Beispiel #1
bool UProbPoly::paintRobot(UImage * img, int refX, int refY, double cellSize)
  bool res = (img != NULL);
  UPosition mp;
  CvPoint mpt[4];
  CvScalar rgb = CV_RGB(255, 128, 128);
  UPose pose = poseOrg - poseNow;
  if (res)
  { // The robot  is 65 cm long and 45 cm wheel distance
    mp = pose.getPoseToMap(UPosition::position(0.0,   0.225, 0.0)); // left wheel
    mpt[0].x = refX + roundi(mp.x / cellSize);
    mpt[0].y = refY - roundi(mp.y / cellSize);
    mp = pose.getPoseToMap(UPosition::position(0.0,  -0.225, 0.0)); // right wheel
    mpt[1].x = refX + roundi(mp.x / cellSize);
    mpt[1].y = refY - roundi(mp.y / cellSize);
    mp = pose.getPoseToMap(UPosition::position(0.65,  0.0,   0.0)); // front wheel
    mpt[2].x = refX + roundi(mp.x / cellSize);
    mpt[2].y = refY - roundi(mp.y / cellSize);
    mp = pose.getPoseToMap(UPosition::position(-0.25,  0.0,   0.0)); // back edge
    mpt[3].x = refX + roundi(mp.x / cellSize);
    mpt[3].y = refY - roundi(mp.y / cellSize);
    // paint robot triangle (arrow)
    cvLine(img->cvArr(), mpt[0], mpt[1], rgb, 1, 8, 0);
    cvLine(img->cvArr(), mpt[1], mpt[2], rgb, 1, 8, 0);
    cvLine(img->cvArr(), mpt[2], mpt[0], rgb, 1, 8, 0);
    cvLine(img->cvArr(), mpt[2], mpt[3], rgb, 1, 8, 0);
  return res;
// Convert percent pan to midi pan (with no scale conversion)
uint8_t ConvertPercentPanValToStdMidiVal(double percent)
	uint8_t midiPan = roundi(percent * 126.0);
	if (midiPan != 0) {
	return midiPan;
Beispiel #3
UXYoffset UCamRad::getRadialU2DOffsetInt(int x, int y)
{ // Gets radial error offset according to
  // calibration information in the camera.
  // Follows the guidelines in Image Analysis,
  // Vision and Computer Graphics DTU/IMM publication
  // by Jens Michael Carstensen Lyngby 2001, page 75.
  UXYoffset oxy; // offset x and y
  float dx, dy; // distance from center
  getRadialU2DOffset(x, y, &dx, &dy);
  oxy.dx = roundi(dx * resultDecimalFactor);
  oxy.dy = roundi(dy * resultDecimalFactor);
  return oxy;
Beispiel #4
bool UManArc::getSMRCLcmd(char * buf, int bufCnt, double maxDist)
  int i, n, m;
  double d, dd, da;
  char * p1;
  bool result = true;
  double v;
  double dist;
  // turn is not allowed at zero speed
  if (fabs(vel) < 0.2)
    v = 0.25;
    v = vel;
  if (radius < 3.0)
    dist = mind(maxDist, getDistance());
    snprintf(buf, bufCnt, "turnr %.3f %.3f @v%.2f @a%.3f :($drivendist > %.2f)",
             maxd(radius, 0.15), // use at least 15cm turn radius
             angle * 180.0 / M_PI, v,
             maxd(getMinAcc(), fabs(acc)), dist);
    n = strlen(buf);
  { // it is too unsafe to turn and finish on the implicit angle criteria
    // divide into 30 cm steps
    m = maxi(1, roundi(fabs(angle) / 0.05)); // about 3 deg steps
    d = radius * angle;
    dd = d / double(m);
    da = angle / double(m);
    n = 0;
    p1 = buf;
    dist = mind(maxDist, getDistance());
    for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
    { // one command takes a little less than 60 characters.
