Beispiel #1
// sends the current chart definition
static inline void send_chart_definition(RRDSET *st) {
    rrdset_flag_set(st, RRDSET_FLAG_EXPOSED_UPSTREAM);

    buffer_sprintf(st->rrdhost->rrdpush_buffer, "CHART \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" %ld %d \"%s %s %s\"\n"
                , st->id
                , st->name
                , st->title
                , st->units
                , st->family
                , st->context
                , rrdset_type_name(st->chart_type)
                , st->priority
                , st->update_every
                , rrdset_flag_check(st, RRDSET_FLAG_OBSOLETE)?"obsolete":""
                , rrdset_flag_check(st, RRDSET_FLAG_DETAIL)?"detail":""
                , rrdset_flag_check(st, RRDSET_FLAG_STORE_FIRST)?"store_first":""

    RRDDIM *rd;
    rrddim_foreach_read(rd, st) {
        buffer_sprintf(st->rrdhost->rrdpush_buffer, "DIMENSION \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" " COLLECTED_NUMBER_FORMAT " " COLLECTED_NUMBER_FORMAT " \"%s %s\"\n"
                       , rd->id
                       , rd->name
                       , rrd_algorithm_name(rd->algorithm)
                       , rd->multiplier
                       , rd->divisor
                       , rrddim_flag_check(rd, RRDDIM_FLAG_HIDDEN)?"hidden":""
                       , rrddim_flag_check(rd, RRDDIM_FLAG_DONT_DETECT_RESETS_OR_OVERFLOWS)?"noreset":""
        rd->exposed = 1;
Beispiel #2
RRDSET *rrdset_create(const char *type, const char *id, const char *name, const char *family, const char *context, const char *title, const char *units, long priority, int update_every, int chart_type)
	if(!type || !type[0]) {
		fatal("Cannot create rrd stats without a type.");
		return NULL;

	if(!id || !id[0]) {
		fatal("Cannot create rrd stats without an id.");
		return NULL;

	char fullid[RRD_ID_LENGTH_MAX + 1];
	char fullfilename[FILENAME_MAX + 1];

	snprintfz(fullid, RRD_ID_LENGTH_MAX, "%s.%s", type, id);

	st = rrdset_find(fullid);
	if(st) {
		error("Cannot create rrd stats for '%s', it already exists.", fullid);
		return st;

	long entries = config_get_number(fullid, "history", rrd_default_history_entries);
	if(entries < 5) entries = config_set_number(fullid, "history", 5);
	if(entries > RRD_HISTORY_ENTRIES_MAX) entries = config_set_number(fullid, "history", RRD_HISTORY_ENTRIES_MAX);

	int enabled = config_get_boolean(fullid, "enabled", 1);
	if(!enabled) entries = 5;

	unsigned long size = sizeof(RRDSET);
	char *cache_dir = rrdset_cache_dir(fullid);

	debug(D_RRD_CALLS, "Creating RRD_STATS for '%s.%s'.", type, id);

	snprintfz(fullfilename, FILENAME_MAX, "%s/main.db", cache_dir);
	if(rrd_memory_mode != RRD_MEMORY_MODE_RAM) st = (RRDSET *)mymmap(fullfilename, size, ((rrd_memory_mode == RRD_MEMORY_MODE_MAP)?MAP_SHARED:MAP_PRIVATE), 0);
	if(st) {
		if(strcmp(st->magic, RRDSET_MAGIC) != 0) {
			errno = 0;
			info("Initializing file %s.", fullfilename);
			bzero(st, size);
		else if(strcmp(st->id, fullid) != 0) {
			errno = 0;
			error("File %s contents are not for chart %s. Clearing it.", fullfilename, fullid);
			// munmap(st, size);
			// st = NULL;
			bzero(st, size);
		else if(st->memsize != size || st->entries != entries) {
			errno = 0;
			error("File %s does not have the desired size. Clearing it.", fullfilename);
			bzero(st, size);
		else if(st->update_every != update_every) {
			errno = 0;
			error("File %s does not have the desired update frequency. Clearing it.", fullfilename);
			bzero(st, size);
		else if((time(NULL) - st->last_updated.tv_sec) > update_every * entries) {
			errno = 0;
			error("File %s is too old. Clearing it.", fullfilename);
			bzero(st, size);

