bool QgsPythonUtilsImpl::runString( const QString& command, QString msgOnError, bool single )
  bool res = runStringUnsafe( command, single );
  if ( res )
    return true;

  if ( msgOnError.isEmpty() )
    // use some default message if custom hasn't been specified
    msgOnError = QObject::tr( "An error occurred during execution of following code:" ) + "\n<tt>" + command + "</tt>";

  // TODO: use python implementation

  QString traceback = getTraceback();
  QString path, version;
  evalString( "str(sys.path)", path );
  evalString( "sys.version", version );

  QString str = "<font color=\"red\">" + msgOnError + "</font><br><pre>\n" + traceback + "\n</pre>"
                + QObject::tr( "Python version:" ) + "<br>" + version + "<br><br>"
                + QObject::tr( "QGIS version:" ) + "<br>" + QString( "%1 '%2', %3" ).arg( QGis::QGIS_VERSION, QGis::QGIS_RELEASE_NAME, QGis::QGIS_DEV_VERSION ) + "<br><br>"
                + QObject::tr( "Python path:" ) + "<br>" + path;
  str.replace( '\n', "<br>" ).replace( "  ", "&nbsp; " );

  qDebug() << str;
  QgsMessageOutput* msg = QgsMessageOutput::createMessageOutput();
  msg->setTitle( QObject::tr( "Python error" ) );
  msg->setMessage( str, QgsMessageOutput::MessageHtml );

  return res;
bool QgsPythonUtilsImpl::runString( const QString& command, QString msgOnError )
  bool res = runStringUnsafe( command );
  if ( res )
    return true;

  if ( msgOnError.isEmpty() )
    // use some default message if custom hasn't been specified
    msgOnError = QObject::tr( "An error occured during execution of following code:" ) + "\n<tt>" + command + "</tt>";

  QString traceback = getTraceback();
  QString path, version;
  evalString( "str(sys.path)", path );
  evalString( "sys.version", version );

  QString str = "<font color=\"red\">" + msgOnError + "</font><br><br>" + traceback + "<br>" +
                QObject::tr( "Python version:" ) + "<br>" + version + "<br><br>" +
                QObject::tr( "Python path:" ) + "<br>" + path;
  str.replace( "\n", "<br>" ).replace( "  ", "&nbsp; " );

  QgsMessageOutput* msg = QgsMessageOutput::createMessageOutput();
  msg->setTitle( QObject::tr( "Python error" ) );
  msg->setMessage( str, QgsMessageOutput::MessageHtml );

  return res;