      // so there need to be at least 60 characters left in buffer
      result = ((bufCnt - n) > 60);
      if (not result)
      { // no more space for next command
        printf("*** UManArc::getSMRCLcmd: no space left (%d left) in buffer (size %d) for next drive command\n", bufCnt, n);
      // space for next command line
      snprintf(p1, bufCnt - n, "turnr %.3f %.3f \"rad\" @v%.2f @a%.3f :($drivendist > %.2f)\n",
               radius, da, v, maxd(getMinAcc(), fabs(acc)), dd);
      n += strlen(p1);
      p1 = &buf[n];
      dist -= dd;
      if (dist < 0.0)
    // remove laset '\n'
    if (n > 0)
      buf[n-1] = '\0';
  return (n < bufCnt);
Beispiel #5
bool UHokuyo::changeMode(int scanangle, double resolution)
  const double baseRes = 360.0 / 1024.0;
  angleResolution = roundi(resolution / baseRes) * baseRes;
  modeAngleScan =  mini(270,scanangle);
  printf("New width=%d res=%g\n", modeAngleScan, angleResolution);
  return true;
Beispiel #6
void generate_noise (Vector<int8_t> & noise, float sigma)
  const float quantization_correction = 1 / 6.0f;
  sigma = sqrtf(sqr(sigma) + quantization_correction);

  for (size_t i = 0, I = noise.size; i < I; ++i) {
    noise[i] = roundi(sigma * random_std());
Beispiel #7
bool UResPoly::methodCall(const char * name, const char * paramOrder,
                                 char ** strings, const double * pars,
                                 double * value,
                                 UDataBase ** returnStruct,
                                 int * returnStructCnt)
  bool result = true;
  UPolyItem * pi;
  int i;
  UPosition pos;
  UVariable * var;
  bool isOK;
  // evaluate standard functions
  if ((strcasecmp(name, "addPoint") == 0) and (strcmp(paramOrder, "sdd") == 0))
    pi = add(strings[0], pars[0], pars[1]);
    // return result - if a location is provided
    if (value != NULL)
      *value = (pi != NULL);
      // it is good praktice to set count of returned structures to 0
    if (returnStructCnt != NULL)
      *returnStructCnt = 0;
  else if ((strcasecmp(name, "getPoint") == 0) and (strcmp(paramOrder, "sd") == 0))
    isOK = false;
    pi = getItem(strings[0]);
    if (pi != NULL)
      i = roundi(pars[0]);
      if (i < pi->getPointsCnt() and i >= 0)
        isOK = true;
        pos = pi->getPoint(i);
    if (not isOK)
    // return result - if a location is provided
    if (value != NULL)
      *value = isOK;
      // it is goot praktice to set count of returned structures to 0
    if (returnStructCnt != NULL)
      if (returnStruct[0]->isA("var"))
        var = (UVariable*)returnStruct[0];
        *returnStructCnt = 1;
    // call name is unknown
    result = false;
  return result;
Beispiel #8
int UHokuyo::receiveFromDevice(char * start,
                    int maxLng,
                    double timeoutSec)
{ // poll wait time
  int pollTime = roundi(timeoutSec * 1000.0); // ms
  int n, m = maxLng;
  struct pollfd sickstruct;
  sickstruct.fd = hfd; = POLLIN;
  bool timeout;
  int result = 0;
  char * bp = start;
  if (verbose and not laslog.isOpen())
  else if (laslog.isOpen() and not verbose)
  // receive a number of data that should include a header
  /* get new data */
  timeout = false;
  while ((m > 0) and not timeout)
  { // Wait for data in up to 100 ms
    if (poll(&sickstruct, 1, pollTime) != POLLIN)
      // timeout or other error - return
      timeout = true;
    { /* read up to a full message */
      n = read(hfd, bp, m);
      if (n == -1)
      { // error
        perror("Error in read from serial line");
      { // allow log
        if (result == 0)
        { // first data - timestamp
        if ((n > 0) and laslog.isLogOpen())
          toLog(bp, n, "<-", dataRxTime);
        bp[n] = '\0';
        m -= n;
        result += n;
        if (strstr(bp, "\n\n") != NULL)
          // a full message is received.
