static void nemaweaver_s_sdata (int ignore ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
#ifdef OBJ_ELF
    obj_elf_change_section (".sdata", SHT_PROGBITS, SHF_ALLOC+SHF_WRITE, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    s_data (ignore);
 * auth_sock_callback - called when an event occurs on the socket
static void auth_sock_callback(struct Event* ev)
  struct AuthRequest* auth;

  assert(0 != ev_socket(ev));
  assert(0 != s_data(ev_socket(ev)));

  auth = s_data(ev_socket(ev));

  switch (ev_type(ev)) {
  case ET_DESTROY: /* being destroyed */
    auth->flags &= ~AM_SOCKET;

    if (!(auth->flags & AM_FREE_MASK)) {
      Debug((DEBUG_LIST, "Freeing auth from sock callback; %p [%p]", auth,
      MyFree(auth); /* done with it finally */

  case ET_CONNECT: /* socket connection completed */
    Debug((DEBUG_LIST, "Connection completed for auth %p [%p]; sending query",
	   auth, ev_socket(ev)));
    socket_state(&auth->socket, SS_CONNECTED);

  case ET_READ: /* socket is readable */
  case ET_EOF: /* end of file on socket */
  case ET_ERROR: /* error on socket */
    Debug((DEBUG_LIST, "Auth socket %p [%p] readable", auth, ev_socket(ev)));

#ifndef NDEBUG
    abort(); /* unrecognized event */
Beispiel #3
/** Callback for socket activity on an outbound uping socket.
 * @param[in] ev I/O event for socket.
static void uping_read_callback(struct Event* ev)
  struct UPing *pptr;

  assert(0 != ev_socket(ev));
  assert(0 != s_data(ev_socket(ev)));

  pptr = (struct UPing*) s_data(ev_socket(ev));

  Debug((DEBUG_SEND, "uping_read_callback called, %p (%d)", pptr,

  if (ev_type(ev) == ET_DESTROY) { /* being destroyed */
    pptr->freeable &= ~UPING_PENDING_SOCKET;

    if (!pptr->freeable)
      MyFree(pptr); /* done with it, finally */
  } else {
    assert(ev_type(ev) == ET_READ || ev_type(ev) == ET_ERROR);

    uping_read(pptr); /* read uping response */
nsresult nsNativeAudioStream::Write(const AudioDataValue* aBuf, uint32_t aFrames)
  NS_ASSERTION(!mPaused, "Don't write audio when paused, you'll block");

  if (mInError)
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  uint32_t samples = aFrames * mChannels;
  nsAutoArrayPtr<short> s_data(new short[samples]);

  float scaled_volume = float(GetVolumeScale() * mVolume);
  ConvertAudioSamplesWithScale(aBuf, s_data.get(), samples, scaled_volume);

  if (sa_stream_write(static_cast<sa_stream_t*>(mAudioHandle),
                      samples * sizeof(short)) != SA_SUCCESS)
    PR_LOG(gAudioStreamLog, PR_LOG_ERROR, ("nsNativeAudioStream: sa_stream_write error"));
    mInError = true;
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
  return NS_OK;
Beispiel #5
static void

    if (strncmp(input_line_pointer, "\"text\"", 6) == 0) {
	input_line_pointer += 6;
    if (strncmp(input_line_pointer, "\"data\"", 6) == 0) {
	input_line_pointer += 6;
    if (strncmp(input_line_pointer, "\"data1\"", 7) == 0) {
	input_line_pointer += 7;
    as_warn("Unknown segment type");
Beispiel #6
void bidiag_gkl_restart(
    int locked, int l, int n,
    CAX && Ax, CATX && Atx, CD && D, CE && E, CRho && rho, CP && P, CQ && Q, int s_indx, int t_s_indx) {
  // enhancements version from SLEPc
  const double eta = 1.e-10;
  double t_start = 0.0, t_end = 0.0;
  double local_start = 0.0, local_end = 0.0; 
  double t_total3 = 0.0, t_total4 = 0.0, t_total5 = 0.0, t_total6 = 0.0, t_total7 = 0.0;
  int rank, nprocs;
  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
  MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nprocs);
  // Step 1
  int recv_len = (int)P.dim0() * nprocs;
  vec_container<double> tmp(Ax.dim0());
  vec_container<double> recv_tmp(recv_len);
  auto m_Ax = make_gemv_ax(&Ax);
  auto m_Atx = make_gemv_ax(&Atx);
  m_Ax(Q.col(l), tmp, P.dim0() > 1000);

  vec_container<double> send_data(P.dim0(),0);
  for(size_t i = s_indx; i < s_indx + Ax.dim0(); ++i)
    send_data[i] = tmp.get(i-s_indx);
  MPI_Gather(&send_data[0], P.dim0(), MPI_DOUBLE, &recv_tmp[0], P.dim0(), MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  P.col(l) = 0;
  // Generate truly P.col(l)
  if(rank == 0) {
    local_union(P, recv_tmp, l, nprocs);
    // Step 2 & also in rank 0
    for (int j = locked; j < l; ++j) {
      P.col(l) += -rho(j) * P.col(j);
  MPI_Bcast(&(P.col(0)[0]), P.size(), MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); 
  //MPI_Bcast(&(P.col(l)[0]), P.size(), MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); 
  // Main loop
  vec_container<double> T(n);
  int recv_l = Q.dim0() * nprocs;
  vec_container<double> recv_t(recv_l);
  for (int j = l; j < n; ++j) {
    // Step 3   
    vec_container<double> tmp2(Atx.dim0());
    /* for print */
    if(rank == 0)
    	t_start = currenttime();
    local_start = currenttime();
    m_Atx(P.col(j), tmp2, Q.dim0() > 1000);
    local_end = currenttime();
    std::cout << "parallel mv time cost is " << (local_end - local_start) / 1.0e6 << std::endl;
    vec_container<double> s_data(Q.dim0(), 0); 
    for(size_t i = t_s_indx; i < t_s_indx + Atx.dim0(); ++i)
      s_data[i] = tmp2[i-t_s_indx];
    MPI_Gather(&s_data[0], Q.dim0(), MPI_DOUBLE, &recv_t[0], Q.dim0(), MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    local_start = currenttime();
    std::cout << "parallel mv time cost2 is " << (local_start - local_end) / 1.0e6 << std::endl;
    //Q.col(j+1) = 0;
    if(rank == 0) {
      // Generate truly Q.col(j+1) 
      local_union(Q, recv_t, j + 1, nprocs);
      local_end = currenttime();
      t_end = currenttime();
      std::cout << "parallel mv time cost3 is " << (local_end - local_start) / 1.0e6 << std::endl;
      std::cout << "time of step 3 is : " << (t_end - t_start) / 1.0e6 << std::endl;
      t_total3 += (t_end - t_start) / 1.0e6;
    // Step 4
    for(size_t aa = 0; aa < Q.dim0(); ++aa) // row
      MPI_Bcast(&(Q.row(aa)[0]), j + 2, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); 
    // MPI_Bcast(&(Q.col(0)[0]), Q.size(), MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); 
    if(rank == 0)
      t_end = currenttime();
    auto Qj = mat_cols(Q, 0, j + 1);
    auto Tj = make_vec(&T, j + 1);
    //Tj.assign(gemv(Qj.trans(), Q.col(j + 1)), j >= 3);
    parallel_gemv_task(Qj.trans(), Q.col(j+1), Tj);
    if(rank == 0) {
      t_start = currenttime();
      t_total4 += (t_start - t_end) / 1.0e6;
      std::cout << "time of step 4 is : " << (t_start - t_end) / 1.0e6 << std::endl;

