rsApplyTransformationParameters *rsApplyTransformationInitParameters() {
    rsApplyTransformationParameters *p = (rsApplyTransformationParameters*)rsMalloc(sizeof(rsApplyTransformationParameters));
    p->inputpath                = NULL;
    p->outputpath               = NULL;
    p->referencepath            = NULL;
    p->headerReferencePath      = NULL;
    p->antsPath                 = NULL;
    p->callString               = NULL;
    p->verbose                  = FALSE;
    p->keepFiles                = FALSE;
    p->input                    = NULL;
    p->output                   = NULL;
    p->threads                  = 1;
    p->transform                = NULL;
    p->nTransformations         = 0;
    p->specs                    = NULL;
    p->parametersValid          = FALSE;
    p->progressCallback         = NULL;
    p->coordinateSpaceTypeInput = NULL;
    p->coordinateSpaceType      = -1;
    p->defaultValue             = log(-1.0); // NaN
    p->interpolationMethod      = "LanczosWindowedSinc";
    return p;
Beispiel #2
void RSConfig::_loadConfig()
    const char *confPath = CONFIG_PATH"/rstools.conf";
    ifstream c(confPath);
    int n = 1;
    string line;
    while (getline(c, line)) {
        if ( line[0] == '#' || line.find("=")==string::npos ) {
        size_t delimiter = line.find("=");
        if ( delimiter == string::npos ) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Error while parsing config '%s' on line %d:\n%s\n", confPath, n, line.c_str());
        string key = line.substr(0, delimiter);
        string value = line.substr(delimiter+1);
        rsArgument *arg = (rsArgument*)rsMalloc(sizeof(rsArgument));
        arg->key = rsString(key.c_str());
        arg->value = rsString(value.c_str());
Beispiel #3
double *rsReadRegressorFromStream(FILE *stream, unsigned int *nValues)
    char *line = NULL;
    size_t len = 0;
    ssize_t read;
    double value;
    unsigned int nBuffer = 10;
    *nValues = 0;
    double *regressor = (double*)rsMalloc(nBuffer * sizeof(double));
    while ((read = getline(&line, &len, stream)) != -1) {
        value = atof(line);
        regressor[*nValues] = value;
        *nValues = *nValues + 1;
        // Check if we're running out of memory and extend the array if necessary
        if ( *nValues + 1 >= nBuffer ) {
            nBuffer = nBuffer + 10;
            double* tmpRegressor = realloc(regressor, nBuffer * sizeof(double));
            if (tmpRegressor) {
                regressor = tmpRegressor;
            } else {
                fprintf(stderr, "Could not allocate enough memory to save the regressor.\n");
    if (line) free(line);
    return regressor;
Beispiel #4
void Smoothing::_run()
    params->progressCallback = (rsReportProgressCallback*)rsMalloc(sizeof(rsReportProgressCallback));
    params->progressCallback->cb = (rsReportProgressCallback_t) RSTool::showProgressCallback;
    params->progressCallback->data = (void*)oc;


Beispiel #5
void Correlation::_run()
    params->progressCallback = (rsReportProgressCallback*)rsMalloc(sizeof(rsReportProgressCallback));
    params->progressCallback->cb = (rsReportProgressCallback_t) RSTool::showProgressCallback;
    params->progressCallback->data = (void*)oc;
Beispiel #6
rsDeobliqueParameters *rsDeobliqueInitParameters() {
    rsDeobliqueParameters *p = (rsDeobliqueParameters*)rsMalloc(sizeof(rsDeobliqueParameters));
    p->inputpath            = NULL;
    p->outputpath           = NULL;
    p->transformationpath   = NULL;
    p->callString           = NULL;
    p->verbose              = FALSE;
    p->input                = NULL;
    p->output               = NULL;
    p->transform            = NULL;
    p->parametersValid      = FALSE;
    return p;
Beispiel #7
rsOrientationParameters *rsOrientationInitParameters() {
    rsOrientationParameters *p = (rsOrientationParameters*)rsMalloc(sizeof(rsOrientationParameters));
    p->inputpath            = NULL;
    p->outputpath           = NULL;
    p->dicompath            = NULL;
    p->orientation          = NULL;
    p->phaseencdir          = NULL;
    p->callString           = NULL;
    p->verbose              = FALSE;
    p->input                = NULL;
    p->dicom                = NULL;
    p->output               = NULL;
    p->parametersValid      = FALSE;
    return p;
void Normalization::_init()
    rsArgument *input = this->getTask()->getArgument("input");
    if ( input == NULL ) {
        fprintf(stderr, "An input needs to be specified!\n");
        this->executionSuccessful = false;

    // add number of threads to the list of job arguments
    char *threads = (char*)rsMalloc(sizeof(char)*5);
    sprintf(threads, "%d", this->threads);
    rsArgument *arg = (rsArgument*)malloc(sizeof(rsArgument));
    arg->key = rsString("threads");
    arg->value = threads;

rsFitParameters *rsFitInitParameters()
    rsFitParameters *p = (rsFitParameters*)rsMalloc(sizeof(rsFitParameters));
    p->inputpath            = NULL;
    p->targetpath           = NULL;
    p->betaspath            = NULL;
    p->callString           = NULL;
    p->verbose              = FALSE;
    p->input                = NULL;;
    p->betas                = NULL;
    p->target               = NULL;
    p->parametersValid      = FALSE;
    p->threads              = 1;
    p->interface            = NULL;
    return p;
Beispiel #10
rsInfoParameters* rsInfoInitParameters()
    rsInfoParameters *p = (rsInfoParameters*)rsMalloc(sizeof(rsInfoParameters));
    p->inputpath            = NULL;
    p->dicompath            = NULL;
    p->extensionSource      = NULL;
    p->parametersValid      = FALSE;
    p->input                = NULL;
    p->output               = NULL;
    p->extensionInput       = NULL;
    p->dicom                = NULL;
    p->showComments         = FALSE;
    p->showInfo             = FALSE;
    p->infoKey              = NULL;
    p->interface            = NULL;

    return p;
bool ArgumentsModel::setData(const QModelIndex & index, const QVariant & value, int role)
    if (role == Qt::EditRole) {
        QString result = value.toString();
        QByteArray result2 = result.toLatin1();
        char *v = rsString(;
        bool insertedRow = false;
        vector<rsArgument*> args = job->getArguments();
        if ( index.row() >= (int)args.size() ) {
            //beginInsertRows(index, 0, 1);
            rsArgument* arg = (rsArgument*)rsMalloc(sizeof(rsArgument));
            arg->key = rsString("<empty>");
            arg->value = rsString("");

            insertedRow = true;
        args = job->getArguments();
        rsArgument* arg = args[index.row()];
        if ( index.column() == 0 ) {
            arg->key = v;
        } else {
            arg->value = v;
        if ( insertedRow ) {
        } else {
            emit editCompleted(result);    
    return true;
Beispiel #12
rsZeropaddingParameters *rsZeropaddingInitParameters() {
    rsZeropaddingParameters *p = (rsZeropaddingParameters*)rsMalloc(sizeof(rsZeropaddingParameters));
    p->inputpath            = NULL;
    p->outputpath           = NULL;
    p->padding[0]           = 0;
    p->padding[1]           = 0;
    p->padding[2]           = 0;
    p->padding[3]           = 0;
    p->padding[4]           = 0;
    p->padding[5]           = 0;
    p->paddingValue         = 0.0;
    p->mirroredPadding      = FALSE;
    p->callString           = NULL;
    p->verbose              = FALSE;
    p->input                = NULL;
    p->output               = NULL;
    p->parametersValid      = FALSE;
    return p;