   (PKCS #1 v2.0) decrypt then OAEP depad  
   @param in          The ciphertext
   @param inlen       The length of the ciphertext (octets)
   @param out         [out] The plaintext
   @param outlen      [in/out] The max size and resulting size of the plaintext (octets)
   @param lparam      The system "lparam" value
   @param lparamlen   The length of the lparam value (octets)
   @param hash_idx    The index of the hash desired
   @param stat        [out] Result of the decryption, 1==valid, 0==invalid
   @param key         The corresponding private RSA key
   @return CRYPT_OK if succcessul (even if invalid)
int rsa_decrypt_key(const unsigned char *in,       unsigned long  inlen,
                          unsigned char *out,      unsigned long *outlen, 
                    const unsigned char *lparam,   unsigned long  lparamlen,
                          int            hash_idx, int           *stat,
                          rsa_key       *key)
  unsigned long modulus_bitlen, modulus_bytelen, x;
  int           err;
  unsigned char *tmp;
  LTC_ARGCHK(out    != NULL);
  LTC_ARGCHK(outlen != NULL);
  LTC_ARGCHK(key    != NULL);
  LTC_ARGCHK(stat   != NULL);

  /* default to invalid */
  *stat = 0;

  /* valid hash ? */
  if ((err = hash_is_valid(hash_idx)) != CRYPT_OK) {
     return err;
  /* get modulus len in bits */
  modulus_bitlen = mp_count_bits(&(key->N));

  /* outlen must be at least the size of the modulus */
  modulus_bytelen = mp_unsigned_bin_size(&(key->N));
  if (modulus_bytelen != inlen) {

  /* allocate ram */
  tmp = XMALLOC(inlen);
  if (tmp == NULL) {
     return CRYPT_MEM;

  /* rsa decode the packet */
  x = inlen;
  if ((err = rsa_exptmod(in, inlen, tmp, &x, PK_PRIVATE, key)) != CRYPT_OK) {
     return err;

  /* now OAEP decode the packet */
  err = pkcs_1_oaep_decode(tmp, x, lparam, lparamlen, modulus_bitlen, hash_idx,
                           out, outlen, stat);
  return err;
Beispiel #2
  (PKCS #1, v2.0) de-sign then PSS depad
  @param sig              The signature data
  @param siglen           The length of the signature data (octets)
  @param hash             The hash of the message that was signed
  @param hashlen          The length of the hash of the message that was signed (octets)
  @param hash_idx         The index of the desired hash
  @param saltlen          The length of the salt used during signature
  @param stat             [out] The result of the signature comparison, 1==valid, 0==invalid
  @param key              The public RSA key corresponding to the key that performed the signature
  @return CRYPT_OK on success (even if the signature is invalid)
int rsa_verify_hash(const unsigned char *sig,      unsigned long siglen,
                    const unsigned char *hash,     unsigned long hashlen,
                          int            hash_idx, unsigned long saltlen,
                          int           *stat,     rsa_key      *key)
   unsigned long modulus_bitlen, modulus_bytelen, x;
   int           err;
   unsigned char *tmpbuf;
  LTC_ARGCHK(hash  != NULL);
  LTC_ARGCHK(sig      != NULL);
  LTC_ARGCHK(stat     != NULL);
  LTC_ARGCHK(key      != NULL);

  /* default to invalid */
  *stat = 0;
  /* valid hash ? */
  if ((err = hash_is_valid(hash_idx)) != CRYPT_OK) {
     return err;
  /* get modulus len in bits */
  modulus_bitlen = mp_count_bits(&(key->N));

  /* outlen must be at least the size of the modulus */
  modulus_bytelen = mp_unsigned_bin_size(&(key->N));
  if (modulus_bytelen != siglen) {
  /* allocate temp buffer for decoded sig */
  tmpbuf = XMALLOC(siglen);
  if (tmpbuf == NULL) {
     return CRYPT_MEM;
  /* RSA decode it  */
  x = siglen;
  if ((err = rsa_exptmod(sig, siglen, tmpbuf, &x, PK_PUBLIC, key)) != CRYPT_OK) {
     return err;
  /* PSS decode it */
  err = pkcs_1_pss_decode(hash, hashlen, tmpbuf, x, saltlen, hash_idx, modulus_bitlen, stat);
  return err;
Beispiel #3
void packet_client_billinginfo(unsigned char* buff, int len)
    unsigned char rsa_out[1024];
    unsigned char depad_out[1024];
    unsigned char outbuff[4096];
    unsigned long x, y;
    int err;
    int chunk_size;
    int outpos = 0;