	if(st) {
		st->name = NULL;
		st->type = NULL;
		st->family = NULL;
		st->context = NULL;
		st->title = NULL;
		st->units = NULL;
		st->dimensions = NULL;
		st->next = NULL;
		st->mapped = rrd_memory_mode;
	else {
		st = calloc(1, size);
		if(!st) {
			fatal("Cannot allocate memory for RRD_STATS %s.%s", type, id);
			return NULL;
		st->mapped = RRD_MEMORY_MODE_RAM;
	st->memsize = size;
	st->entries = entries;
	st->update_every = update_every;

	if(st->current_entry >= st->entries) st->current_entry = 0;

	strcpy(st->cache_filename, fullfilename);
	strcpy(st->magic, RRDSET_MAGIC);

	strcpy(st->id, fullid);
	st->hash = simple_hash(st->id);

	st->cache_dir = cache_dir;

	st->chart_type = rrdset_type_id(config_get(st->id, "chart type", rrdset_type_name(chart_type)));
	st->type       = config_get(st->id, "type", type);
	st->family     = config_get(st->id, "family", family?family:st->type);
	st->context    = config_get(st->id, "context", context?context:st->id);
	st->units      = config_get(st->id, "units", units?units:"");

	st->priority = config_get_number(st->id, "priority", priority);
	st->enabled = enabled;

	st->isdetail = 0;
	st->debug = 0;

	st->last_collected_time.tv_sec = 0;
	st->last_collected_time.tv_usec = 0;
	st->counter_done = 0;

	st->gap_when_lost_iterations_above = (int) (
			config_get_number(st->id, "gap when lost iterations above", RRD_DEFAULT_GAP_INTERPOLATIONS) + 2);

	avl_init_lock(&st->dimensions_index, rrddim_compare);

	pthread_rwlock_init(&st->rwlock, NULL);

	if(name && *name) rrdset_set_name(st, name);
	else rrdset_set_name(st, id);

		char varvalue[CONFIG_MAX_VALUE + 1];
		snprintfz(varvalue, CONFIG_MAX_VALUE, "%s (%s)", title?title:"", st->name);
		st->title = config_get(st->id, "title", varvalue);

	st->next = rrdset_root;
	rrdset_root = st;



Beispiel #3
void *pluginsd_worker_thread(void *arg)
	struct plugind *cd = (struct plugind *)arg;
	char line[PLUGINSD_LINE_MAX + 1];

	unsigned long long usec = 0, susec = 0;
	struct timeval last = {0, 0} , now = {0, 0};

	char *words[MAX_WORDS] = { NULL };
	uint32_t SET_HASH = simple_hash("SET");
	uint32_t BEGIN_HASH = simple_hash("BEGIN");
	uint32_t END_HASH = simple_hash("END");
	uint32_t FLUSH_HASH = simple_hash("FLUSH");
	uint32_t CHART_HASH = simple_hash("CHART");
	uint32_t DIMENSION_HASH = simple_hash("DIMENSION");
	uint32_t DISABLE_HASH = simple_hash("DISABLE");
	uint32_t MYPID_HASH = simple_hash("MYPID");

	while(likely(1)) {
		if(unlikely(netdata_exit)) break;

		FILE *fp = mypopen(cd->cmd, &cd->pid);
		if(unlikely(!fp)) {
			error("Cannot popen(\"%s\", \"r\").", cd->cmd);

		info("PLUGINSD: '%s' running on pid %d", cd->fullfilename, cd->pid);

