/*{{{ redraw -- redraw screen, restore contents of saved windows*/ int redraw() { register WINDOW *win; #ifdef DEBUG dprintf(b)(stderr,"\r\n\tREDRAW\r\n"); #endif for(win=active;win != (WINDOW *) 0;win=W(next)) { if (W(flags)&W_ACTIVE) { save_win(win); do_event(EVENT_REDRAW,win,E_MAIN); } } erase_win(screen); if (active) { for(win=ACTIVE(prev);win != active;win=W(prev)) { restore_win(win); border(win,BLK_BDR,WH_BDR); } restore_win(active); border(active,BLK_BDR,WH_BDR); } }
/*{{{ shape -- reshape a window to specified dimensions*/ int shape(int x, int y, int dx, int dy) { int sx, sy, w, h; WINDOW *win; if (dx > 0) { sx = x; w = dx; } else { sx = x + dx; w = -dx; } if (dy > 0) { sy = y; h = dy; } else { sy = y + dy; h = -dy; } if (sx < 0) sx = 0; if (sx + w >= BIT_WIDE(screen)) w = BIT_WIDE(screen) - sx; if (sy + h >= BIT_HIGH(screen)) h = BIT_HIGH(screen) - sy; if (w < 2 * ACTIVE(borderwid) + ACTIVE(font)->head.wide * MIN_X || h < 2 * ACTIVE(borderwid) + ACTIVE(font)->head.high * MIN_Y) return (-1); #ifdef MGR_ALIGN alignwin(screen, &sx, &w, ACTIVE(borderwid)); #endif /* remove current window position */ save_win(active); erase_win(ACTIVE(border)); clip_bad(active); /* invalidate clip lists */ /* redraw remaining windows */ repair(active); /* adjust window state */ ACTIVE(x0) = sx; ACTIVE(y0) = sy; bit_destroy(ACTIVE(window)); bit_destroy(ACTIVE(border)); ACTIVE(border) = bit_create(screen, sx, sy, w, h); ACTIVE(window) = bit_create(ACTIVE(border), ACTIVE(borderwid), ACTIVE(borderwid), w - ACTIVE(borderwid) * 2, h - ACTIVE(borderwid) * 2); for (win = ACTIVE(next); win != (WINDOW *)0; win = W(next)) { if (W(flags) & W_ACTIVE && intersect(active, win)) save_win(win); } CLEAR(ACTIVE(window), PUTOP(BIT_CLR, ACTIVE(style))); border(active, BORDER_THIN); bit_blit(ACTIVE(border), 0, 0, BIT_WIDE(ACTIVE(save)) - ACTIVE(borderwid), BIT_HIGH(ACTIVE(save)) - ACTIVE(borderwid), BIT_SRC, ACTIVE(save), 0, 0); /* make sure character cursor is in a good spot */ if (ACTIVE(x) > BIT_WIDE(ACTIVE(window))) { ACTIVE(x) = 0; ACTIVE(y) += ((int)(ACTIVE(font)->head.high)); } if (ACTIVE(y) > BIT_HIGH(ACTIVE(window))) { #ifdef WIERD ACTIVE(y) = BIT_HIGH(ACTIVE(window)); scroll(ACTIVE(window), 0, BIT_HIGH(ACTIVE(window)), ((int)(ACTIVE(font)->head.high)), SWAPCOLOR(ACTIVE(style))); bit_blit(ACTIVE(window), 0, BIT_HIGH(ACTIVE(window)) - ((int)(ACTIVE(font)->head.high)), BIT_WIDE(ACTIVE(save)), ((int)(ACTIVE(font)->head.high)), BIT_SRC, ACTIVE(save), ACTIVE(borderwid), BIT_HIGH(ACTIVE(save)) - ((int)(ACTIVE(font)->head.high)) - ACTIVE(borderwid)); #else ACTIVE(y) = BIT_HIGH(ACTIVE(window)) - ((int)(ACTIVE(font)->head.high)); #endif } bit_destroy(ACTIVE(save)); ACTIVE(save) = (BITMAP *)0; /* invalidate clip lists */ clip_bad(active); un_covered(); set_size(active); return (0); }