int rtems_shell_main_mwdump(
  int   argc,
  char *argv[]
  unsigned char  n;
  unsigned char  m;
  int            max;
  int            res;
  void          *addr = 0;
  unsigned char *pb;

  if ( argc > 1 ) {
    if ( rtems_string_to_pointer(argv[1], &addr, NULL) ) {
      printf( "Address argument (%s) is not a number\n", argv[1] );
      return -1;

  if ( argc > 2 ) {
    if ( rtems_string_to_int(argv[2], &max, NULL, 0) ) {
      printf( "Address argument (%s) is not a number\n", argv[1] );
      return -1;

    if (max <= 0) {
      max = 1;      /* print 1 item if 0 or neg. */
      res = 0;
    } else {
      res = max & 0xf;/* num bytes in last row */
      max >>= 4;      /* div by 16 */
      max++;          /* num of rows to print */
      if (max > 20) { /* limit to 20 */
        max = 20;
        res = 0xf;    /* 16 bytes print in last row */
  } else {
int main_pcmmio_dac(int argc, char **argv)
  int       dac;
  float     low_voltage;
  float     high_voltage;
  float     step_voltage;
  float     current_voltage;
  float     current_step;
  int       step_time;
  int       maximum_time;
  uint32_t  step_ticks;
  bool      fail = false;
  int       elapsed;

   *  Verify that we have the right number of arguments.
  if ( (argc != 3) && (argc != 7) ) {
    printf( "Incorrect number of arguments\n" );
    return -1;

   *  Convert the string arguments into number values
  if ( rtems_string_to_int( argv[1], &dac, NULL, 0 ) ) {
    printf( "DAC (%s) is not a number\n", argv[1] );
    fail = true;

  if ( rtems_string_to_float( argv[2], &low_voltage, NULL ) ) {
    printf( "Voltage (%s) is not a number\n", argv[2] );
    fail = true;

   *  Validate the output dac and voltage.
  if ( dac < 0 || dac > 7 ) {
    puts( "DAC number must be 0-7" );
    fail = true;

  VALIDATE_VOLTAGE( low_voltage );

   *  Now do a single write to the DAC
  if ( argc == 3 ) {
    if ( fail ) {
      return -1;
    printf( "Write %6.4f to to dac %d\n", low_voltage, dac );
    set_dac_voltage(dac, low_voltage);
    return 0;

   *  Finish parsing the arguments to do a pattern
  fail = false;

  if ( rtems_string_to_float( argv[3], &high_voltage, NULL ) ) {
    printf( "Voltage (%s) is not a number\n", argv[3] );
    fail = true;

  VALIDATE_VOLTAGE( high_voltage );

  if ( rtems_string_to_float( argv[4], &step_voltage, NULL ) ) {
    printf( "Step voltage (%s) is not a number\n", argv[4] );
    fail = true;

  VALIDATE_VOLTAGE( step_voltage );

  if ( step_voltage < 0.0 ) {
    printf( "Step voltage must be greater than 0\n" );
    fail = true;

  if ( rtems_string_to_int( argv[5], &step_time, NULL, 0 ) ) {
    printf( "Step time (%s) is not a number\n", argv[5] );
    fail = true;

  if ( rtems_string_to_int( argv[6], &maximum_time, NULL, 0 ) ) {
    printf( "Maximum time (%s) is not a number\n", argv[6] );
    fail = true;

  if ( step_time >= maximum_time ) {
      "Step time (%d) must be less than maximum time (%d)\n",
    fail = true;

  if ( step_time < 0 ) {
    printf( "Step time must be greater than 0\n" );
    fail = true;

  if ( maximum_time < 0 ) {
    printf( "Maximum time must be greater than 0\n" );
    fail = true;

   *  Now write the pattern to the DAC

  if ( fail ) {
    return -1;

    "Write %6.4f-%6.4f step=%6.4f stepTime=%d msecs dac=%d max=%d msecs\n",

  elapsed         = 0;
  step_ticks      = RTEMS_MILLISECONDS_TO_TICKS(step_time);
  current_voltage = low_voltage;
  current_step    = step_voltage;

  if ( low_voltage > high_voltage ) 
    current_step    *= -1.0;

  while (1) {
    #if defined(TESTING)
      printf( "%d: Write %6.4f to to dac %d\n", elapsed, current_voltage, dac );
    set_dac_voltage(dac, current_voltage);

    current_voltage += current_step;
    if ( current_voltage < low_voltage ) {
      current_step    = step_voltage;
      current_voltage = low_voltage;
    } else if ( current_voltage > high_voltage ) {
      current_step    = -1.0 * step_voltage;
      current_voltage = high_voltage;

    elapsed += step_time;
    if ( elapsed > maximum_time )

    rtems_task_wake_after( step_ticks );
  return 0;
int main_pcmmio_benchmark(int argc, char **argv)
  int                 maximum;
  int                 sc;
  char                ch;
  bool                verbose;
  struct getopt_data  getopt_reent;
  const  char        *s;
  int                 interrupts;
  uint64_t            timestamp;
  uint64_t            now;
  uint32_t            min_cycles;
  uint32_t            max_cycles;
  uint64_t            total_cycles;
  uint64_t            cycles;

   * Parse arguments here
  maximum = 1;
  verbose = false;

  memset(&getopt_reent, 0, sizeof(getopt_data));
  while ((ch = getopt_r(argc, argv, "i:v", &getopt_reent)) != -1) {
    switch (ch) {
      case 'i': /* maximum interrupts */
        s = getopt_reent.optarg;
        if ( rtems_string_to_int( s, &maximum, NULL, 0 ) ) {
          printf( "Maximum interrupts (%s) is not a number\n", s );
          return -1;
	if ( maximum <= 0 ) {
	  printf( "Maximum interrupts (%d) is invalid\n", maximum );
          return -1;
      case 'v': /* verbose */
        verbose = true;
        printf( pcmmio_benchmark_usage, argv[0] );
        return -1;

  printf( "Benchmarking for DIN IRQ for %d interrupts\n", maximum );

   *  Now catch interrupts in the loop
  interrupts   = 0;
  min_cycles   = 0xffffffff;
  max_cycles   = 0;
  total_cycles = 0;

  while (1) {
    sc = 0;
    sc = wait_dio_int_with_timestamp(0, &timestamp);

    if ( sc == -1 )

    now = rdtsc();

    cycles = now - timestamp;
    total_cycles += cycles;

    if ( cycles < min_cycles ) min_cycles = cycles;
    if ( cycles > max_cycles ) max_cycles = cycles;


    if (interrupts >= maximum )

    "Number of Interrupts:     %d\n"
    "Total Cycles:             %lld\n"
    "min/max/avg cycles:       %ld/%ld/%lld\n"
    "min/max/avg microseconds: %lld/%lld/%lld\n",
    min_cycles, max_cycles, total_cycles / maximum,
    to_usecs( min_cycles ),
    to_usecs( max_cycles ),
    to_usecs( total_cycles / maximum )
  return 0;