		RRDSET *st = NULL;
		unsigned long long count = 0;
		char *s;
		uint32_t hash;

		while(likely(fgets(line, PLUGINSD_LINE_MAX, fp) != NULL)) {
			if(unlikely(netdata_exit)) break;

			line[PLUGINSD_LINE_MAX] = '\0';

			// debug(D_PLUGINSD, "PLUGINSD: %s: %s", cd->filename, line);

			int w = pluginsd_split_words(line, words, MAX_WORDS);
			s = words[0];
			if(unlikely(!s || !*s || !w)) {
				// debug(D_PLUGINSD, "PLUGINSD: empty line");

			// debug(D_PLUGINSD, "PLUGINSD: words 0='%s' 1='%s' 2='%s' 3='%s' 4='%s' 5='%s' 6='%s' 7='%s' 8='%s' 9='%s'", words[0], words[1], words[2], words[3], words[4], words[5], words[6], words[7], words[8], words[9]);

			hash = simple_hash(s);

			if(likely(hash == SET_HASH && !strcmp(s, "SET"))) {
				char *dimension = words[1];
				char *value = words[2];

				if(unlikely(!dimension || !*dimension)) {
					error("PLUGINSD: '%s' is requesting a SET on chart '%s', without a dimension. Disabling it.", cd->fullfilename, st->id);
					cd->enabled = 0;
					killpid(cd->pid, SIGTERM);

				if(unlikely(!value || !*value)) value = NULL;

				if(unlikely(!st)) {
					error("PLUGINSD: '%s' is requesting a SET on dimension %s with value %s, without a BEGIN. Disabling it.", cd->fullfilename, dimension, value?value:"<nothing>");
					cd->enabled = 0;
					killpid(cd->pid, SIGTERM);

				if(unlikely(st->debug)) debug(D_PLUGINSD, "PLUGINSD: '%s' is setting dimension %s/%s to %s", cd->fullfilename, st->id, dimension, value?value:"<nothing>");

				if(value) rrddim_set(st, dimension, atoll(value));

			else if(likely(hash == BEGIN_HASH && !strcmp(s, "BEGIN"))) {
				char *id = words[1];
				char *microseconds_txt = words[2];

				if(unlikely(!id)) {
					error("PLUGINSD: '%s' is requesting a BEGIN without a chart id. Disabling it.", cd->fullfilename);
					cd->enabled = 0;
					killpid(cd->pid, SIGTERM);

				st = rrdset_find(id);
				if(unlikely(!st)) {
					error("PLUGINSD: '%s' is requesting a BEGIN on chart '%s', which does not exist. Disabling it.", cd->fullfilename, id);
					cd->enabled = 0;
					killpid(cd->pid, SIGTERM);

				if(likely(st->counter_done)) {
					unsigned long long microseconds = 0;
					if(microseconds_txt && *microseconds_txt) microseconds = strtoull(microseconds_txt, NULL, 10);
					if(microseconds) rrdset_next_usec(st, microseconds);
					else rrdset_next_plugins(st);
			else if(likely(hash == END_HASH && !strcmp(s, "END"))) {
				if(unlikely(!st)) {
					error("PLUGINSD: '%s' is requesting an END, without a BEGIN. Disabling it.", cd->fullfilename);
					cd->enabled = 0;
					killpid(cd->pid, SIGTERM);

				if(unlikely(st->debug)) debug(D_PLUGINSD, "PLUGINSD: '%s' is requesting a END on chart %s", cd->fullfilename, st->id);

				st = NULL;
			else if(likely(hash == FLUSH_HASH && !strcmp(s, "FLUSH"))) {
				debug(D_PLUGINSD, "PLUGINSD: '%s' is requesting a FLUSH", cd->fullfilename);
				st = NULL;
			else if(likely(hash == CHART_HASH && !strcmp(s, "CHART"))) {
				st = NULL;

