Beispiel #1
int readPrx( const char * file, int heap_id, u8 ** outbuf )
	log( "read %s to memory!\n", file );
	int fd = sceIoOpen( file, PSP_O_RDONLY, 0644 );
	if ( fd < 0 )
		log( "failed in opening %s\n", file );
		return -1;
	u8 * inbuf = ( u8 * )sceKernelAllocHeapMemory( heap_id, CXMB_MKCTF_BUF_SIZE / 2 );
	int size = sceIoRead( fd, inbuf, CXMB_MKCTF_BUF_SIZE / 2 );
	if ( inbuf[0x150] == 0x1F && inbuf[0x151] == 0x8B )
		log( "uncompress gzip file!\n" );
		*outbuf = ( u8 * )sceKernelAllocHeapMemory( heap_id, CXMB_MKCTF_BUF_SIZE / 2 );
		int size = sceKernelGzipDecompress( *outbuf, CXMB_MKCTF_BUF_SIZE / 2, &inbuf[0x150], 0 );
		log( "uncompressed size %08x!\n", size );
		sceKernelFreeHeapMemory( heap_id, inbuf );
		if ( size > 0 && size < CXMB_MAX_FILE_SIZE )
			return size;
			sceKernelFreeHeapMemory( heap_id, outbuf );
			return -1;
		*outbuf = inbuf;
		return size;
	return -1;
Beispiel #2
void uninstall_cxmb()
	//free the cxmb heap
	sceKernelFreeHeapMemory( mem_id, ctf_handler );
	sceKernelFreeHeapMemory( mem_id, ctf_header );
	sceKernelDeleteHeap( mem_id );
	ctf_handler = NULL;
	ctf_header = NULL;
Beispiel #3
int makeDiff( const char * file, const char * ori, int heap_id, int ctf )
	log( "detect %s, start to make diff!\n", file );
	u8 * buf = NULL, * buf_ori = NULL;
	int bytes = readPrx( file, heap_id, &buf );
	if ( bytes < 0 )
		log( "failed in read %s!\n", file );
		return -1;
	if ( readPrx( ori, heap_id, &buf_ori ) != bytes )
		log( "failed in read %s!\n", ori );
		sceKernelFreeHeapMemory( heap_id, buf );
		sceKernelFreeHeapMemory( heap_id, buf_ori );
		return -1;
	int sub = ( strstr( file, diff_files[1] ) ? 0xA0: 0xC0 );
	int diff_count = 0;
	unsigned int offset = 0, rec_attr[2];
	int rec = 0;
	memset( rec_attr, 0, 8 );
	while( offset < bytes )
		if ( buf[offset] != buf_ori[offset] )
			if ( !rec )
				rec_attr[0] = offset - sub;
				rec_attr[1] = 0;
				rec = 1;
			rec_attr[1] ++;
			if ( rec )
				log( "diff_start: %08x\nsize: %08x\n", rec_attr[0], rec_attr[1] );
				sceIoWrite( ctf, rec_attr, 8 );
				sceIoWrite( ctf, &buf[rec_attr[0] + sub], rec_attr[1] );
				diff_count ++;
				rec = 0;
		offset ++;
	sceKernelFreeHeapMemory( heap_id, buf_ori );
	sceKernelFreeHeapMemory( heap_id, buf );
	return diff_count;
Beispiel #4
 * Initialize the System Call table.  It is initialized the very
 * first time a SCE_LIB_SYSCALL_EXPORT resident library is 
 * registered to the system.  The table makes room for
 * in it.  These function pointer slots are initialized to the 
 * address of the function "UndefSyscall", which simply returns an 
 * error, marking a slot as currently being unused.
 * In addition, the internal SyscallEntryTable linked list is initialized
 * and g_pSysEntControl is set to the top member of it.
 * @param seed Used to set the start address of the system call table.
 * @param lcSyscallTable Receive a pointer to the allocated system
 *                       call table.
 * @return 0 on success.
s32 SyscallTableInit(u32 seed, SceSyscallTable **syscallTable) 
   u32 i;
   s32 status;
   SceSyscallTable *sysCallTable;  
   sysCallTable = sceKernelAllocHeapMemory(g_loadCoreHeap(), SYSCALL_TABLE_SIZE); 
   if (sysCallTable == NULL)

