Beispiel #1
/* x86-64 doesn't use asm version */
void make_decode_tables_mmx(mpg123_handle *fr)
	int i,j,val;
	int idx = 0;
	short *ptr = (short *)fr->decwins;
	/* Scale is always based on 1.0 . */
	double scaleval = -0.5*(fr->lastscale < 0 ? fr->p.outscale : fr->lastscale);
	debug1("MMX decode tables with scaleval %g", scaleval);
		if(idx < 512+16)
		fr->decwin_mmx[idx+16] = fr->decwin_mmx[idx] = DOUBLE_TO_REAL((double) intwinbase[j] * scaleval);
		if(i % 32 == 31)
		idx -= 1023;
		if(i % 64 == 63)
		scaleval = - scaleval;
	for( /* i=256 */ ;i<512;i++,j--,idx+=32)
		if(idx < 512+16)
		fr->decwin_mmx[idx+16] = fr->decwin_mmx[idx] = DOUBLE_TO_REAL((double) intwinbase[j] * scaleval);
		if(i % 32 == 31)
		idx -= 1023;
		if(i % 64 == 63)
		scaleval = - scaleval;
	for(i=0; i<512; i++) {
		if(i&1) val = rounded(fr->decwin_mmx[i]*0.5);
		else val = rounded(fr->decwin_mmx[i]*-0.5);
		if(val > 32767) val = 32767;
		else if(val < -32768) val = -32768;
		ptr[i] = val;
	for(i=512; i<512+32; i++) {
		if(i&1) val = rounded(fr->decwin_mmx[i]*0.5);
		else val = 0;
		if(val > 32767) val = 32767;
		else if(val < -32768) val = -32768;
		ptr[i] = val;
	for(i=0; i<512; i++) {
		val = rounded(fr->decwin_mmx[511-i]*-0.5);
		if(val > 32767) val = 32767;
		else if(val < -32768) val = -32768;
		ptr[512+32+i] = val;
	debug("decode tables done");
Beispiel #2
// [[Rcpp::export]]
IntegerVector bootPerm(const int n) {
    RNGScope scope;
    NumericVector unRound(runif(n, 0, n));
    NumericVector rounded(floor(unRound));
    IntegerVector out = Rcpp::as< IntegerVector >(rounded);
    return out;
Beispiel #3
static inline QSize maybeRoundToNextPowerOfTwo(const QSize &sz)
#ifdef QT_OPENGL_ES_2
    QSize rounded(qt_next_power_of_two(sz.width()), qt_next_power_of_two(sz.height()));
    if (rounded.width() * rounded.height() < 1.20 * sz.width() * sz.height())
        return rounded;
    return sz;
Beispiel #4
FloatRect GraphicsContext::roundToDevicePixels(const FloatRect& rect, RoundingMode /* mode */)
    FloatRect rounded(rect);
    return rounded;
QPixmap SenderAvatarProvider::drawAvatar(const QString &url, const QSize &renderSize)
    auto userSettings = inbox_.userSettings();

    // Cut query string from URL
    QString path = url.split("?").at(0);

    if (path != userSettings->address())
        Log.w() << "Requested avatar url does not match user's Kullo address: " << url;