        bp = &start[result];
  return result;
Beispiel #9
char * UHokuyo::makeGetDataString(char * cmdStr, const int cmdStrCnt)
  int clust;
  // full scan for device
  int first = 44; // 0   is -135 deg (44 approx -120 deg)
  int last = 725; // 768 is +135 deg (725 approx +120 deg)
  const double baseRes = 360.0/1024.0;
  const int MSL = 12; // minimum string buffer length (exclusive terminating zero)
  bool result;
  result = (cmdStr != NULL) and (cmdStrCnt > MSL);
  clust = roundi(angleResolution / baseRes);
  if (modeAngleScan <= 270)
  { // less than full scan requested - get symmetric values
    first = 384 - roundi(double(modeAngleScan) / baseRes / 2.0 - 1);
    last = 384 + roundi(double(modeAngleScan) / baseRes / 2.0);
  if (result)
    snprintf(cmdStr, cmdStrCnt, "\nG%03d%03d%02d\n", first, last, clust);
  //printf("mode=%d, res=%g, sending:%s", modeAngleScan, angleResolution, s);
  return cmdStr;
Beispiel #10
void UFuncPar::update6hMax(double horizon)
  double mn, mi, mx;
  UVariable * rot;
  int n;
  UTime t0, toTime;
  double roll1mMax = 0.0, pitch1mMax = 0.0;
  int alarm1mCnt = 0;
  rot = getVarPool()->getGlobalVariable("imu.rot");
  if (rot != NULL)
    t0 = rot->getUpdTime();
    n = rot->getMeanMinMax(0, hoz1min, &mn, &mi, &mx);
    if (n > 0 )
      roll1mMax = mx - mi;
    n = rot->getMeanMinMax(1, hoz1min, &mn, &mi, &mx);
    if (n > 0)
      pitch1mMax = mx - mi;

  // latest alarm number
  alarm1mCnt = vars.alertFlag->getInt(1);
  // make sure to have a valid time
  if (not t0.valid);
  mi = t0 - hoz1min;
  if (mi > 60.0)
  { // one minute has passed - save a new 1min value
    vars.roll1min->setDouble(roll1mMax, 0, false, &t0);
    vars.pitch1min->setDouble(pitch1mMax, 0, false, &t0);
    vars.alarmCnt1min->setDouble(alarm1mCnt, 0, false, &t0);
    hoz1min = t0;
  toTime = t0 - (varp.horizon6h->getInt() * 60.0);
  n = vars.roll1min->getMeanMinMax(0, toTime, &mn, &mi, &mx);
  if (n > 0)
    vars.roll6h->setDouble(fmax(roll1mMax, mx), 0, false, &t0);
  n = vars.pitch1min->getMeanMinMax(0, toTime, &mn, &mi, &mx);
  if (n > 0)
    vars.pitch6h->setDouble(fmax(pitch1mMax, mx), 0, false, &t0);
  // find minimum alarm count last 6h period
  n = vars.alarmCnt1min->getMeanMinMax(0, toTime, &mn, &mi, &mx);
  if (n > 0)
    vars.alarmCnt6h->setInt(alarm1mCnt - roundi(mi), 0, false, &t0);
bool UResLaserIfObst::methodCall(const char * name, const char * paramOrder,
                                 char ** strings, const double * pars,
                                 double * value,
                                 UDataBase ** returnStruct,
                                 int * returnStructCnt)
  bool result = true;
  int i, n, g, nf;
  bool getLocked = false;
  UObstacleGroup * og;
  // evaluate standard functions
  if ((strcasecmp(name, "obstacles") == 0) and (strcasecmp(paramOrder, "ddd") == 0))
  { // lock resource or wait until unlocked
    n = roundi(pars[0]);
    nf = roundi(pars[1]);
    getLocked = roundi(pars[2]) != 0;
    if (nf != 0)
      nf = 1;
    if ((returnStructCnt != NULL) and (returnStruct != NULL))
      if (n >  *returnStructCnt - nf)
        n = *returnStructCnt - nf;
      if (n > getGroupsCnt())
        n = getGroupsCnt();
      g = getGroupNewest();
      // debug
      //printf("UResLaserIfObst::methodCall: regular obst (max%d)", n);
      // debug end
      for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
        og = &groups[g];
        if (getLocked)
        returnStruct[i] = og;
        if (g < 0)
          g = MAX_OBST_GRPS -  1;
        // debug
        //printf(" serial %lu has %d.", og->getSerial(), og->getObstsCnt());
