_xmlEscape (node->doc, *iter).c_str ());

  updated (this->shared_from_this ());
  trigger_saving ();

  return true;