    // Step 5
    if(rank == 0) {
      double r = Q.col(j + 1).norm2();
      D[j] = vec_unit(P.col(j));
      Q.col(j + 1).scale(1. / D[j]);
      Tj = Tj / D[j];
      r /= D[j];
      Q.col(j + 1).plus_assign(- gemv(Qj, Tj), Q.dim0() > 1000);
      t_end = currenttime();
      t_total5 += (t_end - t_start) / 1.0e6;
      std::cout << "time of step 5 is : " << (t_end - t_start) / 1.0e6 << std::endl;

      // Step 6
      double beta = r * r - Tj.square_sum();
      if (beta < eta * r * r) {
        Tj.assign(gemv(Qj.trans(), Q.col(j + 1)), Q.dim0() > 1000);
        r = Q.col(j + 1).square_sum();
        Q.col(j + 1).plus_assign(-gemv(Qj, Tj), Q.dim0() > 1000);
        beta = r * r - Tj.square_sum();
      beta = std::sqrt(beta);
      E[j] = beta;
      Q.col(j + 1).scale(1. / E[j]);
      t_start = currenttime();
      t_total6 += (t_start - t_end) / 1.0e6;
      std::cout << "time of step 6 is : " << (t_start - t_end) / 1.0e6 << std::endl;
    // Step 7
    // MPI_Bcast(&(Q.col(j+1)[0]), Q.size(), MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    // MPI_Bcast(&(Q.col(0)[0]), Q.size(), MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    for(size_t aa = 0; aa < Q.dim0(); ++aa)
      MPI_Bcast(&(Q.col(j+1)[aa]), 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

    if (j + 1 < n) {
      if(rank == 0) 
        t_start = currenttime();
      vec_container<double> tmp3(Ax.dim0());
      vec_container<double> se_data(P.dim0(), 0);
      m_Ax(Q.col(j + 1), tmp3, P.dim0() > 1000);
      for(size_t k1 = s_indx; k1 < s_indx + Ax.dim0(); ++k1)
        se_data[k1] = tmp3[k1-s_indx];
      MPI_Gather(&se_data[0], P.dim0(), MPI_DOUBLE, &recv_tmp[0], P.dim0(), MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      // P.col(j+1) = 0;
      if(rank == 0) {
	local_union(P, recv_tmp, j + 1, nprocs);
	P.col(j + 1).plus_assign(- E[j] * P.col(j), P.dim0() > 1000);
      /* for print */
      if(rank == 0) {
        t_end = currenttime();
        t_total7 += (t_end - t_start) / 1.0e6;
	std::cout << "time of step 7 is : " << (t_end - t_start) / 1.0e6 << std::endl;

      // MPI_Bcast(&(P.col(l)[0]), P.size(), MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      // MPI_Bcast(&(P.col(0)[0]), P.size(), MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      for(size_t aa = 0; aa < P.dim0(); ++aa)
        MPI_Bcast(&(P.col(j+1)[aa]), 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

    }  // end if
  }    // end while
  /* for print time of each step. */
  if(rank == 0) {
    std::cout << "total step 3 time is : " << t_total3 << std::endl; 
    std::cout << "total step 4 time is : " << t_total4 << std::endl; 
    std::cout << "total step 5 time is : " << t_total5 << std::endl; 
    std::cout << "total step 6 time is : " << t_total6 << std::endl; 
    std::cout << "total step 7 time is : " << t_total7 << std::endl; 
  return ;
Beispiel #7
void LBFGSSolver::solve(const Function& function,
                        SolverResults* results) const
	double global_start_time = wall_time();

	// Dimension of problem.
	size_t n = function.get_number_of_scalars();

	if (n == 0) {
		results->exit_condition = SolverResults::FUNCTION_TOLERANCE;

	// Current point, gradient and Hessian.
	double fval   = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
	double fprev  = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
	double normg0 = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
	double normg  = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
	double normdx = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();

	Eigen::VectorXd x, g;

	// Copy the user state to the current point.
	Eigen::VectorXd x2(n);

	// L-BFGS history.
	std::vector<Eigen::VectorXd>  s_data(this->lbfgs_history_size),
	std::vector<Eigen::VectorXd*> s(this->lbfgs_history_size),
	for (int h = 0; h < this->lbfgs_history_size; ++h) {
		s[h] = &s_data[h];
		y[h] = &y_data[h];

	Eigen::VectorXd rho(this->lbfgs_history_size);

	Eigen::VectorXd alpha(this->lbfgs_history_size);
	Eigen::VectorXd q(n);
	Eigen::VectorXd r(n);

	// Needed from the previous iteration.
	Eigen::VectorXd x_prev(n), s_tmp(n), y_tmp(n);

	CheckExitConditionsCache exit_condition_cache;

	results->startup_time   += wall_time() - global_start_time;
	results->exit_condition = SolverResults::INTERNAL_ERROR;
	int iter = 0;
	bool last_iteration_successful = true;
	int number_of_line_search_failures = 0;
	int number_of_restarts = 0;
	while (true) {

		// Evaluate function and derivatives.
		double start_time = wall_time();
		// y[0] should contain the difference between the gradient
		// in this iteration and the gradient from the previous.
		// Therefore, update y before and after evaluating the
		// function.
		if (iter > 0) {
			y_tmp = -g;
		fval = function.evaluate(x, &g);

		normg = std::max(g.maxCoeff(), -g.minCoeff());
		if (iter == 0) {
			normg0 = normg;
		results->function_evaluation_time += wall_time() - start_time;