        // debug end
      // debug
      //printf("UResLaserIfObst::methodCall: fixed obstacle cnt is %d, (obst grps = %d)\n", fixeds.getObstsCnt(), n);
      // debug end
      if (nf > 0)
      { // fixed obstacles too
        if (fixeds.getObstsCnt() > 0 and n > 0)
        { // fixed obstacles are available
          returnStruct[n] = &fixeds;
      *returnStructCnt = n;
    if (value != NULL)
      *value = n;
    result = false;
  return result;
// Convert a pan value where 0 = left 0.5 = center and 1 = right to
// 0.1% units where -50% = left 0 = center 50% = right (shared by DLS and SF2)
long ConvertPercentPanTo10thPercentUnits(double percentPan)
	return roundi(percentPan * 1000) - 500;
Beispiel #13
bool UCamRad::removeRadialErrorPixels(UPixel ps[],
                                      UPixel pd[],
                                      unsigned int height,
                                      unsigned int width,
                                      float pixSize)
{ //
  int result = true;
  UXYoffset oxy; // offset x and y
  UXYoffset * oxyh; // line with ofset values
  int decimalFactor = roundi(resultDecimalFactor * pixSize);
  int w, h, i;
  int rhx, rhy;
  double dhx, dhy;
  int ix, iy; // pixel offset in Intensity resolution
  int r1, r2, c1, c2;
  int i1, i2; // intensity (decimal part) from pix 1 and 2
  UPixel * pss; // source pixel pointer intensity (Y)
  UPixel * pdd; // destination pixel pointer Intensity
  UPixel p1, p2, p3, p4, pt, pb, pr; // pixel values
  UPixel gray(128,128,128);
  bool outside, outsideByOne;
  // head point in actual resolution
  dhx = par.getHx();
  dhy = par.getHy();
  rhx = int(dhx);
  rhy = int(dhx);
  // correct all lines
  for (h = 0; h < int(height); h++)
  { // get destination
    pdd = &pd[h * width];
    // get line in offset table
    i = absi(int(pixSize * (double(h)- dhy)));
    // get pointer to first line of offsets
    oxyh = radialOffset[i];
    for (w = 0; w < int(width); w++)
    { // get index to offset value on this line
      i = absi(int(pixSize * (double(w) - dhx)));
      // get offset for this pixel
      oxy = oxyh[i];
      // corrext for right quadrant - matrix is for lower-right
      if (w < rhx)
        oxy.dx = -oxy.dx;
      if (h < rhy)
        oxy.dy = -oxy.dy;
      // if not exact right find 4 pixels to interpolate
      if ((oxy.dx != 0) or (oxy.dy != 0))
      { // get top left pixel offset
        ix = oxy.dx / decimalFactor;
        if (oxy.dx < 0) ix--;
        iy = oxy.dy / decimalFactor;
        if (oxy.dy < 0) iy--;
        // limit to edge of image (reuse border pixels)
        r1 = h + iy;
        r2 = r1 + 1;
        c1 = w + ix;
        c2 = c1 + 1;
        outside = (r1 < 0) or (r2 >= int(height)) or
                  (c1 < 0) or (c2 >= int(width));
        if (outside)
          // may be outside by just one pixel
          outsideByOne = (((r2 == 0) or (r2 == int(height))) and
                                (c2 > 0) and (c2 < int(width))) or
                         (((c2 == 0) or (c2 == int(width))) and
                                (r2 > 0) and (r2 < int(height)));
          outsideByOne = false;
        if (outside and not outsideByOne)
            // both outside - use gray
            *pdd = gray;
        { // not (completely) outside
          // get pixels
          i = r1 * width + c1;
          pss = &ps[i];
          p1 = pss[0];
          p2 = pss[1];
          p3 = pss[width];
          p4 = pss[width + 1];
          if (outsideByOne)
          { // just outside by one, so adjust index to inside
            if (r2 == 0)
            { // top row missing
