Beispiel #1
TI_STATUS scanSRVSM_releasePS( TI_HANDLE hScanSrv )
      scanSRV_t *pScanSRV = (scanSRV_t*)hScanSrv;
      TI_STATUS psStatus;
     /* stop timer */
    if ( TI_TRUE == pScanSRV->bTimerRunning )
        tmr_StopTimer (pScanSRV->hScanSrvTimer);
        pScanSRV->bTimerRunning = TI_FALSE;
    /* if exit from driver mode requested, do so */
    if ( TI_TRUE == pScanSRV->bExitFromDriverMode )
        /* here we need to get an answer if we succeeded to exit driver mode */
        psStatus = powerSrv_ReleasePS(  pScanSRV->hPowerSrv,

    else            /* no need to exit PS - send PS_SUCCESS */
        return scanSRVSM_SMEvent( hScanSrv, (scan_SRVSMStates_e*)&pScanSRV->SMState, SCAN_SRV_EVENT_PS_SUCCESS );

    switch (psStatus)
        /* if successful */
    case POWER_SAVE_802_11_IS_CURRENT:
        /* send a PS_SUCCESS event */
        return scanSRVSM_SMEvent( hScanSrv, (scan_SRVSMStates_e*)&pScanSRV->SMState, SCAN_SRV_EVENT_PS_SUCCESS );
        /* if pending */
    case POWER_SAVE_802_11_PENDING:
    case TI_OK:
        /* stay in the PS_EXIT state */
        /* if not successful */
        /* send a PS_FAIL event */
        return scanSRVSM_SMEvent( hScanSrv, (scan_SRVSMStates_e*)&pScanSRV->SMState, SCAN_SRV_EVENT_PS_FAIL );


    return TI_OK;
Beispiel #2
 * \\n
 * \date 10-Jan-2005\n
 * \brief Request to enter driver mode from the power manager module.\n
 * Function Scope \e Private.\n
 * \param hScanSrv - handle to the scan SRV object.\n
 * \return TI_OK if successful, TI_NOK otherwise.\n
TI_STATUS scanSRVSM_requestPS( TI_HANDLE hScanSrv )
    scanSRV_t *pScanSRV = (scanSRV_t*)hScanSrv;
    TI_STATUS psStatus;

    psStatus = powerSrv_ReservePS(  pScanSRV->hPowerSrv,

    switch (psStatus)
    /* if successful */
    case POWER_SAVE_802_11_IS_CURRENT:
        /* send a PS_SUCCESS event */
        return scanSRVSM_SMEvent( hScanSrv, (scan_SRVSMStates_e*)&pScanSRV->SMState, SCAN_SRV_EVENT_PS_SUCCESS );

    /* if pending */
    case POWER_SAVE_802_11_PENDING:
    case TI_OK:
        /* send a PS_PEND event */
        return scanSRVSM_SMEvent( hScanSrv, (scan_SRVSMStates_e*)&pScanSRV->SMState, SCAN_SRV_EVENT_PS_PEND );

    /* if not successful */

        /* mark not to exit from driver mode (no entry was performed) */
        pScanSRV->bExitFromDriverMode = TI_FALSE;

        /* if still wishing to scan */
        if ( pScanSRV->bScanOnDriverModeFailure )
            /* send a PS_SUCCESS event - scan will proceed regardless of the error */
            scanSRVSM_SMEvent( hScanSrv, (scan_SRVSMStates_e*)&pScanSRV->SMState, SCAN_SRV_EVENT_PS_SUCCESS );
        /* otherwise, return */
            /* mark the return code */
            pScanSRV->returnStatus = TI_NOK;
            /* send a PS_FAIL event */
            scanSRVSM_SMEvent( hScanSrv, (scan_SRVSMStates_e*)&pScanSRV->SMState, SCAN_SRV_EVENT_PS_FAIL );

    return TI_OK;
 * \author Ronen Kalish\n
 * \date 29-Dec-2004\n
 * \brief Sends a Stop Scan command to FW, no matter if we are in scan progress or not
 * Function Scope \e Public.\n
 * \param hMacServices - handle to the MacServices object.\n
 * \param bSendNullData - indicates whether to send Null data when exiting driver mode.\n
 * \param commandResponseFunc - CB function which called after downloading the command. \n
 * \param commandResponseObj -  The CB function Obj (Notice : last 2 params are NULL in Legacy run). \n
 * \return OK if successful (various, TBD codes if not).\n
TI_STATUS MacServices_scanSRV_stopScan( TI_HANDLE hMacServices, BOOLEAN bSendNullData, CmdResponseCB_t ScanCommandResponseCB, TI_HANDLE CB_handle )
    scanSRV_t *pScanSRV = (scanSRV_t*)((MacServices_t*)hMacServices)->hScanSRV;
    int stopScanStatus;

