Beispiel #1
Point Point::operator+(const Point & point){
    if (sameSpace(point)){
        x = space.boundX(x + point.x);
        y = space.boundY(y + point.y);
        return *this;
    } else {
        return *this + Point(point, space);
Beispiel #2
void City::initialize(){
  //create a base brick that all bricks are cloned from
  LegoBrick* brick = new LegoBrick(1);
  //intialize that brick first
  brick->redraw = false;
  //distribution of lego pieces is a normal at 0
  std::default_random_engine generator;
  std::normal_distribution<double> distribution(0, 800);

  //set different shaders
  //and load them into a array to be randomly selected
  GLuint shaders[3];
  shaders[0] = loadShader("legoVertex.glsl", "legoRedFragment.glsl");
  shaders[1] = loadShader("legoVertex.glsl", "legoBlueFragment.glsl");
  shaders[2] = loadShader("legoVertex.glsl", "legoGreenFragment.glsl");

  //total number of bircks
  int numBrick = 75;
  for (int i = 0; i < numBrick; i++){
    //clone the brick
    LegoBrick* brick2 = brick->clone();
    //find the x and z coordiante
    int x = floor(distribution(generator));
    int z = floor(distribution(generator));
    brick2->pos = (glm::vec3(x, 0, z));
    //randomly pick a shader
    brick2->color = rand() % 3;
    brick2->shaderID = shaders[brick2->color];
    //50-50 chance of it facing another direction
    if (rand() % 2 == 0){
      brick2->ry = 90;

    //check whether the current location already have a brick
    //if there is already a brick, change the height of that brick;
    bool same = false;
    int index = -1;
    for (int j = children.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--){
      glm::vec3 childLoc = children[j]->pos;
      if (sameSpace(childLoc, brick2->pos)){
        //remove for now
        same = true;
        index = j;

    //if overlap remove for now
    if (same){
      LegoBrick* sameBrick = (LegoBrick*)children[index];
      sameBrick->scale.y = sameBrick->scale.y * 1.4;
      //float scaleFactor = ((sameBrick->scale.y - 6) * 2);
      for (int k = 0; k < sameBrick->children.size(); k++){
        ((LegoBrick*)children[index])->children[k]->scale.y = (sameBrick->children[k]->scale.y)/1.4;

      delete brick2;

    //make the children also use the same shader
    for (int k = 0; k < brick2->children.size(); k++){
      brick2->children[k]->shaderID = brick2->shaderID;

    //add birck
    brick2->parent = this;