Beispiel #1
// Initialise the sample interface
int sample_init(imagewnd_t *imagewnd, colorwnd_t *colorwnd, mezz_mmap_t *mmap)
  int i;
  double r;

  sample = malloc(sizeof(sample_t));

  sample->mmap = mmap;
  sample->radius = 5;

  // Create sample point figures on the image
  for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(sample->figs); i++)
    sample->figs[i] = rtk_fig_create(imagewnd->canvas, imagewnd->imagefig, 1);
    rtk_fig_movemask(sample->figs[i], RTK_MOVE_TRANS);
    rtk_fig_origin(sample->figs[i], sample->mmap->width/2, sample->mmap->height/2, 0);
    rtk_fig_color(sample->figs[i], COLOR_SAMPLE);
    r = sample->radius + 2;
    rtk_fig_rectangle(sample->figs[i], 0, 0, 0, r, r, 0);
    rtk_fig_line(sample->figs[i], -2 * r, 0, -r, 0);
    rtk_fig_line(sample->figs[i], +2 * r, 0, +r, 0);
    rtk_fig_line(sample->figs[i], 0, -2 * r, 0, -r);
    rtk_fig_line(sample->figs[i], 0, +2 * r, 0, +r);

  // Create figures to put on the color space
  sample->vufig = rtk_fig_create(colorwnd->canvas, colorwnd->vufig, 2);
  sample->yufig = rtk_fig_create(colorwnd->canvas, colorwnd->yufig, 2);
  sample->vyfig = rtk_fig_create(colorwnd->canvas, colorwnd->vyfig, 2);
  return 0;
// Draw the actarray scan
void actarray_draw(actarray_t *actarray)
  double value;
  double min, max;
  double ax, ay, bx, by;
  double fx, fd;

  int ii;

  actarray_allocate(actarray, actarray->proxy->actuators_count);

  for(ii = 0; ii < actarray->proxy->actuators_count; ++ii)
    value = actarray->proxy->actuators_data[ii].position;
    min = -1;
    max = 1;
    if (actarray->proxy->actuators_geom && actarray->proxy->actuators_geom_count == actarray->proxy->actuators_count)
      min = actarray->proxy->actuators_geom[ii].min;
      max = actarray->proxy->actuators_geom[ii].max;
    // now limit and scale the value to the actuator bar
    if (value > max) value = max;
    if (value < min) value = min;
    value = 2*(value-min)/(max-min) -1;
    rtk_fig_t * fig = actarray->actuator_fig[ii];
    rtk_fig_show(fig, 1);
    rtk_fig_origin(actarray->actuator_fig[ii], ARRAY_SPACING*ii +ARRAY_X_OFFSET, 0, 0);
    rtk_fig_color_rgb32(fig, COLOR_ACTARRAY_DATA);
    rtk_fig_line(fig, 0, -1, 0, 1);
    rtk_fig_ellipse(actarray->actuator_fig[ii], 0, value, 0, 0.2, 0.2, 1);

Beispiel #3
// Draw the ptz scan
void ptz_draw(ptz_t *ptz)
  double ox, oy, d;
  double ax, ay, bx, by;
  double fx, fd;

  // Camera field of view in x-direction (radians)
  fx = ptz->proxy->zoom;
  fd = 0.5 / tan(fx/2);
  rtk_fig_show(ptz->data_fig, 1);      
  rtk_fig_show(ptz->data_fig_tilt, 1);      

  rtk_fig_color_rgb32(ptz->data_fig, COLOR_PTZ_DATA);
  ox = 100 * cos(ptz->proxy->pan);
  oy = 100 * sin(ptz->proxy->pan);
  rtk_fig_line(ptz->data_fig, 0, 0, ox, oy);
  ox = 100 * cos(ptz->proxy->pan + fx / 2);
  oy = 100 * sin(ptz->proxy->pan + fx / 2);
  rtk_fig_line(ptz->data_fig, 0, 0, ox, oy);
  ox = 100 * cos(ptz->proxy->pan - fx / 2);
  oy = 100 * sin(ptz->proxy->pan - fx / 2);
  rtk_fig_line(ptz->data_fig, 0, 0, ox, oy);

  // Draw in the zoom bar (2 m in length)
  d = sqrt(fd * fd + 0.5 * 0.5);
  ax = d * cos(ptz->proxy->pan + fx / 2);
  ay = d * sin(ptz->proxy->pan + fx / 2);
  bx = d * cos(ptz->proxy->pan - fx / 2);
  by = d * sin(ptz->proxy->pan - fx / 2);
  rtk_fig_line(ptz->data_fig, ax, ay, bx, by);
  rtk_fig_color_rgb32(ptz->data_fig_tilt, COLOR_PTZ_DATA_TILT);
  ox = 100 * cos(ptz->proxy->tilt);
  oy = 100 * sin(ptz->proxy->tilt);
  rtk_fig_line(ptz->data_fig_tilt, 0, 0, ox, oy);
Beispiel #4
// Update the objects
void ident_update()
  int i, j;
  double r;
  char text[64];
  double ax, ay, aa, bx, by, ba;
  mezz_object_t *object;