              p1 = p3;
              p2 = p4;
            if (r2 == int(height))
            { // bottom row missing
              p3 = p1;
              p4 = p2;
            if (c2 == 0)
            { // left column missing
              p1 = p2;
              p3 = p4;
            if (c2 == int(width))
            { // right column missing
              p2 = p1;
              p4 = p3;
          outside = false;
        if (not outside)
        { // get index to top-left of pixels in question
          // get 4 pixels in question
          // get left and right share
          i2 = oxy.dx - ix * decimalFactor; // part of pixel in position (ix, iy)
          i1 = decimalFactor - i2;          // part of (ix+1, iy+1)
          // average for top set of pixels
          pt.y = (unsigned char)((int(p1.y) * i1  + int(p2.y) * i2)/decimalFactor);
          pt.u = (unsigned char)((int(p1.u) * i1  + int(p2.u) * i2)/decimalFactor);
          pt.v = (unsigned char)((int(p1.v) * i1  + int(p2.v) * i2)/decimalFactor);
          // average for bottom set of pixels
          pb.y = (unsigned char)((int(p3.y) * i1  + int(p4.y) * i2)/decimalFactor);
          pb.u = (unsigned char)((int(p3.u) * i1  + int(p4.u) * i2)/decimalFactor);
          pb.v = (unsigned char)((int(p3.v) * i1  + int(p4.v) * i2)/decimalFactor);
          // get shares of top and bottom
          i2 = oxy.dy - iy * decimalFactor; // part of pixel in position (ix, iy)
          i1 = decimalFactor - i2; // part of (ix, iy+1)
          // find result pixel intensity
          pr.y = (unsigned char)((int(pt.y) * i1  + int(pb.y) * i2)/decimalFactor);
          pr.u = (unsigned char)((int(pt.u) * i1  + int(pb.u) * i2)/decimalFactor);
          pr.v = (unsigned char)((int(pt.v) * i1  + int(pb.v) * i2)/decimalFactor);
          // implement
          *pdd = pr;
      { // no change, so set destination to source
        pss = &ps[h * width];
        *pdd = pss[w];
  return result;
Beispiel #14
	int RhoToBin(const float rho) {
		return roundi((rho + diaglen/2) * *gvRhoBins / diaglen);
Beispiel #15
	int PhiToBin(const float phi) {
		return roundi((phi + diaglen/2) * *gvPhiBins / diaglen);
Beispiel #16
bool  UManArc::getSMRCLcmd2(char * buf, int bufCnt,
                            UPoseV * startPose,
                            bool * first, double firstDistance,
                            int * lineCnt, int lineCntMax,
                            double * distSum, double distSumMax,
                            UTime * t, FILE * logprim)
  int i;
  UPoseV pv, pv2;
  double v, d, dist;
  int n, m, np;
  double segmentSize = 2.0 * firstDistance; // [m]
  UManArc ma;
  char * p1;
  double h;
  bool result;
  //double dmax;
  double breakAt = distSumMax * 0.5;
  double ang, ang2, endAng, sa, ca;
  const double useTurnRradius = 6.0;
  if (fabs(vel) < 0.15)
    v = 0.15;
    v = vel;
  //dmax = distSumMax - *distSum;
  if (not first or ((*distSum + getDistance()) > firstDistance))
  { // get command for arc (not skipped)
    p1 = buf;
    n = 0;
    if (radius < useTurnRradius)
    { // use turnr command type
      d = getDistance();
      np = 4;
      if (*distSum < breakAt and d + *distSum >= breakAt)
        dist = breakAt - *distSum;
        // part of turn only, maintaining sign
        ang = angle * dist / d;
        endAng = startPose->h + ang;
        sa = sin(endAng);
        ca = cos(endAng);
        snprintf(p1, bufCnt - n, "turnr %.3f %.3f \"rad\" @v%.2f : "
          "(abs(%.4f - sin($odoth)) + abs(%.4f - cos($odoth)) < 0.1)\n\t\n",
                 radius, ang, v, sa, ca);
        (*distSum) += dist;