		// Update history
		start_time = wall_time();

		if (iter > 0 && last_iteration_successful) {
			s_tmp = x - x_prev;
			y_tmp += g;

			double sTy =;
			if (sTy > 1e-16) {
				// Shift all pointers one step back, discarding the oldest one.
				Eigen::VectorXd* sh = s[this->lbfgs_history_size - 1];
				Eigen::VectorXd* yh = y[this->lbfgs_history_size - 1];
				for (int h = this->lbfgs_history_size - 1; h >= 1; --h) {
					s[h]   = s[h - 1];
					y[h]   = y[h - 1];
					rho[h] = rho[h - 1];
				// Reuse the storage of the discarded data for the new data.
				s[0] = sh;
				y[0] = yh;

				*y[0] = y_tmp;
				*s[0] = s_tmp;
				rho[0] = 1.0 / sTy;

		results->lbfgs_update_time += wall_time() - start_time;

		// Test stopping criteriea
		start_time = wall_time();
		if (iter > 1 && this->check_exit_conditions(fval, fprev, normg,
		                                            normg0, x.norm(), normdx,
		                                            &exit_condition_cache, results)) {
		if (iter >= this->maximum_iterations) {
			results->exit_condition = SolverResults::NO_CONVERGENCE;

		if (this->callback_function) {
			CallbackInformation information;
			information.objective_value = fval;
			information.x = &x;
			information.g = &g;

			if (!callback_function(information)) {
				results->exit_condition = SolverResults::USER_ABORT;

		results->stopping_criteria_time += wall_time() - start_time;

		// Compute search direction via L-BGFS two-loop recursion.
		start_time = wall_time();
		bool should_restart = false;

		double H0 = 1.0;
		if (iter > 0) {
			// If the gradient is identical two iterations in a row,
			// y will be the zero vector and H0 will be NaN. In this
			// case the line search will fail and L-BFGS will be restarted
			// with a steepest descent step.
			H0 = s[0]->dot(*y[0]) / y[0]->dot(*y[0]);

			// If isinf(H0) || isnan(H0)
			if (H0 ==  std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() ||
			    H0 == -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() ||
			    H0 != H0) {
				should_restart = true;

		q = -g;

		for (int h = 0; h < this->lbfgs_history_size; ++h) {
			alpha[h] = rho[h] * s[h]->dot(q);
			q = q - alpha[h] * (*y[h]);

		r = H0 * q;

		for (int h = this->lbfgs_history_size - 1; h >= 0; --h) {
			double beta = rho[h] * y[h]->dot(r);
			r = r + (*s[h]) * (alpha[h] - beta);

		// If the function improves very little, the approximated Hessian
		// might be very bad. If this is the case, it is better to discard
		// the history once in a while. This allows the solver to correctly
		// solve some badly scaled problems.
		double restart_test = std::fabs(fval - fprev) /
		                      (std::fabs(fval) + std::fabs(fprev));
		if (iter > 0 && iter % 100 == 0 && restart_test
		                                   < this->lbfgs_restart_tolerance) {
			should_restart = true;
		if (! last_iteration_successful) {
			should_restart = true;

		if (should_restart) {
			if (this->log_function) {
				char str[1024];
				if (number_of_restarts <= 10) {
					std::sprintf(str, "Restarting: fval = %.3e, deltaf = %.3e, max|g_i| = %.3e, test = %.3e",
								 fval, std::fabs(fval - fprev), normg, restart_test);
				if (number_of_restarts == 10) {
					this->log_function("NOTE: No more restarts will be reported.");
			r = -g;
			for (int h = 0; h < this->lbfgs_history_size; ++h) {
			// H0 is not used, but its value will be printed.
			H0 = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();

		results->lbfgs_update_time += wall_time() - start_time;

		// Perform line search.
		start_time = wall_time();
		double start_alpha = 1.0;
		// In the first iteration, start with a much smaller step
		// length. (heuristic used by e.g. minFunc)
		if (iter == 0) {
			double sumabsg = 0.0;
			for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
				sumabsg += std::fabs(g[i]);
			start_alpha = std::min(1.0, 1.0 / sumabsg);
		double alpha_step = this->perform_linesearch(function, x, fval, g,
		                                             r, &x2, start_alpha);

		if (alpha_step <= 0) {
			if (this->log_function) {
				this->log_function("Line search failed.");
				char str[1024];
				std::sprintf(str, "%4d %+.3e %9.3e %.3e %.3e %.3e %.3e",
					iter, fval, std::fabs(fval - fprev), normg, alpha_step, H0, rho[0]);
			if (! last_iteration_successful || number_of_line_search_failures++ > 10) {
				// This happens quite seldom. Every time it has happened, the function
				// was actually converged to a solution.
				results->exit_condition = SolverResults::GRADIENT_TOLERANCE;

			last_iteration_successful = false;
		else {
			// Record length of this step.
			normdx = alpha_step * r.norm();
			// Compute new point.
			x_prev = x;
			x = x + alpha_step * r;

			last_iteration_successful = true;

		results->backtracking_time += wall_time() - start_time;

		// Log the results of this iteration.
		start_time = wall_time();

		int log_interval = 1;
		if (iter > 30) {
			log_interval = 10;
		if (iter > 200) {
			log_interval = 100;
		if (iter > 2000) {
			log_interval = 1000;
		if (this->log_function && iter % log_interval == 0) {
			if (iter == 0) {
				this->log_function("Itr       f       deltaf   max|g_i|   alpha      H0       rho");

					std::setw(4), iter, " ",
					std::setw(10), std::setprecision(3), std::scientific, std::showpos, fval, std::noshowpos, " ",
					std::setw(9),  std::setprecision(3), std::scientific, std::fabs(fval - fprev), " ",
					std::setw(9),  std::setprecision(3), std::setprecision(3), std::scientific, normg, " ",
					std::setw(9),  std::setprecision(3), std::scientific, alpha_step, " ",
					std::setw(9),  std::setprecision(3), std::scientific, H0, " ",
					std::setw(9),  std::setprecision(3), std::scientific, rho[0]
		results->log_time += wall_time() - start_time;

		fprev = fval;

	results->total_time += wall_time() - global_start_time;

	if (this->log_function) {
		char str[1024];
		std::sprintf(str, " end %+.3e           %.3e", fval, normg);
Beispiel #8
void AzPrepText2::gen_regions_parsup(int argc, const char *argv[]) const
  const char *eyec = "AzPrepText2::gen_regions_parsup"; 
  AzPrepText2_gen_regions_parsup_Param p(argc, argv, out);   
  AzMats_file<AzSmat> mfile; 
  int feat_data_num = mfile.reset_for_read(p.s_feat_fn.c_str()); 