    //bytes_out(buff, len);
    /* first two bytes are unknown */
    buff += 2; len -= 2;

    /* key is made up of blocks which are padded then crypted.  They
       come on the wire as 2 bytes size (net order) then data */
    while (len > 0)  {
        chunk_size = (buff[0] << 8) | buff[1];
        buff += 2; len -= 2;

        x = sizeof(rsa_out);
        if ((err = rsa_exptmod(buff, chunk_size, rsa_out, &x, PK_PRIVATE, &key)) != CRYPT_OK) {
            printf("rsa_exptmod failed: %s\n", error_to_string(err));
        y = sizeof(depad_out);
        if ((err = rsa_depad(rsa_out, x, depad_out, &y)) != CRYPT_OK) {
            printf("rsa_depad failed: %s\n", error_to_string(err));

        memcpy(&outbuff[outpos], depad_out, y);
        outpos += y;

        //printf("packet_client_billinginfo has %lu bytes\n", y);

        buff += chunk_size; len -= chunk_size;

    buff = outbuff;
    printf("Billing Info:\n");
    printf("  Account Name: %s\n", dump_str(&buff));
    printf("  Password: %s\n", dump_str(&buff));
    printf("  Cardholder's Name: %s\n", dump_str(&buff));
    printf("  CreditCard Number: %s\n", dump_str(&buff));
    printf("  Expiration Date: %s/", dump_str(&buff)); printf("%s\n", dump_str(&buff));
    printf("  Billing cycle: %s\n", dump_str(&buff));
Beispiel #4
void packet_client_setenckey(unsigned char* buff, int len)
    unsigned char rsa_out[4096];
    unsigned char depad_out[4096];
    unsigned char tmp_symkey[SYMKEY_SIZE+4];
    unsigned long x, y;
    int err;
    int chunk_size;
    int symkeysize;
    int outpos = 0;

    /* first two bytes are unknown */
    buff += 2; len -= 2;

    /* key is made up of blocks which are padded then crypted.  They
       come on the wire as 2 bytes size (net order) then data */
    while (len > 0)  {
        chunk_size = (buff[0] << 8) | buff[1];
        buff += 2; len -= 2;

        x = sizeof(rsa_out);
        if ((err = rsa_exptmod(buff, chunk_size, rsa_out, &x, PK_PRIVATE, &key)) != CRYPT_OK) {
            printf("rsa_exptmod failed: %s\n", error_to_string(err));
        y = sizeof(depad_out);
        if ((err = rsa_depad(rsa_out, x, depad_out, &y)) != CRYPT_OK) {
            printf("rsa_depad failed: %s\n", error_to_string(err));

        memcpy(&tmp_symkey[outpos], depad_out, y);
        outpos += y;

        // printf("packet_client_setenckey has %lu bytes\n", y);

        buff += chunk_size; len -= chunk_size;

    /* first 4 bytes are WORD keysize twice (net order) */
    symkeysize = my_ntohs(tmp_symkey); //(tmp_symkey[0] << 8) | tmp_symkey[1];
    setup_sbox_from_key(&tmp_symkey[4], symkeysize);

    printf("Client sent symmetric key (%d bytes)...\n", symkeysize);
  (PKCS #1, v2.0) PSS pad then sign 
  @param in        The hash to sign
  @param inlen     The length of the hash to sign (octets)
  @param out       [out] The signature
  @param outlen    [in/out] The max size and resulting size of the signature 
  @param prng      An active PRNG state
  @param prng_idx  The index of the PRNG desired
  @param hash_idx  The index of the hash desired
  @param saltlen   The length of the salt desired (octets)
  @param key       The private RSA key to use
  @return CRYPT_OK if successful
int rsa_sign_hash(const unsigned char *in,       unsigned long  inlen, 
                        unsigned char *out,      unsigned long *outlen, 
                        prng_state    *prng,     int            prng_idx,
                        int            hash_idx, unsigned long  saltlen,
                        rsa_key *key)
   unsigned long modulus_bitlen, modulus_bytelen, x;
   int           err;
  LTC_ARGCHK(in       != NULL);
  LTC_ARGCHK(out      != NULL);
  LTC_ARGCHK(outlen   != NULL);
  LTC_ARGCHK(key      != NULL);
  /* valid prng and hash ? */
  if ((err = prng_is_valid(prng_idx)) != CRYPT_OK) {
     return err;
  if ((err = hash_is_valid(hash_idx)) != CRYPT_OK) {
     return err;
  /* get modulus len in bits */
  modulus_bitlen = mp_count_bits(&(key->N));