    WLAN_REPORT_INFORMATION( pScanSRV->hReport, SCAN_SRV_MODULE_LOG, ("Stop scan request received.\n") );

    /* update the driver mode exit flag */
    pScanSRV->bSendNullData = bSendNullData;

    if ( TRUE == pScanSRV->bSPSScan )
        stopScanStatus = whalCtrl_StopSPSScan( pScanSRV->hHalCtrl , (void *)ScanCommandResponseCB, CB_handle);
        stopScanStatus = whalCtrl_StopScan( pScanSRV->hHalCtrl,(void *)ScanCommandResponseCB, CB_handle);

    if (OK != stopScanStatus)
        return NOK;
    /* send a stop scan event */
    return scanSRVSM_SMEvent( (TI_HANDLE)pScanSRV, (scan_SRVSMStates_e*)&pScanSRV->SMState, SCAN_SRV_EVENT_STOP_SCAN );
 * \author Yuval Adler\n
 * \date 27-Sep-2005\n
 * \brief This function is the CB which is called as response to 'StartScan' or 'StopScan' \n.
 *        here we check if there is a GWSI command response , and call it if necessary .\n
 * Function Scope \e Private.\n
 * \param hScanSrv - handle to the scan SRV object.\n
 * \param MboxStatus - mailbox status. \n
void MacServices_scanSRVCommandMailBoxCB(TI_HANDLE hScanSrv,UINT16 MboxStatus)
    scanSRV_t* pScanSRV = (scanSRV_t*)hScanSrv;
    UINT16 responseStatus;
    CmdResponseCB_t CB_Func;
    TI_HANDLE  CB_Handle;

    WLAN_REPORT_INFORMATION( pScanSRV->hReport, SCAN_SRV_MODULE_LOG, ("%s status %u\n",__FUNCTION__,MboxStatus) );

    /* set response to OK or NOK */
    responseStatus = ((MboxStatus > 0) ? NOK : OK);

    /* if we have a Response Function (only in GWSI) we set it back to NULL and then
        we call it */
    if (pScanSRV->commandResponseFunc != NULL)
        CB_Func = pScanSRV->commandResponseFunc;
        CB_Handle = pScanSRV->commandResponseObj;

        pScanSRV->commandResponseFunc = NULL;
        pScanSRV->commandResponseObj = NULL;

        CB_Func(CB_Handle, responseStatus);
    /* if scan request failed */
    if ( OK != responseStatus )
                           ("Mail box returned error , quitting scan.\n" ));

        /* send a scan complete event. This will do all necessary clean-up (timer, power manager, notifying scan complete) */
        scanSRVSM_SMEvent( hScanSrv, (scan_SRVSMStates_e*)&pScanSRV->SMState, SCAN_SRV_EVENT_SCAN_COMPLETE );
 * \author Ronen Kalish\n
 * \date 29-Dec-2004\n
 * \brief called when a scan timer expires. Completes the scan and starts a recovery process.
 * Function Scope \e Public.\n
 * \param hScanSRV - handle to the scan SRV object.\n
void MacServices_scanSRV_scanTimerExpired( TI_HANDLE hScanSRV )
    scanSRV_t *pScanSRV = (scanSRV_t*)hScanSRV;

    /* mark that no scan complete occured (see sanSRV_scan for more detailed explanation) */
    pScanSRV->bNoScanCompleteFlag = TRUE;

    /* send a TIMER_EXPIRED event */
    scanSRVSM_SMEvent( (TI_HANDLE)pScanSRV, (scan_SRVSMStates_e*)&pScanSRV->SMState, SCAN_SRV_EVENT_TIMER_EXPIRED );
 * \author Ronen Kalish\n
 * \date 17-Jan-2005\n
 * \brief Notifies the scan SRV of a FW reset (that had originally been reported by a different module).\n
 * Function Scope \e Public.\n
 * \param hMacServices - handle to the MacServices object.\n
 * \return OK if successful (various, TBD codes if not).\n
TI_STATUS MacServices_scanSRV_stopOnFWReset( TI_HANDLE hMacServices )
    scanSRV_t *pScanSRV = (scanSRV_t*)((MacServices_t*)hMacServices)->hScanSRV;

    WLAN_REPORT_INFORMATION( pScanSRV->hReport, SCAN_SRV_MODULE_LOG, ("FW reset notification received.\n") );

    /* mark the return status */
    pScanSRV->returnStatus = NOK;

