Beispiel #1
static bool run_matching(struct torture_context *torture,
						 const char *prefix, 
						 const char *expr,
						 struct torture_suite *suite,
						 bool *matched)
	bool ret = true;

	if (suite == NULL) {
		struct torture_suite *o;

		for (o = (torture_root == NULL?NULL:torture_root->children); o; o = o->next) {
			if (gen_fnmatch(expr, o->name) == 0) {
				*matched = true;
				ret &= torture_run_suite(torture, o);

			ret &= run_matching(torture, o->name, expr, o, matched);
	} else {
		char *name;
		struct torture_suite *c;
		struct torture_tcase *t;

		for (c = suite->children; c; c = c->next) {
			asprintf(&name, "%s-%s", prefix, c->name);

			if (gen_fnmatch(expr, name) == 0) {
				*matched = true;
				torture->active_testname = talloc_strdup(torture, prefix);
				ret &= torture_run_suite(torture, c);
			ret &= run_matching(torture, name, expr, c, matched);


		for (t = suite->testcases; t; t = t->next) {
			asprintf(&name, "%s-%s", prefix, t->name);
			if (gen_fnmatch(expr, name) == 0) {
				*matched = true;
				torture->active_testname = talloc_strdup(torture, prefix);
				ret &= torture_run_tcase(torture, t);

	return ret;
Beispiel #2
run a specified test or "ALL"
static bool run_test(struct torture_context *torture, const char *name)
	bool ret = true;
	bool matched = false;
	struct torture_suite *o;

	if (strequal(name, "ALL")) {
		for (o = torture_root->children; o; o = o->next) {
			ret &= torture_run_suite(torture, o);
		return ret;

	ret = run_matching(torture, NULL, name, NULL, &matched);

	if (!matched) {
		printf("Unknown torture operation '%s'\n", name);
		return false;

	return ret;
 // MAIN
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
    // 1. Read the input files
    // This code reads the arguments from the input variable argv which is supposed to contain the
    // path of the input and reference database.
    std::string teachdb_folder, querydb_folder;
    if (argc > 2)
        std::string command = argv[2];
        std::string type   = argv[1];
        if("-SIFT")== 0)
            _ftype = SIFT;
            std::cout << "NFT with SIFT feature detector and extractor." << std::endl;
        else if("-SURF")== 0)
            _ftype = SURF;
            std::cout << "NFT with SURF feature detector and extractor." << std::endl;
        else if("-ORB")== 0)
            _ftype = ORB;
            std::cout << "NFT with ORB feature detector and extractor." << std::endl;
        if("-file") == 0)
            if(argc > 4)
                teachdb_folder = argv[3];
                querydb_folder = argv[4];
                run_video = false;
                std::cout << "No folder with query or reference images has been specified" << std::endl;
                std::cout << "Call: ./HCI571X_Feature_Matching -file folder_reference folder_query" << std::endl;
        else if("-video") == 0)
            run_video = true;
            if(argc > 4)
                teachdb_folder = argv[3];
                device_id = atoi(argv[4]);
        std::cout << "No command has been specified. use -file or -video" << std::endl;
    // Read the filenames inside the teach database directory.
    std::vector<std::string> ref_filename;
    readDirFiles(teachdb_folder, &ref_filename);
    // Read the filenames inside the query database directory.
    std::vector<std::string> query_filename;
    readDirFiles(querydb_folder, &query_filename);
    // 2. Create a detector and a descriptor extractor
    // In this case, the SIFT detector and extractor are used
    // Corner detector
    if(_ftype == SIFT)_detector = new cv::SiftFeatureDetector(_num_feature, _octaves, _contrast_threshold, _edge_threshold, _sigma);
    else if(_ftype == SURF)_detector = new cv::SurfFeatureDetector( _hessianThreshold, _surf_Octaves, _surf_OctaveLayers, _surf_extended, _surf_upright );
    else if(_ftype == ORB)_detector = new cv::OrbFeatureDetector(1000);
    // Corner extractor
    if(_ftype == SIFT) _extractor = new cv::SiftDescriptorExtractor(_num_feature, _octaves, _contrast_threshold, _edge_threshold, _sigma);
    else if(_ftype == SURF) _extractor = new cv::SurfDescriptorExtractor( _hessianThreshold, _surf_Octaves, _surf_OctaveLayers, _surf_extended, _surf_upright );
    else if(_ftype == ORB)_extractor = new cv::OrbDescriptorExtractor(1000);

	// Check whether files are in the database list. 
	if(ref_filename.size() == 0)
		std::cout << "STOP: no files in the reference database!!! Specify a folder or a set of files." << std::cout;
		return -1;

    // 3. Init the database
    // The code reads all the images in ref_filename, detect keypoints, extract descriptors and
    // stores them in the datbase variables.
    init_database(std::string(teachdb_folder), ref_filename);
    // 4. The data of the database _descriptorsRefDB is added to the featue matcher
    // and the mathcer is trained
    // Read the number of reference images in the database
    _num_ref_images = _matcher.getTrainDescriptors().size();
    // 5. Here we run the matching.
    // for images from files
        if(_mtype == KNN)run_matching( querydb_folder, query_filename);
        else if(_mtype == BRUTEFORCE) run_bf_matching(querydb_folder, query_filename);
            std::cout << "No matching type specified. Specify a matching type" << std::endl;
        // and image from a video camera
        if(_mtype == KNN)run_matching( device_id);
        else if(_mtype == BRUTEFORCE)  run_bf_matching(device_id);
            std::cout << "No matching type specified. Specify a matching type" << std::endl;
    // 6. Cleanup: release the keypoint detector and feature descriptor extractor
    return 1;