  /* outlen must be at least the size of the modulus */
  modulus_bytelen = mp_unsigned_bin_size(&(key->N));
  if (modulus_bytelen > *outlen) {
  /* PSS pad the key */
  x = *outlen;
  if ((err = pkcs_1_pss_encode(in, inlen, saltlen, prng, prng_idx,
                               hash_idx, modulus_bitlen, out, &x)) != CRYPT_OK) {
     return err;

  /* RSA encode it */
  return rsa_exptmod(out, x, out, outlen, PK_PRIVATE, key);
Beispiel #6
    (PKCS #1 v2.0) OAEP pad then encrypt
    @param in          The plaintext
    @param inlen       The length of the plaintext (octets)
    @param out         [out] The ciphertext
    @param outlen      [in/out] The max size and resulting size of the ciphertext
    @param lparam      The system "lparam" for the encryption
    @param lparamlen   The length of lparam (octets)
    @param prng        An active PRNG
    @param prng_idx    The index of the desired prng
    @param hash_idx    The index of the desired hash
    @param key         The RSA key to encrypt to
    @return CRYPT_OK if successful
int rsa_encrypt_key(const unsigned char *in,     unsigned long inlen,
                          unsigned char *out,    unsigned long *outlen,
                    const unsigned char *lparam, unsigned long lparamlen,
                    prng_state *prng, int prng_idx, int hash_idx, rsa_key *key)
  unsigned long modulus_bitlen, modulus_bytelen, x;
  int           err;
  LTC_ARGCHK(in     != NULL);
  LTC_ARGCHK(out    != NULL);
  LTC_ARGCHK(outlen != NULL);
  LTC_ARGCHK(key    != NULL);
  /* valid prng and hash ? */
  if ((err = prng_is_valid(prng_idx)) != CRYPT_OK) {
     return err;
  if ((err = hash_is_valid(hash_idx)) != CRYPT_OK) {
     return err;
  /* get modulus len in bits */
  modulus_bitlen = mp_count_bits(&(key->N));

  /* outlen must be at least the size of the modulus */
  modulus_bytelen = mp_unsigned_bin_size(&(key->N));
  if (modulus_bytelen > *outlen) {
  /* OAEP pad the key */
  x = *outlen;
  if ((err = pkcs_1_oaep_encode(in, inlen, lparam, 
                                lparamlen, modulus_bitlen, prng, prng_idx, hash_idx, 
                                out, &x)) != CRYPT_OK) {
     return err;

  /* rsa exptmod the OAEP pad */
  return rsa_exptmod(out, x, out, outlen, PK_PUBLIC, key);
Beispiel #7
                               CCRSACryptorRef publicKey, 
                               const void *cipherText, 
                               size_t cipherTextLen,
                               void *plainText, 
                               size_t *plainTextLen)
    int tcReturn;
	int stat = 0;
    CCRSACryptor *publicCryptor = publicKey;
    uint8_t *message;
    unsigned long messageLen, modulusLen;
    CCCryptorStatus retval = kCCSuccess;
    modulusLen = CCRSAGetKeySize(publicKey);
    messageLen = modulusLen / 8;
    if((message = CC_XMALLOC(messageLen)) == NULL) return kCCMemoryFailure;
	tcReturn = rsa_exptmod(cipherText, cipherTextLen, message, messageLen, publicCryptor->keyType, &publicCryptor->key);
    if(tcReturn) {
        retval = kCCDecodeError;
        goto out;
    tcReturn = pkcs_1_v1_5_decode(message, messageLen, LTC_PKCS_1_EME, modulusLen, plainText, plainTextLen, &stat);
    if(tcReturn) {
        retval = kCCDecodeError;
        goto out;        
    if(!stat) {
        retval = kCCDecodeError;
        goto out;
    CC_XZEROMEM(message, messageLen);
    CC_XFREE(message, messageLen);
    return retval;