Beispiel #1
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    FILE *input = NULL;
    FILE *output = NULL;
    Edges edges = {0, NULL} ;
    double *shapley = NULL;
    long kernel_time = 0;
    long summary_time = 0;
    int n;
    Adjacency *adjacency;

    input = safeFopen(argv[1], "r");
    output = safeFopen(argv[2], "w");

    read_input(input, &edges);

    n = number_of_vertices(&edges);
    shapley = (double *) safeMalloc(n * sizeof(double));

    adjacency = createAdjacency(n, &edges, n);
    compute_shapley(adjacency, n, shapley, function, &kernel_time, &summary_time);
    write_output(n, shapley, output);

    print_time("kernel", kernel_time);
    print_time("summary", summary_time);


    return 0;
Beispiel #2
TrecReader::TrecReader(const std::string& index_path,
		   const std::string& inf_path,
		   const std::string& doclength_path,
		   const std::string&  word_file, int _docn){

	findex = safeFopen(index_path); // open 8_1.dat file
	finf = safeFopen( inf_path); // open 8_1.inf file
	flex = safeFopen(word_file.c_str());  // open word_file
	fdoclength = safeFopen(doclength_path.c_str()); // open doc_len file
	int infn;
	fread( &infn, sizeof(int), 1, finf); // first int contains the # of terms in the entire collection
	COUT1<<"Totally there are "<<infn<<" terms"<<Log::endl;
	inf_buffer = new unsigned int[ 4 * infn]; // read
	fread( inf_buffer, sizeof(int), 4 * infn, finf);
	//now we have all our sizes in an inf_buffer. Let's partial sum them
	inf_prefix_sum = new size_t[infn+1];
	inf_prefix_sum[0] = 0;
	for(size_t i=0; i<4 * infn; i+=4)
		inf_prefix_sum[i/4 + 1] = (2*inf_buffer[i+1]*sizeof(unsigned int))+inf_prefix_sum[i/4];

	// inf_buffer[0] = term_id and inf_buffer[1] == padded postings
	docn = _docn; // CONSTS::MAXD Total # of documents in collection
	doclen = new unsigned int[docn + 256];
	hold_buffer = new unsigned int[docn * 2];

	COUT2<<"doclength is loaded"<<Log::endl;