Beispiel #1
TcpConnector::TcpConnector(QWidget *parent)
: QWidget(parent)
, mConnect(false)
    socket = new QTcpSocket(this);
    connect(socket , SIGNAL(connected()),    this, SLOT(sConnect()));
    connect(socket,  SIGNAL(disconnected()), this, SLOT(sDisconnect()));
    connect(socket,  SIGNAL(readyRead()),    this, SLOT(readAndSplit()));
    connect(socket,  SIGNAL(error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)), this, SLOT(sError(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)));
    connect(socket,  SIGNAL(stateChanged(QAbstractSocket::SocketState)), this, SLOT( sState(QAbstractSocket::SocketState)));

    checkboxOnline = new QCheckBox(this);
    layout = new QHBoxLayout(this);
    layout->addWidget( checkboxOnline );


    connect(checkboxOnline, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(online(bool)));

    checkboxOnline->setMinimumHeight( 19 );
    checkboxOnline->setMaximumHeight( 19 );
    setMinimumHeight( 19 );
    setMaximumHeight( 19 );
    checkboxOnline->setStyleSheet("margin: 0px; border: 1px red solid;");
    setStyleSheet("margin: 0px; border: 1px red solid;");

Beispiel #2
void registration::sRegister(bool /*pretry*/)
  struct {
    bool        condition;
    QString     msg;
    QWidget     *widget;
  } error[] = {
    { _company->text().isEmpty(),
        tr("Your Company name is required."),                     _company},
    { _contact->first().isEmpty() && _contact->last().isEmpty(),
        tr("Your Name is required."),                             _contact},
    { _contact->emailAddress().isEmpty(),
        tr("Your E-Mail address is required."),                   _contact},
    { _username->text().isEmpty(),
        tr("Your desired Username is required."),                 _username},
    { _password->text().isEmpty(),
        tr("Your desired Password is required."),                 _password},
    { _password->text() != _password2->text(),
        tr("The two versions of your Password do not match."),    _password},
    { true, QString(), 0 }

  int errIndex;
  for (errIndex = 0; ! error[errIndex].condition; errIndex++)
  if (! error[errIndex].msg.isEmpty())
    QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Cannot Save CRM Account"),

  int companygroupcnt = (_companyUrl->text().isEmpty()        ? 0 : 1) + 
                        (_companyAddr->line1().isEmpty()      ? 0 : 1) +
                        (_companyAddr->city().isEmpty()       ? 0 : 1) +
                        (_companyAddr->state().isEmpty()      ? 0 : 1) +
                        (_companyAddr->postalCode().isEmpty() ? 0 : 1) +
                        (_companyAddr->country().isEmpty()    ? 0 : 1) +
                        (_revenues->currentIndex() == 0       ? 0 : 1) +
                        (_noemployees->currentIndex() == 0    ? 0 : 1) +
                        (_sic->currentIndex() == 0            ? 0 : 1);

  if (companygroupcnt > 0 && companygroupcnt < 9 && // almost done!
      QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Do you want to tell us more?"),
                            tr("You have submitted some of the data required "
                               "for access to extended documentation and "
                               "videos. Would you like to tell us a little "
                               "more about your company to get this access?"),
                            QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::Default,
                            QMessageBox::No) == QMessageBox::Yes)
    if (_companyUrl->text().isEmpty())              _companyUrl->setFocus();
    else if (_companyAddr->line1().isEmpty())       _companyAddr->setFocus();
    else if (_companyAddr->city().isEmpty())        _companyAddr->setFocus();
    else if (_companyAddr->state().isEmpty())       _companyAddr->setFocus();
    else if (_companyAddr->postalCode().isEmpty())  _companyAddr->setFocus();
    else if (_companyAddr->country().isEmpty())     _companyAddr->setFocus();
    else if (_revenues->currentIndex()  == 0)       _revenues->setFocus();
    else if (_noemployees->currentIndex()  == 0)    _noemployees->setFocus();
    else if (_sic->currentIndex()  == 0)            _sic->setFocus();



  if (_enduser->isChecked() && _gotvaryes->isChecked() &&
    QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Need Integrator/Consultant Name"),
                         tr("You've told us that you have a systems "
                            "integrator or consultant but haven't given us "
                            "his/her name. Please do so."));

  if (_var->isChecked())
    if (_partnerlevel->currentIndex() == 0)
      QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Partner Level?"),
                           tr("Please tell us what level of partnership you "
                              "would like to pursue with xTuple."));

    if (! _whaterpquick->isChecked() &&
        ! _whaterpms->isChecked() &&
        ! _whaterpsage->isChecked() &&
        ! _whaterpinfor->isChecked() &&
        ! _whaterporacle->isChecked() &&
        ! _whaterpsap->isChecked() &&
        (! _whaterpotherpropLit->isChecked() ||
         (_whaterpotherpropLit->isChecked() && _whaterpotherprop->text().isEmpty())) &&
        (! _whaterpotherossLit->isChecked() ||
         (_whaterpotherossLit->isChecked() && _whaterpotheross->text().isEmpty())) &&
        ! _whatotherGroup->isChecked() &&
        ! _whatotherErp->isChecked() &&
        ! _whatotherConsulting->isChecked() &&
        ! _whatotherSoftware->isChecked() &&
        ! _whatotherAccounting->isChecked() &&
        ! _whatotherSupport->isChecked() &&
        ! _whatotherHardware->isChecked() &&
        ! _whatotherNetwork->isChecked() &&
        (! _whatotherOtherLit->isChecked() ||
          (_whatotherOtherLit->isChecked() && _whatotherOther->text().isEmpty())) )
      QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("What do you sell or implement?"),
                           tr("Please tell us what products and services you "
                              "sell and what ERP or accounting software you "
                              "currently implement."));