   sysCallTable->next = NULL;
   sysCallTable->seed = seed << 2;
   sysCallTable->funcTableSize = SYSCALL_TABLE_FUNCTION_TABLE_SIZE;
   sysCallTable->tableSize = SYSCALL_TABLE_SIZE;
   //0x000003B0 - 0x000003C8
        sysCallTable->syscalls[i] = (void (*)())UndefSyscall;
   //0x000003D0 - 0x000003F8
   initialSysEntTable[0].next = NULL;      
   for (i = 0; i < TOP_SYSCALL_ENTRY_TABLE; i++)
        initialSysEntTable[i + 1].next = &initialSysEntTable[i];
   g_pFreeSysEnt = &initialSysEntTable[TOP_SYSCALL_ENTRY_TABLE]; //0x0000040C 
   if (g_pFreeSysEnt == NULL) { //0x00000410
       g_pSysEntControl = (SceSysCallEntryTable *)sceKernelAllocHeapMemory(g_loadCoreHeap(), sizeof(SceSysCallEntryTable)); //0x00000498 & 0x000004A4
   else {
       g_pSysEntControl = g_pFreeSysEnt; //0x00000420
       g_pFreeSysEnt = g_pFreeSysEnt->next; //0x0000041C
   //0x00000424 - 0x00000440
   /* Initialize the first SYSCALL table entry. */
   g_pSysEntControl->next = NULL; 
   g_pSysEntControl->inUse = SCE_FALSE;
   g_pSysEntControl->numEntries = SYSCALL_TABLE_DEFAULT_ENTRIES;
   g_pSysEntControl->startAddr = 0;
   status = sceKernelRegisterSystemCallTable(sysCallTable); //0x0000043C
   if (status != SCE_ERROR_OK) { //0x00000444
       sceKernelFreeHeapMemory(g_loadCoreHeap(), sysCallTable); //0x00000478 & 0x00000484
       return status;
   *syscallTable = sysCallTable;
   return SCE_ERROR_OK; 
Beispiel #5
int IoOpen_new( PspIoDrvFileArg * arg, char * file, int flags, SceMode mode )
	PspIoDrvArg * drv = arg->drv;
	if( ctf_handler && arg->fs_num == 0 )
		ctf_handler[handler_count].num = inCtf( file );
		if ( ctf_handler[handler_count].num >= 0 )
			log( "replace %s\n", file );
			arg->drv = ms_drv;
			int ret = fatms_drv->funcs->IoOpen( arg, theme_file, flags, mode);
			if ( ret < 0 )
				arg->drv = drv;
				ctf_handler[handler_count].offset = fatms_drv->funcs->IoLseek( arg, ctf_header[ctf_handler[handler_count].num].start, PSP_SEEK_SET );
				ctf_handler[handler_count].arg = arg->arg;
				handler_count ++;
				if ( handler_count % 32 == 0 )
					CtfHandler * tmp = sceKernelAllocHeapMemory( mem_id, sizeof( CtfHandler ) * ( handler_count + 32 ) );
					memcpy( tmp, ctf_handler, sizeof( CtfHandler ) * handler_count );
					sceKernelFreeHeapMemory( mem_id, ctf_handler );
					ctf_handler = tmp;
				arg->drv = drv;
				return ret;
	int ret = IoOpen( arg, file, flags, mode );
	if ( strcmp( file, "/vsh/theme/custom_theme.dat" ) == 0 && flags == ( PSP_O_WRONLY | PSP_O_CREAT | PSP_O_TRUNC ) )
		t_record = arg->arg;
		log( "open %s flags %08x\ntheme file selected: %s\n", file, flags, selected_theme_file );
	return ret;
Beispiel #6
 * FreeSysTable
 * Free a system-call-entry-table of a resident library.  In order
 * to free such a table, we start at the object pointed to by 
 * g_pSysEntControl (normally the top member of the initialSysEntTable 
 * linked list).  We scroll through that data structure until the location 
 * of the to-be-freed table is found and integrate it properly into 
 * the list again, merging it with another free neighbor table if
 * needed.
 * @param sysTableEntryAddr The address of an allocated SceSysCallEntryTable 
 *                          object.
 * Returns the address of the freed table on success.
SceSysCallEntryTable *FreeSysTable(u32 sysTableEntryAddr) 
    SceSysCallEntryTable *curSysTableEntry = NULL;
    SceSysCallEntryTable *prevSysTableEntry = NULL;
    SceSysCallEntryTable *nextSysTableEntry = NULL;
    if (g_pSysEntControl == NULL) //0x000005D4
        return NULL;

    //0x000005DC - 0x000005F4
    /* Search for the location of the to-be-freed table. */
    for (curSysTableEntry = g_pSysEntControl; curSysTableEntry != NULL && 
       curSysTableEntry->startAddr != sysTableEntryAddr; curSysTableEntry = curSysTableEntry->next)
         prevSysTableEntry = curSysTableEntry; 

    if (curSysTableEntry == NULL || curSysTableEntry->inUse == SCE_FALSE) //0x00000614 & 0x00000624
        return NULL;

