Beispiel #1
TError TNlLink::AddDirectRoute(const TNlAddr &addr) {
    struct rtnl_route *route;
    struct rtnl_nexthop *nh;
    int ret;

    route = rtnl_route_alloc();
    if (!route)
        return TError(EError::Unknown, "Cannot allocate route");

    ret = rtnl_route_set_dst(route, addr.Addr);
    if (ret < 0) {
        return Error(ret, "Cannot set route destination");

    nh = rtnl_route_nh_alloc();
    if (!route) {
        return TError(EError::Unknown, "Cannot allocate next hop");

    rtnl_route_nh_set_ifindex(nh, GetIndex());
    rtnl_route_add_nexthop(route, nh);

    Dump("add", route);
    ret = rtnl_route_add(GetSock(), route, NLM_F_CREATE | NLM_F_REPLACE);
    if (ret < 0)
        return Error(ret, "Cannot add direct route");

    return TError::Success();
Beispiel #2
tools_add_router_address (const gchar *address)
  struct nl_sock *sock = NULL;
  struct nl_addr *dst = NULL;
  struct nl_addr *gw = NULL;
  struct rtnl_nexthop *nhop = NULL;
  struct rtnl_route *route = NULL;

  sock = nl_socket_alloc ();
  nl_connect (sock, NETLINK_ROUTE);

  nhop = rtnl_route_nh_alloc ();
  nl_addr_parse (address, AF_INET, &gw);
  rtnl_route_nh_set_gateway (nhop, gw);
  rtnl_route_nh_set_flags (nhop, 0);

  route = rtnl_route_alloc ();
  rtnl_route_set_family (route, AF_INET);
  nl_addr_parse ("default", AF_INET, &dst);
  rtnl_route_add_nexthop (route, nhop);

  if (rtnl_route_add (sock, route, NLM_F_CREATE | NLM_F_REPLACE) != 0)
    g_warning (_("Failed to add default route."));

  nl_socket_free (sock);
  rtnl_route_put (route);
  nl_addr_put (dst);
  nl_addr_put (gw);
Beispiel #3
TError TNlLink::SetDefaultGw(const TNlAddr &addr) {
    struct rtnl_route *route;
    struct rtnl_nexthop *nh;
    TError error;
    TNlAddr all;
    int ret;

    error = all.Parse(addr.Family(), "default");
    if (error)
        return error;

    route = rtnl_route_alloc();
    if (!route)
        return TError(EError::Unknown, "Unable to allocate route");

    ret = rtnl_route_set_dst(route, all.Addr);
    if (ret < 0) {
        return Error(ret, "Cannot set route destination");

    nh = rtnl_route_nh_alloc();
    if (!route) {
        return TError(EError::Unknown, "Unable to allocate next hop");

    rtnl_route_nh_set_gateway(nh, addr.Addr);
    rtnl_route_nh_set_ifindex(nh, GetIndex());
    rtnl_route_add_nexthop(route, nh);

    Dump("add", route);
    ret = rtnl_route_add(GetSock(), route, NLM_F_MATCH);
    if (ret < 0)
        return Error(ret, "Cannot set default gateway");

    return TError::Success();
Beispiel #4
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	struct nl_sock *sock;
	struct rtnl_route *route;
	struct nl_dump_params dp = {
		.dp_type = NL_DUMP_LINE,
		.dp_fd = stdout,
	int err = 1;

	sock = nl_cli_alloc_socket();
	nl_cli_connect(sock, NETLINK_ROUTE);
	link_cache = nl_cli_link_alloc_cache(sock);
	route_cache = nl_cli_route_alloc_cache(sock, 0);
	route = nl_cli_route_alloc();

	for (;;) {
		int c, optidx = 0;
		enum {
			ARG_FAMILY = 257,
			ARG_SRC = 258,
		static struct option long_opts[] = {
			{ "quiet", 0, 0, 'q' },
			{ "help", 0, 0, 'h' },
			{ "version", 0, 0, 'v' },
			{ "dst", 1, 0, 'd' },
			{ "nexthop", 1, 0, 'n' },
			{ "table", 1, 0, 't' },
			{ "family", 1, 0, ARG_FAMILY },
			{ "src", 1, 0, ARG_SRC },
			{ "iif", 1, 0, ARG_IIF },
			{ "pref-src", 1, 0, ARG_PREF_SRC },
			{ "metrics", 1, 0, ARG_METRICS },
			{ "priority", 1, 0, ARG_PRIORITY },
			{ "scope", 1, 0, ARG_SCOPE },
			{ "protocol", 1, 0, ARG_PROTOCOL },
			{ "type", 1, 0, ARG_TYPE },
			{ 0, 0, 0, 0 }

