Beispiel #1
void SinCos(float angleRadians, float &outSin, float &outCos)
	return sincos_lookuptable(angleRadians, outSin, outCos);
#elif defined(MATH_SSE2)
	__m128 angle = modf_ps(setx_ps(angleRadians), pi2);
	__m128 sin, cos;
	sincos_ps(angle, &sin, &cos);
	outSin = s4f_x(sin);
	outCos = s4f_x(cos);
	outSin = Sin(angleRadians);
	outCos = Cos(angleRadians);
Beispiel #2
float Cos(float angleRadians)
	return cos_lookuptable(angleRadians);
#elif defined(MATH_SSE2)
	// Do range reduction by 2pi before calling cos - this enchances precision of cos_ps a lot
	return s4f_x(cos_ps(modf_ps(setx_ps(angleRadians), pi2)));
	return cosf(angleRadians);
Beispiel #3
void Quat::ToAxisAngle(float4 &axis, float &angle) const
#if defined(MATH_AUTOMATIC_SSE) && defined(MATH_SSE)
	// Best: 35.332 nsecs / 94.328 ticks, Avg: 35.870 nsecs, Worst: 57.607 nsecs
	assume2(this->IsNormalized(), *this, this->Length());
	simd4f cosAngle = _mm_shuffle_ps(q, q, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 3, 3, 3));
	simd4f rcpSinAngle = rsqrt_ps(sub_ps(set1_ps(1.f), mul_ps(cosAngle, cosAngle)));
	angle = Acos(s4f_x(cosAngle)) * 2.f;
	simd4f a = mul_ps(q, rcpSinAngle);

	// Set the w component to zero.
	simd4f highPart = _mm_unpackhi_ps(a, zero_ps()); // [_ _ 0 z]
	axis.v = _mm_movelh_ps(a, highPart); // [0 z y x]
	// Best: 85.258 nsecs / 227.656 ticks, Avg: 85.492 nsecs, Worst: 86.410 nsecs
	ToAxisAngle(reinterpret_cast<float3&>(axis), angle);
	axis.w = 0.f;
Beispiel #4
float Quat::Normalize()
	simd4f lenSq = vec4_length_sq_ps(q);
	simd4f len = vec4_rsqrt(lenSq);
	simd4f isZero = cmplt_ps(lenSq, simd4fEpsilon); // Was the length zero?
	simd4f normalized = mul_ps(q, len); // Normalize.
	q = cmov_ps(normalized, float4::unitX.v, isZero); // If length == 0, output the vector (1,0,0,0).
	return s4f_x(len);
	float length = Length();
	if (length < 1e-4f)
		return 0.f;
	float rcpLength = 1.f / length;
	x *= rcpLength;
	y *= rcpLength;
	z *= rcpLength;
	w *= rcpLength;
	return length;