  AzStrPool sp_typ(10,10); sp_typ.put(kw_bow, kw_seq); 
  AzXi::check_input(p.s_xtyp.c_str(), &sp_typ, eyec, kw_xtyp);  
  bool do_xseq = p.s_xtyp.equals(kw_seq); 
  bool do_skip_stopunk = (do_xseq) ? false : true; 

  AzDic dic(p.s_xdic_fn.c_str()); 
  AzX::throw_if((dic.size() <= 0), AzInputError, eyec, "No vocabulary"); 
  /*---  scan files to determine buffer size and #data  ---*/
  AzOut noout; 
  AzStrPool sp_list; 
  AzIntArr ia_data_num; 
  int buff_size = AzTools_text::scan_files_in_list(p.s_inp_fn.c_str(), p.s_txt_ext.c_str(), 
                                                   noout, &sp_list, &ia_data_num);   
  int data_num = ia_data_num.sum(); 
  AzX::throw_if ((data_num != feat_data_num), eyec, "#data mismatch"); 
  /*---  read data and generate features  ---*/
  AzDataArr<AzSmat> am_x(data_num), am_y(data_num); 
  buff_size += 256; 
  AzBytArr s_buff; 
  AzByte *buff = s_buff.reset(buff_size, 0); 
  int no_data = 0, data_no = 0, cnum = 0, cnum_before_reduce = 0; 
  feat_info fi[2]; 
  for (int fx = 0; fx < sp_list.size(); ++fx) { /* for each file */
    AzBytArr s_fn(sp_list.c_str(fx), p.s_txt_ext.c_str()); 
    const char *fn = s_fn.c_str(); 
    AzTimeLog::print(fn, log_out);   
    AzFile file(fn);"rb"); 
    int num_in_file = ia_data_num.get(fx); 
    int inc = num_in_file / 50, milestone = inc; 
    int dx = 0; 
    for ( ; ; ++dx) {  /* for each doc */
      AzTools::check_milestone(milestone, dx, inc); 
      int len = file.gets(buff, buff_size); 
      if (len <= 0) break; 
      /*---  X  ---*/
      AzBytArr s_data(buff, len); 
      int my_len = s_data.length();
      AzIntArr ia_tokno;        
      int nn = 1; 
      AzTools_text::tokenize(s_data.point_u(), my_len, &dic, nn, p.do_lower, p.do_utf8dashes, &ia_tokno);        
      AzIntArr ia_pos; 
      bool do_allow_zero = false;       
      if (do_xseq) gen_X_seq(ia_tokno, dic.size(), p.pch_sz, p.pch_step, p.padding, 
                             do_allow_zero, do_skip_stopunk, am_x.point_u(data_no), &ia_pos);       
      else         gen_X_bow(ia_tokno, dic.size(), p.pch_sz, p.pch_step, p.padding, 
                             do_skip_stopunk, am_x.point_u(data_no), &ia_pos); 
      AzSmat m_feat;;      
      if (am_x.point(data_no)->colNum() <= 0) {
      if (p.top_num_each > 0 || p.top_num_total > 0 || p.scale_y > 0) {
        double min_ifeat = m_feat.min(); 
        AzX::no_support((min_ifeat < 0), eyec, "Negative values for internal-feature components."); 
      /*---  Y (ifeat: internal features generated by a supervised model) ---*/ 
      gen_Y_ifeat(p.top_num_each, p.top_num_total, &m_feat, &ia_tokno, &ia_pos, 
                  p.pch_sz, -p.dist, p.dist, p.do_nolr, 
                  p.f_pch_sz, p.f_pch_step, p.f_padding, 
                  am_y.point_u(data_no), fi); 
      if (p.min_yval > 0) {
      cnum_before_reduce += am_x.point(data_no)->colNum(); 
      reduce_xy(p.min_x, p.min_y, am_x.point_u(data_no), am_y.point_u(data_no));              
      if (am_x.point(data_no)->colNum() <= 0) {
      cnum += am_x.point(data_no)->colNum(); 
    } /* for each doc */
    AzBytArr s("   #data="); s << data_no << " no_data=" << no_data << " #col=" << cnum; 
    AzPrint::writeln(out, s); 
  } /* for each file */

  AzBytArr s("#data="); s << data_no << " no_data=" << no_data << " #col=" << cnum << " #col_all=" << cnum_before_reduce;        
  AzPrint::writeln(out, s); 
  s.reset("all:"); fi[0].show(s); AzPrint::writeln(out, s); 
  s.reset("top:"); fi[1].show(s); AzPrint::writeln(out, s); 

  if (p.do_binarize) {
    AzTimeLog::print("Binarizing Y ... ", log_out); 
    for (int dx = 0; dx < data_no; ++dx) am_y(dx)->binarize(); /* (x>0) ? 1 : (x<0) ? -1 : 0 */
  else if (p.scale_y > 0) {
    double max_top = fi[1].max_val; 
    double scale = 1; 
    if (max_top < p.scale_y) for ( ; ; scale *= 2) if (max_top*scale >= p.scale_y) break; 
    if (max_top > p.scale_y*2) for ( ; ; scale /= 2) if (max_top*scale <= p.scale_y*2) break; 
    s.reset("Multiplying Y with "); s << scale; AzPrint::writeln(out, s); 
    for (int dx = 0; dx < data_no; ++dx) am_y(dx)->multiply(scale); 
  const char *outnm = p.s_rnm.c_str(); 
  AzTimeLog::print("Generating X ... ", out);  
  write_XY(am_x, data_no, p.s_batch_id, outnm, p.s_x_ext.c_str(), &dic, xtext_ext); 
  AzTimeLog::print("Generating Y ... ", out);  
  write_XY(am_y, data_no, p.s_batch_id, outnm, p.s_y_ext.c_str());   
Beispiel #9
/* Note: X and Y use different dictionaries */
void AzPrepText2::gen_regions_unsup(int argc, const char *argv[]) const
  const char *eyec = "AzPrepText2::gen_regions_unsup"; 
  AzPrepText2_gen_regions_unsup_Param p(argc, argv, out);   
  bool do_xseq = p.s_xtyp.equals(kw_seq); 
  bool do_skip_stopunk = (do_xseq) ? false : true; 
  AzDic ydic(p.s_ydic_fn.c_str()); 
  int ydic_nn = ydic.get_max_n(); 
  AzPrint::writeln(out, "y dic n=", ydic_nn); 
  AzX::throw_if((ydic.size() <= 0), AzInputError, eyec, "No Y (target) vocabulary."); 
  AzDic xdic(p.s_xdic_fn.c_str()); 
  int xdic_nn = xdic.get_max_n(); 
  AzPrint::writeln(out, "x dic n=", xdic_nn);   
  AzX::throw_if((xdic.size() <= 0), AzInputError, eyec, "No vocabulary.");   
  AzX::no_support((xdic_nn > 1 && do_xseq), eyec, "X with multi-word vocabulary and Seq option");    