				char *type = words[1];
				char *id = NULL;
				if(likely(type)) {
					id = strchr(type, '.');
					if(likely(id)) { *id = '\0'; id++; }
				char *name = words[2];
				char *title = words[3];
				char *units = words[4];
				char *family = words[5];
				char *category = words[6];
				char *chart = words[7];
				char *priority_s = words[8];
				char *update_every_s = words[9];

				if(unlikely(!type || !*type || !id || !*id)) {
					error("PLUGINSD: '%s' is requesting a CHART, without a Disabling it.", cd->fullfilename);
					cd->enabled = 0;
					killpid(cd->pid, SIGTERM);

				int priority = 1000;
				if(likely(priority_s)) priority = atoi(priority_s);

				int update_every = cd->update_every;
				if(likely(update_every_s)) update_every = atoi(update_every_s);
				if(unlikely(!update_every)) update_every = cd->update_every;

				int chart_type = RRDSET_TYPE_LINE;
				if(unlikely(chart)) chart_type = rrdset_type_id(chart);

				if(unlikely(!name || !*name)) name = NULL;
				if(unlikely(!family || !*family)) family = id;
				if(unlikely(!category || !*category)) category = type;

				st = rrdset_find_bytype(type, id);
				if(unlikely(!st)) {
					debug(D_PLUGINSD, "PLUGINSD: Creating chart type='%s', id='%s', name='%s', family='%s', category='%s', chart='%s', priority=%d, update_every=%d"
						, type, id
						, name?name:""
						, family?family:""
						, category?category:""
						, rrdset_type_name(chart_type)
						, priority
						, update_every

					st = rrdset_create(type, id, name, family, title, units, priority, update_every, chart_type);
					cd->update_every = update_every;

					if(unlikely(strcmp(category, "none") == 0)) st->isdetail = 1;
				else debug(D_PLUGINSD, "PLUGINSD: Chart '%s' already exists. Not adding it again.", st->id);
			else if(likely(hash == DIMENSION_HASH && !strcmp(s, "DIMENSION"))) {
				char *id = words[1];
				char *name = words[2];
				char *algorithm = words[3];
				char *multiplier_s = words[4];
				char *divisor_s = words[5];
				char *options = words[6];

				if(unlikely(!id || !*id)) {
					error("PLUGINSD: '%s' is requesting a DIMENSION, without an id. Disabling it.", cd->fullfilename);
					cd->enabled = 0;
					killpid(cd->pid, SIGTERM);

				if(unlikely(!st)) {
					error("PLUGINSD: '%s' is requesting a DIMENSION, without a CHART. Disabling it.", cd->fullfilename);
					cd->enabled = 0;
					killpid(cd->pid, SIGTERM);

				long multiplier = 1;
				if(multiplier_s && *multiplier_s) multiplier = atol(multiplier_s);
				if(unlikely(!multiplier)) multiplier = 1;

				long divisor = 1;
				if(likely(divisor_s && *divisor_s)) divisor = atol(divisor_s);
				if(unlikely(!divisor)) divisor = 1;

				if(unlikely(!algorithm || !*algorithm)) algorithm = "absolute";

				if(unlikely(st->debug)) debug(D_PLUGINSD, "PLUGINSD: Creating dimension in chart %s, id='%s', name='%s', algorithm='%s', multiplier=%ld, divisor=%ld, hidden='%s'"
					, st->id
					, id
					, name?name:""
					, rrddim_algorithm_name(rrddim_algorithm_id(algorithm))
					, multiplier
					, divisor
					, options?options:""

