Beispiel #1
 * calibrate delay values: must only be called *after* interrupts are allowed
 * NOTE1: we use TimerD so we restore the RS232 stuff
 * NOTE2: some systems (e.g. Aranym) do not implement TimerD; we leave
 *        the default delay values as-is in this case
void calibrate_delay(void)
    ULONG loopcount, intcount;

     * disable interrupts then run the calibration
    loopcount = CALIBRATION_TIME * loopcount_1_msec;
    intcount = run_calibration(loopcount);

     * disable interrupts then restore the RS232
     * serial port stuff (in case we're using it)
    rsconf1(B9600, 0, 0x88, 1, 1, 0);   /* just like init_serport() */

     * intcount is the number of interrupts that occur during 'loopcount'
     * loops.  an interrupt occurs every 1/960 sec (see delayasm.S).
     * so the number of loops per second = loopcount/(intcount/960).
     * so, loops per millisecond = (loopcount*960)/(intcount*1000)
     * = (loopcount*24)/(intcount*25).
    if (intcount)       /* check for valid */
        loopcount_1_msec = (loopcount * 24) / (intcount * 25);
static void
calibrate_button_clicked_cb (GtkButton   *button,
			     CcWacomPage *page)
	int i, calibration[4];
	GVariant *variant;
	int *current;
	gsize ncal;
	gint monitor;

	monitor = csd_wacom_device_get_display_monitor (page->priv->stylus);
	if (monitor < 0) {
		/* The display the tablet should be mapped to could not be located.
		 * This shouldn't happen if the EDID data is good...
		g_critical("Output associated with the tablet is not connected. Unable to calibrate.");

	variant = g_settings_get_value (page->priv->wacom_settings, "area");
	current = (int *) g_variant_get_fixed_array (variant, &ncal, sizeof (gint32));

	if (ncal != 4) {
		g_warning("Device calibration property has wrong length. Got %"G_GSIZE_FORMAT" items; expected %d.\n", ncal, 4);
		g_free (current);

	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
		calibration[i] = current[i];

	if (calibration[0] == -1 &&
	    calibration[1] == -1 &&
	    calibration[2] == -1 &&
	    calibration[3] == -1) {
		gint *device_cal;
		device_cal = csd_wacom_device_get_area (page->priv->stylus);
		for (i = 0; i < 4 && device_cal; i++) {
			calibration[i] = device_cal[i];
		g_free (device_cal);

	run_calibration (page, calibration, monitor);
	gtk_widget_set_sensitive (GTK_WIDGET (button), FALSE);
Beispiel #3
void loop(void)
    int16_t user_input;

    "    c) calibrate accelerometers\r\n"
    "    d) display offsets and scaling\r\n"
    "    l) level (capture offsets from level)\r\n"
    "    t) test\r\n"
    "    r) reboot"));

    // wait for user input
    while( !hal.console->available() ) {

    // read in user input
    while( hal.console->available() ) {
        user_input = hal.console->read();

        if( user_input == 'c' || user_input == 'C' ) {

        if( user_input == 'd' || user_input == 'D' ) {

        if( user_input == 't' || user_input == 'T' ) {

        if( user_input == 'r' || user_input == 'R' ) {
Beispiel #4
int main( int argc, char** argv )
    CvSize board_size = {0,0};
    float square_size = 1.f, aspect_ratio = 1.f;
    const char* out_filename = "out_camera_data.yml";
    const char* input_filename = 0;
    int i, image_count = 10;
    int write_extrinsics = 0, write_points = 0;
    int flags = 0;
    CvCapture* capture = 0;
    FILE* f = 0;
    char imagename[1024];
    CvMemStorage* storage;
    CvSeq* image_points_seq = 0;
    int elem_size, flip_vertical = 0;
    int delay = 1000;
    clock_t prev_timestamp = 0;
    CvPoint2D32f* image_points_buf = 0;
    CvFont font = cvFont( 1, 1 );
    double _camera[9], _dist_coeffs[4];
    CvMat camera = cvMat( 3, 3, CV_64F, _camera );
    CvMat dist_coeffs = cvMat( 1, 4, CV_64F, _dist_coeffs );
    CvMat *extr_params = 0, *reproj_errs = 0;
    double avg_reproj_err = 0;
    int mode = DETECTION;
    int undistort_image = 0;
    CvSize img_size = {0,0};
    const char* live_capture_help = 
        "When the live video from camera is used as input, the following hot-keys may be used:\n"
            "  <ESC>, 'q' - quit the program\n"
            "  'g' - start capturing images\n"
            "  'u' - switch undistortion on/off\n";