    QPixmap out = getUserAvatarData(url, renderSize, userSettings);
    return rounded(out);
Beispiel #6
marktable(const int day, const int ibin, const int unused) {
	int label, counter, k;
	printf(" ");
	for (counter = 0, label = 0; label < LENGTH(convert); label++) {
		const unsigned int time = rounded(data[IDX(day, ibin, label)] * 5,
			bin * daycounter[day]);
		for (k = 0; k < time; k++) {
			if (counter < 5)
				printf("%c", convert[label].mark);
	for (; counter < 5; counter++)
		printf(" ");
int QtGnuplotWidget::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a)
    _id = QWidget::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a);
    if (_id < 0)
        return _id;
    if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) {
        if (_id < 8)
            qt_static_metacall(this, _c, _id, _a);
        _id -= 8;
      else if (_c == QMetaObject::ReadProperty) {
        void *_v = _a[0];
        switch (_id) {
        case 0: *reinterpret_cast< bool*>(_v) = antialias(); break;
        case 1: *reinterpret_cast< bool*>(_v) = rounded(); break;
        case 2: *reinterpret_cast< bool*>(_v) = replotOnResize(); break;
        case 3: *reinterpret_cast< QColor*>(_v) = backgroundColor(); break;
        case 4: *reinterpret_cast< bool*>(_v) = statusLabelActive(); break;
        _id -= 5;
    } else if (_c == QMetaObject::WriteProperty) {
        void *_v = _a[0];
        switch (_id) {
        case 0: setAntialias(*reinterpret_cast< bool*>(_v)); break;
        case 1: setRounded(*reinterpret_cast< bool*>(_v)); break;
        case 2: setReplotOnResize(*reinterpret_cast< bool*>(_v)); break;
        case 3: setBackgroundColor(*reinterpret_cast< QColor*>(_v)); break;
        case 4: setStatusLabelActive(*reinterpret_cast< bool*>(_v)); break;
        _id -= 5;
    } else if (_c == QMetaObject::ResetProperty) {
        _id -= 5;
    } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyDesignable) {
        _id -= 5;
    } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyScriptable) {
        _id -= 5;
    } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyStored) {
        _id -= 5;
    } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyEditable) {
        _id -= 5;
    } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyUser) {
        _id -= 5;
    return _id;
Beispiel #8
std::string DecimalDecNumber::toStringAllowScientific(uint32 decimalPlaces) const
   if (!isZero() && !isInfinity() && !decNumberIsNaN(&m_value))
      static const int BUFFER_SIZE = 256;
      char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
         DecimalDecNumber rounded(*this);
         rounded.round(decimalPlaces, RoundingMode::ROUND_TO_ZERO);
         decNumberToString(&rounded.m_value, buffer);

      char * e = buffer + strlen(buffer);
      char * f = std::find(buffer, e, '+');
      if (f != e)
         return buffer;
   return toString(decimalPlaces);
QPixmap ConversationAvatarProvider::drawAvatar(const QString &url, const QSize &renderSize)
    if (!inbox_.loggedIn())
        return QPixmap();

    // Cut query string from URL
    QString path = url.split("?").at(0);

    bool okConvId;
    auto convId = path.toInt(&okConvId);
    if (!okConvId || convId < 0)
        Log.e() << "Invalid conversation avatar request string: " << url;
        return QPixmap();

    Qml::ConversationModel *conv = inbox_.conversationsListSource()->get(convId);
    if (!conv)
        Log.e() << "Conversation for conversation avatar not found: " << convId;
        return QPixmap();

    auto participantsAddresses = conv->participantsAddresses();

    QPixmap out;
    if (participantsAddresses.size() == 1)
        out = getAvatarForAddress(participantsAddresses[0], renderSize);
    else if (participantsAddresses.size() <= 4)
        out = composeAvatar(participantsAddresses, renderSize);
        out = getFallbackAvatar(QString::number(participantsAddresses.size()), renderSize);

    return rounded(out);
CalculateRectToZoomTo(const nsCOMPtr<nsIDocument>& aRootContentDocument,
                      const CSSPoint& aPoint)
  // Ensure the layout information we get is up-to-date.

  // An empty rect as return value is interpreted as "zoom out".
  const CSSRect zoomOut;

  nsCOMPtr<nsIPresShell> shell = aRootContentDocument->GetShell();
  if (!shell) {
    return zoomOut;

  nsIScrollableFrame* rootScrollFrame = shell->GetRootScrollFrameAsScrollable();
  if (!rootScrollFrame) {
    return zoomOut;

  nsCOMPtr<dom::Element> element = ElementFromPoint(shell, aPoint);
  if (!element) {
    return zoomOut;

  while (element && !ShouldZoomToElement(element)) {
    element = element->GetParentElement();

  if (!element) {
    return zoomOut;

  FrameMetrics metrics = nsLayoutUtils::CalculateBasicFrameMetrics(rootScrollFrame);
  CSSRect compositedArea(metrics.GetScrollOffset(), metrics.CalculateCompositedSizeInCssPixels());
  const CSSCoord margin = 15;
  CSSRect rect = nsLayoutUtils::GetBoundingContentRect(element, rootScrollFrame);