    /* Once found, mark it as being unused. */
    curSysTableEntry->inUse = SCE_FALSE; //0x00000630 & 0x00000638     
     * If the previous system-call-entry-table is currently being 
     * unused, merge these two tables together.  Integrate the freed 
     * table back into the list of currently free system call 
     * entry-tables if it was unlinked from it during allocation process.
    if (prevSysTableEntry != NULL && prevSysTableEntry->inUse == SCE_FALSE) { //0x00000634        
        prevSysTableEntry->numEntries += curSysTableEntry->numEntries; //0x0000065C & 0x00000664
        prevSysTableEntry->next = curSysTableEntry->next; //0x0000066C 
        if (curSysTableEntry >= &initialSysEntTable[0] && curSysTableEntry <= &initialSysEntTable[TOP_SYSCALL_ENTRY_TABLE]) { //0x00000668 & 0x00000678
            curSysTableEntry->next = g_pFreeSysEnt; //0x00000688
            g_pFreeSysEnt = curSysTableEntry; //0x0000068C
            curSysTableEntry = prevSysTableEntry; //0x00000690             
        else {
            sceKernelFreeHeapMemory(g_loadCoreHeap(), curSysTableEntry); //0x00000730
            curSysTableEntry = prevSysTableEntry;
     * If both the previous table and the next table are used,
     * or the specified table is the last element and its 
     * previous table is being used, don't merge it.
    if (curSysTableEntry->next == NULL || curSysTableEntry->next->inUse) //0x00000698 - 0x000006A4
        return curSysTableEntry;
     * Here, we merge the upper (next) free system call table with the 
     * specified table by the user.
    nextSysTableEntry = curSysTableEntry->next; //0x00000694
    curSysTableEntry->numEntries += nextSysTableEntry->numEntries; //0x000006BC & 0x000006C4      
    curSysTableEntry->next = nextSysTableEntry->next; //0x000006CC
    if (nextSysTableEntry >= &initialSysEntTable[0] && nextSysTableEntry <= &initialSysEntTable[TOP_SYSCALL_ENTRY_TABLE]) { //0x000006C8 & 0x000006D8
        nextSysTableEntry->next = g_pFreeSysEnt; //0x000006E8
        g_pFreeSysEnt = nextSysTableEntry;   
    else {
        sceKernelFreeHeapMemory(g_loadCoreHeap(), nextSysTableEntry); //0x0000070C
    return curSysTableEntry;
Beispiel #7
int makeCxmbThemeFile( unsigned int cxmb_magic, const char * cxmb_theme_file )
	const char * folders_name[] = {
	int folders_count = 8;
	const char * support_exts[] = {
	int exts_count = 13;
	int dfd, heap_id, fd, i, bytes, file_count = 0;
	unsigned int ptf_h[5];
	char path[128], file[128], preview[64];
	u8 * buf;
	// dectect if theme file in conf exist
	int ctf = sceIoOpen( cxmb_theme_file, PSP_O_RDONLY, 0644 );
	if ( ctf >= 0 )
		log( "theme file exist!\n" );
		sceIoClose( ctf );
		return 0;

	dfd = sceIoDopen( "ms0:/cxmb" );
	if ( dfd < 0 )
		log( "no cxmb folder found!\n" );
		return 0;
	sceIoDclose( dfd );

	sprintf( preview, "ms0:/cxmb%s", &cxmb_theme_file[14] );
	preview[strlen( preview ) - 3] = 'p';
	log( "preview: %s\n", preview );
	fd = sceIoOpen( preview, PSP_O_RDONLY, 0644 );
	if ( fd < 0 )
		log( "no preview ptf file found!\n" );
		return 0;
	sceIoLseek( fd, 0x100, PSP_SEEK_SET );
	sceIoRead( fd, ptf_h, 20 );

	// create CXMB_MKCTF_BUF_SIZE + 32kb heap
	heap_id = sceKernelCreateHeap( 2, CXMB_MKCTF_BUF_SIZE + 1024 * 32 , 1, "cxmb_tmp_heap");
	if ( heap_id < 0 )
		log( "failed in create heap in making cxmb theme file!\n" );
		return -1;