    /* send a FW reset event */
    return scanSRVSM_SMEvent( (TI_HANDLE)pScanSRV, (scan_SRVSMStates_e*)&pScanSRV->SMState, SCAN_SRV_EVENT_FW_RESET );
 * \author Ronen Kalish\n
 * \date 29-Dec-2004\n
 * \brief callback function used by the power server to notify driver mode result
 *          this CB is used in requesting PS and exiting PS.
 * Function Scope \e Public.\n
 * \param hScanSRV - handle to the scan SRV object.\n
 * \param psStatus - the power save request status.\n
void MacServices_scanSRV_powerSaveCB( TI_HANDLE hScanSRV, UINT8 PSMode,UINT8 psStatus )
    scanSRV_t *pScanSRV = (scanSRV_t*)hScanSRV;

    WLAN_REPORT_INFORMATION( pScanSRV->hReport, SCAN_SRV_MODULE_LOG, ("PS Call Back status %d .\n",psStatus) );

    /* if driver mode enter/exit succeedded */
    if ( (ENTER_POWER_SAVE_SUCCESS == psStatus) || (EXIT_POWER_SAVE_SUCCESS == psStatus) )
        WLAN_REPORT_INFORMATION( pScanSRV->hReport, SCAN_SRV_MODULE_LOG, ("PS successful.\n") );

        /* send a PS_SUCCESS event */
        scanSRVSM_SMEvent( (TI_HANDLE)pScanSRV, (scan_SRVSMStates_e*)&pScanSRV->SMState, SCAN_SRV_EVENT_PS_SUCCESS );
    /* driver mode entry failed, and scan is requested even on PS failure but we are entering PS and not Exiting */
    else if ( (TRUE == pScanSRV->bScanOnDriverModeFailure) && ( ENTER_POWER_SAVE_FAIL == psStatus) )
        WLAN_REPORT_INFORMATION( pScanSRV->hReport, SCAN_SRV_MODULE_LOG, ("PS enter failed, continune scan .\n") );

        /* send a PS_SUCCESS event */
        scanSRVSM_SMEvent( (TI_HANDLE)pScanSRV, (scan_SRVSMStates_e*)&pScanSRV->SMState, SCAN_SRV_EVENT_PS_SUCCESS );
    /* driver mode enter or exit failed */
        /* if we are trying to enter PS and fail to do so - return error on scan complete */
        if ( ENTER_POWER_SAVE_FAIL == psStatus)
            WLAN_REPORT_WARNING( pScanSRV->hReport, SCAN_SRV_MODULE_LOG, ("PS enter failed . quiting scan .\n") );
            /* Set the return status  */
            pScanSRV->returnStatus = NOK;

        /* send a PS FAIL event */
        scanSRVSM_SMEvent( (TI_HANDLE)pScanSRV, (scan_SRVSMStates_e*)&pScanSRV->SMState, SCAN_SRV_EVENT_PS_FAIL );
 * \author Ronen Kalish\n
 * \date 29-Dec-2004\n
 * \brief Callback function used by the HAL ctrl to notify scan complete
 * Function Scope \e Public.\n
 * \param hScanSRV - handle to the scan SRV object.\n
 * \param str - pointer to scan result buffer (holding SPS status for SPS scan only!).\n
 * \param strLen - scan result buffer length (should ALWAYS be 2, even for non SPS scans).\n
void MacServices_scanSRV_scanCompleteCB( TI_HANDLE hScanSRV, char* str, UINT32 strLen )
    scanSRV_t *pScanSRV = (scanSRV_t*)hScanSRV;

    WLAN_REPORT_INFORMATION( pScanSRV->hReport, SCAN_SRV_MODULE_LOG, ("Scan complete notification from TNET.\n") );

    /* nullify the consecutive no scan complete events counter  - only if this is a scan complete that
       does not happen afetr a stop scan (due to a timer expiry) */
    if ( FALSE == pScanSRV->bNoScanCompleteFlag )
        pScanSRV->currentNumberOfConsecutiveNoScanCompleteEvents = 0;

    /* copy scan results according to scan type (only meaningful for SPS scan) */
    if ( FALSE == pScanSRV->bSPSScan )
        /* normal scan - no result is available */
        pScanSRV->bTSFError = FALSE;
                                 ("Normal scan completed.\n") );
        /* SPS scan - first byte indicates whether a TSF error (AP recovery) occured */
        if ( 0 != str[ 0 ] )
            pScanSRV->bTSFError = TRUE;
            pScanSRV->bTSFError = FALSE;