  /*---  scan files to determine buffer size and #data  ---*/
  AzOut noout; 
  AzStrPool sp_list; 
  AzIntArr ia_data_num; 
  int buff_size = AzTools_text::scan_files_in_list(p.s_inp_fn.c_str(), p.s_txt_ext.c_str(), 
                                                   noout, &sp_list, &ia_data_num);   
  int data_num = ia_data_num.sum(); 
  /*---  read data and generate features  ---*/
  AzDataArr<AzSmat> am_x(data_num), am_y(data_num); 
  buff_size += 256; 
  AzBytArr s_buff; 
  AzByte *buff = s_buff.reset(buff_size, 0); 
  int no_data = 0, data_no = 0, cnum = 0, cnum_before_reduce = 0; 
  int l_dist = -p.dist, r_dist = p.dist; 

  AzIntArr ia_xnn; for (int ix = 1; ix <= xdic_nn; ++ix) ia_xnn.put(ix); 
  AzIntArr ia_ynn; for (int ix = 1; ix <= ydic_nn; ++ix) ia_ynn.put(ix); 
  for (int fx = 0; fx < sp_list.size(); ++fx) { /* for each file */
    AzBytArr s_fn(sp_list.c_str(fx), p.s_txt_ext.c_str()); 
    const char *fn = s_fn.c_str(); 
    AzTimeLog::print(fn, out);   
    AzFile file(fn);"rb"); 
    int num_in_file = ia_data_num.get(fx); 
    int inc = num_in_file / 50, milestone = inc; 
    int dx = 0; 
    for ( ; ; ++dx) {  /* for each doc */
      AzTools::check_milestone(milestone, dx, inc); 
      int len = file.gets(buff, buff_size); 
      if (len <= 0) break; 
      /*---  X  ---*/
      AzIntArr ia_pos;    
      AzBytArr s_data(buff, len); 
      int my_len = s_data.length();
      bool do_allow_zero = false; 
      if (p.do_no_skip) {
        do_allow_zero = true; 
        do_skip_stopunk = false; 
      int xtok_num = 0; 
      if (xdic_nn > 1) { /* n-grams */
        AzDataArr<AzIntArr> aia_xtokno; 
        AzTools_text::tokenize(s_data.point_u(), my_len, &xdic, ia_xnn, p.do_lower, p.do_utf8dashes, aia_xtokno);  
        if (aia_xtokno.size() > 0) xtok_num = aia_xtokno[0]->size();        
        gen_X_ngram_bow(ia_xnn, aia_xtokno, xdic.size(), p.pch_sz, p.pch_step, p.padding, do_allow_zero, 
                        am_x.point_u(data_no), &ia_pos); 
      else { /* words */
        AzIntArr ia_xtokno;        
        int nn = 1; 
        AzTools_text::tokenize(s_data.point_u(), my_len, &xdic, nn, p.do_lower, p.do_utf8dashes, &ia_xtokno);         
        xtok_num = ia_xtokno.size(); 
        if (do_xseq) gen_X_seq(ia_xtokno, xdic.size(), p.pch_sz, p.pch_step, p.padding, 
                               do_allow_zero, do_skip_stopunk, am_x.point_u(data_no), &ia_pos);       
        else         gen_X_bow(ia_xtokno, xdic.size(), p.pch_sz, p.pch_step, p.padding, 
                               do_skip_stopunk, am_x.point_u(data_no), &ia_pos); 
      if (am_x.point(data_no)->colNum() <= 0) {
      /*---  Y  ---*/
      s_data.reset(buff, len); 
      my_len = s_data.length();        

      if (ydic_nn > 1) { /* n-grams */
        AzDataArr<AzIntArr> aia_ytokno; 
        AzTools_text::tokenize(s_data.point_u(), my_len, &ydic, ia_ynn, p.do_lower, p.do_utf8dashes, aia_ytokno);  
        int ytok_num = (aia_ytokno.size() > 0) ? aia_ytokno[0]->size() : 0; 
        AzX::throw_if((xtok_num != ytok_num), eyec, "conflict in the numbers of X tokens and Y tokens"); 
        gen_Y_ngram_bow(ia_ynn, aia_ytokno, ydic.size(), ia_pos, 
                        p.pch_sz, l_dist, r_dist, p.do_nolr, am_y.point_u(data_no));   
      else { /* words */
        int nn = 1; 
        AzIntArr ia_ytokno; 
        AzTools_text::tokenize(s_data.point_u(), my_len, &ydic, nn, p.do_lower, p.do_utf8dashes, &ia_ytokno);  
        AzX::throw_if((xtok_num != ia_ytokno.size()), eyec, "conflict in the numbers of X tokens and Y tokens"); 
        if (p.do_nolr) gen_Y_nolr(ia_ytokno, ydic.size(), ia_pos, 
                                  p.pch_sz, l_dist, r_dist, am_y.point_u(data_no));  
        else           gen_Y(ia_ytokno, ydic.size(), ia_pos, 
                             p.pch_sz, l_dist, r_dist, am_y.point_u(data_no));      

      cnum_before_reduce += am_x.point(data_no)->colNum(); 
      reduce_xy(p.min_x, p.min_y, am_x.point_u(data_no), am_y.point_u(data_no)); 
      if (am_x.point(data_no)->colNum() <= 0) {
      cnum += am_x.point(data_no)->colNum(); 
    } /* for each doc */
    AzBytArr s("   #data="); s << data_no << " no_data=" << no_data << " #col=" << cnum; AzPrint::writeln(out, s); 
  } /* for each file */
  AzBytArr s("#data="); s << data_no << " no_data=" << no_data << " #col=" << cnum << " #col_all=" << cnum_before_reduce;
  AzPrint::writeln(out, s);   
  const char *outnm = p.s_rnm.c_str(); 
  AzTimeLog::print("Generating X ... ", out);  
  write_XY(am_x, data_no, p.s_batch_id, outnm, p.s_x_ext.c_str(), &xdic, xtext_ext); 
  AzTimeLog::print("Generating Y ... ", out);  
  write_XY(am_y, data_no, p.s_batch_id, outnm, p.s_y_ext.c_str(), &ydic, ytext_ext);   

  AzTimeLog::print("Done ... ", out); 
int main (int argc, char ** argv) {
    if (argc < 5) {
        cerr << "Usage: " << endl;
        cerr << "\tHDP_MEDOIDS [dataFile] [nRuns] [lambda_global] [lambda_local]" << endl;