  // If the element is taller than the visible area of the page scale
  // the height of the |rect| so that it has the same aspect ratio as
  // the root frame.  The clipped |rect| is centered on the y value of
  // the touch point. This allows tall narrow elements to be zoomed.
  if (!rect.IsEmpty() && compositedArea.width > 0.0f) {
    const float widthRatio = rect.width / compositedArea.width;
    float targetHeight = compositedArea.height * widthRatio;
    if (widthRatio < 0.9 && targetHeight < rect.height) {
      const CSSPoint scrollPoint = CSSPoint::FromAppUnits(rootScrollFrame->GetScrollPosition());
      float newY = aPoint.y + scrollPoint.y - (targetHeight * 0.5f);
      if ((newY + targetHeight) > (rect.y + rect.height)) {
        rect.y += rect.height - targetHeight;
      } else if (newY > rect.y) {
        rect.y = newY;
      rect.height = targetHeight;

  rect = CSSRect(std::max(metrics.GetScrollableRect().x, rect.x - margin),
                 rect.width + 2 * margin,
  // Constrict the rect to the screen's right edge
  rect.width = std::min(rect.width, metrics.GetScrollableRect().XMost() - rect.x);

  // If the rect is already taking up most of the visible area and is
  // stretching the width of the page, then we want to zoom out instead.
  if (IsRectZoomedIn(rect, compositedArea)) {
    return zoomOut;

  CSSRect rounded(rect);

  // If the block we're zooming to is really tall, and the user double-tapped
  // more than a screenful of height from the top of it, then adjust the
  // y-coordinate so that we center the actual point the user double-tapped
  // upon. This prevents flying to the top of the page when double-tapping
  // to zoom in (bug 761721). The 1.2 multiplier is just a little fuzz to
  // compensate for 'rect' including horizontal margins but not vertical ones.
  CSSCoord cssTapY = metrics.GetScrollOffset().y + aPoint.y;
  if ((rect.height > rounded.height) && (cssTapY > rounded.y + (rounded.height * 1.2))) {
    rounded.y = cssTapY - (rounded.height / 2);

  return rounded;
Beispiel #11
TransformEPS::mapY( double y ) const
  return rounded( y * _scale + _deltaY );
Beispiel #12
Transform::scale( double x ) const
  return rounded( x * _scale );
Beispiel #13
TransformCairo::mapY( double y ) const
  return rounded( _height - ( y * _scale + _deltaY ) );
QPixmap MessageAvatarProvider::drawAvatar(const QString &url, const QSize &renderSize)
    if (!inbox_.loggedIn())
        return QPixmap();

    // Cut query string from URL
    QString path = url.split("?").at(0);

    // Example request path:
    QStringList convIdAndMsgId = path.split('/');
    if (convIdAndMsgId.size() != 3)
        return QPixmap();

    bool okConvId;
    bool okMsgId;
    auto convId = convIdAndMsgId[1].toInt(&okConvId);
    auto msgId = convIdAndMsgId[2].toInt(&okMsgId);
    if (!okConvId || !okMsgId || convId < 0 || msgId < 0)
        Log.w() << "Invalid message avatar request string: " << url;
        return QPixmap();

    Qml::ConversationModel *conv = inbox_.conversationsListSource()->get(convId);
    if (!conv)
        Log.e() << "Conversation for message avatar not found: " << convId;
        return QPixmap();

    Qml::MessageModel *msg = conv->messages()->get(msgId);
    if (!msg)
        Log.e() << "Message for avatar not found: " << msgId;
        return QPixmap();