		c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "qhvd:n:t:", long_opts, &optidx);
		if (c == -1)

		switch (c) {
		case 'q': quiet = 1; break;
		case 'h': print_usage(); break;
		case 'v': nl_cli_print_version(); break;
		case 'd': nl_cli_route_parse_dst(route, optarg); break;
		case 'n': nl_cli_route_parse_nexthop(route, optarg, link_cache); break;
		case 't': nl_cli_route_parse_table(route, optarg); break;
		case ARG_FAMILY: nl_cli_route_parse_family(route, optarg); break;
		case ARG_SRC: nl_cli_route_parse_src(route, optarg); break;
		case ARG_IIF: nl_cli_route_parse_iif(route, optarg, link_cache); break;
		case ARG_PREF_SRC: nl_cli_route_parse_pref_src(route, optarg); break;
		case ARG_METRICS: nl_cli_route_parse_metric(route, optarg); break;
		case ARG_PRIORITY: nl_cli_route_parse_prio(route, optarg); break;
		case ARG_SCOPE: nl_cli_route_parse_scope(route, optarg); break;
		case ARG_PROTOCOL: nl_cli_route_parse_protocol(route, optarg); break;
		case ARG_TYPE: nl_cli_route_parse_type(route, optarg); break;

	if ((err = rtnl_route_add(sock, route, NLM_F_EXCL)) < 0)
		nl_cli_fatal(err, "Unable to add route: %s", nl_geterror(err));

	if (!quiet) {
		printf("Added ");
		nl_object_dump(OBJ_CAST(route), &dp);

	return 0;
 * _route_add:
 * @route: the route to add
 * @family: address family, either %AF_INET or %AF_INET6
 * @dest: the route destination address, either a struct in_addr or a struct
 *   in6_addr depending on @family
 * @dest_prefix: the CIDR prefix of @dest
 * @gateway: the gateway through which to reach @dest, if any; given as a
 *   struct in_addr or struct in6_addr depending on @family
 * @flags: flags to pass to rtnl_route_add(), eg %NLM_F_REPLACE
 * Returns: zero if succeeded or the netlink error otherwise.
static int
_route_add (struct rtnl_route *route,
            int family,
            const void *dest, /* in_addr or in6_addr */
            int dest_prefix,
            const void *gateway, /* in_addr or in6_addr */
            int flags)
	struct nl_sock *sk;
	struct nl_addr *dest_addr, *gw_addr;
	void *tmp_addr;
	int addrlen, err, log;

	if (family == AF_INET) {
		addrlen = sizeof (struct in_addr);
		log = LOGD_IP4;
	} else if (family == AF_INET6) {
		addrlen = sizeof (struct in6_addr);
		log = LOGD_IP6;
	} else
		g_assert_not_reached ();

	sk = nm_netlink_get_default_handle ();

	/* Build up the destination address */
	if (dest) {
		/* Copy to preserve const */
		tmp_addr = g_malloc0 (addrlen);
		memcpy (tmp_addr, dest, addrlen);

		dest_addr = nl_addr_build (family, tmp_addr, addrlen);
		g_free (tmp_addr);

		g_return_val_if_fail (dest_addr != NULL, -NLE_INVAL);
		nl_addr_set_prefixlen (dest_addr, dest_prefix);

		rtnl_route_set_dst (route, dest_addr);
		nl_addr_put (dest_addr);

	/* Build up the gateway address */
	if (gateway) {
		tmp_addr = g_malloc0 (addrlen);
		memcpy (tmp_addr, gateway, addrlen);

		gw_addr = nl_addr_build (family, tmp_addr, addrlen);
		g_free (tmp_addr);

		if (gw_addr) {
			nl_addr_set_prefixlen (gw_addr, 0);
			rtnl_route_set_gateway (route, gw_addr);
			rtnl_route_set_scope (route, RT_SCOPE_UNIVERSE);
			nl_addr_put (gw_addr);
		} else
			nm_log_err (LOGD_DEVICE | log, "Invalid gateway");

	err = rtnl_route_add (sk, route, flags);

	/* LIBNL Bug: Aliased ESRCH */
	if (err == -NLE_FAILURE)

	return err;