	CtfHeader * ch = ( CtfHeader * )sceKernelAllocHeapMemory( heap_id, sizeof( CtfHeader ) * 64 );
	memset( ch, 0, sizeof( CtfHeader ) * 64 );
	SceIoDirent * ent = ( SceIoDirent * )sceKernelAllocHeapMemory( heap_id, sizeof( SceIoDirent ) );
	memset( ent, 0, sizeof( SceIoDirent ) );

	sceIoMkdir( "ms0:/PSP/THEME", 0777 );
	ctf = sceIoOpen( cxmb_theme_file, PSP_O_RDWR | PSP_O_CREAT | PSP_O_TRUNC, 0777 );
	if ( ctf < 0 )
		log( "failed in opening %s\n", cxmb_theme_file );
		sceKernelFreeHeapMemory( heap_id, ent );
		sceKernelFreeHeapMemory( heap_id, ch );
		sceKernelDeleteHeap( heap_id );
		return -1;
		if ( ptf_h[2] == 0 )
			ptf_h[2] = sceIoLseek( fd, 0, PSP_SEEK_END );
		log( "ptf sections size %08x\n", ptf_h[2] );
		buf = sceKernelAllocHeapMemory( heap_id, ptf_h[2] );
		if ( buf )
			sceIoLseek( fd, 0, PSP_SEEK_SET );
			sceIoRead( fd, buf, ptf_h[2] );
			sceIoWrite( ctf, buf, ptf_h[2] );
			sceIoClose( fd );
			sceKernelFreeHeapMemory( heap_id, buf );

			sceIoLseek( ctf, 0x10, PSP_SEEK_SET );
			sceIoWrite( ctf, &cxmb_magic, 4 );
			sceIoLseek( ctf, 0x1C, PSP_SEEK_SET );
			sceIoWrite( ctf, &ptf_h[2], 4 );

			memset( &ptf_h[2], 0, 12 );
			sceIoLseek( ctf, 0x100, PSP_SEEK_SET );
			sceIoWrite( ctf, ptf_h, 20 );
			sceIoLseek( ctf, 0, PSP_SEEK_END );

			for ( i = 0; i < folders_count; i ++ )
				sprintf( path, "ms0:/cxmb%s", folders_name[i] );
				dfd = sceIoDopen( path );
				if ( dfd < 0 )
					log( "folder %s not found!\n", path );
				log( "parsing %s\n", path );
				while ( sceIoDread( dfd, ent ) > 0 )
					log( "found %s\n", ent->d_name );
					if ( ( ent->d_stat.st_attr & FIO_SO_IFDIR ) || ent->d_name[0] == '.' )
						log( "ignore %s\n", ent->d_name );
					if ( endwithistrs( ent->d_name, support_exts, exts_count ) )
						sprintf( file, "%s/%s", path, ent->d_name );
						sprintf( ch[file_count].name, "%s/%s", folders_name[i], ent->d_name );
						ch[file_count].start = sceIoLseek( ctf, 0, PSP_SEEK_CUR );
						ch[file_count].size = 0;
						if ( cmpistrs( ent->d_name, diff_files, diff_count ) )
							char ori_file[128];
							sprintf( ori_file, "%s/%s", CXMB_SUPPORT_FOLDER, ent->d_name );
							ch[file_count].size = makeDiff( file, ori_file, heap_id, ctf );
							log( "dealing with %s\n", ent->d_name );
							fd = sceIoOpen( file, PSP_O_RDONLY, 0644 );
							if ( fd < 0 )
								log( "failed in opening %s\n", file );
							buf = ( u8 * )sceKernelAllocHeapMemory( heap_id, CXMB_MKCTF_BUF_SIZE );
							bytes = sceIoRead( fd, buf, CXMB_MKCTF_BUF_SIZE );
							while( bytes > 0 )
								ch[file_count].size += sceIoWrite( ctf, buf, bytes );
								bytes = sceIoRead( fd, buf, CXMB_MKCTF_BUF_SIZE );
							sceKernelFreeHeapMemory( heap_id, buf );
							sceIoClose( fd );
						if ( ch[file_count].size > 0 && ch[file_count].size < CXMB_MAX_FILE_SIZE )
							log( "start: %08x size: %08x\n", ch[file_count].start, ch[file_count].size );
							file_count ++;
						log( "ignore %s\n", ent->d_name );
				sceIoDclose( dfd );
			log( "failed in allocating %08x heap\n", ptf_h[2] );

	log( "file_count: %d\n", file_count );
	if ( file_count > 0 )
		u8 sha1[20];
		sceKernelUtilsSha1Digest( ( u8 * )ch, sizeof( CtfHeader ) * file_count, sha1 );
		sceIoWrite( ctf, ch, sizeof( CtfHeader ) * file_count );
		sceIoLseek( ctf, 0x14, PSP_SEEK_SET );
		sceIoWrite( ctf, &sha1[0], 4 );
		sceIoWrite( ctf, &file_count, 4 );
		sceIoClose( ctf );
		sceIoClose( ctf );
		sceIoRemove( cxmb_theme_file );
	sceKernelFreeHeapMemory( heap_id, ent );
	sceKernelFreeHeapMemory( heap_id, ch );
	sceKernelDeleteHeap( heap_id );
	return 0;