				RRDDIM *rd = rrddim_find(st, id);
				if(unlikely(!rd)) {
					rd = rrddim_add(st, id, name, multiplier, divisor, rrddim_algorithm_id(algorithm));
					rd->flags = 0x00000000;
					if(options && *options) {
						if(strstr(options, "hidden") != NULL) rd->flags |= RRDDIM_FLAG_HIDDEN;
						if(strstr(options, "noreset") != NULL) rd->flags |= RRDDIM_FLAG_DONT_DETECT_RESETS_OR_OVERFLOWS;
						if(strstr(options, "nooverflow") != NULL) rd->flags |= RRDDIM_FLAG_DONT_DETECT_RESETS_OR_OVERFLOWS;
				else if(unlikely(st->debug)) debug(D_PLUGINSD, "PLUGINSD: dimension %s/%s already exists. Not adding it again.", st->id, id);
			else if(unlikely(hash == DISABLE_HASH && !strcmp(s, "DISABLE"))) {
				error("PLUGINSD: '%s' called DISABLE. Disabling it.", cd->fullfilename);
				cd->enabled = 0;
				killpid(cd->pid, SIGTERM);
			else if(likely(hash == MYPID_HASH && !strcmp(s, "MYPID"))) {
				char *pid_s = words[1];
				pid_t pid = atol(pid_s);

				if(likely(pid)) cd->pid = pid;
				debug(D_PLUGINSD, "PLUGINSD: %s is on pid %d", cd->id, cd->pid);
			else if(likely(hash == STOPPING_WAKE_ME_UP_PLEASE_HASH && !strcmp(s, "STOPPING_WAKE_ME_UP_PLEASE"))) {
				error("PLUGINSD: '%s' (pid %d) called STOPPING_WAKE_ME_UP_PLEASE.", cd->fullfilename, cd->pid);

				gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
				if(unlikely(!usec && !susec)) {
					// our first run
					susec = cd->rrd_update_every * 1000000ULL;
				else {
					// second+ run
					usec = usecdiff(&now, &last) - susec;
					error("PLUGINSD: %s last loop took %llu usec (worked for %llu, sleeped for %llu).\n", cd->fullfilename, usec + susec, usec, susec);
					if(unlikely(usec < (rrd_update_every * 1000000ULL / 2ULL))) susec = (rrd_update_every * 1000000ULL) - usec;
					else susec = rrd_update_every * 1000000ULL / 2ULL;

				error("PLUGINSD: %s sleeping for %llu. Will kill with SIGCONT pid %d to wake it up.\n", cd->fullfilename, susec, cd->pid);
				killpid(cd->pid, SIGCONT);
				bcopy(&now, &last, sizeof(struct timeval));
			else {
				error("PLUGINSD: '%s' is sending command '%s' which is not known by netdata. Disabling it.", cd->fullfilename, s);
				cd->enabled = 0;
				killpid(cd->pid, SIGTERM);

		info("PLUGINSD: '%s' on pid %d stopped.", cd->fullfilename, cd->pid);

		// fgets() failed or loop broke
		int code = mypclose(fp, cd->pid);
		if(code == 1 || code == 127) {
			// 1 = DISABLE
			// 127 = cannot even run it
			error("PLUGINSD: '%s' (pid %d) exited with code %d. Disabling it.", cd->fullfilename, cd->pid, code);
			cd->enabled = 0;

		if(netdata_exit) {
			cd->pid = 0;
			cd->enabled = 0;
			cd->obsolete = 1;
			return NULL;

		if(unlikely(!count && cd->enabled)) {
			error("PLUGINSD: '%s' (pid %d) does not generate usefull output. Waiting a bit before starting it again.", cd->fullfilename, cd->pid);
			sleep((unsigned int) (cd->update_every * 10));

		cd->pid = 0;
		if(likely(cd->enabled)) sleep((unsigned int) cd->update_every);
		else break;

	cd->obsolete = 1;
	return NULL;
Beispiel #4
unsigned long rrdset_info2json_api_old(RRDSET *st, char *options, BUFFER *wb) {
    time_t now = now_realtime_sec();


    st->last_accessed_time = now;