  for (i = 0; i < ident->objectlist->count; i++)
    object = ident->objectlist->objects + i;

    if (!object->valid)
    r = object->max_sep;
    dewarp_world2image(object->px, object->py, &ax, &ay);
    dewarp_world2image(object->px + r * cos(object->pa+M_PI_2),
                       object->py + r * sin(object->pa+M_PI_2), &bx, &by);

    rtk_fig_color(ident->fig, COLOR_IDENT);
    rtk_fig_arrow_ex(ident->fig, ax, ay, bx, by, 5);

    snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "obj [%d] (%.2f, %.2f)\n    (%.0f, %.0f)",
	     i, object->px, object->py,
	     (object->ablob.ox + object->bblob.ox) / 2.0,
	     (object->ablob.oy + object->bblob.oy) / 2.0);
    rtk_fig_text(ident->fig, ax + 10, ay - 20, 0, text);

    for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
      aa = object->pa + M_PI/4 + j * M_PI/2;
      ba = object->pa + M_PI/4 + (j + 1) * M_PI/2;
      dewarp_world2image(object->px + r * cos(aa),
                         object->py + r * sin(aa), &ax, &ay);
      dewarp_world2image(object->px + r * cos(ba),
                         object->py + r * sin(ba), &bx, &by);
      rtk_fig_line(ident->fig, ax, ay, bx, by);
// Draw the ranger scan
void ranger_draw(ranger_t *ranger)
  int ii = 0, jj = 0;
  int point_count;
  double point1[2], point2[2]; 
  double (*points)[2];
  double current_angle = 0.0f, temp = 0.0f;
  unsigned int ranges_per_sensor = 0;

  // Drawing type depends on the selected sensor type
  // Singular sensors (e.g. sonar sensors):
  //   Draw a cone for the first range scan of each sensor
  // Non-singular sensors (e.g. laser scanner):
  //   Draw the edge of the scan and empty space

  // Calculate the number of ranges per sensor
  if (ranger->proxy->sensor_count == 0)
    ranges_per_sensor = ranger->proxy->ranges_count;
    ranges_per_sensor = ranger->proxy->ranges_count / ranger->proxy->sensor_count;

  if (rtk_menuitem_ischecked(ranger->device_item))
    // Draw sonar-like
    points = calloc(3, sizeof(double)*2);
    temp = 20.0f * M_PI / 180.0f / 2.0f;
    for (ii = 0; ii < ranger->proxy->sensor_count; ii++)
      rtk_fig_show(ranger->scan_fig[ii], 1);
      rtk_fig_color_rgb32(ranger->scan_fig[ii], COLOR_SONAR_SCAN);

      // Draw a cone for the first range for each sensor
      // Assume the range is straight ahead (ignore min_angle and resolution properties)
      points[0][0] = 0.0f;
      points[0][1] = 0.0f;
      points[1][0] = ranger->proxy->ranges[ii * ranges_per_sensor] * cos(-temp);
      points[1][1] = ranger->proxy->ranges[ii * ranges_per_sensor] * sin(-temp);
      points[2][0] = ranger->proxy->ranges[ii * ranges_per_sensor] * cos(temp);
      points[2][1] = ranger->proxy->ranges[ii * ranges_per_sensor] * sin(temp);
      rtk_fig_polygon(ranger->scan_fig[ii], 0, 0, 0, 3, points, 1);

      // Draw the sensor itself
      rtk_fig_color_rgb32(ranger->scan_fig[ii], COLOR_LASER);
      rtk_fig_rectangle(ranger->scan_fig[ii], 0, 0, 0, ranger->proxy->sensor_sizes[ii].sw, ranger->proxy->sensor_sizes[ii].sl, 0);
    // Draw laser-like
    if (rtk_menuitem_ischecked(ranger->style_item))
      // Draw each sensor in turn
      points = calloc(ranger->proxy->sensor_count, sizeof(double)*2);
      for (ii = 0; ii < ranger->proxy->sensor_count; ii++)
        rtk_fig_show(ranger->scan_fig[ii], 1);

        // Draw empty space
        points[0][0] = ranger->proxy->sensor_poses[ii].px;
        points[0][1] = ranger->proxy->sensor_poses[ii].py;
        point_count = 1;
        current_angle = ranger->start_angle;
        // Loop over the ranges
        for (jj = ii * ranges_per_sensor; jj < (ii + 1) * ranges_per_sensor; jj++)
          range_to_point(ranger, jj, ii, current_angle, points[point_count]);
          // Move round to the angle of the next range
          current_angle += ranger->resolution;
        rtk_fig_color_rgb32(ranger->scan_fig[ii], COLOR_LASER_EMP);
        rtk_fig_polygon(ranger->scan_fig[ii], 0, 0, 0, point_count, points, 1);

