void Sounds::startMusicGameplay() { if(Settings::getInstance()->musicEnabled == false) return; if(s3eIOSBackgroundMusicAvailable() == S3E_TRUE) if(s3eIOSBackgroundMusicGetInt(S3E_IOSBACKGROUNDMUSIC_PLAYBACK_STATE) == S3E_IOSBACKGROUNDMUSIC_PLAYBACK_PLAYING) return; IGLog("Sounds starting gameplay music"); // if gameplay music is already playing, only change song if it's been playing for a full minute if(gameplayPlaying) { if(s3eTimerGetMs() - gameplayStart <= 60000) return; } gameplayPlaying = true; gameplayStart = s3eTimerGetMs(); stopMusic(); char buffer[100]; int randomSong = gameplayMusicNum; while(randomSong == gameplayMusicNum) randomSong = rand()%3; switch(randomSong) { default: case 0: sprintf(buffer, "gameplay1.mp3"); break; case 1: sprintf(buffer, "gameplay2.mp3"); break; case 2: sprintf(buffer, "gameplay3.mp3"); break; } if(s3eAudioIsCodecSupported(S3E_AUDIO_CODEC_MP3)) s3eAudioPlay(buffer, 0); }
void MainMenu::startGame(CTween* pTween) { // Switch to game scene Game* game = (Game*)g_pSceneManager->Find("game"); g_pSceneManager->SwitchTo(game); // Start game music s3eAudioPlay("audio/MainTheme.wav", 0); // Create new game }
void SimpleAudioEngine::playBackgroundMusic(const char* pszFilePath, bool bLoop) { s3eResult result; result = s3eAudioPlayFromBuffer(g_AudioBuffer, g_AudioFileSize, bLoop); if ( result == S3E_RESULT_ERROR) { if (bLoop) { result = s3eAudioPlay(pszFilePath, 1000000); } else { result = s3eAudioPlay(pszFilePath, 0); } } if ( result == S3E_RESULT_ERROR) { IwAssert(GAME, ("Play music %s Failed. Error Code : %s", pszFilePath, s3eAudioGetErrorString())); } }
void IntroState::Init() { IwGetResManager()->LoadGroup("introsprites.group"); m_Splash1 = new Sprite("logo", false); m_Splash2 = new Sprite("splash2", false); m_TransManager = new TransitionManager(); m_TransitionState = FADE_IN; if (s3eAudioIsCodecSupported(S3E_AUDIO_CODEC_MP3)) s3eAudioPlay("music.mp3", 1); printf("IntroState initialized\n"); }
// music void Sounds::startMusicMenu() { if(Settings::getInstance()->musicEnabled == false) return; if(AIRPLAY_DEVICE == AIRPLAY_DEVICE_IPHONE) { if(s3eIOSBackgroundMusicAvailable() == S3E_TRUE) if(s3eIOSBackgroundMusicGetInt(S3E_IOSBACKGROUNDMUSIC_PLAYBACK_STATE) == S3E_IOSBACKGROUNDMUSIC_PLAYBACK_PLAYING) return; } IGLog("Sounds starting menu music"); gameplayPlaying = false; stopMusic(); if(s3eAudioIsCodecSupported(S3E_AUDIO_CODEC_MP3)) s3eAudioPlay("menu.mp3", 0); else IGLog("mp3 codec not available on this system"); }
void SimpleAudioEngine::playBackgroundMusic(const char* pszFilePath, bool bLoop) { // Changing file path to full path std::string fullPath = CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils()->fullPathForFilename(pszFilePath); s3eResult result; result = s3eAudioPlayFromBuffer(g_AudioBuffer, g_AudioFileSize, bLoop ? 0 : 1); if ( result == S3E_RESULT_ERROR) { result = s3eAudioPlay(fullPath.c_str(), bLoop ? 0 : 1); } if ( result == S3E_RESULT_ERROR) { IwAssert(GAME, ("Play music %s Failed. Error Code : %s", fullPath.c_str(), s3eAudioGetErrorString())); } }