            "\t\t\t\"id\": \"%s\",\n"
            "\t\t\t\"name\": \"%s\",\n"
            "\t\t\t\"type\": \"%s\",\n"
            "\t\t\t\"family\": \"%s\",\n"
            "\t\t\t\"context\": \"%s\",\n"
            "\t\t\t\"title\": \"%s\",\n"
            "\t\t\t\"priority\": %ld,\n"
            "\t\t\t\"enabled\": %d,\n"
            "\t\t\t\"units\": \"%s\",\n"
            "\t\t\t\"url\": \"/data/%s/%s\",\n"
            "\t\t\t\"chart_type\": \"%s\",\n"
            "\t\t\t\"counter\": %lu,\n"
            "\t\t\t\"entries\": %ld,\n"
            "\t\t\t\"first_entry_t\": %ld,\n"
            "\t\t\t\"last_entry\": %lu,\n"
            "\t\t\t\"last_entry_t\": %ld,\n"
            "\t\t\t\"last_entry_secs_ago\": %ld,\n"
            "\t\t\t\"update_every\": %d,\n"
            "\t\t\t\"isdetail\": %d,\n"
            "\t\t\t\"usec_since_last_update\": %llu,\n"
            "\t\t\t\"collected_total\": " TOTAL_NUMBER_FORMAT ",\n"
            "\t\t\t\"last_collected_total\": " TOTAL_NUMBER_FORMAT ",\n"
            "\t\t\t\"dimensions\": [\n"
            , st->id
            , st->name
            , st->type
            , st->family
            , st->context
            , st->title
            , st->priority
            , rrdset_flag_check(st, RRDSET_FLAG_ENABLED)?1:0
            , st->units
            , st->name, options?options:""
            , rrdset_type_name(st->chart_type)
            , st->counter
            , st->entries
            , rrdset_first_entry_t(st)
            , rrdset_last_slot(st)
            , rrdset_last_entry_t(st)
            , (now < rrdset_last_entry_t(st)) ? (time_t)0 : now - rrdset_last_entry_t(st)
            , st->update_every
            , rrdset_flag_check(st, RRDSET_FLAG_DETAIL)?1:0
            , st->usec_since_last_update
            , st->collected_total
            , st->last_collected_total

    unsigned long memory = st->memsize;

    RRDDIM *rd;
    rrddim_foreach_read(rd, st) {

        memory += rd->memsize;

                "\t\t\t\t\t\"id\": \"%s\",\n"
                "\t\t\t\t\t\"name\": \"%s\",\n"
                "\t\t\t\t\t\"entries\": %ld,\n"
                "\t\t\t\t\t\"isHidden\": %d,\n"
                "\t\t\t\t\t\"algorithm\": \"%s\",\n"
                "\t\t\t\t\t\"multiplier\": " COLLECTED_NUMBER_FORMAT ",\n"
                "\t\t\t\t\t\"divisor\": " COLLECTED_NUMBER_FORMAT ",\n"
                "\t\t\t\t\t\"last_entry_t\": %ld,\n"
                "\t\t\t\t\t\"collected_value\": " COLLECTED_NUMBER_FORMAT ",\n"
                "\t\t\t\t\t\"calculated_value\": " CALCULATED_NUMBER_FORMAT ",\n"
                "\t\t\t\t\t\"last_collected_value\": " COLLECTED_NUMBER_FORMAT ",\n"
                "\t\t\t\t\t\"last_calculated_value\": " CALCULATED_NUMBER_FORMAT ",\n"
                "\t\t\t\t\t\"memory\": %lu\n"
                , rd->id
                , rd->name
                , rd->entries
                , rrddim_flag_check(rd, RRDDIM_FLAG_HIDDEN)?1:0
                , rrd_algorithm_name(rd->algorithm)
                , rd->multiplier
                , rd->divisor
                , rd->last_collected_time.tv_sec
                , rd->collected_value
                , rd->calculated_value
                , rd->last_collected_value
                , rd->last_calculated_value
                , rd->memsize
                , rd->next?",":""