        // Draw occupied space
        rtk_fig_color_rgb32(ranger->scan_fig[ii], COLOR_LASER_OCC);
        current_angle = ranger->start_angle;
        for (jj = ii * ranges_per_sensor; jj < (ii + 1) * ranges_per_sensor; jj++)
          range_to_point(ranger, jj, ii, current_angle - ranger->resolution, point1);
          range_to_point(ranger, jj, ii, current_angle + ranger->resolution, point2);
          rtk_fig_line(ranger->scan_fig[ii], point1[0], point1[1], point2[0], point2[1]);
          current_angle += ranger->resolution;
      points = NULL;
      // Draw a range scan for each individual sensor in the device
      for (ii = 0; ii < ranger->proxy->sensor_count; ii++)
        rtk_fig_show(ranger->scan_fig[ii], 1);

        rtk_fig_color_rgb32(ranger->scan_fig[ii], COLOR_LASER_OCC);
        current_angle = ranger->start_angle;
        // Get the first point
        range_to_point(ranger, ii * ranges_per_sensor, ii, ranger->start_angle, point1);
        // Loop over the rest of the ranges
        for (jj = ii * ranges_per_sensor + 1; jj < (ii + 1) * ranges_per_sensor; jj++)
          range_to_point(ranger, jj, ii, current_angle, point2);
          // Draw a line from point 1 (previous point) to point 2 (current point)
          rtk_fig_line(ranger->scan_fig[ii], point1[0], point1[1], point2[0], point2[1]);
          point1[0] = point2[0];
          point1[1] = point2[1];
          // Move round to the angle of the next range
          current_angle += ranger->resolution;

    // For each sensor...
    for (ii = 0; ii < ranger->proxy->sensor_count; ii++)
      if (rtk_menuitem_ischecked(ranger->intns_item))
        // Draw an intensity scan
        if (ranger->proxy->intensities_count > 0)
          current_angle = ranger->start_angle;
          for (jj = ii * ranges_per_sensor; jj < (ii + 1) * ranges_per_sensor; jj++)
            if (ranger->proxy->intensities[0] != 0)
              range_to_point(ranger, jj, ii, current_angle, point1);
              rtk_fig_rectangle(ranger->scan_fig[ii], point1[0], point1[1], 0, 0.05, 0.05, 1);
            current_angle += ranger->resolution;

      // Draw the sensor itself
      rtk_fig_color_rgb32(ranger->scan_fig[ii], COLOR_LASER);
      rtk_fig_rectangle(ranger->scan_fig[ii], 0, 0, 0, ranger->proxy->sensor_sizes[ii].sw, ranger->proxy->sensor_sizes[ii].sl, 0);
// Draw the laser scan
void laser_draw(laser_t *laser)
  int i;
  int style;
  double ax, ay, bx, by;
  double r, b, res;
  int point_count;
  double (*points)[2];
  rtk_fig_show(laser->scan_fig, 1);      

  if (!rtk_menuitem_ischecked(laser->style_item))
    rtk_fig_color_rgb32(laser->scan_fig, COLOR_LASER_OCC);
    // Draw in the range scan
    for (i = 0; i < laser->proxy->scan_count; i++)
      bx = laser->proxy->point[i].px;
      by = laser->proxy->point[i].py;
      if (i == 0)
        ax = bx;
        ay = by;
      rtk_fig_line(laser->scan_fig, ax, ay, bx, by);
      ax = bx;
      ay = by;
    res = laser->proxy->scan_res / 2;
    // Draw in the range scan (empty space)
    points = calloc(laser->proxy->scan_count,sizeof(double)*2);
    for (i = 0; i < laser->proxy->scan_count; i++)
      r = laser->proxy->scan[i][0];
      b = laser->proxy->scan[i][1];
      points[i][0] = r * cos(b - res);
      points[i][1] = r * sin(b - res);
    rtk_fig_color_rgb32(laser->scan_fig, COLOR_LASER_EMP);
    rtk_fig_polygon(laser->scan_fig, 0, 0, 0, laser->proxy->scan_count, points, 1);
    points = NULL;
    // Draw in the range scan (occupied space)
    rtk_fig_color_rgb32(laser->scan_fig, COLOR_LASER_OCC);
    for (i = 0; i < laser->proxy->scan_count; i++)
      r = laser->proxy->scan[i][0];
      b = laser->proxy->scan[i][1];
      ax = r * cos(b - res);
      ay = r * sin(b - res);
      bx = r * cos(b + res);
      by = r * sin(b + res);
      rtk_fig_line(laser->scan_fig, ax, ay, bx, by);

  // Draw in the intensity scan
  for (i = 0; i < laser->proxy->scan_count; i++)
    if (laser->proxy->intensity[i] == 0)
    ax = laser->proxy->point[i].px;
    ay = laser->proxy->point[i].py;
    rtk_fig_rectangle(laser->scan_fig, ax, ay, 0, 0.05, 0.05, 1);

  // Draw in the laser itself
  rtk_fig_color_rgb32(laser->scan_fig, COLOR_LASER);
  rtk_fig_rectangle(laser->scan_fig, 0, 0, 0,
                    laser->proxy->size[0], laser->proxy->size[1], 0);
