int main() { load("./txt/train.txt", train_literals, train_clicks, true); load("./txt/test.txt", test_literals, test_clicks, false); load_dictionary("./txt/punctuation.txt", dictionary); save_vector("./txt/train_punctuation.txt", train_literals, dictionary); save_vector("./txt/test_punctuation.txt", test_literals, dictionary); save_label("./txt/train_label.txt", train_clicks); save_label("./txt/test_label.txt", test_clicks); return 0; }
static named_label(name, is_defn) { if ( save_label( name, 0 ) ) return set_label( name, new_label() ); else return get_label( name ); }
int main() { load_feature("../txt/train_punctuation.txt", train_punctuation, train_size); load_feature("../txt/test_punctuation.txt", test_punctuation, test_size); load_label("../txt/train_label.txt", train_label, train_size); load_label("../txt/test_label.txt", test_label, test_size); bayes_train(train_punctuation, train_label, train_size, p_y, p_xy); bayes_test(test_punctuation, test_label, test_size, p_y, p_xy); save_label("./predict.txt", test_label, test_size); return 0; }
int valid_label(char *s) { if (s[2] != '\0') { if (check_label(&s[2])) return(1); save_label(&s[2]); return(0); } /* end if. */ return 0; /* empty string is not a valid label, or is it??? */ } /* end valid_label. */
void do_cmdline(int ac, char *av[]) { int i; for (i=1;i<ac;i++) { if (valid_drive((av[i])=strupr(av[i]))) { if (*Drive == '?') { *Drive = *av[i]; /* Save the drive letter. */ } /* end if. */ else { myprintf("There were multiple drives mentioned.\r\n",0); myprintf("Please select one drive to label at a time.\r\n",0); exit(26); } /* end if. */ /* See if the drive letter is the first parameter. */ if (i != 1) DriveNotFirst = 1; /* See if the label is tacked right onto the drive letter. */ /* Verify label if it is. */ if (valid_label(av[i])) return; } /* end if. */ else { if (check_label(av[i])) return; else save_label(av[i]); } /* end else. */ } /* end for. */ if (check_quotes()) { strcpy(Label,""); myprintf("Invalid label\r\n",0); return; } /* end if. */ } /* end process_cmdline. */
int main_widget::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a) { _id = QWorkspace::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a); if (_id < 0) return _id; if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) { switch (_id) { case 0: resize_s(); break; case 1: push_right(); break; case 2: push_left(); break; case 3: mark_selection(); break; case 4: open_new_file(); break; case 5: set_font(); break; case 6: set_page((*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 7: set_background(); break; case 8: save_label(); break; default: ; } _id -= 9; } return _id; }