    QPixmap out;
    QPixmap avatar = msg->sender()->avatar();
    if (!avatar.isNull())
        if (avatar.width() != avatar.height())
            Log.w() << "Avatar must be square at this point "
                    << "(" << QSize(avatar.width(), avatar.height()) << ")"
                    << ": " << url;

        out = avatar.scaled(renderSize, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
        out = getFallbackAvatar(msg->sender()->name(), renderSize);

    return rounded(out);
Beispiel #15
// Lalit: toString should "truncate" values rather than round
std::string DecimalDecNumber::toString(uint32 decimalPlaces) const
   // Remove these statics if we ever get a short string optimisation in place (gcc 4.1)
   static const std::string zero = "0.0";
   static const std::string posinf = "+INF";
   static const std::string neginf = "-INF";
   static const std::string nan = "NaN";

   if (isZero())
      return zero;
   else if (isInfinity())
      return isNegative() ? neginf : posinf;
   else if (decNumberIsNaN(&m_value))
      // TODO: is it possible to have positive/negative nans?
      return nan;
   static const int BUFFER_SIZE = 256;
   char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
      DecimalDecNumber rounded(*this);
      rounded.round(decimalPlaces, RoundingMode::ROUND_TO_ZERO);
      decNumberToString(&rounded.m_value, buffer);

   // printf("after round: %s\n", buffer);

   char * b = buffer;
   char * e = buffer + strlen(buffer);
   unpackScientificFormat(b, e, BUFFER_SIZE, decimalPlaces);

   if ((e-b) == 3 && strcmp(buffer, "NaN") == 0)
      return buffer;
   else if (std::find(b, e, '.') == e)
      strcpy(e, ".0");
      return buffer;

      // This code makes the unit tests pass (which were based on the old Decimal implementation)
      // Ensure that there are no trailing zeros, except when the value is an integer, in which case there should be one trailing zero.
      char * lastNonZeroDigitAfterDecimal = e - 1;
      while (*lastNonZeroDigitAfterDecimal == '0')

      if (*lastNonZeroDigitAfterDecimal == '.')
         *(++lastNonZeroDigitAfterDecimal) = '0';
      *(lastNonZeroDigitAfterDecimal + 1) = 0;

   // printf("last return\n");
   return buffer;
Beispiel #16
Transform::mapX( double x ) const
  return rounded( x * _scale + _deltaX );
Beispiel #17
CalculateRectToZoomTo(const nsCOMPtr<nsIDocument>& aRootContentDocument,
                      const CSSPoint& aPoint)
  // Ensure the layout information we get is up-to-date.

  // An empty rect as return value is interpreted as "zoom out".
  const CSSRect zoomOut;

  nsCOMPtr<nsIPresShell> shell = aRootContentDocument->GetShell();
  if (!shell) {
    return zoomOut;

  nsIScrollableFrame* rootScrollFrame = shell->GetRootScrollFrameAsScrollable();
  if (!rootScrollFrame) {
    return zoomOut;

  nsCOMPtr<dom::Element> element = ElementFromPoint(shell, aPoint);
  if (!element) {
    return zoomOut;

  while (element && !ShouldZoomToElement(element)) {
    element = element->GetParentElement();

  if (!element) {
    return zoomOut;

  FrameMetrics metrics = nsLayoutUtils::CalculateBasicFrameMetrics(rootScrollFrame);
  CSSRect compositedArea(metrics.GetScrollOffset(), metrics.CalculateCompositedSizeInCssPixels());
  const CSSCoord margin = 15;
  CSSRect rect = GetBoundingContentRect(shell, element, rootScrollFrame);
  rect = CSSRect(std::max(metrics.GetScrollableRect().x, rect.x - margin),
                 rect.width + 2 * margin,
  // Constrict the rect to the screen's right edge
  rect.width = std::min(rect.width, metrics.GetScrollableRect().XMost() - rect.x);

  // If the rect is already taking up most of the visible area and is
  // stretching the width of the page, then we want to zoom out instead.
  if (IsRectZoomedIn(rect, compositedArea)) {
    return zoomOut;

  CSSRect rounded(rect);

  // If the block we're zooming to is really tall, and the user double-tapped
  // more than a screenful of height from the top of it, then adjust the
  // y-coordinate so that we center the actual point the user double-tapped
  // upon. This prevents flying to the top of the page when double-tapping
  // to zoom in (bug 761721). The 1.2 multiplier is just a little fuzz to
  // compensate for 'rect' including horizontal margins but not vertical ones.
  CSSCoord cssTapY = metrics.GetScrollOffset().y + aPoint.y;
  if ((rect.height > rounded.height) && (cssTapY > rounded.y + (rounded.height * 1.2))) {
    rounded.y = cssTapY - (rounded.height / 2);

  return rounded;