    // PARSE arguments
    char* dataFile = argv[1];
    int nRuns = atoi(argv[2]);
    vector<double> LAMBDAs (2, 0.0);
    LAMBDAs[0] = atof(argv[3]); // lambda_global
    LAMBDAs[1] = atof(argv[4]); // lambda_local

    objmin_trace << "time objective" << endl;

    // read in data
    int FIX_DIM;
    Parser parser;
    vector<Instance*>* pdata;
    vector<Instance*> data;
    pdata = parser.parseSVM(dataFile, FIX_DIM);
    data = *pdata;

    // init lookup_tables
    vector< pair<int,int> > doc_lookup;
    get_doc_lookup (data, doc_lookup);
    Lookups lookup_tables;
    lookup_tables.doc_lookup = &doc_lookup;
    lookup_tables.nWords = data.size();
    lookup_tables.nDocs = lookup_tables.doc_lookup->size();
    int seed = time(NULL);
    srand (seed);
    cerr << "###########################################" << endl;
    cerr << "nDocs = " << lookup_tables.nDocs << endl; // # documents
    cerr << "nWords = " << lookup_tables.nWords << endl; // # words
    cerr << "lambda_global = " << LAMBDAs[0] << endl;
    cerr << "lambda_local = " << LAMBDAs[1] << endl;
    cerr << "TRIM_THRESHOLD = " << TRIM_THRESHOLD << endl;
    cerr << "seed = " << seed << endl;
    cerr << "###########################################" << endl;

    // Run sparse convex clustering
    int N = lookup_tables.nWords;
    int D = lookup_tables.nDocs;
    double** W = mat_init (N, N);
    // dist_mat computation and output
    dist_func df = L2norm;
    double** dist_mat = mat_init (N, N);
    compute_dist_mat (data, dist_mat, N, FIX_DIM, df, true);

    start_time = omp_get_wtime();
    double min_obj = INF;
    vector< vector<double> > min_means;
    for (int j = 0; j < nRuns; j ++) {
        vector< vector<double> > means;
        // inner-doc shuffle
        for (int d = 0; d < D; d++) {
            int begin_i = doc_lookup[d].first;
            int end_i = doc_lookup[d].second;
            random_shuffle(data.begin()+begin_i, data.begin()+end_i);
        // between-doc shuffle
        vector<pair<int,int> > s_doc_lookup (doc_lookup);
        random_shuffle(s_doc_lookup.begin(), s_doc_lookup.end());
        vector<Instance*> s_data (N, NULL);
        int p = 0;
        for (int d = 0; d < D; d ++) {
            for (int i = s_doc_lookup[d].first; i < s_doc_lookup[d].second; i ++) {
                s_data[p] = data[i];
                p ++;
        lookup_tables.doc_lookup = &s_doc_lookup;
        double obj = HDP_MEDOIDS (s_data, means, &lookup_tables, LAMBDAs, df, FIX_DIM);
        lookup_tables.doc_lookup = &doc_lookup;
        cerr << "###################################################" << endl;
        if (obj < min_obj) {
            min_obj = obj;
            min_means = means;
    /* Output objective */ 
    output_objective (min_obj);
    ofstream model_out ("opt_model");
    for (int i = 0; i < min_means.size(); i ++) {
        model_out << "mean[" << i << "] "; 
        for (int j = 0; j < min_means[i].size(); j ++) {
            model_out << min_means[i][j] << " " ;
        model_out << endl;
    /* Output cluster centroids */
    // output_model (W, &lookup_tables);
    /* Output assignment */
    // output_assignment (W, &lookup_tables);

    /* reallocation */
    mat_free (W, N, N);
    mat_free (dist_mat, N, N);
Beispiel #11
/** Read a 'packet' of data from a connection and process it.  Read in
 * 8k chunks to give a better performance rating (for server
 * connections).  Do some tricky stuff for client connections to make
 * sure they don't do any flooding >:-) -avalon
 * @param cptr Client from which to read data.
 * @param socket_ready If non-zero, more data can be read from the client's socket.
 * @return Positive number on success, zero on connection-fatal failure, negative
 *   if user is killed.
static int read_packet(struct Client *cptr, int socket_ready)
  unsigned int dolen = 0;
  unsigned int length = 0;

  if (socket_ready &&
      !(IsUser(cptr) &&
	DBufLength(&(cli_recvQ(cptr))) > feature_uint(FEAT_CLIENT_FLOOD))) {
#if defined(USE_SSL)
    switch (client_recv(cptr, readbuf, sizeof(readbuf), &length)) {
    switch (os_recv_nonb(cli_fd(cptr), readbuf, sizeof(readbuf), &length)) {
    case IO_SUCCESS:
      if (length)
        cli_lasttime(cptr) = CurrentTime;
        ClrFlag(cptr, FLAG_NONL);
        if (cli_lasttime(cptr) > cli_since(cptr))
          cli_since(cptr) = cli_lasttime(cptr);
    case IO_BLOCKED:
    case IO_FAILURE:
      cli_error(cptr) = errno;
      /* SetFlag(cptr, FLAG_DEADSOCKET); */
      return 0;

   * For server connections, we process as many as we can without
   * worrying about the time of day or anything :)
  if (length > 0 && IsServer(cptr))
    return server_dopacket(cptr, readbuf, length);
  else if (length > 0 && (IsHandshake(cptr) || IsConnecting(cptr)))
    return connect_dopacket(cptr, readbuf, length);
     * Before we even think of parsing what we just read, stick
     * it on the end of the receive queue and do it when its
     * turn comes around.
    if (length > 0 && dbuf_put(cptr, &(cli_recvQ(cptr)), readbuf, length) == 0)
      return exit_client(cptr, cptr, &me, "dbuf_put fail");

    if ((DBufLength(&(cli_recvQ(cptr))) > feature_uint(FEAT_CLIENT_FLOOD))
         && !IsChannelService(cptr))
      return exit_client(cptr, cptr, &me, "Excess Flood");