    if( argc < 2 )
  // calibration -w 6 -h 8 -s 2 -n 10 -o camera.yml -op -oe [<list_of_views.txt>]
      printf( "This is a camera calibration sample.\n"
            "Usage: calibration\n"
            "     -w <board_width>         # the number of inner corners per one of board dimension\n"
            "     -h <board_height>        # the number of inner corners per another board dimension\n"
            "     [-n <number_of_frames>]  # the number of frames to use for calibration\n"
            "                              # (if not specified, it will be set to the number\n"
            "                              #  of board views actually available)\n"
	    "     [-di <disk_images>       # Number of disk images before triggering undistortion\n"
            "     [-d <delay>]             # a minimum delay in ms between subsequent attempts to capture a next view\n"
            "                              # (used only for video capturing)\n"
            "     [-s <square_size>]       # square size in some user-defined units (1 by default)\n"
            "     [-o <out_camera_params>] # the output filename for intrinsic [and extrinsic] parameters\n"
            "     [-op]                    # write detected feature points\n"
            "     [-oe]                    # write extrinsic parameters\n"
            "     [-zt]                    # assume zero tangential distortion\n"
            "     [-a <aspect_ratio>]      # fix aspect ratio (fx/fy)\n"
            "     [-p]                     # fix the principal point at the center\n"
            "     [-v]                     # flip the captured images around the horizontal axis\n"
            "     [input_data]             # input data, one of the following:\n"
            "                              #  - text file with a list of the images of the board\n"
            "                              #  - name of video file with a video of the board\n"
            "                              # if input_data not specified, a live view from the camera is used\n"
            "\n" );
        printf( "%s", live_capture_help );
        return 0;

    for( i = 1; i < argc; i++ )
        const char* s = argv[i];
        if( strcmp( s, "-w" ) == 0 )
            if( sscanf( argv[++i], "%u", &board_size.width ) != 1 || board_size.width <= 0 )
                return fprintf( stderr, "Invalid board width\n" ), -1;
        else if( strcmp( s, "-h" ) == 0 )
            if( sscanf( argv[++i], "%u", &board_size.height ) != 1 || board_size.height <= 0 )
                return fprintf( stderr, "Invalid board height\n" ), -1;
        else if( strcmp( s, "-s" ) == 0 )
            if( sscanf( argv[++i], "%f", &square_size ) != 1 || square_size <= 0 )
                return fprintf( stderr, "Invalid board square width\n" ), -1;
        else if( strcmp( s, "-n" ) == 0 )
            if( sscanf( argv[++i], "%u", &image_count ) != 1 || image_count <= 3 )
                return printf("Invalid number of images\n" ), -1;
	else if( strcmp( s, "-di") == 0)
	    if( sscanf( argv[++i], "%d", &images_from_file) != 1 || images_from_file < 3)
		return printf("Invalid di, must be >= 3\n"), -1;
        else if( strcmp( s, "-a" ) == 0 )
            if( sscanf( argv[++i], "%f", &aspect_ratio ) != 1 || aspect_ratio <= 0 )
                return printf("Invalid aspect ratio\n" ), -1;
        else if( strcmp( s, "-d" ) == 0 )
            if( sscanf( argv[++i], "%u", &delay ) != 1 || delay <= 0 )
                return printf("Invalid delay\n" ), -1;
        else if( strcmp( s, "-op" ) == 0 )
            write_points = 1;
        else if( strcmp( s, "-oe" ) == 0 )
            write_extrinsics = 1;
        else if( strcmp( s, "-zt" ) == 0 )
            flags |= CV_CALIB_ZERO_TANGENT_DIST;
        else if( strcmp( s, "-p" ) == 0 )
            flags |= CV_CALIB_FIX_PRINCIPAL_POINT;
        else if( strcmp( s, "-v" ) == 0 )
            flip_vertical = 1;
        else if( strcmp( s, "-o" ) == 0 )
            out_filename = argv[++i];
        else if( s[0] != '-' )
            input_filename = s;
            return fprintf( stderr, "Unknown option %s", s ), -1;

    if( input_filename )
        capture = cvCreateFileCapture( input_filename );
        if( !capture )
            f = fopen( input_filename, "rt" );
            if( !f )
                return fprintf( stderr, "The input file could not be opened\n" ), -1;
            image_count = -1;
        mode = CAPTURING;
        capture = cvCreateCameraCapture(0);

    if( !capture && !f )
        return fprintf( stderr, "Could not initialize video capture\n" ), -2;

    if( capture )
        printf( "%s", live_capture_help );

    elem_size = board_size.width*board_size.height*sizeof(image_points_buf[0]);
    storage = cvCreateMemStorage( MAX( elem_size*4, 1 << 16 ));
    image_points_buf = (CvPoint2D32f*)cvAlloc( elem_size );
    image_points_seq = cvCreateSeq( 0, sizeof(CvSeq), elem_size, storage );

    cvNamedWindow( "Image View", 1 );
    cvNamedWindow( "Undistort",1);
    int disk_image_cnt = 0;