        n += strlen(p1);
        p1 = &buf[n];
        if (logprim != NULL)
          pv = ma.getEndPoseV(*startPose);
          fprintf(logprim, "%lu.%06lu %d %.3f %.3f %.5f %.2f %.3f %.3f %.5f %.2f\n",
                  t->getSec(), t->getMicrosec(),
                            startPose->x, startPose->y, startPose->h, startPose->vel,
                            pv.x, pv.y, pv.h, v);
          np += 100;
        ang = 0.0;
        dist = 0.0;
        pv = *startPose;
      // remaining distance
      dist = fmin(distSumMax - *distSum, d - dist);
        // remaining part of turn, maintaining sign
      ang2 = angle * dist / d;
      // end angle to improve stop-condition
      endAng = startPose->h + ang + ang2;
      sa = sin(endAng);
      ca = cos(endAng);
      snprintf(p1, bufCnt - n, "turnr %.3f %.3f \"rad\" @v%.2f : "
          "(abs(%.4f - sin($odoth)) + abs(%.4f - cos($odoth)) < 0.1)",
          radius, ang2, v, sa, ca);
      n = strlen(p1);
      if (logprim != NULL)
        pv2 = ma.getEndPoseV(pv);
        fprintf(logprim, "%lu.%06lu %d %.3f %.3f %.5f %.2f %.3f %.3f %.5f %.2f\n",
                t->getSec(), t->getMicrosec(),
                          pv.x, pv.y, pv.h, pv.vel,
                          pv2.x, pv2.y, pv2.h, v);
      pv = getEndPoseV(*startPose);
      (*distSum) += dist;
      *startPose = pv;
      *first = false;
    { // segment arc into tangent lines
      m = roundi(getDistance() / segmentSize);
      ma.setTurnAngle(angle / double(m));
      pv2 = *startPose;
      pv = ma.getEndPoseV(*startPose);
      // debug
      // printf("UManArc::getSMRCLcmd2  ma.angle=%g ma.radius=%g",
      //         ma.angle, ma.radius);
      // // debug end
      np = 5;
      for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
        h = pv.h * 180.0 / M_PI;
        while (h < 0.0)
          h += 360.0;
        snprintf(p1, bufCnt - n,
                "driveon %.3f %.3f %.2f @v%.2f @a%.2f :($targetdist < 0.0) \n",
                pv.x, pv.y, h, v, fabs(acc));
        n += strlen(p1);
        p1 = &buf[n];
        if (logprim != NULL)
          fprintf(logprim, "%lu.%06lu %d %.3f %.3f %.5f %.2f %.3f %.3f %.5f %.2f\n",
                          t->getSec(), t->getMicrosec(),
                          pv2.x, pv2.y, pv2.h, pv2.vel,
                          pv.x, pv.y, pv.h, v);
          pv2 = pv;
        d = ma.getDistance();
        if ((*distSum < breakAt) and
            (d + *distSum) >= breakAt)
        { // mark place for event trigger
          snprintf(p1, bufCnt - n, "\t\n");
          n += strlen(p1);
          p1 = &buf[n];
          np += 100;
        (*distSum) += d;
        *startPose = pv;
        if (*lineCnt >= lineCntMax)
        if (*distSum >= distSumMax)
        // advance to next end position
        pv = ma.getEndPoseV(pv);
      // remove last '\n'
      if (n > 0)
        buf[n-1] = '\0';
      *first = false;
  { // too small manoeuvre, or not suited fas first command,
    // so just update startpose and distSum
    pv = getEndPoseV(*startPose);
    (*distSum) += getDistance();
    *startPose = pv;
    n = 0;
  result = (n < bufCnt);
  return result;
Beispiel #17
	int ThetaToBin(const float theta) {
		return roundi((M_PI+theta) * *gvThetaBins / M_PI) % *gvThetaBins;
Beispiel #18
bool UResPoly::methodCallV(const char * name, const char * paramOrder,
                                UVariable * params[],
                                UDataBase ** returnStruct,
                                int * returnStructCnt)
  bool result = true;
  UPolyItem * pi;
  UPolygon * poly;
  UDataBase * db;
  int i;
  UPosition pos;