    while (DBufLength(&(cli_recvQ(cptr))) && !NoNewLine(cptr) &&
           (IsTrusted(cptr) || IsChannelService(cptr) || cli_since(cptr) - CurrentTime < 10))
      dolen = dbuf_getmsg(&(cli_recvQ(cptr)), cli_buffer(cptr), BUFSIZE);
       * Devious looking...whats it do ? well..if a client
       * sends a *long* message without any CR or LF, then
       * dbuf_getmsg fails and we pull it out using this
       * loop which just gets the next 512 bytes and then
       * deletes the rest of the buffer contents.
       * -avalon
      if (dolen == 0)
        if (DBufLength(&(cli_recvQ(cptr))) < 510)
          SetFlag(cptr, FLAG_NONL);
          /* More than 512 bytes in the line - drop the input and yell
           * at the client.
          send_reply(cptr, ERR_INPUTTOOLONG);
      else if (client_dopacket(cptr, dolen) == CPTR_KILLED)
        return CPTR_KILLED;
       * If it has become registered as a Server
       * then skip the per-message parsing below.
      if (IsHandshake(cptr) || IsServer(cptr))
        while (-1)
          dolen = dbuf_get(&(cli_recvQ(cptr)), readbuf, sizeof(readbuf));
          if (dolen <= 0)
            return 1;
          else if (dolen == 0)
            if (DBufLength(&(cli_recvQ(cptr))) < 510)
              SetFlag(cptr, FLAG_NONL);
            else {
              /* send_reply(cptr, ERR_INPUTTOOLONG); */
          else if ((IsServer(cptr) &&
                    server_dopacket(cptr, readbuf, dolen) == CPTR_KILLED) ||
                   (!IsServer(cptr) &&
                    connect_dopacket(cptr, readbuf, dolen) == CPTR_KILLED))
            return CPTR_KILLED;

    /* If there's still data to process, wait 2 seconds first */
    if (DBufLength(&(cli_recvQ(cptr))) && !NoNewLine(cptr) &&
      Debug((DEBUG_LIST, "Adding client process timer for %C", cptr));
      cli_freeflag(cptr) |= FREEFLAG_TIMER;
      timer_add(&(cli_proc(cptr)), client_timer_callback, cli_connect(cptr),
  return 1;

/** Start a connection to another server.
 * @param aconf Connect block data for target server.
 * @param by Client who requested the connection (if any).
 * @return Non-zero on success; zero on failure.
int connect_server(struct ConfItem* aconf, struct Client* by)
  struct Client*   cptr = 0;
  assert(0 != aconf);

  if (aconf->dns_pending) {
    sendto_opmask(0, SNO_OLDSNO, "Server %s connect DNS pending",
    return 0;
  Debug((DEBUG_NOTICE, "Connect to %s[@%s]", aconf->name,

  if ((cptr = FindClient(aconf->name))) {
    if (IsServer(cptr) || IsMe(cptr)) {
      sendto_opmask(0, SNO_OLDSNO, "Server %s already present from %s",
                    aconf->name, cli_name(cli_from(cptr)));
      if (by && IsUser(by) && !MyUser(by)) {
        sendcmdto_one(&me, CMD_NOTICE, by, "%C :Server %s already present "
                      "from %s", by, aconf->name, cli_name(cli_from(cptr)));
      return 0;
    else if (IsHandshake(cptr) || IsConnecting(cptr)) {
      if (by && IsUser(by)) {
        sendcmdto_one(&me, CMD_NOTICE, by, "%C :Connection to %s already in "
                      "progress", by, cli_name(cptr));
      return 0;
   * If we don't know the IP# for this host and it is a hostname and
   * not a ip# string, then try and find the appropriate host record.
  if (!irc_in_addr_valid(&aconf->address.addr)
      && !ircd_aton(&aconf->address.addr, aconf->host)) {
    char buf[HOSTLEN + 1];

    host_from_uh(buf, aconf->host, HOSTLEN);
    gethost_byname(buf, connect_dns_callback, aconf);
    aconf->dns_pending = 1;
    return 0;
  cptr = make_client(NULL, STAT_UNKNOWN_SERVER);

   * Copy these in so we have something for error detection.
  ircd_strncpy(cli_name(cptr), aconf->name, HOSTLEN);
  ircd_strncpy(cli_sockhost(cptr), aconf->host, HOSTLEN);

   * Attach config entries to client here rather than in
   * completed_connection. This to avoid null pointer references
  attach_confs_byhost(cptr, aconf->host, CONF_SERVER);

  if (!find_conf_byhost(cli_confs(cptr), aconf->host, CONF_SERVER)) {
    sendto_opmask(0, SNO_OLDSNO, "Host %s is not enabled for "
                  "connecting: no Connect block", aconf->name);
    if (by && IsUser(by) && !MyUser(by)) {
      sendcmdto_one(&me, CMD_NOTICE, by, "%C :Connect to host %s failed: no "
                    "Connect block", by, aconf->name);
    det_confs_butmask(cptr, 0);
    return 0;
   * attempt to connect to the server in the conf line
  if (!connect_inet(aconf, cptr)) {
    if (by && IsUser(by) && !MyUser(by)) {
      sendcmdto_one(&me, CMD_NOTICE, by, "%C :Couldn't connect to %s", by,
    det_confs_butmask(cptr, 0);
    return 0;
   * NOTE: if we're here we have a valid C:Line and the client should
   * have started the connection and stored the remote address/port and
   * ip address name in itself
   * The socket has been connected or connect is in progress.
  if (by && IsUser(by)) {
    ircd_snprintf(0, cli_serv(cptr)->by, sizeof(cli_serv(cptr)->by), "%s%s",
    assert(0 == cli_serv(cptr)->user);
    cli_serv(cptr)->user = cli_user(by);
  else {
    *(cli_serv(cptr))->by = '\0';
    /* strcpy(cptr->serv->by, "Auto"); */
  cli_serv(cptr)->up = &me;

  if (cli_fd(cptr) > HighestFd)
    HighestFd = cli_fd(cptr);

  LocalClientArray[cli_fd(cptr)] = cptr;

  /* Actually we lie, the connect hasn't succeeded yet, but we have a valid
   * cptr, so we register it now.
   * Maybe these two calls should be merged.
/*    nextping = CurrentTime; */

  return (s_state(&cli_socket(cptr)) == SS_CONNECTED) ?
    completed_connection(cptr) : 1;

/** Find the real hostname for the host running the server (or one which
 * matches the server's name) and its primary IP#.  Hostname is stored
 * in the client structure passed as a pointer.
void init_server_identity(void)
  const struct LocalConf* conf = conf_get_local();
  assert(0 != conf);

  ircd_strncpy(cli_name(&me), conf->name, HOSTLEN);
  SetYXXServerName(&me, conf->numeric);