bool CIwGameAudio::PlayMusic(const char* name, int repeat_count) { if (!Available) return false; // Only play music is on if (!IW_GAME_AUDIO->isMusicOn()) return false; // Use s3eAudio to play our music using the devices music player if (s3eAudioIsCodecSupported(S3E_AUDIO_CODEC_MP3)) { if (s3eAudioPlay(name, repeat_count) != S3E_RESULT_SUCCESS) return false; } else return false; return true; }
bool MarmaladeAmplifier::playMusic( const ConstString & _resourceMusic, float _pos, bool _looped ) { if( m_play == true ) { this->stop(); } m_loop = _looped; ResourceMusicPtr resourceMusic = RESOURCE_SERVICE( m_serviceProvider ) ->getResourceReferenceT<ResourceMusicPtr>( _resourceMusic ); if( resourceMusic == nullptr ) { LOGGER_ERROR( m_serviceProvider )("Amplifier::playMusic can't found resource '%s'" , _resourceMusic.c_str() ); return false; } const ConstString & category = resourceMusic->getCategory(); const FilePath & path = resourceMusic->getPath(); const ConstString & codec = resourceMusic->getCodec(); bool external = resourceMusic->isExternal(); float volume = resourceMusic->getVolume(); m_volume = volume; if( external == false ) { InputStreamInterfacePtr stream = FILE_SERVICE(m_serviceProvider) ->openInputFile( category, path, false ); if( stream == nullptr ) { LOGGER_ERROR(m_serviceProvider)("Amplifier::play_: invalid open sound '%s:%s'" , category.c_str() , path.c_str() ); return false; } m_audioMemory = Helper::createMemoryStream( m_serviceProvider, stream ); if( m_audioMemory == nullptr ) { LOGGER_ERROR(m_serviceProvider)("Amplifier::play_: invalid create memory '%s:%s'" , category.c_str() , path.c_str() ); return false; } void * buffer_memory = m_audioMemory->getMemory(); size_t buffer_size = m_audioMemory->getSize(); s3eResult result_play = s3eAudioPlayFromBuffer( const_cast<void *>(buffer_memory), buffer_size, 1 ); if( result_play == S3E_RESULT_ERROR ) { s3eAudioError s3eAudio_error = s3eAudioGetError(); const char * s3eAudio_string = s3eAudioGetErrorString(); LOGGER_ERROR(m_serviceProvider)("Amplifier::play_: can't play internal audio '%s:%s' error %d [%s]" , category.c_str() , path.c_str() , s3eAudio_error , s3eAudio_string ); return false; } } else { const Char * str_path = path.c_str(); s3eResult result_play = s3eAudioPlay( str_path, 1 ); if( result_play == S3E_RESULT_ERROR ) { s3eAudioError s3eAudio_error = s3eAudioGetError(); const char * s3eAudio_string = s3eAudioGetErrorString(); LOGGER_ERROR(m_serviceProvider)("Amplifier::play_: can't play external audio '%s' error %d [%s]" , path.c_str() , s3eAudio_error , s3eAudio_string ); return false; } } int32 s3e_pos = (int32)_pos; if( s3e_pos != 0 ) { // W/o this, there is sound bugs during playback on iOS. s3eDeviceYield( 0 ); s3eResult result_position = s3eAudioSetInt( S3E_AUDIO_POSITION, s3e_pos ); if( result_position == S3E_RESULT_ERROR ) { s3eAudioError s3eAudio_error = s3eAudioGetError(); const char * s3eAudio_string = s3eAudioGetErrorString(); LOGGER_ERROR(m_serviceProvider)("Amplifier::play_: can't '%s:%s' set pos %d error %d [%s]" , category.c_str() , path.c_str() , s3e_pos , s3eAudio_error , s3eAudio_string ); } } float commonVolume = SOUND_SERVICE( m_serviceProvider ) ->mixCommonVolume(); float musicVolume = SOUND_SERVICE( m_serviceProvider ) ->mixMusicVolume(); int32 s3e_volume = (int32)(m_volume * commonVolume * musicVolume * float( S3E_AUDIO_MAX_VOLUME )); s3eResult result = s3eAudioSetInt( S3E_AUDIO_VOLUME, s3e_volume ); if( result == S3E_RESULT_ERROR ) { s3eAudioError s3eAudio_error = s3eAudioGetError(); const char * s3eAudio_string = s3eAudioGetErrorString(); LOGGER_ERROR( m_serviceProvider )("Amplifier::onSoundChangeVolume invalid set S3E_AUDIO_VOLUME %d error %d [%s]" , s3e_volume , s3eAudio_error , s3eAudio_string ); } return true; }