  UVariable buffer;
  UVariable * returnVar = NULL;
  bool isOK;
  UPose po1, po2;
  // evaluate standard functions
  if (returnStruct[0]->isA("var"))
    returnVar = (UVariable*)returnStruct[0];
    *returnStructCnt = 1;
    returnVar = &buffer;
  // test available methods
  if ((strcasecmp(name, "addPoint") == 0) and (strcmp(paramOrder, "sc") == 0))
    pos = params[1]->get3D();
    pi = add(params[0]->getValues(), pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);
    isOK = pi != NULL;
  else if ((strcasecmp(name, "del") == 0) and (strcmp(paramOrder, "s") == 0))
    isOK = del(params[0]->getValues());
  else if ((strcasecmp(name, "delPoint") == 0) and (strcmp(paramOrder, "sd") == 0))
    pi = getItem(params[0]->getValues());
    isOK = pi != NULL;
    if (isOK)
  else if ((strcasecmp(name, "getPoint") == 0) and (strcmp(paramOrder, "sd") == 0))
    isOK = false;
    pi = getItem(params[0]->getValues());
    if (pi != NULL)
    { // item is found, so get position
      i = roundi(params[1]->getInt());
      if (i < pi->getPointsCnt() and i >= 0)
        isOK = true;
        pos = pi->getPoint(i);
    if (not isOK)
  else if ((strcasecmp(name, "isInside") == 0) and (strcmp(paramOrder, "sc") == 0))
    isOK = false;
    pos = params[1]->get3D();
    pi = getItem(params[0]->getValues());
    if (pi != NULL)
    { // item is found, test
      isOK = pi->isInsideConvex(pos.x, pos.y, 0.0);
  else if ((strcasecmp(name, "isInside") == 0) and (strcmp(paramOrder, "scc") == 0))
    isOK = false;
    po1 = params[1]->getPose(); // pose of robot
    po2 = params[2]->getPose(); // position relative to robot
    po1 = po1 + po2;
    pi = getItem(params[0]->getValues());
    if (pi != NULL)
    { // item is found, test
      isOK = pi->isInsideConvex(po1.x, po1.y, 0.0);
  else if ((strcasecmp(name, "defined") == 0) and (strcmp(paramOrder, "s") == 0))
    pi = getItem(params[0]->getValues());
    isOK = (pi != NULL);
  else if ((strcasecmp(name, "setRefCoord") == 0) and (strcmp(paramOrder, "sd") == 0))
    pi = getItem(params[0]->getValues());
    isOK = pi != NULL;
    if (isOK)
      pi->cooSys = params[1]->getInt();
  else if ((strcasecmp(name, "setOpen") == 0) and (strcmp(paramOrder, "s") == 0))
    pi = getItem(params[0]->getValues());
    isOK = pi != NULL;
    if (isOK)
  else if ((strcasecmp(name, "setClosed") == 0) and (strcmp(paramOrder, "s") == 0))
    pi = getItem(params[0]->getValues());
    isOK = pi != NULL;
    if (isOK)
  else if ((strcasecmp(name, "setPolygon") == 0) and
           (strcmp(paramOrder, "sc") == 0 or
            strcmp(paramOrder, "scd") == 0))
    isOK = false;
    pi = getItem(params[0]->getValues());
    db = params[1];
    if (db->isAlsoA("polygon"))
      poly = (UPolygon*) db;
      poly = NULL;
    isOK = poly != NULL;
    if (isOK and pi == NULL)
    { // item is found, so get position
      pi = add(params[0]->getValues());
      isOK = pi != NULL;
    if (isOK)
      isOK = poly->copyTo(pi);
      if (strlen(paramOrder) >= 3)
        // get also coordinate system reference
        pi->cooSys = params[2]->getInt();
    // call name is unknown
    result = false;
  // set result if just a boolean
  if (result)
  { // set return struct value to isOK
    if (returnStruct != NULL and returnStructCnt != NULL)
      *returnStructCnt = 1;
  return result;
// Takes a percentage amplitude value - that is one using a -20*log10(percent) scale for db attenuation
// and converts it to a standard midi value that uses -40*log10(x/127) for db attenuation
uint8_t ConvertPercentAmpToStdMidiVal(double percent)
	return roundi(127.0 * sqrt(percent));