/** Process events on a client socket.
 * @param ev Socket event structure that has a struct Connection as
 *   its associated data.
static void client_sock_callback(struct Event* ev)
  struct Client* cptr;
  struct Connection* con;
  char *fmt = "%s";
  char *fallback = 0;

  assert(0 != ev_socket(ev));
  assert(0 != s_data(ev_socket(ev)));

  con = (struct Connection*) s_data(ev_socket(ev));

  assert(0 != con_client(con) || ev_type(ev) == ET_DESTROY);

  cptr = con_client(con);

  assert(0 == cptr || con == cli_connect(cptr));

  switch (ev_type(ev)) {
  case ET_DESTROY:
    con_freeflag(con) &= ~FREEFLAG_SOCKET;

    if (!con_freeflag(con) && !cptr)
#if defined(USE_SSL)

  case ET_CONNECT: /* socket connection completed */
    if (!completed_connection(cptr) || IsDead(cptr))
      fallback = cli_info(cptr);

  case ET_ERROR: /* an error occurred */
    fallback = cli_info(cptr);
    cli_error(cptr) = ev_data(ev);
    /* If the OS told us we have a bad file descriptor, we should
     * record that for future reference.
    if (cli_error(cptr) == EBADF)
      cli_fd(cptr) = -1;
    if (s_state(&(con_socket(con))) == SS_CONNECTING) {
      /* for some reason, the os_get_sockerr() in completed_connection()
       * can return 0 even when ev_data(ev) indicates a real error, so
       * re-assign the client error here.
      cli_error(cptr) = ev_data(ev);
  case ET_EOF: /* end of file on socket */
    Debug((DEBUG_ERROR, "READ ERROR: fd = %d %d", cli_fd(cptr),
    SetFlag(cptr, FLAG_DEADSOCKET);
    if ((IsServer(cptr) || IsHandshake(cptr)) && cli_error(cptr) == 0) {
      exit_client_msg(cptr, cptr, &me, "Server %s closed the connection (%s)",
		      cli_name(cptr), cli_serv(cptr)->last_error_msg);
    } else {
      fmt = "Read error: %s";
      fallback = "EOF from client";

  case ET_WRITE: /* socket is writable */
    ClrFlag(cptr, FLAG_BLOCKED);
    if (cli_listing(cptr) && MsgQLength(&(cli_sendQ(cptr))) < 2048)
    Debug((DEBUG_SEND, "Sending queued data to %C", cptr));

  case ET_READ: /* socket is readable */
    if (!IsDead(cptr)) {
      Debug((DEBUG_DEBUG, "Reading data from %C", cptr));
      if (read_packet(cptr, 1) == 0) /* error while reading packet */
	fallback = "EOF from client";

    assert(0 && "Unrecognized socket event in client_sock_callback()");

  assert(0 == cptr || 0 == cli_connect(cptr) || con == cli_connect(cptr));

  if (fallback) {
    const char* msg = (cli_error(cptr)) ? strerror(cli_error(cptr)) : fallback;
    if (!msg)
      msg = "Unknown error";
    exit_client_msg(cptr, cptr, &me, fmt, msg);

/** Process a timer on client socket.
 * @param ev Timer event that has a struct Connection as its
 * associated data.
static void client_timer_callback(struct Event* ev)
  struct Client* cptr;
  struct Connection* con;

  assert(0 != ev_timer(ev));
  assert(0 != t_data(ev_timer(ev)));
  assert(ET_DESTROY == ev_type(ev) || ET_EXPIRE == ev_type(ev));

  con = (struct Connection*) t_data(ev_timer(ev));

  assert(0 != con_client(con) || ev_type(ev) == ET_DESTROY);

  cptr = con_client(con);

  assert(0 == cptr || con == cli_connect(cptr));

  if (ev_type(ev)== ET_DESTROY) {
    con_freeflag(con) &= ~FREEFLAG_TIMER; /* timer has expired... */

    if (!con_freeflag(con) && !cptr)
      free_connection(con); /* client is being destroyed */
  } else {
    Debug((DEBUG_LIST, "Client process timer for %C expired; processing",
    read_packet(cptr, 0); /* read_packet will re-add timer if needed */

  assert(0 == cptr || 0 == cli_connect(cptr) || con == cli_connect(cptr));
Beispiel #12
/** Process events on a client socket.
 * @param ev Socket event structure that has a struct Connection as
 *   its associated data.
static void client_sock_callback(struct Event* ev)
  struct Client* cptr;
  struct Connection* con;
  char *fmt = "%s";
  char *fallback = 0;

  assert(0 != ev_socket(ev));
  assert(0 != s_data(ev_socket(ev)));

  con = (struct Connection*) s_data(ev_socket(ev));

  assert(0 != con_client(con) || ev_type(ev) == ET_DESTROY);

  cptr = con_client(con);

  assert(0 == cptr || con == cli_connect(cptr));

  switch (ev_type(ev)) {
  case ET_DESTROY:
    con_freeflag(con) &= ~FREEFLAG_SOCKET;

    if (!con_freeflag(con) && !cptr)

  case ET_CONNECT: /* socket connection completed */
    if (!completed_connection(cptr) || IsDead(cptr))
      fallback = cli_info(cptr);

  case ET_ERROR: /* an error occurred */
    fallback = cli_info(cptr);
    cli_error(cptr) = ev_data(ev);
    if (s_state(&(con_socket(con))) == SS_CONNECTING) {
      /* for some reason, the os_get_sockerr() in completed_connect()
       * can return 0 even when ev_data(ev) indicates a real error, so
       * re-assign the client error here.
      cli_error(cptr) = ev_data(ev);
  case ET_EOF: /* end of file on socket */
    Debug((DEBUG_ERROR, "READ ERROR: fd = %d %d", cli_fd(cptr),
    SetFlag(cptr, FLAG_DEADSOCKET);
    if ((IsServer(cptr) || IsHandshake(cptr)) && cli_error(cptr) == 0) {
      exit_client_msg(cptr, cptr, &me, "Server %s closed the connection (%s)",
		      cli_name(cptr), cli_serv(cptr)->last_error_msg);
    } else {
      fmt = "Read error: %s";
      fallback = "EOF from client";

  case ET_WRITE: /* socket is writable */
    ClrFlag(cptr, FLAG_BLOCKED);
    if (cli_listing(cptr) && MsgQLength(&(cli_sendQ(cptr))) < 2048)
    Debug((DEBUG_SEND, "Sending queued data to %C", cptr));

  case ET_READ: /* socket is readable */
    if (!IsDead(cptr)) {
      Debug((DEBUG_DEBUG, "Reading data from %C", cptr));
      if (read_packet(cptr, 1) == 0) /* error while reading packet */
	fallback = "EOF from client";

    assert(0 && "Unrecognized socket event in client_sock_callback()");

  assert(0 == cptr || 0 == cli_connect(cptr) || con == cli_connect(cptr));

  if (fallback) {
    const char* msg = (cli_error(cptr)) ? strerror(cli_error(cptr)) : fallback;
    if (!msg)
      msg = "Unknown error";
    exit_client_msg(cptr, cptr, &me, fmt, msg);