        /* next two bytes indicates on which channels scan was attempted */
        /*        pScanSRV->SPSScanResult = ENDIAN_HANDLE_WORD( *((UINT16*)&(str[ 1 ])) ); */

        /* Swap of aligned UINT16* */
        COPY_UNALIGNED_WORD(&pScanSRV->SPSScanResult, &str[1]);
        pScanSRV->SPSScanResult = ENDIAN_HANDLE_WORD( pScanSRV->SPSScanResult );

                                 ("SPS scan completed. TSF error: %s, SPS result: %x\n",
                                  (TRUE == pScanSRV->bTSFError ? "Yes": "No"), pScanSRV->SPSScanResult) );

    /* send a SCAN_COMPLETE event  */
    scanSRVSM_SMEvent( (TI_HANDLE)pScanSRV, (scan_SRVSMStates_e*)&pScanSRV->SMState, SCAN_SRV_EVENT_SCAN_COMPLETE );
Beispiel #9
 * \\n
 * \date 10-Jan-2005\n
 * \brief Handles a timer expiry event - starts a recovery process.
 * Function Scope \e Private.\n
 * \param hScanSrv - handle to the scan SRV object.\n
 * \return TI_OK if successful, TI_NOK otherwise.\n
TI_STATUS scanSRVSM_handleTimerExpiry( TI_HANDLE hScanSrv )
    scanSRV_t *pScanSRV = (scanSRV_t*)hScanSrv;

     No scan complete event will trigger recovery only after a consecutive configurable number of 
	 no scan complete events occurred.

    if ( pScanSRV->currentNumberOfConsecutiveNoScanCompleteEvents >= 
         pScanSRV->numberOfNoScanCompleteToRecovery )

        pScanSRV->currentNumberOfConsecutiveNoScanCompleteEvents = 0;

        /* mark the return status */
        pScanSRV->returnStatus = TI_NOK;

        /* mark that the timer is no longer running */
        pScanSRV->bTimerRunning = TI_FALSE;

        /* call the recovery module */
        pScanSRV->failureEventFunc(pScanSRV->failureEventObj ,NO_SCAN_COMPLETE_FAILURE);

        /* send a top scan command, which can help solving the FW bug described above */
        if ( TI_FALSE == pScanSRV->bSPSScan )
            cmdBld_CmdStopScan (pScanSRV->hCmdBld, pScanSRV->eScanTag, NULL, NULL);
            cmdBld_CmdStopSPSScan (pScanSRV->hCmdBld, pScanSRV->eScanTag, NULL, NULL);

        /* imitate a scan complete event to the SM */
        pScanSRV->bTSFError = TI_FALSE;
        pScanSRV->SPSScanResult = 0xffff;
        scanSRVSM_SMEvent( (TI_HANDLE)pScanSRV, (scan_SRVSMStates_e*)&pScanSRV->SMState, SCAN_SRV_EVENT_SCAN_COMPLETE );

    return TI_OK;
Beispiel #10
 * \\n
 * \date 10-Jan-2005\n
 * \brief Send the scan command to the firmware.\n
 * Function Scope \e Private.\n
 * \param hScanSrv - handle to the scan SRV object.\n
 * \return TI_OK if successful, TI_NOK otherwise.\n
TI_STATUS scanSRVSM_startActualScan( TI_HANDLE hScanSrv )
    scanSRV_t *pScanSRV = (scanSRV_t*)hScanSrv;

    /* start the timer */
    pScanSRV->bTimerRunning = TI_TRUE;
    tmr_StartTimer (pScanSRV->hScanSrvTimer,
                    MacServices_scanSRVcalculateScanTimeout (hScanSrv, pScanSRV->scanParams, !pScanSRV->bDtimOverlapping), 
    /* start the scan */
            /* we send the MacServices_scanSRVCommandMailBoxCB to be called when this command is recieved */
    if ( SCAN_TYPE_SPS == pScanSRV->scanParams->scanType )
        pScanSRV->returnStatus = cmdBld_CmdStartSPSScan (pScanSRV->hCmdBld, pScanSRV->scanParams, pScanSRV->eScanTag,
                                                         (void *)MacServices_scanSRVCommandMailBoxCB, hScanSrv);
        pScanSRV->returnStatus = cmdBld_CmdStartScan (pScanSRV->hCmdBld, pScanSRV->scanParams, pScanSRV->eScanTag, 
                                                      pScanSRV->bHighPriority , (void *)MacServices_scanSRVCommandMailBoxCB, 
    /* if scan request failed */
    if ( TI_OK != pScanSRV->returnStatus )