        IplImage *view = 0, *view_gray = 0;
        int count = 0, found, blink = 0;
        CvPoint text_origin;
        CvSize text_size = {0,0};
        int base_line = 0;
        char s[100];
        int key;
        if( f && fgets( imagename, sizeof(imagename)-2, f ))
            int l = strlen(imagename);
            if( l > 0 && imagename[l-1] == '\n' )
                imagename[--l] = '\0';
            if( l > 0 )
                if( imagename[0] == '#' )
                view = cvLoadImage( imagename, 1 );
        else if( capture )
            IplImage* view0 = cvQueryFrame( capture );
            if( view0 )
                view = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(view0), IPL_DEPTH_8U, view0->nChannels );
                if( view0->origin == IPL_ORIGIN_BL )
                    cvFlip( view0, view, 0 );
                    cvCopy( view0, view );

        if( !view || (disk_image_cnt == images_from_file))
            if( image_points_seq->total > 0 )
                image_count = image_points_seq->total;
                goto calibrate;

        if( flip_vertical )
            cvFlip( view, view, 0 );

        img_size = cvGetSize(view);
        found = cvFindChessboardCorners( view, board_size,
            image_points_buf, &count, CV_CALIB_CB_ADAPTIVE_THRESH );

#if 1
        // improve the found corners' coordinate accuracy
        view_gray = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(view), 8, 1 );
        cvCvtColor( view, view_gray, CV_BGR2GRAY );
        cvFindCornerSubPix( view_gray, image_points_buf, count, cvSize(11,11),
            cvSize(-1,-1), cvTermCriteria( CV_TERMCRIT_EPS+CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, 30, 0.1 ));
        cvReleaseImage( &view_gray );

        if( mode == CAPTURING && found && (f || clock() - prev_timestamp > delay*1e-3*CLOCKS_PER_SEC) )
            cvSeqPush( image_points_seq, image_points_buf );
            prev_timestamp = clock();
            blink = !f;
#if 1
            if( capture )
                sprintf( imagename, "view%03d.png", image_points_seq->total - 1 );
                cvSaveImage( imagename, view );

        cvDrawChessboardCorners( view, board_size, image_points_buf, count, found );

        cvGetTextSize( "100/100", &font, &text_size, &base_line );
        text_origin.x = view->width - text_size.width - 10;
        text_origin.y = view->height - base_line - 10;

        if( mode == CAPTURING )
            if( image_count > 0 )
                sprintf( s, "%d/%d", image_points_seq ? image_points_seq->total : 0, image_count );
                sprintf( s, "%d/?", image_points_seq ? image_points_seq->total : 0 );
        else if( mode == CALIBRATED )
            sprintf( s, "Calibrated" );
            sprintf( s, "Press 'g' to start" );

        cvPutText( view, s, text_origin, &font, mode != CALIBRATED ?
                                   CV_RGB(255,0,0) : CV_RGB(0,255,0));

        if( blink )
            cvNot( view, view );
        //Rectify or Undistort the image
        if( mode == CALIBRATED && undistort_image )
            IplImage* t = cvCloneImage( view );
            cvShowImage("Image View", view);
            cvUndistort2( t, view, &camera, &dist_coeffs );
            cvReleaseImage( &t );
 	    cvShowImage( "Undistort", view );
	        cvShowImage( "Image View", view );
        	key = cvWaitKey(capture ? 50 : 500);
        if( key == 27 )
        if( key == 'u' && mode == CALIBRATED ){
            undistort_image = !undistort_image;

        if( capture && key == 'g' )
            mode = CAPTURING;
            cvClearMemStorage( storage );
            image_points_seq = cvCreateSeq( 0, sizeof(CvSeq), elem_size, storage );

        if( mode == CAPTURING && (unsigned)image_points_seq->total >= (unsigned)image_count )
            if(disk_image_cnt == images_from_file)
                 undistort_image = !undistort_image;
            cvReleaseMat( &extr_params );
            cvReleaseMat( &reproj_errs );
            int code = run_calibration( image_points_seq, img_size, board_size,
                square_size, aspect_ratio, flags, &camera, &dist_coeffs, &extr_params,
                &reproj_errs, &avg_reproj_err );
            // save camera parameters in any case, to catch Inf's/NaN's
            save_camera_params( out_filename, image_count, img_size,
                board_size, square_size, aspect_ratio, flags,
                &camera, &dist_coeffs, write_extrinsics ? extr_params : 0,
                write_points ? image_points_seq : 0, reproj_errs, avg_reproj_err );
            if( code )
                mode = CALIBRATED;
                mode = DETECTION;

        if( !view )
        cvReleaseImage( &view );

    if( capture )
        cvReleaseCapture( &capture );
    return 0;