void Audio::PlayMusic(const char* filename, bool repeat) { // We only support play back of MP3 music if (s3eAudioIsCodecSupported(S3E_AUDIO_CODEC_MP3)) s3eAudioPlay(filename, repeat ? 0 : 1); }
void Update() { // Allow device OS time to do its processing s3eDeviceYield(0); // Update pointer (actually touch screen!) inputs s3ePointerUpdate(); // Read current touch screen inputs and use them to update Button states uint32 lTouchState = s3ePointerGetState(S3E_POINTER_BUTTON_SELECT); int32 x = s3ePointerGetX(); int32 y = s3ePointerGetY(); for (uint32 i = 0; i < BUTTON_COUNT; i++) { gButton[i]->Update(lTouchState, x, y); } // Check for button presses if (gButton[BUTTON_AUDIO_MUSIC]->IsReleased()) { s3eAudioPlay("black-hole.mp3"); } else if (gButton[BUTTON_AUDIO_SFX]->IsReleased()) { if (gpGunBattleSound) gpGunBattleSound->Play(); } else if (gButton[BUTTON_AUDIO_SPEECH]->IsReleased()) { if (gpFemaleCountingSound) gpFemaleCountingSound->Play(); } else if (gButton[BUTTON_AUDIO_OFF]->IsReleased()) { s3eAudioStop(); s3eSoundStopAllChannels(); } if (gButton[BUTTON_FILTER_OFF]->IsReleased()) { if (gDolbyInitialised) { s3eDolbyAudioSetEnabled(S3E_FALSE); } } else if (gButton[BUTTON_FILTER_MUSIC]->IsReleased()) { if (gDolbyInitialised) { s3eDolbyAudioSetEnabled(S3E_TRUE); s3eDolbyAudioSetProfile(MUSIC); } } else if (gButton[BUTTON_FILTER_MOVIE]->IsReleased()) { if (gDolbyInitialised) { s3eDolbyAudioSetEnabled(S3E_TRUE); s3eDolbyAudioSetProfile(MOVIE); } } else if (gButton[BUTTON_FILTER_GAME]->IsReleased()) { if (gDolbyInitialised) { s3eDolbyAudioSetEnabled(S3E_TRUE); s3eDolbyAudioSetProfile(GAME); } } else if (gButton[BUTTON_FILTER_VOICE]->IsReleased()) { if (gDolbyInitialised) { s3eDolbyAudioSetEnabled(S3E_TRUE); s3eDolbyAudioSetProfile(VOICE); } } }
void MusicPlayer::play(const char* filename) { s3eAudioPlay(filename, 0); }
/** * Constructor */ Game::Game(): physicsHz(60), timeStep(1.0f/physicsHz), velocityIterations(10), positionIterations(8), g_accumulator(0.0f), g_prevTime(s3eTimerGetMs()), loadCheckpoint(false), mPaused(false), mMultiplayer(false), mBytesRecieved(-1), timeSinceLastSend(0), mRDXVel(0), mRecRDXVel(0), mDiff(1), mTimeSinceLastRequest(0), mSelectedLevel("1"), mPlayersFinished(0), FACEBOOK_APP_ID("160040267492274"), FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET("b7d69cf0ef9e50a344d892df3c8c7fe6") { mRequestBuffer = NULL; mHost = true; mSock = NULL; mPlayerFound = false; mPlayersInLobby = 0; mStage = Constants::MAINMENU; ServerUrl = ""; g_GetUID = NULL; g_AddScore = NULL; mLevel = NULL; g_SelectedLvlScore = 0; g_Selectedlvl = "tutorial"; PostScoreRequest = NULL; mTimeTaken = 0.0f; mPlayerDeaths = 0; g_CurrentSession = NULL; crateSpawned = true; maxCrates = 1; moveLeftBtn = Iw2DCreateImage("Images/ArrowLeft.png"); moveRightBtn = Iw2DCreateImage("Images/ArrowRight.png"); jumpBtn = Iw2DCreateImage("Images/ArrowJump.png"); kickBtn = Iw2DCreateImage("Images/kick.png"); punchBtn = Iw2DCreateImage("Images/punch.png"); mMenuSystem = new MenuSystem(); mMenuSystem->init(this); mCollListener = new MyContactListener(); mCollListener->setGame(this); // Prepare the iwgxfont resource for rendering using Iw2D mFont = Iw2DCreateFontResource("font_large"); if (s3eAudioIsCodecSupported(S3E_AUDIO_CODEC_MP3)) { s3eAudioPlay("Audio/MainMenu.mp3", 0); } mMusic.push_back("Audio/gameMusic1.mp3"); mMusic.push_back("Audio/gameMusic2.mp3"); srand((unsigned)time(0)); }
void GameplayState::Init() { IwGetResManager()->LoadGroup("sprites.group"); m_Portraits[DAVE] = new Sprite("dave_port", true); m_PortraitsNot[DAVE] = new Sprite("dave_port_b", true); m_Portraits[DAVE]->SetPosition(CIwFVec2(130,0)); m_PortraitsNot[DAVE]->SetPosition(CIwFVec2(130,0)); m_Portraits[NIGEL] = new Sprite("nigel_port", true); m_PortraitsNot[NIGEL] = new Sprite("nigel_port_b", true); m_Portraits[NIGEL]->SetPosition(CIwFVec2(210,0)); m_PortraitsNot[NIGEL]->SetPosition(CIwFVec2(210,0)); m_Portraits[MANDY] = new Sprite("mandy_port", true); m_PortraitsNot[MANDY] = new Sprite("mandy_port_b", true); m_Portraits[MANDY]->SetPosition(CIwFVec2(290,0)); m_PortraitsNot[MANDY]->SetPosition(CIwFVec2(290, 0)); n_guiButtons[0] = new Sprite("touchScreenMoveL", true); n_guiButtons[0]->SetPosition(CIwFVec2(0, 260)); n_guiButtons[1] = new Sprite("touchScreenMoveR", true); n_guiButtons[1]->SetPosition(CIwFVec2(414, 260)); m_throwingTarget = new Sprite("target_sprite", true); screenHeight = Iw2DGetSurfaceHeight(); screenWidth = Iw2DGetSurfaceWidth(); m_CharacterIndex = 0; m_ThrowingTargetSide = 0; m_isThrowing = false; m_canThrow = false; m_SpacePressed = false; m_gameOver = false; m_MouseClicked = false; m_ClickLocation = CIwFVec2(0,0); m_Level = new TileMap("levelproto1.txt", "levelrelationships1.txt"); m_Cam = new Camera(screenWidth, screenHeight); m_Cam->SetPosition(CIwSVec2(0, 0)); m_Cam->Position = CIwSVec2(0, 0); m_Cam->SetLevelBounds(m_Level->GetLevelBounds()); SpawnCharacters(); m_Layers[0] = new Sprite("layer1", false); m_Layers[1] = new Sprite("layer2", false); m_Layers[2] = new Sprite("layer3", false); m_Layers[3] = new Sprite("layer4", false); m_Cranes[0] = new GameObject("clamp_back", Scenerary, false); m_Cranes[0]->SetPosition(CIwFVec2(100, 0)); m_Cranes[0]->SetMovSpeed(CIwFVec2(-0.15, 0)); m_Cranes[1] = new GameObject("clamp_mid", Scenerary, false); m_Cranes[1]->SetPosition(CIwFVec2(210, 0)); m_Cranes[1]->SetMovSpeed(CIwFVec2(-0.35, 0)); m_Cranes[2] = new GameObject("clamp_front", Scenerary, false); m_Cranes[2]->SetPosition(CIwFVec2(m_Cranes[2]->GetWidth() + 10, 0)); m_Cranes[2]->SetMovSpeed(CIwFVec2(-1, 0)); if (s3eAudioIsCodecSupported(S3E_AUDIO_CODEC_MP3)) s3eAudioPlay("bgmusic.mp3", 0); m_ThrowingSound = new SoundEffect("dave_throw"); m_ThrowingNigelSound = new SoundEffect("nigel_throw"); m_TerminalSound = new SoundEffect("terminal_selected"); doorSound = static_cast<CIwSoundSpec*>(IwGetResManager()->GetResNamed("locked_door", "CIwSoundSpec")); doorSoundInst = NULL; buttonSoundCount = 0; m_LayerVals[0] = 0; m_LayerVals[1] = 0.025; m_LayerVals[2] = 0.05; m_LayerVals[3] = 0.075; printf("GameplayState initialized\n"); }