        /* send a scan complete event. This will do all necessary clean-up (timer, power manager, notifying scan complete) */
        scanSRVSM_SMEvent( hScanSrv, (scan_SRVSMStates_e*)&pScanSRV->SMState, SCAN_SRV_EVENT_SCAN_COMPLETE );
    return TI_OK;
 * \author Ronen Kalish\n
 * \date 29-Dec-2004\n
 * \brief Performs a scan
 * Function Scope \e Public.\n
 * \param hMacServices - handle to the MacServices object.\n
 * \param scanParams - the scan specific parameters.\n
 * \param bHighPriority - whether to perform a high priority (overlaps DTIM) scan.\n
 * \param bDriverMode - whether to try to enter driver mode (with PS on) before issuing the scan command.\n
 * \param bScanOnDriverModeError - whether to proceed with the scan if requested to enter driver mode and failed.\n
 * \param psRequest - Parameter sent to PowerSaveServer on PS request to indicate PS on or "keep current"
 * \param bSendNullData - whether to send Null data when exiting driver mode on scan complete.\n
 * \param commandResponseFunc - CB function which called after downloading the command. \n
 * \param commandResponseObj -  The CB function Obj (Notice : last 2 params are NULL in Legacy run). \n
 * \param psRequest - Parameter sent to PowerSaveServer on PS request to indicate PS on or "keep current"
 * \return OK if successful (various, TBD codes if not).\n
TI_STATUS MacServices_scanSRV_scan( TI_HANDLE hMacServices, scan_Params_t *scanParams, BOOLEAN bHighPriority,
                                    BOOLEAN bDriverMode, BOOLEAN bScanOnDriverModeError,
                                    PowerMgr_802_11_PsMode_e psRequest, BOOLEAN bSendNullData,
                                    CmdResponseCB_t commandResponseFunc, TI_HANDLE commandResponseObj)
    scanSRV_t *pScanSRV = (scanSRV_t*)((MacServices_t*)hMacServices)->hScanSRV;

    WLAN_REPORT_INFORMATION( pScanSRV->hReport, SCAN_SRV_MODULE_LOG, ("Scan request received.\n") );

    /* sanity check - scan can only start if the scan SRV is idle */
    if ( SCAN_SRV_STATE_IDLE != pScanSRV->SMState )
        WLAN_REPORT_WARNING( pScanSRV->hReport, SCAN_SRV_MODULE_LOG, ("Scan request while scan is running!\n") );
        return NOK;

    /* Response function for GWSI only. In Legacy run we get NULL and never use it. */
    pScanSRV->commandResponseFunc = commandResponseFunc;
    pScanSRV->commandResponseObj  = commandResponseObj;

    pScanSRV->bInRequest = TRUE;
    pScanSRV->returnStatus = OK;

    /* copy scan paramaters */
    pScanSRV->scanParams = scanParams;
    pScanSRV->bHighPriority = bHighPriority;
    pScanSRV->bScanOnDriverModeFailure = bScanOnDriverModeError;
    pScanSRV->bSendNullData = bSendNullData;
    pScanSRV->psRequest = psRequest;

    if ( SCAN_TYPE_SPS == scanParams->scanType )
        pScanSRV->bSPSScan = TRUE;

        pScanSRV->bSPSScan = FALSE;

    /* check whether the scan will overlap DTIM frame */
    if ( (FALSE == bHighPriority) && (TRUE == bDriverMode) )
        pScanSRV->bDtimOverlapping = FALSE;
        pScanSRV->bDtimOverlapping = TRUE;

    /* mark the no scan complete flag. The purpose of this flag is to be able to identify
       whether the scan complete is a normal process, or was it generated because a no scan ocmplete
       was identified, a stop scan command was snet to the FW, and thus a scan complete was received.
       In the former case we nullify the consecutive no scan complete counter, whereas in the latter
       we do not. */
    pScanSRV->bNoScanCompleteFlag = FALSE;

    /* if required to enter driver mode */
    if ( TRUE == bDriverMode )
        pScanSRV->bExitFromDriverMode = TRUE;
        /* send a PS_REQUEST event */
        scanSRVSM_SMEvent( (TI_HANDLE)pScanSRV, (scan_SRVSMStates_e*)&(pScanSRV->SMState), SCAN_SRV_EVENT_REQUEST_PS );
    /* no driver mode required */
        pScanSRV->bExitFromDriverMode = FALSE;
        /* send a PS_SUCCESS event - will start the scan */
        scanSRVSM_SMEvent( (TI_HANDLE)pScanSRV, (scan_SRVSMStates_e*)&pScanSRV->SMState, SCAN_SRV_EVENT_PS_SUCCESS );

    pScanSRV->bInRequest = FALSE;

    return pScanSRV->returnStatus;