  _progressLit->setText(tr("Building data to send"));
  QString request;
  request += "&" + encodedPair("company",    _company->text());
  request += "&" + encodedPair("honorific",  _contact->honorific());
  request += "&" + encodedPair("first_name", _contact->first());
  request += "&" + encodedPair("last_name",  _contact->last());
  request += "&" + encodedPair("email",      _contact->emailAddress());
  request += "&" + encodedPair("member_name",_username->text());
  request += "&" + encodedPair("jobtitle",   _contact->title());
  request += "&" + encodedPair("telephone",  _contact->phone());
  request += "&" + encodedPair("fax",        _contact->fax());
  request += "&" + encodedPair("password",   _password->text());
  request += "&" + encodedPair("addr_1",     _companyAddr->line1());
  request += "&" + encodedPair("addr_2",     _companyAddr->line2());
  request += "&" + encodedPair("addr_3",     _companyAddr->line3());
  request += "&" + encodedPair("city",       _companyAddr->city());
  request += "&" + encodedPair("state",      _companyAddr->state());
  request += "&" + encodedPair("country",    _companyAddr->country());
  request += "&" + encodedPair("zip",        _companyAddr->postalCode());


  request += "&" + encodedPair("revenues",     _revenues->currentText());
  request += "&" + encodedPair("num_employees",_noemployees->currentText());
  request += "&" + encodedPair("sic_code",     _sic->currentText());
  request += "&" + encodedPair("cur_mansoft",  _erp->text());
  request += "&" + encodedPair("cur_accsoft",  _accounting->text());
  request += "&" + encodedPair("bigchall",     _bigchallenge->currentText());
  request += "&" + encodedPair("pref_client",  _client->currentText());
  request += "&" + encodedPair("pref_server",  _server->currentText());
  request += "&" + encodedPair("pref_db",      _db->currentText());

  request += "&" + encodedPair("have_integrator",      
                      (_gotvaryes->isChecked() ? "Yes" : "No"));

  request += "&" + encodedPair("var_name",      _varName->text());
  request += "&" + encodedPair("erp_timeframe", _timeframe->currentText());
  request += "&" + encodedPair("erp_budget",    _budget->currentText());
  request += "&" + encodedPair("provider_type", _partnerlevel->currentText());


  QStringList whaterp;
  if (_whaterpquick->isChecked())	whaterp.append("Quickbooks");
  if (_whaterpms->isChecked())	        whaterp.append("Microsoft");
  if (_whaterpsage->isChecked())	whaterp.append("Sage");
  if (_whaterpinfor->isChecked())	whaterp.append("Infor");
  if (_whaterporacle->isChecked())	whaterp.append("Oracle");
  if (_whaterpsap->isChecked())	        whaterp.append("SAP");
  if (! _whaterpotherprop->text().isEmpty())
  if (! _whaterpotheross->text().isEmpty())
  request += "&" + encodedPair("cur_erp_imp", whaterp.join(", "));

  QStringList whatother;
  if (_whatotherErp->isChecked())        whatother.append("ERP");
  if (_whatotherConsulting->isChecked()) whatother.append("Consulting");
  if (_whatotherSoftware->isChecked())   whatother.append("Software");
  if (_whatotherAccounting->isChecked()) whatother.append("Accounting");
  if (_whatotherSupport->isChecked())    whatother.append("Support");
  if (_whatotherHardware->isChecked())   whatother.append("Hardware");
  if (_whatotherNetwork->isChecked())    whatother.append("Network");
  if (! _whatotherOther->text().isEmpty())
  request += "&" + encodedPair("other_products", whatother.join(", "));

  request += "&" + encodedPair("other_info",    _otherInfo->text());
  request += "&" + encodedPair("website",       _companyUrl->text());
  request += "&" + encodedPair("manpro",(_enduser->isChecked() ? "Yes" : "No"));
  request += "&" + encodedPair("solpro",(_var->isChecked() ? "Yes" : "No"));


  QHttpRequestHeader header("POST", "/pbregister.php");
  header.setValue("Host", "");

  _postreq = new QHttp("", QHttp::ConnectionModeHttp);
  _postreq->request(header, request.utf8()); 



  connect(_postreq,SIGNAL(done(bool)),               this,SLOT(sDone(bool)));
  connect(_postreq,SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)),        this,SLOT(sState(int)));
